
Types of stress factors

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The influence of stress on the human body Joy, happiness, success in life should be the constant companions of man in his path.

Then the work will bring only joy, and at home everything will be fine, and all problems will not seem so terrible. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case.

There are situations when people are unable to cope with the destructive influence of stress on their bodies. Each time to cope with stressful situations becomes more and more difficult and more difficult, and this affects the state of health and health.

Psychologists distinguish several types of stressful factors that any person should be able to overcome, this :

  • stresses from his own expectations - decent, well paid work, utility bills, happiness in his personal life, family;
  • stress from the environment - off-season, cloudy weather, the metro line, the hammered bus, traffic jams, pain;
  • stress from changes in life - moving to a new place of residence, replenishment in the family, the death of a loved one.
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If a person is completely depleted of the protective functions of the nervous system, he can not adequately respond to all of these factors, and can not independently cope with them.

It has been scientifically proven that it is that the influence of stress on the human body affects the development of eighty percent of serious diseases, such as :

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • of the endocrine system;
  • metabolic disorder.

The methods of dealing with stress, which many people today prefer, are of no use, and most of them are very fatal. After all, alcohol, excessive food, smoking adversely affect the body, reduce its resistance to negative environmental factors and absolutely do not save from the effects of stress.

If you visit a doctor, he can advise you vitamins from stress - a drug that has a calming effect on the body. And consists only of natural substances. The body is enriched with the right stock of vitamins and minerals, calms down and heals. All components of such vitamins have been used for many years in official medicine.

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