
Chocolate and diabetes

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A person with a disease such as diabetes mellitus has to limit himself in many products. Most of this concerns sweets, rolls and, of course, chocolate.

However, this does not mean that sugar should be completely excluded from the diet. Because it produces certain hormones that are necessary for the work of the endocrine and nervous systems. In chocolate, there is a very large amount of sugar, and this is unsafe for a patient with diabetes mellitus. Therefore, people often have a question: "Are chocolate and diabetes compatible?".

First of all, it is worth mentioning that with such a disease, no matter what type it is - first or second, from the diet should exclude milk and white chocolate .The sugar content in them is too high, which can provoke a worsening of a person's state, up to the confluence of him into a coma.

But to indulge in a small piece of goodies with a lot of cocoa, you can, but they should not be abused.

Useful qualities


Chocolate bitter type in diabetes can even be of some use. Of course, if you have it wisely.

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  • Cocoa beans used to make this product contain polyphenols. These compounds have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system , increase blood flow. In bitter chocolate, these compounds are much more than in other species, so it can be eaten in small doses.
  • The glycemic index( the rate of disintegration of products and conversion into glucose) of dark chocolate is 23%.With this, the calories in it are much less than in other sweets.
  • Dark chocolate contains ascorutin .This is a substance from the group of flavonoids. Thanks to him, the vessels become stronger, their fragility and permeability decreases.
  • This product promotes the formation of high-density lipoproteins in humans. Thanks to this, there is a rapid removal of cholesterol from the human body.
  • If you eat bitter chocolate in small portions, but often, this will help reduce the blood pressure of .
  • Thanks to such a treat, the body will not suffer from a lack of iron, because it will be almost completely provided to them.
  • Dark chocolate increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which in turn will protect the body from further development of the disease.
  • The brain will receive enough blood.
  • As a rule, chocolate is present in the protein. As a result, the body is saturated quickly.
  • A person who consumes this sweetness, is less susceptible to the stresses of , he is working more efficiently.
  • In addition, it is believed that this product is a good antioxidant because of the presence of a large amount of catechin in it.

As you can see, with diabetes mellitus and 1 and 2 types, a person can eat bitter chocolate in small amounts.

Harmful properties of

However, this chocolate has harmful qualities:

  • this product removes liquid from the body, which can cause constipation;
  • if you abuse it, you can gain weight;
  • may appear dependence - a person can not even imagine that he can live a day even without a slice of this delicacy;
  • another negative consequence may be the emergence of an allergy to any substance that is part of this product.

In addition, it must be remembered that in chocolate there should be no additives in the form of nuts, raisins, etc. They will become a source of extra calories, which will also negatively affect the patient's body.

Chocolate with diabetes


Currently in stores and pharmacies you can meet special chocolate for diabetics 1 and 2 type .This product does not contain sugar at all. Substitutes are used instead, for example, stevia, fructose, aspartame. Fats of animal origin are replaced by vegetable fats. In addition, it can add special dietary fiber, which contribute to the formation of fructose.

The variety of chocolate for diabetics is also great. It can be airy or milky sweet, nuts can add to it. However, it is worthwhile to know that, despite the fact that this delicacy is created especially for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the calorie content is no less than that of ordinary bitter chocolate. Therefore, they, too, should not be abused. Otherwise, excess weight will not keep you waiting. In addition, some manufacturers can make this product unqualified. Therefore before buying is best to read the composition to make sure the absence of harmful substances .Thus:

  • the proportion of sucrose should not be more than 9%;
  • fiber content in such a product should not exceed 3%;
  • share of cocoa beans, on the contrary, the higher, the better;
  • in chocolate with 70% cocoa content is much more useful substances than, for example, with 35-40%;
  • the number of bread units should be about 4.5.

The packaging of such a product should also indicate that it is allowed to people with diabetes, from which it is made - cocoa or any of its analogues. If the composition contains any oils other than cocoa, then it is worth to abandon the purchase.

Chocolate by your own hands

If there is no trust to the purchased product, then there are recipes on which you can cook the chocolate yourself. To do this,

  • needs to take 100 g of cocoa powder;
  • 3 tablespoons oil - coconut oil or cocoa butter( melt on a water bath);
  • instead of sugar you need to use sugar substitutes;
  • all mix, pour into a mold and leave until completely congealed.

Such chocolate can be consumed, as usual. Its difference is that a person will know exactly what he is made of, and that there are no harmful substances in his composition.

Dosage of

Before starting to eat bitter chocolate, a person should consult a doctor in charge. Especially if he has type 1 diabetes. In this case, much depends on the patient's well-being. Indeed, the excess of sugar in such people can lead to very negative consequences.

If the doctor allows you to eat this sweetness, then the most optimal dose of is 15-25 grams per day, i.ะต.about a third of the tile .

As you can see, chocolate for diabetics is not such a forbidden treat. The most important thing before using it is to get permission from the attending physician for this. Well, of course, to abuse this product is also not worth it so as not to aggravate the condition. It is not necessary to give up small pleasures in life, if there are chronic diseases, you can just follow certain rules.

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