
What you should know about the treatment of joints fly agaric

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amanita mushroom Everyone knows that the fly agaric is a poisonous fungus, and it can not be eaten.

But other things are also known: the means from poisonous plants, used in certain proportions, can treat people.

People have long ago, after observing the self-healing of domestic animals, began to guess the properties of fly agaric.

Today, fungi are used even in pharmaceuticals for the manufacture of certain types of drugs.

Consuming compounds made from them follows only under the supervision of a doctor. And take into account that the fly agaric is not a panacea.

External use of the fly agaric can also be quite effective and not as dangerous as inward, with proper hand washing and capacity after the procedure.

Tinctures remarkably heal wounds, fight with ulcers and abscesses, neutralize joint pain and tumors.

The content of the article

  • The reasons for the therapeutic properties of the fly agaric
  • The general rules for the collection of mushrooms and their use
  • Indications for use
  • insta story viewer
  • Fly agaric recipes
    • Fly agaric ointment
    • Tincture on the basis of fly agarics
    • Recipes of
    • Whey extract
  • Conclusions

What is caused by the therapeutic properties of mushroom

The curative properties of mushroom have been known to people for a long time. Specialists studied these fungi and found that they contain alkaloids and other substances that cause poisoning. But if you apply these fungi in moderate amounts, then they have a curative effect.

The optimal dose for each individual, and if it is slightly higher, then there will not be a strong poisoning: a person can feel an unusual influx of strength, an increase in heart rate, hallucinations.

However, with a significant excess of such a dose, vomiting, dizziness, dyspnea, convulsions, malfunctioning of the heart are observed. If a person does not help urgently, the probability of coma and death is high.

General rules for the collection of fungi and their use

To ensure that the fungus has benefited and the treatment has not caused poisoning, it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

  • use only fresh mushrooms, without signs of spoilage, rotting;
  • it is impossible to collect mushrooms in industrial zones, near large enterprises - the mycelium absorbs emission products;
  • when collecting rubber gloves;
  • when cutting and making tinctures do not use dishes and appliances made of metal;
  • should not be used to treat children.

Among other things, individual recipes prescribe the consumption of fly agarics inside. fly agaric dried

Allegedly, the work of many organs and systems is restored, the vitality increases. Maybe this is so.

But because of the possibility of poisoning is not worth the risk. After all, individual alkaloids of fungi can penetrate even through the skin. If there are signs of poisoning, you can not fight on your own with poisoning - you should urgently call an ambulance.

It is worth noting that the treatment of joints with fungus is not 100% effective. Certain other drugs prescribed by the doctor are required.

It is important to consult with the doctor , tk.the substances contained in the fungus are sometimes incompatible with the means that the patient takes. This can cause severe poisoning even after taking small doses of the drug.

Indications for use

The drug from fly agarics is used for such joint diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • various injuries;

Treatment of joints with the help of a fungus has such an effect:

  • analgesic;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • is decongestant;
  • Haemostatic;
  • wound-healing;
  • improves metabolism in the patient's joint.

To get the result, it's enough to apply a mush of mushroom caps wrapped in cheesecloth to a sore spot.

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hypermobility syndrome What complications and dangers are the hypermobile syndrome. That it is necessary to remember to parents if such condition of joints was found out in the child.

This is worth knowing before you use the drug Movasin - instructions for use, pros and cons of drugs, analogs and other useful information.

Recipes based on fly agaric

Amanita in the treatment of joint diseases can be used as an ingredient in a large number of different ointments, infusions and extracts.

Ointment from fly agarics

To obtain the ointment from joints, it is necessary to combine in the same amount powder from dried mushrooms and petroleum jelly, and then use the resulting composition for rubbing.

You can make a product from fresh, chopped mushrooms, taken in equal parts, with sour cream. The resulting mixture can be used for lotions with arthroses and arthritis, wrapped in compresses, left overnight and washed off in the morning. Ointment can be kept only in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Apply a paste made from fly agaric mushrooms - crushed mushrooms are put in a glass container and put for several days under oppression. After the appearance of the juice, the mushrooms are removed and ground to the state of gruel. This composition is used for compresses.

Tincture based on fly agarics

tincture of mushrooms Tincture of fly agaric for joints can be prepared according to different recipes, the main thing is only to carefully approach this issue - adhere to specified proportions, holding time and to work in gloves.

Mushroom juice can be obtained by holding the chopped mushrooms for a couple of days with oppression. The resulting composition is combined with vodka in equal parts.

To make medicinal tincture, squeeze juice from freshly picked mushrooms, strain it through gauze, and then combine it with vodka 1 to 1.

This tincture should be moistened with a piece of cotton cloth and put on the affected joint, then covered with tape and bandaged. After an hour, the bandage should be removed and washed with soap and water. This compress can be done once a day.

In this case, the treatment of joints with this fly agaric must not exceed 5 days .

Recipes of

extracts Squeeze juice from mushrooms through gauze into glassware. Then connect with alcohol in equal parts. Use as compresses and rubbing.

To cure joints, it is necessary to collect mushroom caps, tightly tamped into a jar and pour vodka. Infuse 3 weeks. It is used to rub the affected areas, for lotions from pain in the joints, ligaments.

You can prepare a shaving ointment from dried mushrooms.

To prepare, take 15 grams of any fat cream.

Grind dry mushrooms in powder, take 1 tbsp.powder, add as much Vaseline. All mix, keep out of children's access. Apply better at night.

Tear the joint to a warm state, apply a bandage, wrap it, then put on the knee. After the procedure, it is good to wash your hands with soap and water.

Amanita extract

For the manufacture of extracts it is necessary to harvest fly agaric in "mushroom" years, when the conditions for the growth of mushrooms are the most optimal.

Collect the red fly agaric on a massive foot with white spots on the bonnet. Use only caps.

Fill a three-liter jar with caps, roll it with a metal lid and bury it so that above the container a layer of earth is 30 cm. Let it settle for 21 days. After that, the vessel should be excavated, the resulting juice drained, and the rest - discarded. Add to this composition 1/3 of the amount of alcohol. fly agaric extract

The prepared mixture is dripped with drops starting at 1, washing down with 0.5 tbsp.water, every day increasing the dose by 1 drop. And so bring up to 20 depending on the state.

If 10 drops became bad, then on such an amount it is necessary to stop for so many days until the condition recovers, and then continue increasing the dose. Then you should go for a decrease, from 20 drops to 1.

Then take a break for 3 weeks, and then repeat the course. Take it once a day at night. In the treatment of diet is not required.


Amanita for the treatment of joint diseases - is sufficient and well-known tool .It neutralizes pain and inflammation in the affected area.

However, it is worth remembering that the fungus is poisonous, and before using it is necessary to consult a doctor. And in the period of application it is necessary to strictly adhere to safety rules.
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