
Vomiting black in man: the reasons for what to do?

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1 What happens in the body?

Let's analyze the mechanisms of this unpleasant phenomenon. When vomiting occurs, food in the digestive tract leaves through the mouth( in some cases, it tries to exit through the nose).Black vomiting can have a reddish tinge: it is caused by the fact that hydrochloric acid hematin begins to react with blood and hydrochloric acid, which is contained in gastric juice.

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2 Vomiting in young children: is it worth it to panic?

An unpleasant symptom can occur in toddlers. In infancy, the child only adapts to the outside world. It happens that infants on breastfeeding swallow a lot of air, in connection with this they have vomiting. When the children's body rejects the air, it takes out through the mouth and particles of food. If the baby vomited once, while the mass was normal( without pus, blood), do not panic. Note that vomiting in children can be accompanied by an increase in temperature: in this case, it is urgent to call a doctor!

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Vomiting in a child may contain blood clots. Pay special attention to the baby: show it to the doctor and in no case do self-medication. Brown vomiting in a baby can lead to shock( this is due to loss of blood).Shocking is accompanied by chills, acceleration of the pulse, thirst, loss of appetite. An unpleasant symptom can last 1-2 hours, while the baby can feel severe pain in the abdomen. If vomit masses in color as a coffee grounds, it means that the blood was in the esophagus for a long time and began to be digested.

3 Disease in adults

Vomiting of brown color with blood impurities appears against the background of stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors. Blackish-brown vomiting can occur due to trauma to the internal organs. Vomiting of black color( if it is not caused by poisoning) is dangerous for health and life. An alarming symptom can not pass without a trace. Blackish vomiting occurs in heavy alcoholics: it can indicate damage to the internal organs, which requires urgent care. The walls of the esophagus can be damaged by drugs. In this regard, you should not engage in self-medication and take uncontrolled medications.

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It is strongly recommended to abandon the potent herbs, the means with the addictive effect. It should also be taken into account that vomiting of black color can manifest itself against the background of intoxication. Perhaps you just overeat currants, blueberries, mulberries or chocolate cake. If a person feels weakness and apathy, while he sees that the skin is turning pale, and the mucous membranes are painted in a dark color, you need to call a doctor. If the patient has intestinal obstruction, the vomiting will change. In the beginning, it will consist of the contents of the stomach, then yellow impurities will appear in it. After that, the vomiting will turn yellowish green.

4 Diagnosis and first aid

To determine the cause of the disease, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. If the mass has a dark brown color and a certain amount of blood clots, you need to be inspected by a gastroenterologist. Vomit need to be examined: to study their color, odor, consistency;the presence or absence of an impurity is taken into account. Gastroscopy is mandatory: this procedure examines the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to such diagnostics, it is possible to establish the location of the damaged site. It helps in the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. It happens that vomiting occurs against the background of bleeding stomach ulcers. In this case, a comprehensive examination is necessary.

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In addition to gastroscopy, the doctor can prescribe ultrasound, X-ray examination, blood and urine tests. The diagnosis is made taking into account all analyzes;the doctor also takes into account the accompanying symptoms. If black vomiting occurs due to poisoning, you need to give up certain foods. If you see this phenomenon for the first time and it does not have obvious reasons, you should immediately call your doctor. If you save a piece of vomit, then help to find out the cause of the ailment.

You will need to rinse your stomach first. Try to drink 1.5 liters of water, then induce vomiting. To prevent dehydration, you should take a solution of the rehydrone. The patient should be laid on one side, the head should be tilted to the side. Remember: a person should not swallow vomit, otherwise he may suffocate. If the disease is not caused by food poisoning, you still need to give up eating. The patient should be at rest, preferably in prone position. In the future, it is better to call an ambulance. Therapy depends entirely on the cause of the ailment. Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment can be conservative or surgical.


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It is important to ensure the prevention of the disease. Observe the rules of personal hygiene, eat only fresh products. Vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed. Poisoning can occur due to the fact that a person used any canned product( it may have expired).If you like meat, fry it until the end. Otherwise, poisoning or development of an infectious disease is possible. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle and more often be in the air. If you are constantly indoors, you may experience nausea. And, finally, an important rule for the prevention of vomiting - do not overeat. It is undesirable that the esophagus and other digestive organs experience a load. If vomiting is accompanied by other anxiety symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance. In the absence of timely assistance, black vomiting leads to dangerous consequences.

Contents of
  • 1 What happens in the body?
  • 2 Vomiting in young children: is it worth it to panic?
  • 3 Adult Disease
  • 4 Diagnosis and First Aid

The reasons for vomiting black are numerous: this symptom can not be called innocuous. For sure, each of us faced with vomiting, which is caused by food poisoning. Vomiting without anxious symptoms can occur against a background of toxicosis in pregnant women( especially in the first trimester).People who have found themselves in a vomit black, often panic. What caused this unpleasant symptom? The most harmless reason - food poisoning, but also suspicious vomiting can occur against the background of internal bleeding.

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