
What kind of doctor should I go if my back hurts? Principles of diagnostic search for back pain

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Which doctor should I go if my back hurts "If you woke up and you do not hurt anything - it means you're dead" is a rather old saying, but it quite accurately reflects the essence of the further conversation.

Any person after 35 years of age is always hurting somewhere and, more often than not, this back pain .

Ignore such a symptom as pain is unreasonable, since it is a signal that our body gives to the brain about any health problem.

Why does my back hurt during pregnancy? This article details the features of back pain during pregnancy. If this problem also concerns you - it will be useful to read the article. Read more about how it treats the hernia of the lumbosacral spine.

Contents of the article

  • Let's start a discussion of the causes of back pain.
    • 1. Pain coming from the spine.
    • 2. Kidney and urinary system diseases.
    • 3. Tumors of the abdominal cavity organs - tumors of the intestine or pancreas.
    • 4. Gynecologic diseases
    • For more information about pain in the back and waist and the causes that cause them, see the video in this video.
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Let's start a discussion of the causes of back pain.

1. Pain coming from the spine.


  • degenerative-dystrophic disc disease( spinal osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis),
  • hernia of vertebral discs,
  • vertebral fractures,
  • spinal osteoporosis.

1.2.Pain characteristics:

  • is always or almost always associated with physical activity,
  • is usually one-sided,
  • have a characteristic irradiation, namely in the buttock or leg,
  • is accompanied by neurologic symptoms: "crawling", numbness of the skin, weakness in one leg orin both, the tension of the lumbar muscles on the side of the lesion.

1.3. examination program for spine diseases:

  • Neurological examination.
  • Radiography of the spine.
  • X-ray computed tomography( CT).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging( MRI).

neurologist provides with for most diseases, but there are diseases that are outside his field of activity: infectious diseases of the vertebrae( tuberculosis, osteomyelitis), spinal tumors or metastases to the spine.

In any case, these diseases can be detected by the described survey.

2. Kidney and urinary system diseases.


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  • Stones in the urinary tract.
  • Infectious diseases( pyelonephritis, tuberculosis etc.).
  • Tumors of the kidney.
  • Nephroptosis( omission of the kidney).
  • Polycystic.
  • Thrombosis of renal vessels.
  • Prostatitis.

2.2.Features of the pain:

  • With stones, infections and thrombosis the pain arises suddenly , with other pathologies it chronic .
  • Not associated with physical exertion or body position other than nephroptosis.
  • Typically, one-way .
  • Irradiates in the groin.
  • May be combined with the appearance of blood in the urine.
  • Tumors and infections can be accompanied by common symptoms: weakness, lack of appetite, fever, apathy, headache, etc.

2.3.The examination program:

  • a general analysis of blood and urine;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • ultrasound( ultrasound) with mandatory scanning of renal vessels;
  • excretory urography - X-ray examination with contrasting kidneys with a special substance administered intravenously;
  • computed tomography.
Assisted by for kidney disease , is provided by by the urologist .

If you get a bad back and if the fever has risen or if there is blood in your urine, then you need it.

3. Tumors of the abdominal cavity organs - tumors of the intestine or pancreas.

Pains are combined with dyspeptic disorders: constipation or diarrhea, bloating, nausea, flatulence, possibly the presence of blood in the stool.

3.1.The examination program:

  • ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • Endoscopic examinations: fibro-gastro-duodenoscopy( FGDS), colonoscopy.
  • X-ray studies: Irrigoscopy.
  • Computed tomography.

The oncologist provides assistance with the described diseases.

Back pain in gynecology

4. Gynecological diseases

Diseases associated with gynecology can also cause lower back pain, for example, diseases such as endometriosis , , tumors of the uterus and appendages.

In these cases, this symptom is combined with abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities, pain during intercourse.

The conclusion from the above is: back pain is a symptom of a huge number of completely different diseases.

You should not choose by yourself, you go to the district therapist or to the general practitioner. He will conduct the necessary minimum of surveys and send you to the specialist you need.

For more information about pain in the back and lower back and the causes that cause them, see this video in the video.

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