
Treatment of joint diseases with a golden mustache is effective and safe

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plant golden mustache One of the methods of combating joint diseases, in addition to the use of standard medicine, is the use of medicinal plants.

Treat the joints with a golden mustache in combination with other herbs.

Treatment of joints with a golden mustache is very effective and popular among patients.

Contents of the article

  • The healing properties of the golden mustache
  • Recipes based on the plant
    • Treating the calcaneal spur
    • Treating the gout
    • Treating the osteochondrosis
    • Treating the arthritis
    • Treating the injuries
  • Conclusions
  • Video: Golden mustache and its medicinal properties

The healing properties of the golden mustache

The golden mustache is herbaceousplant height of 2 meters, with side shoots of 1 meter in length. The plant has a special glossy green leaf of elongated shape.

There are many hanging inflorescences with small flowers, which have the hyacinth flavor.

The properties of a plant consist in the fact that the substances in it have a strong stimulating effect on the body, which is why immunity is significantly strengthened, the body struggles with disorders itself.

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Golden Jaw consider to be the strongest stimulator of - a substance of natural origin with high bioactivity.

Such plants activate the work of the body, increase the intensity of metabolism, accelerate the recovery, add vitality.

Recipes based on the

plant. The treatment of joints with the help of a golden mustache is widespread due to its wide therapeutic properties. We offer the most effective recipes.


  1. 12 mustache cutters cut, put in a container of glass, connect with 0.5 liters of vodka and stand for 14 days, sometimes stirring. When the compound is ready, its preparation of a plant for tincture must be filtered, poured into a container of opaque glass, clogged and kept in a dark place.
  2. Cut the side shoot of the plant, put in a container and add 1 liter of vodka. Defend 12 days in the dark, occasionally shaking. Ready to filter out the filter, pour into the dishes of opaque glass, clog and keep in a dark place.


  1. Grind 1 horizontal shoot and add 1 liter of vodka. Defend 3 days and filter.
  2. 6 joints per 0.5 liter of alcohol. It is used for grinding with joint pain.


  1. Take a bandage and fold it several times, wet it with a compound and attach it to the affected area. Do not remove for two hours.
  2. 1 tbsp. Boil pour 1 sheet of plant and 1 tbsp.dried sliced ​​wormwood. After 3 hours, you can make a compress.


  1. In the jar put 1 tbsp.honey, 2 chopped garlic heads, 3 lemons juice and 2 cut shoots. Endure a week. Consume 2 tsp 2 hours, after 10 minutes, in the afternoon. Consume no more than 3 weeks.
  2. 15 "joints" plants cut and add 500 ml of alcohol. Defend 14 days in the dark. When the infusion becomes dark-lilac, it must be filtered and poured into a container with a tight-fitting stopper. Keep the composition in a cool place.
  3. Balsam is made strictly before use.40 ml of crude sunflower oil and 30 ml of extracts on alcohol are added to the jar. Then they shake it off for 7 minutes, drink it in a gulp so that the mixture does not separate. Take the formula three times a day for 20 minutes before eating on an empty stomach. Duration of admission is 10 days. It is repeated 3 times with a break of 5 days.
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Initiated gonarthrosis of the third degree of the knee joint can cause disability if the patient is not provided with medical care in a timely manner.

To neutralize trophic ulcers, bruises, skin diseases, you can make ointments:

  1. 1 part juice and 3 parts of baby cream. All mix well. This ointment also helps in joint diseases.
  2. 2 sheets of golden mustache, 5 cloves of garlic, 100 g of fresh cut eucalyptus leaves. All components are ground and put in a small container. To mix. Add animal fat. Put on a small fire until a boil. Cool and filter. Rub into the skin to neutralize the inflammation.

Treating the calcaneal spur

how to collect a golden dog For the ointment base, unsalted lard is taken. Stems and leaves are smoothed and joined to the base 2: 3.2 parts of the plant composition, 3 parts - the base.

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Prepared mixture to keep in the refrigerator. For the treatment of the spur, grind the steamed heel overnight for 5 days. Then - break 5 days, and if necessary, repeat the course. After grinding on the leg, put on a warm sock.

Compress: put a sheet on the affected area, top with polyethylene, cotton wool and wrap with a bandage. The bandage should be changed every 12 hours. After 10 days the problem will disappear.

For more information on folk recipes for the treatment of the calcaneal spur, see our article:

Traditional medicine for heel treatment

Treating the calcaneal spur folk remedies

Spore spur( plantar fasciitis) is a pathology related to a group of degenerative inflammatory diseases in which bone growth occurs. ..

Gout treatment

Bath: 2 leaves of golden mustache, 300 g of chamomile, 5 liters of liquid. Brew plants with water. To sustain 2 hours. Filter and add to the bath. With gout, both full and local baths are good.

Sage and golden mustard boil with water, hold for 2 hours. Filter. Pour into the bath 34 ° C. Gradually reduce the temperature to 26 ° C. Use for local baths.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Treatment of tincture of the golden mustache of osteochondrosis is possible, if you use an infusion prepared according to the above recipe, use three times a day for 1 tsp.for 0.5 h before meals.

Algorithm of treatment - taking 1 week, then a break - 14 days and again re-treatment for 1 week.

You can use the cut leaves of a plant for compresses. Turn into folded gauze and apply to the affected area.

Treatment of arthritis

Prescription for arthritis: in 42 joints add 500 ml of vodka and stand in a container of glass in a dark place for 20 days, sometimes shaking.

Then the composition is filtered, placed in a bottle of opaque glass and kept closed in the refrigerator. Take twice a day for 2 tsp.for 20 minutes.before meals.

Trituration with the tincture prepared in the above manner is carried out twice a day.

Treatment of bruises

Recipe: Take 1 leaf of the plant, cut it, put it in a thermos and brew with water. Leave to stand for 24 hours. bruise

The resulting composition soaked the cotton wool and making compresses.

Fresh bruises - rub a large sheet to gruel and attach to the site of the lesion. To re-bandage, apply a warming bandage, to withstand the night.


Treatment of joints is not the only way the plant uses a golden mustache.

The plant is widely used to accelerate recovery after injuries and diseases of the supporting system. In such cases, you should combine the use of medications with compresses and rubbing.

Naturally, hardly any remedy can restore the natural mobility of joints after a serious illness. But the inconvenience and pain will disappear. Use folk advice to combat joint problems without harming other organs.

Video: Golden mustache and its healing properties

You can get information about the useful properties of a golden mustache and its application for the treatment of joints.

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