Mental And Psychological Disorders

Modern causes of stress among different groups of people

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cause of stress Stress and nervous overexertion are the constant companions of modern man. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, it is a disease of the 21st century that has engulfed the whole world.

The rapid development of stress among all segments of the population is explained by the influence of many factors and causes.


  • Mechanisms for the onset and development of
  • Stressor provokers - the whole complex of causes
    • Disorders provocateurs
    • Situations - provocateurs
  • Provocators of professional stress
    • Doctors are not sweet - it is clear
    • Students' stress
    • Teacher's factor
  • How to recognize stress

Mechanisms of the onset and development of

well adapted to the actions of provocateurs of stress. In the process of responding to the non-standard situation, the following physiological processes are involved:

  • , in anticipation of a possible attack, the orienting reactions that facilitate immediate flight are accelerated;
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  • occurs excitation of sensory systems, mental activity, aggravation of attention;
  • dilates the blood vessels, which leads to increased blood pressure, accelerating the work of the heart;
  • dulling of digestive processes interfering with the speed of reactions;
  • lowering of immune responses.

The body responds to the stressful situation by mobilizing certain biochemical processes. In the first minutes, the sympathetic adrenaline system is activated, the work of which is to start up other systems of the body. So, the hormones get into the blood:

  • epinephrine , responsible for the rapidity of reactions, increased muscle tone, heart rate, activation of fat decomposition;adrenaline rush
  • dopamine , necessary for stimulating mental and physical reactions, activating the hidden reserves of the body;
  • norepinephrine , which helps to increase mental activity and internal tension.

The next activates the brain system, which includes the hypothalamus, adenohypophysis( anterior part of the pituitary gland), the adrenal cortex. Unlike the first system, its functioning can last up to several days.

In this case, the cortex of the adrenal glands produces such hormones:

  • mineralocorticoids , the main function of which is to increase blood pressure by keeping the fluid in the body.
  • glucocorticoids , triggering the synthesis of glucose and fatty acids in the circulatory system, without which it is impossible to provide the muscles working in accelerated mode with sufficient energy.

At the same time, an increased dose of endorphins enters the bloodstream, which reduces the perception of pain.

Stress provocateurs - the whole complex of causes of

burnt out at work Any unusual situation can cause a stress occurrence, in children and teenagers this parting with parents, changing of habitual surroundings, violation of the regime of the day.

For schoolchildren - negative emotions when communicating with peers and other important people in life.

Adults are exposed to much more factors.

Disease - provocateurs

Nervous overexcitation can occur against the background of any changes in the usual parameters of the surrounding world( temperature, humidity) or physiological disorders of the body. Such stress is called physiological, and it can cause diseases, provoked by:

  1. Mechanical damage .These include violations of the integrity of the skin, tissues and organs. Noise and stress
  2. Physical effects of .The organism was subjected to overheating, hypothermia, radiation;got wounds from burns;suffered from increased noise, hunger or thirst;the body was affected by overload or acceleration.
  3. Chemical effects of .Poisoning by industrial toxins and pesticides that pollute air, soil or water. Similarly, the effect of excess or lack of oxygen is destructive to the body.
  4. Biological attacks .A person gets sick, getting infected with bacteria and viruses. This group also includes the effect of plant toxins.

Under the influence of all the above factors, the organism experiences a shock, which it fights by incorporating a protective reaction - stress.

Situations - provocateurs

In addition to illnesses, the development of the stress of the situation provokes changes that lead to changes in the established life. At the same time, not only moments with a negative orientation( death of close people, separation from loved ones, problems at work and in private life) are knocked out of balance, but also joyful events such as a wedding, the birth of a child, an unexpected increase, a grandiose purchase.

Combines them one - a high degree of influence on the psycho-emotional state. Trying to cope with the unexpectedly arisen situation, the organism launches for centuries the elaborated adaptation mechanism.

If a person, due to the peculiarities of the psyche, perceives shocks as a stimulating factor for further development, then nervous excitement disappears in a few days.

But it happens that the experience of the situation lasts a long time, a person can not let it go by himself. In this case, the development of depression, which eventually develops into psychological exhaustion, is possible.

Provocators of professional stress

One of the most common forms of overexcitation of the nervous system is professional stress. It occurs against the background of uneasy situations in the workplace and is expressed in mental and physical reactions.

The causes of stress arising at work will depend on the nature of the activity.

Doctors have a hard time - it's clear

Doctors nervous breakdown manifests itself in the form of emotional( mental) burnout, characterized by complete exhaustion of the physical, psychological, emotional plan.

There is a flattening of the emotional background together with the manifestation of unreasonable negative outbursts of rage, insensitivity and cynicism towards patients who become only the subject of earnings, a sense of their own incompetence and uselessness.

To lead to such consequences can monetary difficulties, watch at night, lack of prospects, conflicts with leaders and patients.

Student stress

Stress before the exam Nervous overexcitation in groups of students in the upper grades of schools or universities is not uncommon.

The most frequent reasons for student and student stresses are a sharp increase in workload, high expectations from teachers and parents, insufficient sleep, poor nutrition.

Often these factors are joined by problems in their personal lives, exacerbating the situation. Before passing the exams or checkpoints, the probability of stress increases.

Preparation for them can not be postponed until the last moment, otherwise the growing organism will work at the limit, exhausting the nervous system.

Teacher Factor

Teachers are also at risk of burnout. To provoke occurrence of such condition can:

  • monetary difficulties;
  • conflict situations with students and their parents;
  • no prospects;
  • a constant nervous tension because of the desire to look authoritative.

How to recognize stress in a timely manner

Stress is a condition of increased excitation of the nervous system, which arises in response to the negative influence of various factors.

You can recognize stress by the following symptoms:

  • frequent emotional explosions, accompanied by accelerated palpitation and sweating;stressful situation
  • panic fear and not passing anxiety;
  • inability to completely relax, insomnia and loss of appetite;
  • reduction of brain activity;
  • a constant feeling of suffocation, nausea, dizziness;
  • craving for excessive alcohol and smoking;
  • indifference to others.

To prevent stress, you need to monitor your physical health: play sports or just walk in the air, include useful foods in your diet, quit smoking, and reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.

Do not forget about maintaining the emotional state. To do this, do not focus on working moments, do not miss lunch breaks and holidays, abstract from conflicts. Under these conditions, provocateurs of stress can not affect the state of health in any way.

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