
Warts on the face: how to remove, treatment, causes, types, why appear, removal prices, reviews, photos

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Why do warts appear on my face?

The main reason for the appearance of warts on the face is the papilloma virus. Moreover, this infection has its own, rather long, incubation period. The virus multiplies under the skin, however, after the infection ripens, appears on its surface.

Types of warts on the face, basically, boil down to the appearance of two types:

  • flat warts;
  • vulgar warts. Warts on the face are marked by some of its features.

    Acrochords( filiform warts) may appear on the skin of the face.

    Most often, these are senile warts on the face, having a narrow, elongated shape. They reach a length of four centimeters.

    What do warts look like on the face?

    A person with warts on his face thinks that his whole life is completely ruined, he is embarrassed to show up in society.

    However, one should know and understand that the warts on the face can be cured, and they can be completely rid of.

    An ordinary wart is similar to a dense skin layer with a small papilla on top.

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    The appearance of warts is usually described in the name of this type of skin lesions:

    • is flat;
    • threadlike:
    • scallop and so on.

    Warts on the face of a child or an elderly person appear more often than other age categories. This is due to the fact that the immune system in this age category is weakened and is unable to provide full resistance to the aggressor virus.

    If there are warts on the face, this should cause a person, at least, an alarm signal. After all, this is a specific indication of the body that there is something wrong in it.

    Small warts on the face also do not promise anything good, because they are capable at any time to hit a large area of ​​the skin.

    How to remove a wart on your face, how to get rid of it?

    Treatment of warts on the face

    The most important thing that patients must firmly grasp is that, in any case, warts can not be self-treated because they are not only capable of relapse, but can also lead to severe injuries and burns to the skin of the face.

    The removal of flat warts on the face is performed with the help of an experienced dermatologist.

    However, we will offer you some useful tips.

    First of all, let's see what medicine for warts on the face of us today can offer the pharmacological industry. There are many such means.


    Here are some of them:

    • Feresol;
    • Verruacid;
    • Viferon;
    • Panavir;
    • Isoprinosine;
    • Iodine;
    • Castor oil;
    • Oksolinovaya ointment from warts on the face;
    • Colomac;
    • Imiquimod;
    • Cryopharm;
    • Lapis;
    • Malawi;
    • Salipod.

    Removal of warts on the face with laser

    Modern medical technologies allow the doctor to independently choose the necessary depth of evaporation( ablation) and coagulation of skin lesions. Coagulation of tissues and blood vessels occurs in the absence of bleeding and promotes the accelerated regeneration of tissues.

    An important feature of laser removal of warts on the face is that after the procedure, there is a rapid healing of tissues and there is no tendency to scarring.

    Laser removal of warts, kandilom, papillomas, moles last a very short time - just one or two minutes.

    During the procedure, there is no contact of the instruments with the skin of the patient, which excludes the possibility of infection through the microdrome on the skin, that is, the procedure is absolutely sterile.

    When removing warts on the face with a laser, the risk of severe cosmetic consequences and complications( pigmentation disorders, scarring) is reduced, and bleeding is completely absent.

    The laser is especially effective when removing warts on the most delicate areas of the face:

    • on the lips;751й
    • on the eyelids;
    • in the corners of the eyes;
    • around the neck.

    Other methods of wart removal( liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation) are more painful and often lead to irreparable consequences.

    The laser can output any kinds of warts:

    • flat( juvenile);
    • ordinary;
    • plantar.

    The effectiveness of the laser procedure reaches 100% after the first session.

    The microrange completely heals within the first week.

    However, for laser removal of warts, there are contraindications:

    • skin after sunburn;
    • herpetic eruptions;
    • oncological diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • immunodeficiency states;
    • diabetes mellitus.

    As a rule, the procedure for laser removal of warts on the face is carried out in one session. However, in particularly severe cases, it is possible to re-run the session.

    If necessary, local anesthesia is given by ultracaine.

    Reviews on the removal of warts on the face


    I have a small birthmark on my cheek for a long time.

    Over time, it began to increase and become deeper. The doctor said that the wart had taken root.

    At first I did not particularly bother and did not intend to remove the wart, but it gradually became bigger and bigger.

    In the end I decided on her laser removal.

    The doctor promised me that there will be no scarring.

    I was given a local injection of anesthesia( in my opinion, lidocaine), and then, about five minutes later, a laser procedure began.

    I did not look there, but there was a strong smell of burning skin in the air.

    A few days later, a black crust formed on the site of operation, which fell off about a week later.

    In its place there is a white speck that I successfully cover with tonal cream.

    In general, the procedure went well.

    Now I'm all right.

    The price of wart removal on the faces of the city of Moscow is about 1500 rubles.

    The prices for laser removal of warts on the face in the city of Moscow depend on the complexity category and amount( approximately) from 15,000 to 45,000 rubles.

    Take care of yourself.

    Stay healthy!

    Video: Removal of warts on face

    removal prices,

Warts on the face Warts on the face are benign outgrowths, delivering to the owner a lot of troubles and troubles.

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