
Warts on the fingers and toes - how to remove, cause, appearance, treatment, prices, photo

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How does the wart on the finger look like

? In appearance, it looks like a nodule or papilla.

Usually, a wart appears on the finger of a child aged 12-15 years.

You can not leave this defect of the skin without attention, since warts are contagious and often cause the development of complexes.

It should not be forgotten that:

  • warts can cause painful sensations;
  • they are able to become inflamed and grow.

How to identify the wart on the finger

First of all, you need to figure out how the sideburns look:

  • are leathery formations, inside of which black dots are visible;
  • skin defect to the touch seems firm and slightly rough;
  • on the toe of the wart has an oval or round shape;
  • its color is dirty gray;
  • sometimes a wart on the finger hurts, it hurts to step on it;
  • under the nails and around the perimeter of the nail plate, the defect looks like a rough growth;
  • warts on the fingers and toes, usually have a fleshy, dense structure;
  • the skin around the wart acquires a characteristic dark or light hue;
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  • in its appearance, the wart resembles a dome-shaped nodule or papilla that rises above the surface of the skin, a gray or brownish hue.

Causes of warts on the fingers and toes

The main reason for the defeat of warts is the infection of the body with the papilloma virus. 752y

Ways of penetration of the virus into the human body:

  • visiting public places not equipped with proper protection and with high humidity( saunas, baths, swimming pools);
  • direct contact of a healthy person with a carrier of a viral infection( handshake).

Penicillinavirus can penetrate into the human body for a long time.

Many people think that the wart on the finger appears from nowhere and unexpectedly.

The main reasons for the appearance of warts include:

  • walking in uncomfortable shoes;
  • non-compliance with basic hygiene rules;
  • excessive sweating of feet and hands;
  • microcracks and micro-trauma on the skin;
  • sharp decrease in the immune system( lack of fresh air, non-compliance with rest and sleep, lack of vitamins, improper nutrition, stress).

How to cure a child's wart on the finger?

Treatment of warts in children is prescribed only by a doctor and only after a comprehensive examination.

Small warts on the finger generally can be left without attention, but it should be well understood that any small wart will someday turn into a large and will cause huge inconveniences.

A large wart in a child is not a reason for panic, however, it should not be viewed as an innocuous symptom, but as an obligatory approach to a doctor.

A large child's wart is likely to be the reason for its removal.

A wart can appear on any finger or toe: on the little finger, on the anonymous, on the middle and on the index finger.

However, the greatest inconvenience and discomfort and pain is caused by a wart on the big toe. This happens simply because the thumb, according to its anatomical features, is more exposed than others to friction when wearing shoes.

A wart on the thumb or an inner wart on the toe also brings inconveniences, but significantly less than the wart on the big toe.

A wart on the foot or on the arm between the fingers or a wart on the finger pad also causes a lot of suffering and discomfort, because they too are prone to increased permanent friction and irritation.

How to remove a wart on the finger

More and more people understand that warts on the finger are not just an aesthetic drawback, and they need to be actively combated.

In the medical environment it is considered that warts on the fingers tell us about the problems of the body, that is, the wart at a certain point on the surface of the human skin shows us where to look for the source of the disease.

How to remove a wart on the finger You may be prompted by the following wart removal methods:

1. Salicylic acid .To remove the wart on your finger, you need to lubricate it regularly with salicylic acid for several weeks. Before applying the acid, try to remove the dead layers from the surface of the skin from the warts.

2. Liquid nitrogen .To get rid of the wart on the finger will also help the use of liquid nitrogen. This method is called cryotherapy and it is related to the freezing of 753y neoplasms.

3. Cantharidin .This substance is an ointment from warts.

4. Laser treatment of warts on the finger .With this unique method, you can very quickly get the desired result.

5. Electrocoagulation method. This method allows: to prevent access of the virus to healthy tissues;to stop the bleeding.

6. All kinds of folk methods , offering their funds from warts on the finger.

For example, to prizhech wart on the finger, you can use a very effective folk remedy - juice celandine.

Take care of yourself.

Stay healthy!

Video: Wart removal

Warts on the fingers and toes Warts on the fingers and toes are benign lesions that are viral in nature.

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