
Arthrosis of the shoulder joint - a consequence of trauma or inflammation

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Arthrosis of the shoulder joint Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is a chronic dystrophic degenerative disease, in which pathological phenomena develop not only in articular cartilage, but also in bone tissue.

The main cause of the development of the disease is disruption of the trophic processes of in the cartilaginous tissue caused by trauma or inflammation in the joint. In this case, the hyaline cartilage is thinned and begins to crack. In these cracks, calcium salts accumulate, thus, osteophytes appear that deform the joint.

When the process progresses, bone disorders also develop in the bone tissue, it becomes denser and deforms( arthrosis deforms).

The course of the disease is slow. In the initial stages, it does not manifest itself.

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Clinical picture of

The main symptom of the disease is pain , which is aggravated during exercise and causes limitation of motor activity in the joint. Patients find it difficult to raise their hand or pull it back.

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When palpation of the shoulder area, pain points are located, located on the lower edge of the scapula, as well as the lower edge of the clavicle.

This pain is caused by inflammation in the joint and surrounding soft tissue joints. With osteoarthritis, these processes are inevitable. Osteophytes lead to clicks and or crunching when moving in the shoulder joint.

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The disease progresses slowly but steadily and is complicated by severe impaired function of the affected joint.

In severely neglected cases, a contracture can be formed.

Diagnosis of the disease

• Clinical examination( complaints, anamnesis).
• X-ray examination( mandatory in comparison with a healthy joint).
• CT or NMR.

Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder arthrosis To date, in the treatment of this pathology, both conservative( medicamentous) and surgical treatment of are used.

The choice of the method is determined primarily by the stage of the process and the general condition of the patient, the presence of a severe concomitant pathology and contraindications to anesthesia.

Usually, surgical treatment is prescribed in the most extreme situations, when the is expressed by the progression of the process.

  • With conservative treatment of shoulder arthrosis, the patient is prescribed medicines that relieve the signs of inflammation( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Diclofenac or Movalis), which improve trophic and metabolic processes in the joint tissues;
  • Widely used chondroprotectors( Structum, chondroitin) as topical in the form of ointments and gels, and in tablet form;
  • Sometimes additionally used dietary supplements, specially designed to improve the trophic processes in the hyaline cartilage;
  • Patients under the supervision of a physician LFK learn to correctly perform exercises of therapeutic gymnastics;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures( electrophoresis, magnetotherapy) are also prescribed;
  • Specially selected diet;
  • Therapeutic massage.

At the very beginning of the disease, such a complex of treatment quickly cures all the painful manifestations. In addition, the correct and scrupulous implementation of all the doctor's recommendations helps to stop the progression of the disease. Therefore, the patient must understand that the disease itself without effort on its part does not pass, and in all to obey the doctor.

Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint In the late stages of arthrosis conservative treatment no longer has the necessary effect, so the question arises: how to treat the disease at this stage? Unfortunately, only surgical treatment remains.

The procedure for the operation of the shoulder joint is very difficult technically and traumatically, and therefore it is not as widespread as operations on the hip or knee joints.

The main goal of the operation is restoration of the functional activity of the upper limb and relieving the person of pain. This operation is indicated for patients with severe destruction of the shoulder tissue in the absence of the effect of conservative therapy.

Treatment with folk methods

  1. Well relieves pain in arthrosis of the shoulder joint honey massage. To do this, one tablespoon of honey is put in a cup and heated in a water bath. Honey should not be hot. The shoulder joint is preheated with a warmer for 15 minutes. Then begin to rub honey into the shoulder joint area in a circular motion until completely absorbed. The duration of the procedure is at least 25 minutes. After the massage, the shoulder joint is wrapped in a shawl or scarf. To achieve a more pronounced effect between the tissue and the skin, put cellophane. After two to three hours the honey is washed off, but the joint itself is kept a little warmer. Usually spend ten sessions of massage.
  2. To the diseased joint, attach a leaf of burdock or cabbage for 12 hours.
  3. Rub the affected joint with sea-buckthorn oil, cover with cellophane and wrap it with a scarf. This procedure is performed daily for ten days.
  4. In the treatment of arthrosis use the tincture of nettle collected on the day of Ivan Kupala on July 7, as it is believed that on this day the strength of medicinal herbs is much higher. This nettle is passed through a meat grinder and squeezed juice. In equal proportions( 1: 1: 1) add to the juice medical alcohol and honey. Insist 17 days and drink twice a day for one dessert spoon.
  5. Ointments based on fir or pine oils are helpful in this pathology.
  6. Apply compresses of radish and oatmeal.
  7. Effective massage in sea water, it is not necessary to go to sea. In the tub, pour 3 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of baking soda, pour hot water, and straight into the water massage everyone for twenty minutes. Then warm the affected area.

Therapeutic gymnastics( LFK) and exercises with arthrosis of the shoulder joint

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