Diagnosis Of Diseases

How to pass tests for sexual infections

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How to pass tests for sexual infections Analyzes of sexually transmitted infections make it possible to detect the causative agents of the most common infectious sexual diseases.

These diseases include: chlamydia, genital herpes, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and some others.

The following laboratory methods of are used to diagnose sexual infections:

  • bacteriological culture with high sensitivity in antibiotics;
  • polymerase chain reaction( PCR) allows detecting in the blood( urine, sperm) of a diseased RNA or DNA of the causative agent of an infectious disease;
  • enzyme immunoassay( ELISA) allows detecting antibodies to the pathogens of the infection in the blood.

With what indications it is necessary to go to the doctor in order to pass the tests for sexual infections and determine the presence of this or that disease:

  • discharge from the genitals, acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • random, promiscuous sexual intercourse
  • pregnancy planning;
  • preparation for operations or manipulation on the genitals;
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  • infertility;
  • abortion;
  • arthritis, rheumatism;
  • controlling the passing treatment of genital infections.

What should be done to prepare for examination with a doctor:

  • one or two days should fully abide by sexual abstinence;
  • is not recommended to urinate for at least two hours before giving smear tests;
  • on the eve of the test, it is recommended to conduct a provocation, which consists in the use of alcoholic, acute and salty products.

What tests for genital infections should be performed in order to obtain correct information about the presence or absence of the disease?

Usually it is enough to conduct one analysis - a smear, and if it is not enough, the doctor will recommend you to undergo additional tests.

How is the smear taken for laboratory testing?

When examined by a gynecologist or urologist, the doctor, using a disposable special brush, takes a swab sample for analysis from the urethra( in men) or from the vagina( in women).

What is the time period for such an analysis?

The normal period of time necessary for the behavior of smear analyzes is not more than two working days.

Positive results for a smear test in a healthy person should be completely absent. If, in the analysis of the smear for the presence of sexual infections, a positive result is found, the only correct way is to contact a specialist: urologist or gynecologist.

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