Parkinson's Disease

Treatment of Parkinson's disease at home is difficult, but possible

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Parkinson Parkinson's disease is an ailment that is associated with the slow and planned death of motor-type nerve cells, or neurons.

They are the ones that normally produce a dopamine mediator, whose condition after 50 years begins to deteriorate.

An alternative name is a trembling paralysis, due to the development of which there is an aggravation of the regulation of movements and even muscle tone.

All this is manifested by a specific tremor( trembling), general stiffness, as well as a violation of the posture and movements.

Special attention should be given to the treatment and prevention of the disease. This will make it possible to greatly improve the quality of life.

Treatment of Parkinson's disease at home implies an entire complex of measures from physical exercises to the use of infusions and decoctions, as well as special diets .

However, since the tremor paralysis is characterized by a slow but steady progression, it is not meaningful to expect a 100% recovery. Contents

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  • Treatment goals
  • Comprehensive approach to treatment
    • Folk remedies
    • Nutrition system
    • Lifestyle to be changed
    • Exercises
    • Massage
    • Breathing training
  • Patients' opinion on how to treat the disease

The goals and objectives of treatment

The goal of treatment is to maximize the long-term survivaland the ability to remain independent even in the domestic context.

As the disease progresses, the patient may need adaptive accessories. For example, in walking canes or accessories( walkers).

A comprehensive approach to the treatment of

Treatment of Parkinson's disease at home includes lifestyle changes, taking medicines and other techniques.

Folk remedies

As it was mentioned earlier, many methods of treatment have been developed.

One of them is folk remedies intended for external use.

It will be useful to prepare a healing oil from laurel leaves.

In this case: bay leaf oil

  • dry laurel leaves are ground to a powdery state;
  • use four teaspoons of this product;
  • pour them half a liter of refined vegetable oil.

Then the mixture is boiled and insisted in a warm place for two days. It is important that this cream was boiled again. Only after this, it is permissible to rub it into the limbs that have been affected.

You can also do hand treatment .To this end, it is necessary to fill a liter jar with jasmine flowers and completely pour them with vegetable oil.

After this, the mixture should be infused into the open sun for 40 days, and it is advisable to shake the dishes.

Then, without filtering the cream, it is placed in a cold and dark place. It is recommended to massage your hands with jasmine oil several times a day.

No less effective at a tremulous paralysis will be and broths, which are intended for ingestion.

For example, in order to ease the trembling in the lower limbs, it is necessary to use the flowers of the laphote. To do this, either 30 g of dried or 100 g freshly picked flowers pour 500 ml of vodka and insist in a cool place( without exposure to sunlight) a week.

The container with tincture should be shaken from time to time. Take it should be at least 25-30 drops with honey 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

In order to improve the overall health of Parkinson's disease, you can:

  • brew two tablespoons of finely chopped roots of wild rose;
  • pour them one glass of water;
  • boil for at least 20 minutes.

The broth should cool down and only after that it is permissible to filter. Use the same remedy preferably not more than 30 minutes before eating half the glass.

Power Supply System

The diet should be frequent, that is at least four times a day and at the same time in small portions. If there are no contraindications, then it is necessary to consume from one and a half to two liters of water per day.

It will provide an opportunity to cleanse the body of toxins and optimize the activity of the intestine.

In order to improve the work of the brain in the diet should be present fish and other seafood. In addition, vegetable oils, nuts and even seeds will be a unique source of omega-acids, which are necessary for Parkinson's disease.

Meat and eggs are preferably consumed two or three times a week, because with age, the need for protein is getting smaller.

fractional power But every possible vegetable food and dairy products should always be present .

They have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestine, and also endow the body with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vegetables and fruits are best used to peeled and cut into small pieces.

Often with motor paralysis aggravated swallowing or becomes completely impossible. Therefore, it is important that the food is invariably either semi-liquid or creamy.

Each of the portions is acceptable to drink with a small amount of water. From those dishes that need to be chewed for a long time, it would be more correct to refuse.

For this reason, it is not recommended to eat cookies and crackers.

Lifestyle will have to change

Compulsory lifestyle standards, along with compliance with the drug use regime, also include compliance with the plan for daily activities.

It is developed exclusively taking into account the real capabilities of the patient.

It is also important to plan in advance all active types of activity that must coincide with the hours of the most powerful effects of medicines. It's not just about work, but about walks.

The usual dosed physical activity, including special exercises shown by the doctor, is an additional method of treatment of the disease.

It is also desirable to practice speech training, which involves reading aloud your favorite books and texts. During walking, it is recommended to use a variety of techniques with sound and visual stimuli.

Alzheimer You can learn how to treat Alzheimer's disease by reading our material. Goals and modern methods.

What is Sensitive Ataxia? Why this disorder very often accompanies such diseases of the nervous system as a stroke, Parkinson's disease and others.


When doing any exercises or doing physical exercises, you should perform stretching exercises.

This makes it possible to prevent such a stage of trembling paralysis as the flexural posture. Equally useful are exercises to relax the muscles.

They will enable you to reduce pain in the upper and lower limbs.

There are also complexes:

  • breathing exercises;
  • exercises to improve posture, for the muscles of the trunk, neck, and shoulder girdle.

For example, in order to reduce trembling in the hands, it is recommended to join hands in front of the chest as for prayer, and rub them between each other for at least two to three minutes.

You should also make warm baths for the limbs, which optimizes blood circulation. After that, for several minutes, it will be correct to rub palms and feet with a towel.


Special attention should be paid to massage. Massage has a positive effect on the renewal of muscle mobility, but in particular it is important precisely because it helps to stabilize the CNS.

For Parkinson's disease, massage is recommended every day or at least a day. With the use of other methods, this gives an excellent result.

Massage is recommended to begin with stroking. massage with Parkinson

This technique allows you to relax and prepare for other, more active methods.

As part of treatment, various types of stroking are also used.

The most effective massage methods are alternating and circular stroking.

Breathing training

It is equally important to train breathing, because with trembling paralysis it allows you to breathe deeply, and, therefore, develops muscles and cells of the body.

Respiratory exercises can be performed in different positions, one of which is sedentary.

In doing so, you should:

  • put your hands on your stomach;
  • take a slow and deep breath through your nose.

As a result, there will be a feeling of chest widening and "inflation" of the abdomen. After that, slowly, counting to five, you need to exhale the air through the mouth.

This exercise is repeated for 10 times.

Opinion of patients on how to treat the disease

Reviews of people who practice treatment for Parkinson's disease with one or other folk remedies.

Pavel Sergeyevich, 53

I have been breathing for about a year now on Buteyko!

These breathing exercises were difficult for me at first - it was not easy to adjust myself to the unusual breathing, but now, after 11 months, I really feel much better.

I advise everyone to follow the breathing technique of Buteyko.

Vasily Leonidovich, 65

I have been suffering Parkinson's Disease for almost six years, and after about a year I began to suffer severe pain. Sometimes they became simply unbearable, and my doctor advised me to prepare an alcoholic tincture from the roots of pions.

The effect did not keep you waiting and, thanks to my wife, who once a week prepares me this miracle cure.

Andrei Viktorovich, 51

Many neglect water procedures in Parkinson and this is absolutely wrong, in my opinion!
My wife has been suffering from trembling paralysis for over eight years and in recent years I helped her every day to pour cold water, take a contrast shower and do various exercises in the water.
In the first year it was very difficult, but now the health and motor skills became much better. It really helps. ..

brain Thus, the state of health of a person who suffers from Parkinson's disease is not so much in the hands of medical workers as the patient himself.

He must lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and be as active as possible, and also not forget about traditional methods of treatment.

This will greatly improve the results of therapy.

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Treatment of Parkinson's disease at home is difficult, but possible
Parkinson's Disease

Treatment of Parkinson's disease at home is difficult, but possible

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Parkinson's Disease

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