Other Diseases

Symptoms, treatment and prevention of complications of neurodermatitis

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neurodermatitis on the face Like a computer that can be in both the working mode and the waiting and sleeping modes, the skin is also capable of functioning in all three.

But she has one more regime, special one, which should be called "crazy", and the name is: neurodermatitis.

The smallest and most vulnerable

are at risk. And the skin, right, is from what "go crazy".After all, the time of the onset of neurodermatitis is the age from the first year of life to 12 years, the age of helplessness, the almost physically visible dependence of the child on the mother, often inspiring her child: I know better what you need!

Does the child want this addiction? No, he does not want her, he resists her in every way, with all her behavior she can not scream: this is my life! Let it be small, but it belongs only to me! Should belong!

That's just who is his - a child - opinions ask? Any mother is sincerely sure: without her care and care, he will not survive in this life!

Therefore, the child until the end of school( at first the middle, and often the highest), and much later afterwards he lives in a gentle, but tightly braiding "web" of maternal "love", "cobweb" thin and transparent, but incredibly durable.

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Is this love? No, for the most part, the "network" "suite" of personal fears and mother's complexes, concerned solely with the preservation of the body of her completely belonging to her child, whose opinion is completely uninteresting to her.

Everyone knows how unpleasant is the touch of a web to the skin. What should the fly feel like when it's completely braided? Obviously, the desire to escape.

neurodermatitis on the legs

In the photo, a typical manifestation of neurodermatitis on the legs

A small( or growing up) creature has the same passionate desire to free itself. As a slave that tries to get rid of both his slavery and his shameful stigma, it tries to "get out" of the skin.

Skin that has become a symbol of unfreedom.

Skin, braided with the tent of another's will.

Skin scratched by burns of someone else's power.

No less eloquent is the second name of the disease: atopic dermatitis. After all, atopy literally translates as "without a place."Hence: homeless, orphaned, prodigal, or - no one's.

Protesting against the power of adults, a sick child as if states: I'd rather stay without skin, "without home" - but I will be free!

He still does not know that it's impossible to get out of such a hateful skin.

A bit later he finds out that he does not need to leave it either - you just have to reconcile with it.

But this does not happen suddenly, but only when it has already proved its right to have its own opinion( in those who have reached the age of 20 years or more, the neurodermite either does not develop at all or develops very rarely).

This means that with the recovery of the child will have to wait - in childhood it is almost impossible.

Disease of civilization - or civilization of disease?

In addition to the influence exerted on the skin by "family" factors, for it there are other psychological reasons to "come to frenzy."

These are the features of civilization and lifestyle, nothing to do with life not having.

Often the initial itching starts on "electronic soil" - because of the stress of an abundance of negative information - and information in general, when:

  • the eyes and brain of a teenager break away from tight telephone conversations solely to "dive" into the computer;
  • "burden" of news for an adult consists entirely of a "program of woes" for today and tomorrow;
  • because of insanity on the body, the girl almost ceases to eat, considering herself fat, and the limit of her dreams is a prosthetic silicone breast and porcelain teeth.

No less important are the modern food addictions, including tireless consumerism, with the "extermination" of huge volumes of annoyingly advertised sweets, produced by tons of popcorn and other dubious value of "products".

In the list of provoking factors, synthetic odors and things surrounding the childhood should also be included: cigar smoke and exhaust fumes of a large( or not very large) city, artificial fibers of fabrics and dyes, substances in furniture and household items. rash on the hands

Breakthrough holes in the already weak heredity of several generations of parents born in civilized time, these factors in children open wide open the gate triumphantly marching through microcosmous infections, completing the rout of immunity.

So that allergies can easily be established on its ruins( for pollen, fish food, pillow filler), making no exceptions for either sex or age, which is the basis for the development of the neurodermatitis at any age, from zero and adolescent andending with adults.

Symptomatics: somewhere deep outside yourself. ..

The formulation should be exactly this, because the external symptoms of the neurodermite are only weak echoes of the disturbances in metabolic processes occurring in the deep layers of the skin.

In the depths of it occur infinitely complex biochemical rebuilding and the creation of artful combinations, reminiscent of the game of chess between the body and the "headquarters" of the causes of the disease. And in this party, which can drag on for decades, the appearance of victory is gained by one or the other side, a complete victory is impossible here.

The strategy developed within the skin is embodied in local skin tactics, characterized by:

  • rash formation;
  • appearance of scraps;
  • by changing the structure of the skin.

The rash has the appearance of itchy red spots with fuzzy boundaries in the most typical places - skin areas:

  • on the inner( flexion) surfaces of the knees and elbows;
  • on the lateral and anterior surfaces of the neck;
  • on the face( on the skin of the forehead and eyelids);
  • on the extensor surfaces of feet and brushes.

Painful itching( especially the unconscious night) leads to constant combs that prevent the process from calming down and lead to a change in the structure of the skin - its thickening with augmentation of the skin pattern, and combs give rise to a new tidal wave of intolerable skin itching.

So one manifestation of the disease does not allow to quiet down another, and the "round dance" is going around in a circle.

diffuse neurodermatitis

In the photo, a diffuse neurodermatitis that can affect both adults and children

The disease, after revealing its first foci on the neck, later "spreads" over the face and forehead, and at the bottom "occupies" the buttocks and genitals;In parallel, there is a "seizure" of the knee and elbow folds.

Having begun its "immodest activity" with very sensitive itching and flaking of reddened skin, the ailment reaches a degree of "complete debauchery", characterized by the appearance of a miserable size of the bubbles drying up to form a thin crust of skin and wetting the combed places, which, however, quickly dry out.

Due to the reaction of the adrenal glands, the color of the skin can change - it darkens. In addition, in view of the lack of a full night sleep, persistent weakness and fatigue are noted, apathy in relation to the surrounding environment is accompanied by arterial hypotension and hypoglycemia.

Depending on the localization and formative elements, the neurodermatitis happens:

  • is common( diffuse);
  • is limited to small areas of the skin;
  • linear( on the extremities).

And according to the classification of the neurodermite there is:

  • hypertrophic( characteristic for the inguinal zone);
  • is follicular, affecting the hair-covered areas of the body;
  • psoriasis( with development on the scalp and face, which is covered with exfoliating finely scribbled scales).

Chronic neurodermatitis is characterized by an exacerbation in winter and an improvement in summer.

How to confirm the diagnosis of

Since neurodermatitis is a disease more "nervous" than skin, there are no specific methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

The most important diagnostic criteria are therefore:

  • a clear link of the disease with being in a stressful situation( exacerbation of the processes in the skin after its onset);
  • protracted( chronic) course with marked seasonality of exacerbations.

Signs of increased allergization of the body( presence of concomitant diseases of a similar nature or symptoms of its manifestation) are not less valuable.

Skin biopsy In an objective study, attention is drawn to the visual manifestations of the disease with the typical morphological elements and the localization of lesions in certain areas of the skin.

The blood test reveals a typical eosinophilia for the allergic process, as well as an excessive level of general and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E. Skin allergological tests allow you to identify the relationship with a particular allergen.

Skin biopsy confirms the correctness of visual examination data.

Treatment: strategically important, tactically significant

When a neuronaditis occurs in a child, the mother must bring it to the doctor, but in the adult "version" cases of "inconsolable self-treatment" are not uncommon.

To take it categorically is not recommended, because even with professionally conducted treatment, the neurodermite does not hurry to retreat.

The basis of the treatment strategy are:

  • correction of neuropsychic abnormalities;
  • control of the allergic component of the disease;
  • sanation with ruthless suppression of foci of chronic infection;
  • effect on local manifestations of the disease.

In addition to the main treatment conducted by a psychoneurologist, the course should include the combined use of: Dimedrol

  • antihistamines : Pipolphen, Suprastin, Dimedrol, Tavegil( up to hormonal correction with Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Triamcinolone);
  • immunomodulating agents ( Interferon);
  • official sedative preparations or home remedies , prepared from wild medicinal raw materials( rosemary, mint, motherwort, valerian).

For topical treatment( especially to relieve pruritus), short-course ointments with hydrocortisone and other corticosteroids( Beloderma, Sinaflana) are recommended. A good effect allows to achieve the use of Naftalan and tar ointments.

In severe cases resort to the felling of foci Hydrocortisone, Diprospan.

Remarkable support for medical treatment is physiotherapy, including the use of:

  • iontophoresis with corticosteroids;diadynamic therapy
  • of diadynamic currents;
  • inductothermy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrosleep.

Application of the newest methods( cryomassage, electro- and laser puncture) allows to achieve significant periods of remission of the disease, as well as the use of:

  • selective phototherapy;
  • UFO blood;
  • PUVA-therapy;
  • hyperbaric oxygenation;
  • plasmapheresis;
  • immunosuppressive therapy.

Staying at a resort with a dry sea climate( at the end of the course and achieving remission of the disease) with thalassotherapy and taking baths( radon, hydrogen sulphide) also helps to strengthen the patient's body.

From the "folk" methods of treatment suitable for the therapy of neurodermatitis in the home, it is worth considering phytotherapy, apitherapy, clay therapy and similar methods of promoting health in general and the immune system in particular.

What can complicate the condition and how to avoid it?

It should be remembered that neurodermatitis is able to give complications.

Rashes on the face In addition to the exhausting "marathon" of pain and itching, which involves a nervous system that is exhausted all the time, the chronic process in the skin can lead to suppurative diseases involving lymph nodes.

The slogan of a teenager suffering from a neurodermatitis should in no case be a motto: from self-affirmation to "self-cure"!Any isolation and "withdrawal into oneself" will only strengthen the position of the ailment both in his life and in his body.

The awkwardness of the manifestation of the disease should be timely "coordinated" with the doctors:

  • therapist;
  • by a dermatologist;
  • by an immunologist;
  • by a psychoneurologist( psychotherapist).

However, without independent efforts undertaken by the patient himself( both child and adult), cure can not come:

  • optimization of the regime of work and rest( sleep);
  • "razrulivaniya" of social and family relations;
  • compliance with a hypoallergenic diet;
  • wearing natural fabrics;
  • hardening;
  • physical education.

At best, waiting for years to 25-30, hoping for spontaneous self-healing.

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