Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment 1, 2, 3 degrees, features. Exercises hondroprotektory, gymnastics, exercise, how to treat, diet, massage

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Coxarthrosis, hip, another name, deforming arthrosis, can strike at any age, but most people are exposed to the disease after 40 years. Symptoms of osteoarthritis are not always pronounced. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease has been a podiatrist. After the examination, can be assigned: medical therapy or surgery.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is hip coxarthrosis
  • 2 The causes of coxarthrosis
  • 3 Risk factors
  • 4 classification of diseases
    • 4.1 senile form
    • 4.2 congenital form
    • 4.3 traumatic form
    • 4.4 infectious form
    • 4.5 Coxarthrosis in aseptic necrosis of the femoral head
    • 4.6 Coxarthrosis after Perthes' disease
  • 5 disease symptoms
    • 5.1 Limited joint mobility
    • 5.2 Pain
    • 5.3 muscle spasm
    • 5.4 shortening
    • 5.5 Lameness
  • 6 Severity of the disease
  • 7 Diagnostics
    • 7.1 X-ray inspection
    • 7.2 CT scan
    • 7.3 Measuring leg length
    • 7.4 Laboratory research
    • 7.5 hip puncture
  • 8 Drug treatment of coxarthrosis
    • 8.1 chondroprotective agents
    • 8.2 Anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal)
    • 8.3 Muscle relaxants
    • 8.4 Medicaments for vasodilation and reduce muscle tension
    • 8.5 hormonal medications
    • 8.6 ointments
    • 8.7 injections
  • insta story viewer
  • 9 Massage in coxarthrosis
  • 10 Physical therapy in coxarthrosis
  • 11 Gymnastics and exercises with osteoarthritis of the hip joint
    • 11.1 The list of recommended workouts
  • 12 Biological and mechanical treatment of coxarthrosis
  • 13 Traditional methods of treatment of hip osteoarthritis
  • 14 Indications and contraindications for surgery
  • 15 hip arthroplasty
  • 16 Hip arthroplasty
  • 17 diet therapy
    • 17.1 Authorized products
    • 17.2 prohibited products
  • 18 Sample menu for the week
  • 19 possible complications
  • 20 Videos about hip coxarthrosis, its symptoms and treatments

What is hip coxarthrosis

The mobility of the hip joint and amortization is provided cartilaginous tissue. It prevents bone contact and working on the similarity of a sponge. At a load of it stands the joint fluid that acts as a lubricant and prevents cartilage from drying.

Coxarthrosis develops as a result of condensation of liquid. This leads to the drying up of cartilage and the development of cracks in it. Under the influence he begins to break down loads. The neglected state of the patient is noted bone deformation affecting the condition of vessels and ligaments. Further notes the effect on the nervous system and the deterioration of muscle function.

Joint damage can be single- or double-sided.

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage
The diagram shows changes in hip coxarthrosis.

Coxarthrosis, in the initial stage of development, it proceeds virtually asymptomatic. If the disease is detected before severe cartilage destruction, the orthopedist will be assigned to medical treatment. If a strong wear of cartilage, the operation will be required. The disease develops quite slowly, so the patient has a chance of timely diagnosis and successful treatment with drugs.

The causes of coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis develops due to violation of fluid quality, which further causes the destruction of the joint.

By the nature of the causes of the disease are divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary coxarthrosis. It characterized by concomitant factors that may rarely cause disease on their own. To do this, the presence of the first of the causes of secondary coxarthrosis.
  2. Secondary coxarthrosis. It develops because of the presence of internal pathologies.

When combined several reasons at once, the disease progresses faster and delayed treatment can lead to disability.

Risk factors

Primary coxarthrosis develops more slowly than the secondary, and is no less dangerous. It also destroys the cartilage condition and requires medical or surgical treatment. Own illness can not be cured.

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

Cause Why the disease develops
Pregnancy The load on the pelvic region increases during the childbearing. Hormonal changes.
Frequent stress on the joints in the pelvic area With regular debilitating stress, there is a constant pressure on the cartilage, which can cause them to wear. The process is accelerated if there are irregularities in the joint fluid as
Heredity Genetically disease is not transmitted, but the disease, which can provoke the development of coxarthrosis, can be prepared by inheritance.
Poor environmental conditions, smoking and drinking This reason provokes the development of diseases that might later lead to arthrosis.
Excess weight Constant increased load on the pelvic area may eventually lead to the development of disease
Kind of human activity Long-distance running, working in a standing position, and increase the burden on the cartilage.
Diabetes The disease is accompanied by changes in the blood vessels and a violation of the condition that triggers the development of coxarthrosis.
Hormonal disbalance Malfunction of the thyroid and other hormonal changes can cause weight gain, disruption of the nervous system, metabolism deterioration. And it is favorable for disease development.
Long pastime in a sitting position This leads to a stagnation of blood in the pelvic region and the disruption of the blood supply. Later also lead to the disease.

Coxarthrosis in rare cases can develop due to the enumerated grounds. But the development of the disease is very slow. Therefore, the chance of successful treatment is higher than in the development of disease due to abnormalities.

classification of diseases

Secondary coxarthrosis has a more severe form of the disease and worse treatment. In medicine distinguish 6 be the main causes of disease.

senile form

Aging brings changes in the metabolic processes of the body. They are slower and not in full form. Organs and tissues do not receive the right amount of nutrients. The joint fluid does not have time kept up to date, and also cartilage. If there are additional reasons (diabetes, obesity, pathological changes) accelerate the development of the disease.

congenital form

In this case, coxarthrosis develops due to violations in the formation of the hip joint in utero. When irregular load (increased or reduced) pressure on the joint will occur unevenly. In the future this will lead to the development of the disease.

traumatic form

Coxarthrosis may develop as a result of one-off, but a strong injury. This can disrupt the integrity of the joint, as well as inflammation. It will interfere with normal nutrition of tissues and timely updating of joint fluid. Regular, but not seriously injured, can cause the development of coxarthrosis in the same way.

infectious form

hip coxarthrosis (symptoms and treatment are the distinctive features if the infectious nature of the disease) can develop as a result of a complication of the disease. Pathogen falls into the joint region with the blood or with adjacent tissues.

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

At the same time develops swelling and inflammation, which interfere with normal food and fluid renewal. The disease is more severe, if the infection is accompanied by the development of pus, and he got into the hip joint.

Coxarthrosis in aseptic necrosis of the femoral head

Necrosis of head tissue often occurs due to circulatory disorders of the joint. May have an infectious nature, arise from hormone therapy and at the wrong treatment of the injury.

Coxarthrosis after Perthes' disease

It occurs due to poor blood supply. This often leads to necrosis of the head, the destruction of bone and cartilage. Difficult to treat and has a bright symptoms.

disease symptoms

Coxarthrosis has a 4-D stage of development. Initially, symptoms are virtually absent. The farther running condition, the more symptoms appear and their appearance will be brighter. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms.

Limited joint mobility

Changing the composition of the synovial fluid eventually leads to thinning of the cartilage, but also may trigger proliferation of cartilage as a result is narrowed joint space. All this leads to the fact that the patient in the morning can not normally either bend or straighten the leg. But during the day the symptom goes away.

The further develop the disease, the longer it lasts immobility. Over time, the bending or extension is not possible. Even in a relaxed state, a podiatrist can cause the leg to its normal position. For the motion will require crutches.


hip coxarthrosis (symptoms and treatment related to the intensity of pain) disrupts the normal vital functions of the patient. In the initial stage of the disease there is pain when walking or other load attachment. It is often heard the crunch in the joint.

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

In later stages the pain is always present, even at night.

Symptom caused by decrease in the amount of joint fluid, cartilage wear and deterioration of blood supply. If an infectious disease caused by coxarthrosis, the severe pain may be present in the early development of the disease, and around the clock.

muscle spasm

Due to changes of the hip joint state voltage in bunches is amplified and can be stored for a long time. This leads to a spasm of the muscles, which is accompanied by severe pain. The reason may be an infection, spasm occurs due to malfunction of the nervous system due to intoxication.


In the advanced stage the patient marked shortening of the limb (1-1.5 cm). This is due to the deterioration of cartilage. Orthopedic determined in the measurement leg length. Even if struck by both the joint, dine in the difference will be present.


All of the above signs of lameness attributed in coxarthrosis. The symptom is already in the progression of the disease. Acceptance of pain medication does not improve gait.

Severity of the disease

Upon detection koksartroza orthopedist is necessary to identify, at what stage the disease. Depending on this, it is determined which method of treatment would be rational (medical or surgical). To determine the degree of disease can neglect the symptoms and hardware method.

Stage of development of the disease symptomatology These hardware research
first Occasionally, long walks, possible pain, which take place in a calm state. Barely noticeable growth of cartilage tissue and reducing the clearance in the joint gap
second The pain is already present and at rest, but not strong. Can give to the thigh and groin. During long-term loads on the joint lameness occurs. It is impossible to bend the leg. Pain and stiffness, reinforced in the morning and walking period. Seen a strong growth of cartilage beyond. The lumen is narrowed by almost 50%. the femoral head is deformed, it is enlarged state may shift.
third Severe pain is felt all the time, so the patient needs to accept pain medication, the pain goes away only for the duration of their action. Movement without a cane or crutch is possible. Due to the shortening of the limbs there is a strong limp. And because of this greater reliance is necessary on the affected joint, which only exacerbates the situation. Muscles of the buttocks and thigh atrophy, there is swelling in the joint. In the picture, the joint space is available in the form of a fine thread. Cartilaginous growths absorb fully the femoral head.
fourth Unbearable pain. Due to lack of cartilage, bones are fused, thereby completely immobilized limb. In the area of ​​the damaged joint is observed severe swelling. Joint space is not available. Seen fusion of bones.
hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

Coxarthrosis 1st and 2nd stage amenable to drug treatment. On the 3rd and 4th stage surgical intervention is necessary. The disease can be identified already at the second stage. Since the symptoms are already clearly defined. In this case, there is a chance of a full recovery without consequences for the organism.


Upon detection of the symptoms are similar to coxarthrosis, it is necessary to conduct a full examination. Initially, a visual inspection and data collection will occur. The doctor needs to know about the nature of pain, when the greater concern and recent illnesses or injuries.

With this preliminary cause of the disease may be identified. To determine the stage of the disease and disease provoked factor refinement, the orthopedist will be assigned to hardware and exams.

X-ray inspection

joint examination by X-ray will determine how narrowed joint clearance, there are bone growths, as well as the deformation of the head. But it does not allow you to see how badly damaged cartilage. Even if symptoms are present in one limb, pictures are taken of both joints.

CT scan

hip coxarthrosis can consider even in the initial stage, in the absence of specific symptoms, using RT. After it orthopedist can immediately assign the required procedures (physiotherapy exercises) and treatment. With the help of you can assess the condition of the joint tissues, including cartilage and determine the degree of damage.

Measuring leg length

In advanced stage leg length is shortened with a damaged joint. For a correct measurement of the patient should be in a vertical position with the legs straight, as far as possible. If the two damaged joint, the difference in length will not be significant.

Laboratory research

For a complete picture of the disease and determine the status of the whole organism requires specimen collection. With the help of a blood test detects the presence of a specialist in the body of infection. If it is available, it is determined how much the disease started. Using urinalysis also detected or not there is the causative agent of the disease, as well as whether a disease is related to the urogenital system.

hip puncture

The procedure is performed in extreme cases, as can be painful and complications (bleeding, infection hit). When carrying out its investigation on the joint fluid is taken. We study its composition. If there is an infection, it is determined by the type of pathogen and which antibiotics it is sensitive.

Drug treatment of coxarthrosis

If coxarthrosis not cause dramatic changes in the cartilage, the assigned medication. In the advanced form, only operation. The drug is prescribed in the treatment of additional treatments (physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics). Only complex treatment will completely restore the joint operation.

hip coxarthrosis (symptoms and treatment is associated with disease severity percolation), requires a complex of medications. Orthopedics appointed the following types of drugs.

chondroprotective agents

They are essential drugs for the treatment and restore the state of cartilage and prevent the development of disease. Drugs can accumulate in the body, so you need orthopedic control.

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

Popular hondroprotektory:

  • arteoparon;
  • rumalon;
  • arthritis;
  • glucosamine;
  • terafleks.

Funds can not be used in case of intolerance, the presence of inflammation in the joint and during pregnancy.

Anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal)

Help to eliminate inflammation, swelling and pain symptoms. It is produced in the form of ointments or agents for oral administration. Long use of medicines can be addictive body, resulting in their appointment will not be effective. Also, after prolonged use organism ceases to independently update the articular cartilage and liquid.

List of drugs:

  • brufen;
  • ketoprofen;
  • piroxicam;
  • movalis (new tool does not cause rapid addiction).

Tablets cause a malfunction of the digestive tract.

Therefore, they should be taken with caution. If the anti-inflammatory does not bring relief, it needs to be replaced, independently is not recommended to increase the dosage of drugs.

Muscle relaxants

With their help, the blood supply is restored and eliminated muscle spasm, pain symptom decreases. Orthopedics appointed sirdalud or Mydocalmum. At their reception forbidden to drive a car and carry out responsible work, as a means to affect the nervous system. There is a feeling of intoxication, sedation and dizziness.

Medicaments for vasodilation and reduce muscle tension

Due to these steps, decrease joint pain. Their action is similar to muscle relaxants, but has fewer side effects.

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

List of tools:

  • trental;
  • nikoshpan;
  • teonikol.

Contraindication is intolerance and allergies to components of the drug.

hormonal medications

It was rare, with pronounced pain and advanced disease. The funds are administered by injection.


  • kenagol;
  • metilpred.

Injections are prohibited during inflammation thigh development.


Ointment, relieves swelling, pain and restoring blood supply.

These include:

  • Menovazin;
  • Espoli.


When highly advanced stage injection can be assigned, which are introduced in the joint itself. They replace the missing joint liquid.


  • fermatron;
  • dyuralan.
hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

After the introduction of means of joint mobility is restored. Compatible products selected orthopedist. Independently replacement means is prohibited because side effects or reduced efficiency can be enhanced.

Massage in coxarthrosis

In coxarthrosis massage improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism and enhances the effectiveness of medical treatment. It helps to restore cartilage and joint fluid renewal and relieves tension in the ligaments and muscles.

The procedure is indicated for all degrees of diseaseBut after surgery, massage resolved after the stitches will be removed. Houses can be made soft circular strokes, not only in the joints but also the entire lower back. The duration of at least 10 minutes.

Physical therapy in coxarthrosis

Physiotherapy appointed to improve blood circulation and metabolism. Thereby relieves pain and restores joint mobility. With their appointment orthopedist takes into account contraindications.

The main ones are:

  • tumor formation;
  • presence of pus;
  • problems with the heart and kidneys.
hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

Types of physical therapy:

  1. Magnetic therapy. Produced effects on the damaged area by a magnetic field.
  2. Laser therapy. In the treatment of used ultraviolet, infrared rays.
  3. Ultrasound therapy. It uses sound waves treatment.
  4. Electrical muscle stimulation. Is the influence of the current pulses to the muscles. For toning.
  5. Thermal radiation. It includes mud and wax treatment. Therapy is prolonged exposure to heat.

If you need physiotherapy sessions not to miss. Only the full course will help speed up the recovery process.

Gymnastics and exercises with osteoarthritis of the hip joint

The aim of gymnastics in coxarthrosis is, restoration of joint performance, are not required to do heavy loads. The procedure is allowed when the disease is at the first stage.

In the second, only with the onset of recovery period, with exacerbation of coxarthrosis gymnastics prohibited, so as much as possible damage to the joint. When the third and fourth stage of the exercise is not possible to fulfill them and would not be good, you need surgery.

Begin their studies can be with the permission of a podiatrist.

The list of recommended workouts

Lying on his back:

  • push the legs to the body as closely as possible;
  • raise both legs in different directions as it turns out.
hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

Lying on his stomach:

  • raise alternately right and left leg, and then together.

Standing (permitted if the damaged joint is 1):

  • Rely on the healthy leg, the patient to perform the movement of the pendulum in the opposite directions.

These are the basic exercises, their range can be increased by an orthopedist. To make them desirable in physical therapy office, under the supervision of a specialist. He picks up the necessary exercise, the number of executions.

If one of the species of warm-up brings discomfort or after deterioration occurs, it is excluded from the set of exercises. Also to be considered is not whether there are contraindications for gymnastics (temperature, cardiac work, hernia).

Biological and mechanical treatment of coxarthrosis

To speed up the recovery, you can use additional methods of biological and mechanical nature. They also help to restore the ability of the motor joints, relieve pain and restore blood flow.

For this purpose:

  • acupuncture. Exposure to the needles of the singular points of the body is removed spasm and normal metabolism;
  • joint traction. Produced using special tools. Duration less than 20 minutes. At this time, the cartilage is at rest and does not feel pressure from the bone. Thus, recovery is accelerated;
  • apitherapy and hirudotherapy. Used for the treatment of bee stings and leeches. Their enzymes into the blood and normalize metabolic processes, as well as relieve the pain in the joint.
hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

This type of treatment is not mandatory, and is used by the patient. Therapy prohibited during exacerbation of the disease.

Traditional methods of treatment of hip osteoarthritis

Receiving folk remedies effective for early stage disease. When the cartilage condition has not deteriorated much. When the third and fourth stages of therapy will only reduce the symptoms.

Orthopedist in conjunction with drug therapy may designate:

  1. Compress of cabbage leaves for 30 days reduces inflammation and pain. To do this, you must apply to the sheet a little copper and record in the patient's joint area for the night.
  2. Infusion of Comarum (sold in pharmacies) is necessary to use 10 ml, 2 times a day. It relieves pain and inflammation.
  3. Infusion of celandine and oil effectively relieves pain and helps to restore the damaged joint. To prepare 0.5 liters taken olive oil and 100 g of crushed celandine. Infuse 14 days in the warmth. Apply to the joint and the top to wrap up warm cloth. It can be used at night to a full recovery.
  4. Ointment of honey (50 ml), grated turnip (50 mL) and vodka (30 mL). Apply 3 times a day and cover with cloth. Means must be stored in a cool place.
hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

Traditional medicine is not able to cure the disease on their own. It can only be combined with drug therapy.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

hip coxarthrosis, symptoms and treatment of which depends on the extent of cartilage damage, at third and fourth level involves surgical therapy. Before the surgery, are diagnosed. Further checks need orthopedic surgery, and whether there are contraindications.

testimony Contraindications
Launched disease (3rd and 4th step) Severe heart disease
Drug treatment does not bring improvements Inflammation in the hip or the presence of infection
Rapid flow of disease with pus formations accompaniment
Pathological changes in congenital hip depletion of the body
Prohibited drug therapy due to intolerance of the majority of drugs, dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. Endocrine disorders (diabetes, autism)
Violation of the functioning of the brain, accompanied by nervous attacks
Allergic reactions to drugs for anesthesia and medications needed during the reconstruction period.
Severe liver and kidney damage.
Too much overweight. In the postoperative period, it can cause complete destruction of the joint
Poor blood clotting
hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

If necessary, an orthopedic surgery is also determined by what kind of surgery is needed. The most frequently prescribed: Arthroplasty and joint replacement.

hip arthroplasty

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. In the course of it is replaced damaged cartilage implant. Also are stripped overgrowth of cartilage, the bones are aligned mating surfaces. If there was tissue necrosis, it is also removed.

After the operation requires a long recovery period up to 6 months. Walking with crutches is permitted no earlier than 10-15 days. 3 weeks is administered physiotherapy and massage.

Hip arthroplasty

This type of operation is performed when the joint can not be restored and it needs to be replaced by artificial. Successful operation gives more guarantee a full recovery than arthroplasty.

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

Reactivation of the disease is impossible. After surgery, the sutures are removed on the 10th or 12th day and the patient is discharged. The recovery period is also needed gymnastics, massage.

diet therapy

Coxarthrosis often develops due to the presence of excess weight, so the development of the disease in the first place, the patient should reduce weight. Operation canceled, if the weight much higher than normal, as long as he will not be reduced.

This requires:

  • a varied diet;
  • small portions to 100 g Eat 6-7 times a day, but no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • when receiving food each piece must be thoroughly chewed;
  • in the heat necessary to use up to 4 liters of fluid, and in winter at least 2 liters;
  • to load small portions, it is recommended for 30 minutes before eating drinking 150-200 ml of water;
  • refuse fried, salty and spicy food, give preference to boiled dishes;
  • after meals is recommended to take a walk, for better absorption of food. Also, this will not be delayed more than a kilogram.

With a diet reduced weight, and this contributes to the normalization of tissue regeneration and cartilage repair. For the correct preparation of the menu a nutritionist advised to check the permitted and forbidden foods.

Authorized products

must be complete in coxarthrosis menu. It is necessary that the body receives all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, in the diet are allowed to eat, even fat, but not more than 50 grams per day. Useful are jelly, jelly and aspic.

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage

In their structure there gelatine and collagen, which play an important role in the formation of cartilage. As well as dairy products (yogurt, cheese, yogurt) with a low fat content. It promotes the renewal of the bone and its strengthening.

In the diet should be included lean meat and fish, cereal and water. Sugar replaced honey, which carries more benefits for the body. Fruits should be eaten on a daily basis also. They also replace the usual snacks.

prohibited products

Menu in coxarthrosis is not very limited, since almost everything is permitted, but in moderation.

Dietician following products may be strictly forbidden:

  • too fatty foods;
  • salted and pickled products;
  • smoked and spicy dishes.

These products promote fluid retention, and this contributes to weight gain.

  • semi-finished products, canned food;
  • pastry and confectionery;
  • fatty broth;
  • mayonnaise, sour (high fat), cream;
  • snack foods: chips, burgers, soda.

If at first hard to give up the foods, it is necessary to reduce their consumption to a minimum. The body does not experience high levels of stress due to the new diet. It is on the contrary can only aggravate the disease. Since coxarthrosis may develop as a result of severe stress.

Sample menu for the week

Dishes and products must provide the body with essential nutrients. You can use the standard list of dishes for a week to compile the menu. For breakfast cereal always applied to water (150 g).

hip coxarthrosis. Symptoms and Treatment. Chondroprotectors, exercise, diet, massage
Days of the week Menu
Monday Lunch: Boiled chicken meat with grains (rice, buckwheat). However, on more than 150 g

Dinner: stew, lean fish (100 g) and cabbage (200 g)

Tuesday Lunch: stew bird (100 g) was boiled with mushrooms and milk (100 ml).

Dinner: stewed poultry liver or heart (100 g), cucumber salad and salad leaves (150 g).

Wednesday Lunch: baked rabbit fillet with eggplant (150 g).

Dinner: Shrimps (100 g), boiled egg and yogurt.

Thursday Lunch: boiled or stewed chicken (150 g), buckwheat (50 g). You can add fresh tomato or cucumber.

Dinner: Baked fish with beans (200 g).

Friday Lunch: Cooked Chicken cutlets (150 g) and 5 pcs. cherry tomato

Dinner: Baked tuna (150 g) and salad greens (cucumber, cabbage).

Saturday Lunch: Breast chicken stewed with cabbage (200 g). Tomatoes.

Dinner: baked perch (200 g) cucumber.

Sunday Lunch: stewed chicken zucchini (200 g). Tomatoes.

Dinner: baked any fish (150 g). Tomatoes.

Between meals allowed to drink 200 ml of yogurt, eat apples, nuts. Severe hunger strike is excluded. The body has to lose weight, but not lack of nutrients.

possible complications

If the development of coxarthrosis is no cure, the disease can result in complete immobilization of the joint. If the disease will carry an infectious character, it is possible to fester tissue, followed by inflammation and necrosis. In this case, a full recovery is unlikely.

If the disease develops slowly, it will be accompanied by persistent pain and lameness. It will be impossible to overcome long distances again. Treatment of belated treatment more often surgical, with the replacement of the implant needed every 10-12 years.

hip coxarthrosis successfully amenable to drug therapy. Timely detection of symptoms and initiation of treatment give more than 70% of a full recovery, without the development effects.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Videos about hip coxarthrosis, its symptoms and treatments

Causes and treatment of coxarthrosis:

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" about coxarthrosis:

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