Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult

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Dorsopathies cervical spine - it is a condition of the spine that affects the uppermost part of the axial skeleton of the person. Pain initially invisible, and then grow and grow. Short-term muscle tension causes a bout of neurogenic nature.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the whiplash dorsopathies
  • 2 Effect of the disease on the body
  • 3 Dorsopathies causes of cervical spine
  • 4 Symptoms dorsopathies cervical spine
  • 5 diagnosis of the disease
  • 6 Prevention dorsopathies cervical spine
  • 7 To which the doctor ask
  • 8 Methods of treatment of the cervical spine dorsopathies
    • 8.1 drug therapy
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Physical therapy procedures
    • 8.4 LFK
    • 8.5 orthopedic methods
    • 8.6 manual therapy
    • 8.7 acupuncture
  • 9 complications
  • 10 Videos about dorsopathies cervical spine

What is the whiplash dorsopathies

Dystrophic condition typical dorsopathies cervical spine, causing pain symptoms. The basis is a violation of the functions of the vertebrae, the surrounding tissue, discs and calcium accumulation. The disease can affect children and adults.

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Literally dorsum means the rear side of the body, extending from the bottom of the neck. This is a generalized notion of painful symptoms, which is not an independent nosological unit.

Illness, according to international standards, divided into several groups:

  • progressive, degenerative;
  • deforming without breaking the intervertebral discs;
  • Spondylopathy with lesions of the intervertebral joints.Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult

The disease manifests itself in a sudden, subacute and chronic form. On the mechanism of distinguished local pain, and neuropathic projection.

Effect of the disease on the body

Dorsopathies cervical spine - it is a phenomenon in which the broken fibro-cartilaginous education and obtained vasomotor and neurodystrophic disorders in the tissues.

The cervical spine is the most vulnerable because of their mobility and constant high load. If the destroyed vertebral tissue, there is a reduction of blood flow to the brain, which provokes pain syndromes.

At the heart disease is a disorder MPD. The increased load of the cervical spine causes dryness and effacement disc nucleus, so the vertebrae are taking the full load. Coming into contact with each other, they cause deformation and flattening. Comes the pathological process of displacement of the vertebrae and the formation of bone spurs.

Reduces desiccation intervertebral foramen, causing painful compression of spinal nerve roots, disrupted vascular circulation.

Dorsopathies causes of cervical spine

The emergence and development of the disease is influenced by external and internal factors.

External factors, which can affect, and are associated with the image of the patient's life:

  • wrong organization workplace;Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult
  • uncomfortable place to rest;
  • excessive leverage;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • insufficient consumption of vitamins A, E, B, B12, D;
  • meager intake of clean drinking water;
  • increased physical activity;
  • mechanical injury;
  • uneven load.

Internal factors associated with severe diseases of the internal organs, which affect the bone structures.

This group includes diseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • low back pain;
  • spondylosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • lumbago;
  • hernia;
  • lordosis.

Dorsopathies cervical spine - is a state, which is used only as a preliminary diagnosis, to identify the main causes.

Symptoms dorsopathies cervical spine

Disease is diagnosed by analyzing the symptoms.

The primary diagnosis is a characteristic clinical picture:

  • sharp pain in the neck area;Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult
  • tightness, muscle tension, mainly in the morning;
  • increased pain during movement and tilt of the head;
  • when turning the head, I heard the crunch;
  • worried about nausea;
  • neck pain often turn to the fingers, brushes;
  • numbness;
  • cross to the shoulder;
  • dizziness.

Dorsopathies cervical spine causes insomnia, headache, irritability. This is happening because of the fact that the circulation of the blood vessels is broken, manifested palpitations and high blood pressure. Headaches accompanied by noises in the ears, staggering. By turning the head and signs of growing pains increased.

diagnosis of the disease

Determine the location of pathological processes and provide basic treatment can help to timely diagnosis.

diagnosing various ways:

  • to prevent inflammatory and infectious processes are studied laboratory blood tests;Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult
  • ECG is needed to time to detect heart disease;
  • examination by a neurologist physician allows you to find signs of neurological disorders;
  • Spine X-rays needed to evaluate its state structure and function;
  • computed tomography reveals disease spinal card determines pinched nerves, ring rupture discs, a change in the dura mater;
  • using magnetic resonance imaging thoroughly investigated vertebral column surrounding the spinal discs and a bundle with the clear visibility of blood vessels, nerve sprouting;
  • Consultation of Orthopedic Trauma.

Method ECG performed by X-ray apparatus in two perpendicular and oblique projections. Sometimes carried out functional tests - slopes, flexion, extension. This makes it possible to assess the extent of damage to the peripheral nerves and the spine.

In preparation for the surgical treatment for decompression of the spinal cord is performed myelogram. This diagnostic method is not the original diagnosis and administered in severe cases.

One of the most informative research is MRI using nuclear magnetic resonance. Imaging explores how the spine as a whole and its parts. Diagnosis may include the study of the sensitivity of muscle strength and reflexes.

Prevention dorsopathies cervical spine

Reduce whiplash probability of dorsopathies can help simple but effective measures.

These include:

  • daily physical activity;Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult
  • clothing for the weather;
  • lessons in swimming pools;
  • hovering on the bar;
  • monitoring the weight;
  • normalization of a balanced diet;
  • alternating stress and rest;
  • regular medical examination at the orthopedist and neurologist.

Stabilizing the cervical vertebrae contributes to special exercises.

This is a series of exercises, which affects muscle strengthening:

  • Slowly turn your head to either side, pulling your chin shoulder;
  • He tilts his head, touching the shoulder ear;
  • maximally straining muscle group, press the right hand and then left temple;
  • pressing his forehead on his hand, and then the back of the head on the hand;

It is also recommended for a long stay in one position from time to time to stretch your neck, do light tilts his head.

To which the doctor ask

Dorsopathies cervical spine - it is a disease in which it is recommended to go directly to the clinic. First, you can go to a local therapist. Once you know which symptoms bother the patient, it directs to a neurologist. That, in turn, issues a direction to the survey.

After reviewing received assays, a patient goes to the narrow specialists vertebronevrolog.Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult

For acute pain in the cervical spine medical record transfer trauma surgeon. Bringing in the patient's normal with the help of complex therapeutic techniques involved chiropractor.

Methods of treatment of the cervical spine dorsopathies

Differential diagnosis to determine the origins of the emergence of pain and perform the appropriate localized treatment. It can take place via physical treatments, pharmaceuticals, manipulation, folk ways.

drug therapy

For the treatment of acute pain and withdrawal syndromes, and muscle spasm treatment is prescribed drugs. For removal of the inflammatory pain process and used analgesics, muscle relaxants, hondroprotektory inhibitors.Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult

Title appointment Structure Description Course
diclofenac Anti-inflammatory diclofenac sodium It inhibits production of substances causing pain;

eliminates swelling, edema;

relieves joint stiffness.

A single intramuscular dose - 75 ml, 2 times a day.

In the form of tablets taken 2-3 pieces per day.

The gel is applied to the troubling site 3-4 times a day.

Course - 4-5 days.

baclofen antispasticheskoe Baclofen, lactose, magnesium stearate Reduces the excitability of sensory fibers;

inhibits transfer of impulses from sensory nerve endings;

relaxes muscles;

It weakens the painful spasms and cramps.

Taking tablet 5 mg 3 times a day, every third day increasing the dose of 5 mg. The course of 14-28 days.
Alflutop Chondroprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic On the basis of an extract from marine fish It helps to restore and prevent the destruction of cartilage;
Intramuscular dose of 1 ml once per day. Course - 20 days.
neuromidin Antiholinesterazivnoe ipidacrine It enhances the effect of adrenaline on smooth muscle;

It accelerates the conduction of nerve impulses.

20 mg 3 times per day. The course of 30-60 days.
Nise Warming ointment for pain relief nimesulide To eliminate the pain;

reduces inflammation.

Apply a thin layer of no more than 4 times per day. Duration of treatment - 10 days
Cymbalta Antidepressant duloxetine To improve the sleep process;

from stress and depression.

1 tablet 1 time a day. Course - up to 3 months.

Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adultOf great importance is taking vitamin and mineral complex. Anyone taking medication should be carried out after consultation with the neurologist. Many children take drugs is not recommended. Therefore, you should read before using the instruction.

Traditional methods

Dorsopathies cervical spine - is a phenomenon where as a good tool folk methods are used in the recovery. Treatment is divided into two methods: the external and internal. The first method includes warming ointment capable of improving blood circulation. In the second method - taken orally for the treatment of pain and inflammation.

The good effect gives a warming compress of vodka. To prepare it, it is necessary to take 0.5 liters vodka and dissolve pinch propolis, mustard powder, and 50 g of an aloe extract. The prepared solution wet the bandage and attach to the neck. From above it is recommended to wind warm scarf.

You can take a strip of cloth, soak it in kerosene, wring out and attach to the sore area. Keep the bandage before burning, then remove it, rinse the neck of warm water. Fairly effective compresses honey. Bee product can be mixed with eucalyptus, applied to the neck. Keep should be not less than 2 hours.

You can make salves from herbs:

  • ginger;Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult
  • calendula;
  • burdock;
  • herbs lemon balm;
  • dandelion roots;
  • garden horseradish.

The plant should be to grind or chop, mix din to one with vodka. Then, the resulting rub neck mixture.

An excellent result at home have mustard. They are well heated neck, enhancing anti-inflammatory effect and reflex response. Cook mustard can be yourself. To do this, take the mustard powder and mix in equal proportions with the starch.

Then add hot water and bring the mixture to a slurry-like state. Then, part of the mass shift on a thin sheet of paper and covered with a bandage or gauze. After they dry, attach the yellow card to the neck and to keep the state of light burning. After that, remove it and wipe off with a damp towel neck.

We must take a glass of needles and brew a liter of boiling water. Leave it to infuse for 30 minutes. Take a decoction need 2 times a day after meals.

Tea made from sunflower roots perfectly improves the condition. It roots finely chop, boiled 30 minutes and mixed with boiled water. On 1 st. sunflower need to take 3 cups of water. It is recommended to drink tea after a meal 3 times a day for a month.

The good effect of the infusion has scrolled three lemon slices with four garlic. To do this, pour a mixture of two liters of boiling water and then drink half a cup a day.Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult

Another good recipe is celery. You need to fill in a large spoonful of celery seeds in two cups of cold boiled water. Infuse be 2 h, then the infusion filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Effective tincture of barberry. It should take 25 g of barberry bark and roots, mixed with 10 ml of alcohol. Then tincture taken three times a day for 30 drops. To obtain the effect of treatment of traditional methods should last no less than two months. then made a break for 14 days and the changing method.

Physical therapy procedures

Physiotherapy effectively complements the basic treatment. Procedures apply to painful lesions, so a good performance is achieved. Side effects are minimal in this case.

Identifies the following variety of physiotherapy when dorsopathies cervical spine:

  1. ultraviolet radiation synthesizes vitamin D metabolites, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, it helps to relieve muscle spasm. Exposure takes place from 2 to 7 min for 5 - 10 daily treatments.
  2. Electrotherapy It based on the use of electric current in medicinal purposes. Heat magnetic and electromagnetic fields enhances blood circulation, stimulate the regeneration process and reduce inflammation. Exposure time - 10 minutes, the course consists of 5-10 daily procedures.
  3. Laser therapy anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect with a laser, which active medium is a mixture of helium and neon. Impact passes through the anterolateral surface of the neck. For the treatment of at least six courses required to hold.
  4. diadynamic assigned to eliminate muscle tension and compression of the nerve roots. It happens combination passing currents, causing a reduction of skeletal and smooth muscle. It is necessary to carry out 10 daily treatments for 1-2 minutes.
  5. magnetotherapy It stimulates all cellular processes. The magnetic field exerting a specific effect on the organism, eliminates unpleasant and painful symptoms. A course of exposure is from 10 to 20 sessions.Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult
  6. Shock-wave treatment blocks pain, improves blood flow. acoustic wave transmission to painful areas of the body cells and updates the affected area of ​​tissue, removes muscle spasms. extracorporeal treatment is 5-7 for 7-10 minutes treatments.
  7. Balneotherapy, and mud is skin penetration minerals and their effect on the receptors, nervous centers. Treatment involves 10 procedures, where 5 treatments carried out every day, and the next 5 - a day.

The best effect comes from physiotherapy at a combination of different methods.


The exercises are assigned, in order to prevent or remove inflammation, restore normal blood circulation, spinal discs to return to their normal position.

Actions performed with a smooth back, repeating the exercise 8-10 times:

  • Slowly turn your head to the side;
    Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult
    Dorsopathies cervical spine can not be cured without LFK
  • the chin turns to the shoulders;
  • tilt your head to the side to the shoulders;
  • lower his head as low as possible;
  • to press his hand to his forehead;
  • to press his hand to his temple;
  • raise high the shoulder and hold for 10 seconds;
  • knead the back of the head with his fingertips.

During the execution of the movements should follow the breath. It should be smooth and deep.

orthopedic methods

Effective non-drug treatment is wearing an orthopedic collar Schanz.

Frame fixing neck, performs the following functions:

  • offloads the cervical spine;
  • prevents the pressure of the vertebrae on each other;
  • stabilizes the neck in a painless position;
  • It produces a light massage effect.

The collar is in addition to the primary therapy. Appointed to carry in a particularly acute phase.

manual therapy

The technique is based on the impact of the therapist hand, at which the removal of the functional blockade of the spine, to bring the muscles in tone. The therapy restores motor function, relieves pain and discomfortDorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult

The treatment takes a few weeks to 2-3 months, which are held at intervals of 1-7 days.


In this method, Chinese healing occurs with acupuncture.

It stimulates the acupuncture points, biologically active organism:

  • penetrating the muscle fibers, needles relieve muscle spasms;
  • relieve pain;
  • recovering energy in the natural flow;
  • back mobility;
  • starts the process of self-healing;
  • restores the blood circulation.

The course takes about 10-15 days, which the session passes from 10 to 30 minutes. After that it is assigned a two-week break and repeat the course again.


The lack of timely treatment, or the wrong tactics of therapy leads to negative consequences that exacerbate the patient's condition.

This may occur:

  • violation vascular circulation;
  • heart disease;
  • decreased vision;
  • stiffness of the fingers, hands, feet;
  • hearing impairment;
  • dizziness;Dorsopathies cervical spine. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the child, adult
  • depression;
  • labored breathing.

Compression of the vertebral artery often causes the appearance of a stroke or ischemic attack that poses a threat to life and can lead to disability.

Dorsopathies cervical spine - a disease that causes excruciating pain. A favorable outcome of the disease affects modern diagnostics and integrated approach to therapy. The prognosis for this condition is mainly favorable.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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