Diseases Of The Nervous System

Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms of left heart area under the ribs on the right from the back side. Treatment of the disease at home

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Intercostal neuralgia - a malfunction of peripheral nerves, located in the thoracic spine. Symptoms of the disease are manifested spazmiruyutsya and acute pain that may be localized to the left or right side edges in the back region, the front of the chest wall.

The development of the pathology associated with the occurrence of a compression crushing nerve roots located in the intercostal space.

Manifestation of the disease is characterized by extensive symptomatology. Spasms and attacks of acute pain emanating from the left side of the chest may be mistakenly interpreted as a sign of heart disease. Distribution of pain in the lower spine with localization in the back, in most cases, are perceived as sciatica or signs of inflammation of the kidneys.

Unlike the development neuritis intercostal neuralgia arises disorders of motor function, sensitivity does not disappear and the skin surface of the muscle fibers. Peripheral nerve, trapped in the development of spasm, does not lose its conductivity properties of neurons in the brain impulses. Signs of nerve roots - no.

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The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
      • 8.2.1 dry heat
      • 8.2.2 Improve blood circulation
      • 8.2.3 hot bath
      • 8.2.4 iodine mesh
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of intercostal neuralgia

types of diseases

The symptoms of intercostal neuralgia indicate the focus of inflammation of the peripheral nerves, to the roots that have the greatest compression compression. Depending on the localization of the pain are the following varieties of intercostal neuralgia.Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment

Type of intercostal neuralgia Clinical manifestations of disease
subscapular Sharp, aching, or dull pain is concentrated on the part of either the right or left shoulder. It may occur at the time of taking a deep breath, or else to disturb the person constantly when he is in a state of complete physical tranquility. Without proper medical treatment pathology can lead to spasm of the muscle fibers located in the back.
chest Bouts of acute pain come from the front of the chest. Can be localized in the center of the bone, only the right or left side. By the nature of symptoms are surface manifestations, or else a feeling that spazmiruyutsya pain comes from the depth of the chest. Most often, the pain increases during inspiration, coughing, laughing or eating. Complicated forms of the disease may become a cause disturbances act sboov respiration and heart rate.
lumbar Intercostal neuralgia, lumbar type is characterized in that compression of the spine peripheral nerves takes place in the lower part of the thorax. In this regard, acute or aching pain syndrome extends to the waist. One gets the feeling that only hurts the back, and pathological symptoms in the intercostal space is completely absent. When the lumbar type of disease attacks the pain intensifies at the time of exercise, lifting heavy objects, sharp movements and jerks performance. Pathology is dangerous because it can negatively affect the mobility of the lower limbs muscle fibers over time.
subclavian Intercostal neuralgia subclavian type is accompanied by acute pain and tingling in the upper chest with the location closer to the clavicle. Pain syndrome manifested seizures completely pierces the entire front and back of the chest from the top to the bottom. The pathology is localized on the right or left side. Much less the feeling of pain is distributed simultaneously on both subclavian area. At low qualifications of the doctor performing the examination, the disease can be mistakenly confused with impaired heart function.

Intercostal neuralgia, the symptoms of which are accompanied by bouts of severe pain should be diagnosed as early as possible. Timely identification of pathological states nerve rootlets intercostal space is guaranteed rapid relief of pain, to eliminate the causes of the disease and the patient's return to a habitual way life.

Stage and grade

Intercostal neuralgia can occur suddenly after prolonged exposure to one or several negative factors, or else develop gradually as the compression squeezing root peripheral nerve endings.

In this regard, there are the following severity of disease manifestations:

  • 1 degree - twinges concerned periodically, appearing only at the moment when a person performs any action, providing for increased motor activity and then immediately disappears;Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment
  • 2 degree - different aching pain, which is present during the execution of physical labor, sports activities, as well as walking distance (after the adoption of the horizontal position and prolonged physical rest, feeling of discomfort disappears due to relaxation of the spasm of nerve endings, and the restoration of their normal operation);
  • Grade 3 - the patient's condition deteriorates and the compression of the roots of nerve endings go into even more irritable condition, the person experiences a sharp Pain that occurs in the form of lumbago, and then there comes a feeling of discomfort (the patient is limited independent movement may appearance sensations of chest compression, the acute shortage of air, due to the general dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system in this body parts);
  • 4 degree - acute pain caused by intercostal neuralgia, does not stop for several hours, the person suffers from seizures severe pain, which can be removed only by accepting tablets or injectable anesthetics wide spectrum of action.

The severity of disease is determined by the attending physician at the time of examination of the patient, as well as the results of a diagnostic survey of the state of health of peripheral nerve endings located in the intercostal space.


Intercostal neuralgia, the symptoms of which always appear sharp and sudden, suggests that nerve roots are compressed, and are irritable state.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed in the following pathological conditions and elements of the musculoskeletal system:

  • side edges, the front part of the chest, collarbone or lumbar spine is an acute, dull, aching or burning pain that is present permanently or periodically appears when a person is trying to take a deep breath, he turned over on his side, engaged in active physical labor or sports;
  • attacks of pain accompanied by muscle twitching, which resembles a nervous tic;
  • breathing problems appear due to a sense of compression ribs and thorax in general, due to the common muscular spasm corset;
  • skin in the region of localization of the pathological process takes on red and pale or purple hue depending on the degree of inflammation and irritation of the compressed nerve roots;Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment
  • joins excessive sweating, panic attacks and anxiety (this symptom occurs very often when the problems begin with the implementation of the act of breathing and a feeling of spasm of the chest cells);
  • Diseases sensations amplified when, during pressing body palpation performed on certain points or intercostal space, which indicates the compression squeezed nerve endings and is an important symptom in diagnosing disease;
  • skin, below the surface that contains nerve endings, irritated compression by compression, numb and partially loses sensitivity;
  • muscle cramps bedrooms, which can also become a cause of severe pain.

Despite the pronounced symptoms of a pathological condition of the peripheral nerves, which are located in the intercostal space, they do not lose their functional abilities. Signs of extensive inflammatory process - no. After eliminating the effect of compression compression of the above signs of disease are retreating.

Causes of

Intercostal neuralgia, which symptoms are bouts of acute pain occurs due to the following causal factors:

  • curvature of the spine, which is congenital or acquired nature of origin;
  • mechanical injury ribs and thoracic spine, which resulted in the displacement of the intervertebral disc, reducing the intercostal space;
  • prolonged hypothermia, which led to the inflammation and pinching roots intercostal nerves;
  • negative effects and complications of the surgery, which was performed on the thoracic spine;
  • fracture, as well as other kinds of damage to the chest;
  • sports injuries and lifting cargo during the heavy physical labor;
  • spinal tumor benign or oncological nature of origin;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • a sedentary lifestyle and a longer stay in a sitting position;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
    Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment
    lumbar exercises for pain from degenerative disc disease can help stop the degenerative changes
  • a genetic predisposition to a pathological state intercostal nerve roots (in the group risk are people of all ages, close relatives who have suffered from this disease).

Bad habits, malnutrition, impaired motor activity, increase the risk of intercostal neuralgia. Determining the reasons that caused the pathological condition of nerve endings, it is essential for successful treatment.


Intercostal neuralgia, the symptoms of which are manifested in the attacks of acute, aching, dull or spazmiruyutsya pain requires a thorough and comprehensive diagnostics. A patient having symptoms of the disease, the primary pass-examined by a neurologist physician or surgeon.

The doctor then assigns surrender these analyzes, as well as the passage of instrumental examination:

  • ECG, to exclude the presence of chronic heart disease, preceding infarction condition that can cause similar bouts of burning and acute pain in the chest area;
  • MRI to examine the state of health of the spine, to detect possible bone damage, displacement of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and hernia formation;
  • ultrasound chest in pain localization, change the color tone of the epithelial tissue and symptoms of numbness (it allows you to explore the structure of spasm muscle fibers to estimate possible changes in soft tissue structure, as well as early detection of extraneous neoplasms benign and malignant etiology);Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment
  • chest X-ray of lungs and heartTo eliminate the physiological changes in the tissues of internal organs, as well as the appearance extraneous neoplasms of tumors whose growth can cause acute attacks of pain chest;
  • Deposit of venous blood for its biochemical analysis;
  • collection of morning urineWhich explores the overall performance, as well as the physician receives basic information about the patient's internal organs efficiency;
  • Deposit of capillary blood to perform clinical analysis;
  • chest X-rayWhich shows the state of the spine, ribs, bone tissue anterior chest wall.

The above diagnostic methods enable to perform differential examination of the patient, who asked for help with signs intercostal neuralgia.

According to a study by the attending physician confirms the diagnosis of current, or else detects other diseases whose symptoms are similar to the compression of the nerve root compression intercostal nerves. In the public hospital these types of diagnostics are carried out free of charge. In a private clinic for similar medical services on average have to pay from 4000 to 5500 rubles.

When to see a doctor

Intercostal neuralgia - a dangerous disease of the peripheral nervous system, which not only significantly It reduces the quality of life of the patient, but also is able to cause a disruption of the elements of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

Visit to a neurologist or surgeon to be held in the first 1-2 days, once a person found at the symptoms of a pathological condition intercostal nerves. Independently, the disease does not take place. To stop attacks pain need to undergo a course of drug therapy.


To prevent the emergence of signs of intercostal neuralgia, daily is recommended to perform the following preventive rules, which will save health peripheral nervous system and the musculoskeletal system:

  • to prevent spinal injuries, and if there has been a fall from a great height or displacement of vertebrae, immediately seek the assistance of a doctor-traumatologist;
  • give up bad habits, do not use alcohol, tobacco, drugs;Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment
  • always dress according to the weather conditions, avoiding overcooling the back, as well as the length of time in the draft;
  • monitor the posture, do not bend your back, and in the case of the first signs of scoliosis, contact the doctor, surgeon or chiropractor to restore the vertical position of the vertebral column;
  • Avoid prolonged stay in a sitting position;
  • sleep only on hard surfaces or special orthopedic mattress, without using a high pillow;
  • lead an active lifestyle, exercise, doing exercises to strengthen the back muscles;
  • at least 1 time per year undergo preventive medical examination by a neurologist or surgeon;
  • avoid stressful situations and prevent psycho-emotional voltage, which may temporarily disrupt the peripheral nervous system;
  • not to lift heavy objects whose weight is more than 5 kg.

The above rules intercostal neuralgia prevention are shown to fulfill men and women of all age groups. This is especially true of people who have a history of scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, or experienced severe spinal injuries, chest and ribs.


For treatment intercostal neuralgia pharmaceutic use medicines, traditional medicines, and physiotherapeutic methods removal of pathological states of peripheral nerve endings.


Intercostal neuralgia therapy using drugs aimed at the removal of the spasm, eliminating sharp or dull pain as well as symptoms of local inflammation.

To do this, use the following medicines:

  • Diclofenac cream - is applied to the body site where localized pain, 3 to 4 times a day with a uniform distribution of the drug, reduces inflammation of the nerve endings and has an analgesic effect (duration of therapy - 14 days, and the drug price 180 rub. 40 g per tube);Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment
  • ibuprofen - anesthetic and anti-inflammatory oral application, assigned 1 tablet 1-2 times a day with duration of reception of no more than 3 days (the price of the product - 48 rubles.);
  • Novocain 0.5% concentration solution - administered by intramuscular injection or by intravenous drip installation, the dosage is determined individually neurologist physician or anesthesiologist depending on the body weight, age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases (value medication 85 rubles).;
  • diazepam - a preparation for removal of spasm of the muscle fibers and removal of a compression crushing rootlets intercostal nerves, take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 10 days (the average cost of the drug 120 rub.).

All of the above drugs should be prescribed only neurologist. Separate treatment is contraindicated and may lead to a deterioration in health.

Traditional methods

Besides drug therapy means for removing spasms intercostal neuralgia use the following folk remedies.

dry heat

You need to bring clean, dry, handkerchief or a piece of fabric. On top of the pre-pour it warmed edible salt, and then tie a tight knot. A place of pain and twitching of the muscles warm up for 20 minutes. up to 3 times a day until complete disappearance of the discomfort feelings.

Improve blood circulation

It needs to take 1 hour. l. mutton fat and rub the chest portion, in which the pain is localized. Then you need to put on the clothes and tied a woolen scarf or thick towel. Medical procedure is performed 1-2 times a day for 7 days.

hot bath

In the bathroom you need to dial an amount of water, so that it could fully immerse the whole thorax. Then, it is added 1 kg of sodium chloride and dissolved.Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment

The water temperature should be no greater than 45 degrees Celsius. After completion of the preparatory actions necessary to immerse the bathroom and stay there for 10-15 minutes. warming effect improves blood circulation, relieves spasms and compression compression of the nerve endings.

iodine mesh

On the surface of the edges or the front wall of the thorax via the iodine solution is applied in a grid pattern. Medical procedure is done 1 time per day. The drug reduces inflammation, accelerates the process of normalization of the intercostal nerve endings.

Other methods

In conjunction with necessary medication and traditional recipes are used physiotherapy treatments intercostal neuralgia, namely:

  • electrophoresis;
  • massotherapy;
  • manual therapy and restore the correct positioning of displaced disc;
  • mud and mineral baths;
  • hood spine.
    Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment
    Arrest the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia is possible with the help of clans

Using the above methods of treatment is only advisable in conjunction with the treatment of medical drugs. The duration and the necessary number of treatments is determined individually on the basis of the degree of severity of a patient. On average enough from 5 to 10 sessions.

possible complications

Lack of quality and qualified treatment using pharmacological agents and physiotherapy, as well as too late access to a doctor can be a cause of these negative effects and complications:

  • extensive muscle spasm of the chest, which violates the breathing process, reduces the depth of inhalation;
  • inflammation of irritated nerve endings and the inability of independent movement;
  • reduction of mobility of the lower limbs;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, triggered by periodic muscle spasms and local dysfunction of peripheral nerves;
  • state of unbearable pain, which can be removed only with a potent injectables anesthetic effect.Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms in the heart area under the ribs on the left, to the right from the back side. Treatment

Intercostal neuralgia is a peripheral nerve disease, symptoms of which are accompanied by a sharp, burning or aching pain. Pathology manifested gradually, being characterized by mild, moderate or severe degree, or else develops immediately.

The disease requires immediate removal of the feeling of pain, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory reception drugs, as well as eliminating the causes that caused compression squeezing roots intercostal nerves.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of intercostal neuralgia

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