Diseases Of The Nervous System

Trigeminal nerve inflammation. Symptoms and treatment of drug, folk remedies at home

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Diagnosing inflammation of the trigeminal nerve as the main symptoms of acute pain in the face. According to statistics from the disease affected more than a million people in the world. Usually pathology touches people older than 40 years are more prone to neuritis of the female population than the male.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Where is the trigeminal nerve
  • 2 The causes of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve
  • 3 The first signs and symptoms, refer to any doctor
  • 4 Possible consequences of the disease
  • 5 Treatment options
  • 6 of drugs
    • 6.1 anticonvulsants
    • 6.2 Spazmalitiki and muscle relaxants
    • 6.3 painkillers blockade
    • 6.4 ointments
  • 7 physiotherapy
  • 8 Massage
  • 9 folk ways
    • 9.1 Decoctions and infusions
    • 9.2 Compresses and lotions
  • 10 Surgical intervention
  • 11 Videos about the facial nerve disease

Where is the trigeminal nerve

In humans there are 12 pairs of nerves located in craniocerebral box. Trigeminal node is 5 m account and most of them. Paired arrangement of the fibers involves their being on the face of the left and right sides.

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The origins of the nerve takes in the temporal part of the face in front of the upper tips of the ears, and is divided into 3 branches:

1. Ophthalmic branch provides sensitivity:

  • eye;
  • upper eyelid;
  • frontal skin.

2. Maxillary nerve controls the sensitivity:

  • the lower eyelid;
  • nostrils;
  • cheeks;
  • the upper lip;
  • upper gum.Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies

3. Mandibular part is responsible for sensory and motor ability:

  • mandible;
  • the lower lip;
  • lower gums;
  • Some of the masticatory muscles.

The causes of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Painful sensations occur when squeezed, stimulation, nerve destruction shell. In this case, the end of the fibers laid bare, and begin to respond to any impact of pain attacks that occur suddenly. The disease is often preceded by a car accident, dental treatment in dental offices or severe facial injuries.

The reasons that cause inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, include:

  • anatomical structure of the body;
  • trapped by the fiber winding vessels or tumors;
  • metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes);
  • development of multiple sclerosis;
  • meningococcal inflammation of the meninges;
  • appendages inflammation in the sinuses;
  • disorder bite;
  • infectious diseases in the chronic form (tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • vascular pathology (aneurysm);
  • herpes rash that affects fiber;
  • colds due to hypothermia;
  • injury or the effects of concussions;
  • viral and bacterial infections of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.

Seizures can disturb the person during washing, shaving, brushing teeth, eating, talking, and even with a smile.

The first signs and symptoms, refer to any doctor

Trigeminal nerve inflammation (disease symptoms can be confused with diseases of the teeth) which may significantly degrade the quality of human life, is the highest node in craniocerebral box.Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies

The main symptom of the disease is severe acute pain in his face. Most often feeling appearing in the upper and lower jaw. Sign of the disease can be confused with the appearance of dental problems.

So the first thing patients seek the help of dentists. If, after consultation with the dentist turns out that the discomfort has other reasons, the patient is sent for treatment to the doctor, neurologist or neurologist. Pain grow during the meal, when talking or supercooling.

Pain varies in nature:

  • typical;
  • atypical.

The typical form of a property cycle: with the periodic rise and remission. The characteristic features of its considered shooting cramps starting from touching the face with localization near the eyes or nose in the lower part of the face. The syndrome may disturb the person once per day or every hour.

Atypical form of the disease is rare. A syndrome characterized by constant pain character, enveloping most of the face, which can not fade. This form is more difficult to treat.

The additional features of the disease include:

  • watering;
  • increased salivation;
  • paresthesia and numbness in the lips zone nose eyelids;
  • discoloration of the skin face (redness);
  • contractile involuntary movements of facial muscles.

Possible consequences of the disease

Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies
Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve are called neuritis

If not treated in time, the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve may lead to consequences:

  • paresis of facial muscles (numbness, paralysis);
  • appearance of puffiness of the cerebellum;
  • loss or hearing loss;
  • damage to the nervous system (ataxia);
  • mental disorders due to constant pain (avoidance of communicating with other people);
  • decreased immunity;
  • depression;
  • weight loss through inability to eat normally.

Treatment options

When assigning a method of treatment of the disease are diagnosed, which It includes:

  • clinical researches;
  • Otolaryngology, dental examination;
  • instrumental examinations (MRI, CT).

Thus, the origin of the disease is established, which in 80% of cases can not identify.

Therapy pathology conducted by the following methods:

  • conservative manner;
  • surgical interventions;
  • procedures to ensure minimum interference with the body.

Conservative therapy is used in the form of the use of chemical drugs and physiotherapy activities. In most cases, drug therapy is effective.

However, the disease has a rapid progression of the property, and can reach a state where remove pain with drugs becomes impossible. In such cases, experts prescribe surgery.

In the acute phase of the disease or during attacks of pain syndrome neurologists prescribe the use of thermal influence by electric heaters, UV radiation in the facial area.

When conservative methods are ineffective for 8-10 months. or when applied observed significant side effects, then held surgical intervention.

of drugs

The trigeminal nerve inflammation (symptoms are expressed pain syndrome) which is amenable to therapy by conservative methods, examined neurologist.

When drug therapy used different classes of medications:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • antispasmodics and muscle relaxants;
  • nonsteroidal antiinflammatory substances topical use;
  • painkillers injections.

Any appointment of a neurologist initially directed at eliminating the causes of disease and pain reduction.


Approximately 90% of the pathology docked effectively using anticonvulsantsWhich are designed to eliminate pockets of stagnant processes in neurons. Foci - a convulsive discharges in the brain membrane.

Since 1961 for the treatment of neuralgia began to be used phenytoin. Today widely used carbamazepine, its efficiency is 70%.

The treatment regimen may include means tabulated with their use:Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies

Name of substance scheme application
carbamazepine Initial dosage comprises 200-400 mg / day, it is gradually brought to 800 mg / day in 4 divided doses. Then reduced to the dose required to maintain state.
Gabapeptin Application begins with 1 capsule per day. Further, every 2 - 3 days the dosage is increased by one capsule (it should not exceed 12 tablets per day), dividing by the methods. The final amount of the drug prescribed for the patient is stabilized. It canceled gradually.
valproic acid Applied initially of 3-5 mg per day in 2 divided doses, the dosage is increased gradually, the maximum use of the drug up to 30 mg per day.
lamotrigine First means appoint 25 mg daily for 2 weeks. Next, after 14 days the amount of the drug is increased to 25-50 mg, dividing by methods, and again after 2 weeks 50-100 mg until reaching therapeutic result. The supporting amount of the substance has 100-200 mg per day.
amitriptyline The starting amount of the drug is 25-50 mg at bedtime, which is incremented for 5-6 days to 150-300 mg in 3 doses. After achieving a therapeutic effect by means of assigned 25-50 mg per day.
Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies

In addition to the therapeutic effect, the number of drugs has a list of frequently occurring adverse events:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • disorder of the digestive tract;
  • visual dysfunction (split in the eyes);
  • mental decline;
  • inhibition reaction.

Spazmalitiki and muscle relaxants

The trigeminal nerve inflammation (symptoms worsen social and psychological spheres of life of the patient) which lends itself to efficient therapy muscle relaxants and antispasmodic agents used in combination with anticonvulsants or independently, is treated for a long time (About a year).

Drugs to reduce muscle tone and spasms act on the neurons responsible for supporting the functioning of muscle tissue.

Antispasmodic agents used to reduce pain syndrome, which is caused by an attack of neuralgia. Drugs can suppress the involuntary muscle movements that are due to neuronal excitability.

The number spazmalitikov and muscle relaxants include:

  • baclofen;
  • sirdalud;
  • tizanidine;
  • Liorezal;
  • Gablofen.

painkillers blockade

With analgesic goals neurologists can prescribe alcohol blockade of the trigeminal nerve, leading to the freezing of the patient area of ​​the face. The method consists in the introduction of ethanol in the affected area of ​​the nerve branches.

A disadvantage of the method is a transient effect of pain reliever (night). In addition, after the procedure there is a probability of occurrence of adverse effects in the form of bleeding, bruising and nerve damage.

The attending physician during patient therapy may offer Botox, which has proved to be an effective analgesic for trigeminal neuralgia. Such blockade assigned when no sensitivity to anticonvulsant drugs, antispasmodic agents.Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies

Intraosseous injections are minimally invasive therapies, they do not require preparation, recovery period, do not leave scars. The mechanism of action based on blockade influencing the pathogenetic causes of disease: at reducing irritation intraosseous receptors and raising the pain threshold.

The therapeutic effect of the procedure lasts up to 2 months., The disease goes into remission for a period of 6 months. up to 2-3 years. The effectiveness of the method is 93-95%. When the injection is carried out in an injection zygomatic bone or mandibular angle, it is possible to process the second cervical vertebra. The treatment course is 3-5 procedures are performed 1-3 times a week.


Topically applied non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the form of ointments, gels and creams.

The products series include:

  • diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Nice;
  • ketonal;
  • Meloxicam.

The advantages of the use of local products are performance when removing the pain, the vasodilating effect, normalization of blood circulation.


The trigeminal nerve inflammation (disease symptoms are pain in nature) which treated with physical therapy methods, are susceptible to the following procedures:

  • Diadynamic currents (at a frequency of 50-100 Hz) to relieve pain and inflammation are assigned 6-10 procedures for 2-3 courses with an interval of 7 days, with their help administered Procaine, Tetracaine, Epinephrine;
  • effect the electric field ultrahigh frequency (UHF) courses of 7-10 procedures;
  • Electrophoresis runs with 4% lidocaine or novocaine solution, and 2% Thiamine;
  • ultrasonic treatment to the node for examination the day;
  • Lamp "Sollux" assigned during the exacerbation is moderate-heat mode;
  • lotions of muds (ozocerite, peat) or paraffin collar region at a temperature of 36-37 ° C for 10 min .;Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies
  • balneotherapy treatments (mineral, sea salt, radon baths);
  • laser therapy;
  • acupuncture (acupuncture).

A beneficial effect on the course of treatment of the disease the use of therapeutic exercises.


For complete recovery neurologists prescribe courses of massages for the face. The goal of events is increased blood flow in the tissue, activation of metabolic processes. Massages must be carried out by specialists who possess the technique, since all manipulations are easy, relaxing in nature.

In the procedure shown:

  • stroking the neck, cheek, forehead and temples;
  • dimensional movement of the neck toward the shoulder;
  • Vibrating slidable in the temples and forehead;
  • easy manipulation of the eyebrows, around the mouth and nose.

Massages are given to patients after completion of primary treatment for the return of muscle mobility. Specialist selects the movement, so that they are aimed at specific groups of muscles.

At home, you can perform gymnastic exercises for the face. Procedures are carried out in a state of rest, they should be alternated with moments of complete relaxation.Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies

The range of activities includes:

  • movement to the nose and eyebrows in the opposite direction;
  • creating via duct lip;
  • clamping teeth and the disclosure;
  • breathing exercises aimed at the displacement of a feather, blowing out the candles.

Exercises carried out by 5-7 per day, alternating with breaks.

folk ways

In the acute phase of the disease folk methods are inferior in efficiency conservative or surgical, because they are not able to quickly remove the pain.

However, due to the activities of alternative medicine can achieve relaxation of the facial muscles, slightly relieve the patient's condition. Traditional treatments are recommended for prophylactic purposes in the autumn and spring, when most of relapses trigeminal neuralgia.

Traditional medicine offers the following procedures for the treatment of disease:

  • preparation of decoctions and infusions;
  • attachment compresses and lotions.

Decoctions and infusions

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve amenable to therapy decoctions and infusions, which soften the symptoms of the disease.

As raw material for the preparation of agents used:

  • raspberry leaves and stems;
  • willow bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • mug.

Method of preparation and use of drugs shown in the table:Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies

Name Cooking method application
Decoction of willow bark 1. It is necessary to take 10 g of crushed material and to fill 1 tbsp. boiling water.

2. Decoction heated for 20 minutes.

The means used for 1 st. l. 3-4 times a day before meals.
Herb tea 1. Should be taken in equal proportions Hypericum grass, mint, chamomile, raspberry sheets and pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. mixture into 1 tbsp. boiling water.

2. On request you can add a tea honey or sugar.

The tool can take from 1 to 3 times a day.
The infusion of chamomile and burdock 1. It is necessary to take at 150-200 g each herb and add 0.5 liters of water.

2. The solution was put on fire and boiled for 15-20 min.

3. Means filter.

4. Broth infuses throughout the day.

Infusion taken 3 times a day after 2 hours. postprandial.
Infusion of mint, St. John's wort, and valerian 1. It is necessary to mix 200-250 g mint, 100 g of valerian and hypericum.

2. The mixture is poured water at the rate 2 tablespoons. l. 0.5 liters of liquid.

3. The broth is heated for 15 min.

4. Filter means and allow to infuse for 5 hours.

Take tincture 3 times a day for 1 st. l.

Compresses and lotions

Indispensable in inflammation of the trigeminal nerve compresses, ointments and lotions that can relieve the patient's condition. Recipes possible means of using them in the table.Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies

Title Recipe application
Lotions with iodine and glycerin It is necessary to take the substance in equal proportions and mix. Lotions are put on the sore area before going to sleep, alternating every other day for a month.
Compresses with horseradish It is necessary to take root with horseradish grate and make a compress. Tool set to 10 minutes. on the affected area and then washed off with warm water.
Lotions with the juice of black radish You need to mix the juice of black radish with lavender oil in a ratio of 20: 1. The mixture is rubbed into the skin on the affected area, and then held wrap for the night.
Packs of marshmallow root Several roots of the plant should be crushed and pour 100 g of boiling water. Means necessary to insist during the day. Compress in the form of heat put on the sore spot for up to 1 hour, then wrap done.

Surgical intervention

When using rapid methods of intervention, surgeons eliminate squeezing blood vessels stem trigeminal or destruction of the assembly is carried out in order to relieve pain sensations. In most cases, they are minimally invasive operative treatment methods.

Depending on the causes of the disease, the patient's health and comorbidities following methods of intervention are applied:

  • balloon compression It represents manipulation to stop the pain nerve fibers by compression. A surgeon using a special balloon catheter reaches at the end node. At this point, the balloon starts to inflate, and the nerve to collapse. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The effect is temporary (approximately 2 years). Appointed by the operation in cases where medical therapy fails.Trigeminal nerve. Symptoms of inflammation and treatment, medication, folk remedies
  • glycerol injection is assigned when there is a defeat third branch of the trigeminal nerve. The method consists in the fact that through the cheek skull thin needle is inserted in the direction of the trigeminal nerve. Upon reaching the place where the node is divided into three branches, the introduction of glycerol produced which destroys the fibers and blocks pain. The procedure helps relieve pain for about 1-2 years.
  • Radiofrequency thermal damage It involves exposure to high temperatures on the nerve fiber through electrode introduced into the assembly. In half of the pain is repeated in 3-4 years after surgery. The intervention is carried out in cases where conservative treatments do not give a positive effect.
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery (Method gamma knife) is another method used in the case of inefficiency of conservative therapies. It consists in the use of computer tomography and radiation dose focused on nerve root. The pain may come back within 3 years after the procedure.
  • microvascular decompression - it is an invasive procedure, which is based in breaching the cut behind the ear, relieving the arteries through the installation of the gasket between the nerve and vessels. After the operation requires a long recovery period. However, the method refers to the most effective methods of treatment (approximately 70-80% of patients get rid of pain ever). The procedure is used as the extreme measures of treatment, while others are powerless.
  • Neyrektomiya - a withdrawal of part of the nerve, an invasive procedure that requires long-term rehabilitation. On the method resorted to only in the most severe cases, when it is impossible to implement other methods of treatment.

Although inflammation of the trigeminal facial nerve has no effect on human health, the symptoms worsen the social and psychological activity. Timely detection of pathology and therapy is the key to cure the patient, and the normalization of the quality of his life.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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