Breast Disease

Breast ultrasound. That shows when you can do on any day of the cycle, the rule transcript preparation. Photo milk ducts

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Every year, there are nearly one million new cases of breast cancer worldwide. But not every woman thinks about it, and very few are those who know when to do breast ultrasound, and time passes diagnostics.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Indications for
  • 2 At what age should be examined breasts
  • 3 Process Capability
  • 4 Research with the DRC
  • 5 Elastography and breast ultrasound
  • 6 Mammography or ultrasound - which is better
  • 7 To which the doctor ask
  • 8 Preparation for breast ultrasound
  • 9 On what day of the cycle, doing breast ultrasound
  • 10 The methodology of the study
  • 11 What is the norm for screening results
  • 12 Which is reflected in the study protocol
  • 13 An ultrasound enhanced milk ducts
  • 14 Is it possible to accurately determine the nature of the tumor
  • 15 The symptoms of benign tumors
  • 16 Symptoms of cancer
  • 17 What to consider when interpreting the results and diagnosis
  • 18 How often can I do a survey
  • 19 Does ultrasound during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • 20 How much is
  • 21 Contraindications to the study
  • 22 Breast ultrasound during the month - it is possible or not
  • insta story viewer
  • 23 Videos about breast ultrasound and characteristics of the study

Indications for

Breast ultrasound - an important and informative procedure, which is not dangerous, because not associated with radiation and does not create any pain.

It is believed that the US do when palpation detected any seals in the chest, but there are other indications for the completion of this procedure:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • complaints of pain in the breast;
  • routine inspection once a year;
  • swollen lymph nodes - for the purpose of diagnosis;
  • diagnostics of cysts and tumors;
  • specification of the diagnosis by palpation and identification of structures in the chest;
  • prepare women for IVF;
  • Track the status of silicone implants.

At what age should be examined breasts

In Russia, enshrined in law, that every woman over 40 should undergo mammography procedures annually. Women who have not reached that age, you must undergo an annual inspection in the exam room, and in the identification of any problems do breast ultrasound by a physician.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

In addition, women under 30 years, it is desirable to pass a mandatory examination once a year, after a 30 - 2 times a year. There are times when a mammary gland problems occur in girls or girls who have not reached 16 years of age. In such cases it is recommended to undergo screening as required in the exam room, and in identifying some of the problems go more research is needed.

Process Capability

Despite the fact that the ultrasound examination of mammary glands - one of the most simple, does not take much time and money procedures, such research does not give 100% guarantees when it comes to small lesions, detected by palpation are also impossible. Often in such cases, in addition to the US do a biopsy.

Informativeness of this type of survey depends on the competence of a doctor, it may be noted, he or overlook any changes of the mammary glands.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

In general, using an ultrasound procedure can be identified:

  • mastitis and mastopathy breast;
  • changes in the glands during menopause benign nature;
  • cysts and inflammatory foci breast tissue;
  • malignant tumors.

Good professionals as breast tissue can always determine if any disease has since have a clear idea what it looks like ultrasound breast health.

There are cases where this procedure to men with suspected tumors both benign and malignant nature, but most such screening is recommended when outwardly manifested breast pathology - the appearance of puffiness in the chest, nipple strain isolated from him.

Such problems can occur in men as a result of hormonal imbalance, which will help identify a blood test.

Research with the DRC

Breast ultrasound (when doing this procedure every woman should know) is supplemented by such kind of research as DRC - Digital Doppler. Unlike the US, it is a deeper examination, which allows you to track blood flow in the breast area and the condition of the vessels here.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

With the help of this study, you can get the most complete, detailed information on the state of the mammary glands, as projected image display state vessels in malignant tumor and it is different from the state of circulation in neoplasms.

Doppler is assigned in the following cases:

  • poor circulation in the chest;
  • changes in breast size and shape of the nipple;
  • appearance seals in the breast;
  • a genetic predisposition to breast cancer;
  • injury of the chest and subcutaneous bleeding;
  • no diagnosis after a series of previous surveys.

CDM method has no contraindications, however, the accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the hormonal women, so on the advice of doctors is better to pass such examination after 5-6 days after menstruation.

Elastography and breast ultrasound

Elastography - it is another kind of detailed study of the state of the mammary glands, which allows not only to identify Lots of mammary glands with seal arisen, but also to give a qualitative characteristic appeared sites seal.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

If, by ultrasound can detect tumors, the elastography helps determine also the nature of the formation, and hence to identify the original source of the problem. In addition, thanks to elastography can distinguish between lipoma and breast cancer, as often due to inaccurate diagnosis, one stands out for more.

This method makes it possible to identify existing disease at an early stage without additional measures such as breast puncture.

Mammography or ultrasound - which is better

Breast ultrasound (when to see. above) and mammography - are completely different procedures that can be administered both individually and complement each other.

  • Firstly, this procedure, designed for different age groups of women - appointed US girls and women after 25 years, and mammography - women after 40. The fact that the state of breast tissue after forty different from breast tissue up to 30 yearsSo women after 40 years of ultrasound as a method of research is not shown due to the senselessness of this procedure. A girl of 30 years does not make sense to appoint a mammogram, because such a study, due to the different structure of tissues, will be ineffective.
  • Secondly, Ultrasound method is absolutely not dangerous, because not associated with ray diagnostic methodsAnd mammography is a kind of X-ray of mammary glands.
Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

Due to the above differences between the two methods is difficult to say which one is better, because it all depends on the patient's condition. US - more than a superficial examination, as there are times when to consider an emerging tumor can not, in such cases, mammography has a clear superiority.

Big minus mammography - relative pain treatments due to compression of the chest, while the ultrasound procedure is completely painless. Both methods have a number of advantages, and they can be administered if there is appropriate evidence. However, to pass ultrasound and mammography in a single day is unacceptable.

To which the doctor ask

Diagnosis of the breast girl can hold their own. To do this, from time to time necessary to carry out their palpation. In that case, even if there was a small lump in the breast, or have any doubts related to morbidity, should consult a doctor-mammologist.

If you can not make an appointment directly to the doctor, you should ask for a referral from your local therapist. Man recorded on the ultrasound procedure is necessary to have a doctor-andrologist or urologist.

Preparation for breast ultrasound

Some believe that the ultrasound before the procedure is necessary for a number of days to observe a diet.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle
The picture shows the process of breast ultrasound.

This is not true, although some preparatory steps before the procedure, there are:

  • It is necessary to adhere strictly to the health of the mammary glands.
  • It is necessary to eliminate the use of painkillers.
  • Requires avoid supercooling, and vice versa - is not to take too hot bath (the optimum temperature - 38˚).
  • During the period of lactation is prohibited to decant or feed your baby immediately before the procedure.
  • Strictly prohibited hike in the solarium.

Breast ultrasound (when doing, at what age and what issues will help identify possible ask the expert ultrasound) involves pre-delivery of a standard set of tests - blood and fasting urine.

On what day of the cycle, doing breast ultrasound

The most important thing - to carry out the procedure itself, precisely calculating the menstrual cycle. If you have any problems with the breasts - pathology, redness, pain, it is best to plan the US on 4-10 day of the menstrual cycle. In the case of special visual problems and it is not a routine checkup - you need to plan a trip to the doctor in the first decade of the cycle.

The methodology of the study

For ultrasound of the patient is necessary to undress to the waist and take a horizontal position. If need be, in the course of the procedure the doctor will ask to turn on its side.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

The operating principle of ultrasound apparatus is that ultrasound is transmitted through the sensor of breast tissue, affecting returns and transmits image data to the monitor screen.

The algorithm of the procedure is as follows:

  • On the study area is applied a special gel.
  • Using a doctor makes a motion sensor of the nipple in the opposite direction and back to the nipple by examining thus the entire surface of the patient's chest.
  • At this time, the monitor displays all test sites of the mammary glands, and the doctor can make a photograph of any selected area, if necessary.
  • Finally, a procedure that takes less than 10 minutes, the experts make ultrasound study protocol.

What is the norm for screening results

According to the results of a screening study, normal healthy breast are the following figures:

  • no deformation of the breast fat lobules;
  • The findings correspond to the age of the woman;
  • ducts are normal - they increased in the nipples and, as we move away from it, narrow, well seen;
  • no damage on the inside of the glandular structure of the breast (possible that the age of the glandular structure is replaced with fat).

In addition, the health of the breasts and says their appearance. There should be no external damage to the nipples, they should be the same. The chest should be without any spots, rashes, swelling and deformation. Also normally have to be lymph nodes armpit.

Which is reflected in the study protocol

After the ultrasound studies of its results and breakdown are pasted into a hospital patient's chart, later other specialists and the patient will be able to get acquainted with the minutes of the research.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

Typically, the following information is included in the minutes:

  • Detect whether the patient's pathology. In that case, if there is one, is described in detail its location and size, as well as the applied photo.
  • It describes in detail the structure of the breast tissue.
  • Fixed dimensions of the milk ducts.
  • It describes the state of the patient's lymph nodes.

An ultrasound enhanced milk ducts

The expansion of the milk ducts - a very rare, but very dangerous breast pathology. Typically, this indicates the presence of inflammation, which in the future will provoke a growth in the ducts of dangerous bacteria and discharge from the nipple. If you do not apply in time for the help to the expert, the inflammatory process quickly go into a serious illness.

Typically, an ultrasound the doctor may notice a deviation from the norm of the milk ducts - they do not taper as the distance from the nipple. The causes of this state may be several. One of the most common - failure of hormonal levels. Expansion is considered the norm, if manifested during pregnancy and lactation, or before menopause.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

Treatment of this disease is not associated with surgery. It consists in the elimination of the causes of its appearance. If an increase in ductal arose from hormonal failure, it is assigned to hormone therapy and hormone monitoring is conducted by means of tests.

If the ducts are increased due to inflammation due to infection, then the treatment is prescribed antibiotics, your doctor may prescribe parallel immunomodulators and fortifying agents.

Surgery for this problem occurs only in one case - the situation is extremely run, and inflammation provoked the appearance of cysts or tumors, which are removed if there is a possibility that they malignant.

Is it possible to accurately determine the nature of the tumor

By the nature of the tumor are divided into malignant and benign, their main difference is that benign tumor is independent and autonomous, i.e. It does not penetrate into other human organs, unlike malignant.

Not always, especially in the early stages, it is possible to determine the type of tumor, therefore, to determine, what is the nature of tumors, additional oncomarkers conduct research and make a biopsy.

The symptoms of benign tumors

Among benign tumors secrete such as:

  • lipoma - the tumor is formed, usually in women after 40 years of adipose tissue in the mammary glands. High risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor.
  • disease of the breast, The cause of which is often a violation of hormonal background, breastfeeding or thyroid dysfunction.
Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle
  • fibroadenoma, Which is characterized by the slow growth of the tumor. The reason for its occurrence is considered injury breast.
  • CystArising due to inflammatory processes and how endocrine disruption in the female body.
  • intraductal papillomaAppearing in the case of an unstable hormonal levels.

Symptoms of cancer

The main difference between malignant tumors from benign - metastases throughout the body, and if getting rid of surgically Benign tumors can lead to termination of the disease, when the tumor is malignant is not always possible to talk about the final healing.

As well as benign tumors, malignant types are divided into:

  • Knotty kind of tumor characterized by a seal, painful to the touch. If you raise your hands, then on the spot tumors formed cavity and the skin hangs and winces. In the later stages appear sores on the skin, breast deformation, increased lymph nodes in the axilla.
Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle
  • Edematous infiltrative type of tumor It may not cause pain, but reaches the entire breast volume. Externally, the tumor resembles an orange peel.
  • Rozhepodobny views tumor characterized roughness and skin seal mammary glands during inspection and palpation of the seal can not be felt.
  • armored views the tumor is characterized by tumor invasion through fabric covers the breasts, and this pathology can go on the second breast.
  • tumor Paget - the rarest type of malignancy, in which there is a crust around the nipple, and ulcers on the breast. However, if treatment is started in a timely manner - is guaranteed a favorable outcome of the disease.

What to consider when interpreting the results and diagnosis

If the results of the study showed significant deviations from the norm, then there is every reason to assume the presence of breast disease. If there is a cancer on the screen during the passage of ultrasound procedures will be observed jerky, fuzzy contours.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

DRC procedure allows the bloodstream to determine the presence of cancer, and thus to improve the quality of the diagnosis formulation. If, during this procedure, the blood flow is represented by the chaotic motion of particles, and there is an abundance of different vessels, it is usually diagnosed - a malignant tumor.

Any data after the procedure need to be clarified in mammalogy, That the doctor decides on the final diagnosis and choice of treatment. There are situations when a definitive diagnosis is difficult to place because of the impossibility of determining the nature of the tumor. In this case, additional treatments are appointed

How often can I do a survey

Breast ultrasound is held annually, when women do not have 40 years and twice a year it is necessary to do at that age.

Does ultrasound during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Some women believe that in the period of childbearing and breastfeeding should not worry about possible breast disease, but this is not true. Doctors mamologi assure that the percentage incidence of breast cancer is very low in women with 1-3 children if they breastfeed.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

However, even with breastfeeding problems may arise, which must be treated to a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Since ultrasound breast may be recommended if:

  • milk stagnation occurs;
  • appeared seal and bleeding from the nipple.

When stagnant milk nursing mother prescribed ultrasonic massage procedure that breaks the small lumps formed in the chest. This therapy is completely safe and will not cause harm not only to the mother but also the baby. If a woman is breastfeeding, but even before pregnancy suffered breast disease, the ultrasound procedure is obligatory for her.

As for the pregnancy, if the doctor who is the future mother during pregnancy, according to necessary to carry out this procedure, you should not take this aggressive and afraid that such a procedure be bad on the child. Ultrasound method is completely harmless, in addition, during pregnancy such study is prescribed to 3 times.

How much is

Standard procedure ultrasound is from 600 to 2000 rubles. Pricing policy depend on the medical center that offers this procedure, but the difference in price in this case will not be large. But if the expectant mother had implants for the US it will have to pay up to 25 thousand rubles.

Contraindications to the study

Ultrasound procedure is safe, and contraindications for its conduct there. This means that the procedure is shown every woman who cares about their health.

Breast ultrasound during the month - it is possible or not

When you can do breast ultrasound during menstruation, women in childbearing age. If a woman notices at any problems with the breasts - swelling, warping, peeling, it is quite It makes no sense to wait until the end of menstruation, as needed as soon as possible to identify the cause of such phenomena and to start treatment.

Breast ultrasound - when you can do, decoding, rate, training, on what day of the cycle

In some cases, the doctor appoints ultrasound is during menstruation because of the fact that breast tissue in these days there are in a particular stateThat allows for a more accurate diagnosis, especially if there is already some suspicion.

No need to be afraid to be afraid of such examinations and diagnosis, as breast cancer, when done breast ultrasound. It is important to realize that the disease can be prevented or stopped, if in time to see a doctor.

Videos about breast ultrasound and characteristics of the study

Comparison of ultrasound and mammography:

When do I need to do breast ultrasound, expert opinion:

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Breast ultrasound. That shows when you can do on any day of the cycle, the rule transcript preparation. Photo milk ducts
Breast Disease

Breast ultrasound. That shows when you can do on any day of the cycle, the rule transcript preparation. Photo milk ducts

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