Childhood Diseases

Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines, medical advice, video

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Balanoposthitis - is an inflammatory process that develops on the head of the penis and foreskin. Disease are more prone to the children, because of the physiological characteristics of the structure and unformed immune system.

Without treatment, the pathology occurs with complications caused by disruption of the reproductive system. The external manifestation of the disease are shown in the photo in this article.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is balanoposthitis?
  • 2 Who is at risk?
  • 3 The causes of disease
  • 4 Forms of the disease and the symptoms of a child balanoposthitis
  • 5 Possible complications and consequences
  • 6 Diagnosis and Analysis
  • 7 medication
  • 8 Traditional recipes
  • 9 Physiotherapy
  • 10 Surgery
  • 11 invalid food
  • 12 Forecast
  • 13 Videos about balanoposthitis, its symptoms and treatments

What is balanoposthitis?

Balanoposthitis combines 2 of the disease:

  • balanitis. Inflammation, striking the head of the penis in men;
  • post. It is an inflammation of the foreskin that covers the head of the penis, carrying a protective function.
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Disease, without treatment, is complicated by the formation of pus and becomes chronic. Depending on the type of inflammation of the pathogen, pathology can be infectious in nature. In a healthy body the foreskin is closely adjacent to the head of the penis. This structure helps protect sensitive skin from head rubbing and infection.

To facilitate the slip of flesh on the head, gland secretes a lubricating secret in which shelled fall, dead cells of the epidermis, the remnants of urine. Without hygiene measures there is penetration of microorganisms.

Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines

Medium between the head of the penis and the foreskin is favorable for the development of infection and multiplication, so inflammation is formed and progresses rapidly, hitting the head and the foreskin. Perhaps the defeat and the surrounding tissues.

Who is at risk?

Balanoposthitis a child (Photo inflamed organ allows timely parents recognize the disease) usually develops before 12 years. This age are at risk, as noted the impossibility of complete denudation of the glans and leaching produced a secret with all contents in it.

Also, the immune system is not developed and does not have the antibodies to fight certain pathogens.

Description of changes in the structure of the penis by age:

  • from birth to 6 months the foreskin is flat against the head of the penis, which does not allow the penetration of infection and accumulation of lubricant segment. In this age of development balanoposthitis very little. Formation of the disease is possible if there is damage to the foreskin at rough podmyvanii or attempt to expose the head;
  • from 6 months to 5 years the foreskin begins to move on the head of the penis, produces a small amount of grease which accumulates dead cells and residues of urine. But thorough washing of the glans penis is not feasible due to the narrowing of the foreskin, and it is impossible to output the head of it. Risk of balanoposthitis is greatest;
  • from 5 to 12 years genital organ develops. The foreskin becomes more elastic and allows the partially bare head. The probability of disease is reduced;
  • from 12 to 18 years. The penis is fully formed. That enables you to perform hygiene procedures. Stronger, the immune system protects against infection. In this age the risk of balanoposthitis is minimal.
Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines
The photo shows a child's illness balanopostit schematic representation.

In addition to the risk include men and adolescents with the following pathologies:

  • presence of disorders provoking a decrease of the immune system (AIDS, chronic diseases, oncology). When a weak immune system increases the risk of infection on the penis;
  • diabetes. Excess glucose is excreted with urine, creating a more favorable environment for growth of microorganisms, further weakens the immune system's disease and vascular state penalized;
  • the presence of excess weight. It occurs excessive perspiration and metabolic disease;
  • exhaustion illness or diet;
  • lack of vitamins.

People who are at risk need to pay special attention to hygiene practices.

The causes of disease

The primary cause of the disease is the virus penetration, bacteria or fungus in the area between the head and the foreskin.

Precipitating factors causing the development balanoposthitis:

  • poor hygiene genitals;
  • incorrect size underwear and diaper (smaller). It occurs rubbing the penis, including the head and foreskin;
  • long pastime in babies' diapers. " The penis is a long time in a hot and humid environment;
  • aggressive cleaning agents that cause irritation of the foreskin and the glans penis;
  • the presence of micro traumas and grazes in the field. May be due to the enhanced baring the head in children under 5 years old, when combing or rough sexual intercourse;
  • allergic reaction, on the penis caused by underwear made of synthetic fabrics, detergents or detergent for washing clothes;
  • presence of infectious skin disorders;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • frequent washing away. As a result, flushing protective secretions. Genital organ is without protection against infection:
  • improper cleaning the infants to exposure residues of feces and pathogenic bacteria from the anus to the head of the penis;
  • abnormal development of the prepuce;
  • frequent overcooling or overheating;
  • infectious nature of the disease of the urinary system.

At observance of hygiene measures and the timely removal of infection does not develop balanoposthitis.

Forms of the disease and the symptoms of a child balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis a child (photo shows the degree of severity of the body) It can be recognized independently by the presence of characteristic symptoms:

  • redness and swelling of the penis end, in particular the most head and foreskin;
  • soreness may be present continuously and amplified during urination;
  • together with the pain there is a burning sensation and itching. Grudnichki signal the data weeping symptoms and anxiety, without the presence of other causes;
  • on foreskin and the head itself can present white plaque selection curdled or purulent masses. Dependent on the severity of the disease and the type of pathogen;
  • additionally there is an unpleasant sour or putrid smell;
  • in the running form can form micro-cracks, erosion and the formation of red rash on the affected area;
  • may increase the temperature indicators and swollen lymph nodes in the groin area. It is noted in the severe form of the disease;
  • 12 years possible presence of enuresis. Because of the pain during urination children are afraid to urinate and to suffer until the evacuation of the urine does not occur spontaneously.
Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines

Symptomatology of the disease varies depending on the shape of the flow:

form balanoposthitis
acute chronic specific
Exhibit strong swelling and redness of the glans and foreskin. May increase the temperature readings up to 39 degrees. The pain is always present, and enhanced by emptying the bladder. Characterized by the periodic gain and remission of symptoms. Morbidity can be medium severity. Most often there are itching and burning due to the peeling of the epidermis on the head and flesh. Due to dryness of the skin marked formation of cracks, which are difficult to eliminate. After healing the scars are formed which lead to a narrowing of the foreskin and the inability to complete denudation of the head. From there a variety of sexual organ isolation from the transparent mucus to curd mass. The disease develops due to bacterial penetration. According to the pathogen mean there is a further division of this form balanoposthitis.
subspecies forms
Simple. The inflammatory process is weakly expressed (slight reddening and slight swelling). The temperature is not increased. May be released clear mucus from the penis and pain when urinating. Erosive necrotic. Expressed in the formation of erosion due to the development nezazhivlyayuschih cracks. Tuberculosis. The disease develops as a result of the development and reproduction of the tubercle bacillus in the genital area.
Purulent. Accompanied by the formation and pus. Redness and swelling pronounced. The temperature rises to 39 degrees. The general condition of the patient deteriorates. Herpetic. The disease is caused by the herpes virus.
Erosive. Characterized by the formation of ulcers and erosions on the glans penis and the foreskin. Difficult to treat due to the constant contact with urine on the wound. Chlamydia. The causative agent is a chlamydial infection.
Necrotic. It is the most dangerous. Death of tissue occurs. Sifilisnoy. Balanoposthitis caused by development and reproduction on the glans and foreskin syphilis.
Gonorrheal. The disease caused by the gonococcus.

Balanoposthitis can have a primary shape (the development of the disease provoked hit infection due to non-compliance with hygiene measures) and secondary (pathology caused by existing infectious diseases).

Possible complications and consequences

Balanoposthitis is a dangerous disease, especially in childhood. In severe course of disease, the formation of scar tissue and narrowing of the foreskin. These changes will not be allowed to enjoy a full sex life. The likely effects of the disease are confirmed by numerous photos.

Possible complications if untreated:

  • reduction in sensitivity of the head, which has a negative effect on the potency and quality of sexual intercourse;
  • getting an infection in the urinary system through the urethra and into the prostate;
  • infecting sexual partners of infection caused by the development balanoposthitis;
  • violation of state vessels of the penis, with the further development of impotence. Possibly with much advanced stage;
  • inflammation of the spermatic cord with consequent degradation of sperm quality and infertility;
  • gangrene or malignant tumors;
  • getting an infection in the blood and distribute it throughout the body.

The consequences can develop as adult men, and children. Therefore, early treatment of disease is important at any age.

Diagnosis and Analysis

To confirm the diagnosis of balanoposthitis require passage of a urologist. Survey sequence:

Gathering information from the patient's words:

  • when the development of the inflammatory process has begun and what preceded this (inaccurate washing away or improper underwear, rough sex games);
  • presence of infectious skin diseases or venereal diseases, including in the immediate family, as the pathogen can be transmitted through personal hygiene items and bedding;
  • whether chronic disease causing reduced immunity;
  • what additional symptoms are present (itching, burning, enuresis).
Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines

Penis Inspection:

  • It is determined by the severity of inflammation (redness, swelling);
  • revealed the presence of erosion, fracture;
  • checked the condition of the skin on peeling;
  • It is determined by the presence of precipitates and their characteristics (color, texture, odor);
  • palpation of the body and the surrounding tissues in the pain.
  1. Collecting blood and urine samples to identify the causative agent and check the overall condition of the body.
  2. Gathering secrete mucus. To determine the presence of agent inside the penis.
  3. Determination of infections of urinary tract, testes and spermatic cord. Carried out using ultrasound and collecting additional analyzes.

In the presence of venereal diseases or infectious skin pathologies and required advice venereologist dermatologist.


Balanoposthitis a child (below the photo in the article shows the step by step process of recovery) is eliminated effectively and without complications when using drugs. Therapy is the use of antibiotics and symptomatic drugs orally and topically.

Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines
The names of drugs and Composition age-related parameters Terms of use of medicines
oral antibiotics
Cefazolin (powder) After 1 month of birth Dosage is calculated by weight and disease severity. The therapeutic course of 7-10 days.
Amoksiklav (suspension, tablets) No limitations The dosage and course of treatment are determined individually.
Cefixime (powder and tablets) After 6 months The daily dose is calculated according to the patient's condition. Duration of treatment 7-10 days.
Ointments and creams containing antibiotics
Levomekol (ointment) after a year Means to apply 1 time per day to the affected area for 4-7 days
Baneotsin (ointment and powder) In children allowed to use after consultation with the doctor Drugs are used 2-4 times a day for 7-10 days.
Oflokain (ointment) Means to apply 1-3 times a day. Duration of therapy is chosen individually.
Antiseptic solutions for washing the glans and foreskin
Miramistin (solution) After 3 years Use 3-4 times a day for 4-10 days.
Furatsilinom (tablets and alcohol solution) no restrictions A solution of tablets or alcohol is applied 4 times a day for 5-7 days.
Chlorhexidine (solution) In children, the use must be authorized by a pediatrician Treating skin 1-2 times a day for 10 days.
Anti-inflammatory ointments and creams
Prednisolone (ointment) After 2 years The composition is applied 4-6 times a day for 10-14 days.
Betamethasone (ointment) After 2 years The ointment is used 1-2 times per day. Duration of treatment is 7-14 days.
Creams and ointments to speed up recovery of the skin
Panthenol (spray and ointment) Without Borders Tool is used 1-3 times a day to eliminate the disease.
Bepanten (cream and ointment) no restrictions The composition is applied 1-2 times a day. The course is determined individually.
Sudocrem (cream) From birth It uses up to 6 times per day to eliminate the disease.
antifungal ointment
Clotrimazole (cream, gel, ointment) After 12 years The funds are used 2-3 times during the day for 3-5 days. With the permission of the doctor, treatment can be extended to 28 days.
Miconazole (cream, gel) In childhood can be used with the permission of the pediatrician Apply 2-4 times a day for 14-40 days
Antifungal tablets (assigned when running form)
Fluconazole (tablets, capsules) After 5 years The daily dosage is chosen by the form of the disease. The duration of treatment 10-14 days. It allowed the extension to 30 days.
Oronazol (tablets) After 3 years The tablets are taken 1 time a day for 10-20 days. The dosage is calculated individually.
Terbizil (tablets) After 2 years Assigned to receive a single dose 1 time per day for 14-28 days.
Antihistamines are oral agents
Suprastin (tablets) After 3 years The course of treatment is chosen individually. In case of overdose possible cardiac arrest.
Zyrtec (tablets and drops) After 6 months The daily dosage is chosen according to age. Duration of therapy is to eliminate allergy symptoms.
Fenkarol (tablets) After 12 years Appoint 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day for 10-20 days.
Hormonal ointment (in severe balanoposthitis)
Lokasalen (ointment) In childhood, it is used only for specialist appointment The product is applied 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.
Elokim (cream, ointment) After 2 years The drug is used 1 time during the day. Duration of therapy is 7-10 days.
Tselestoderm (cream and ointment) After 6 months The product is applied 1-2 times a day for 7-14 days.
Immunoukreplyayuschie oral agents
Alphabet (tablets) After 18 months Take 3 tablets for 30 days.
Vitrum (tablets) After 12 years Take 1 tablet 30-60 days.
Complivit (tablets) no restrictions Take 1 time a day for 30 days.
Paracetamol (tablets, syrups, suppositories) Without Borders The daily dosage is adjusted individually. Take for 5-7 days.
Ibuprofen (tablets, suppositories and syrup) After 3 months The course of treatment is prescribed individually according to the patient's condition.
Panadol (tablets and syrup) After 3 months

In the treatment it is important to make a daily change of linen. Before using external funds hands thoroughly washed with antibacterial soap. All drugs are prescribed by the attending specialist. Self risk of developing complications.

Traditional recipes

Folk remedies are allowed to use in the prophylaxis and in the final stage of treatment. Before use, the attending physician is required resolution, since the composition can cause an allergic reaction and deterioration in general condition.

Used folk remedies:

  • boil in 1 liter of water 15 g of dried camomile feedstock for 15 min. Strain and diluted with 1 liter of water to a temperature of 37 degrees. Take sitz baths for 20 minutes for 10 days;
  • insist in 500 ml of boiling water 10 g dried sage. Wipe composition inflamed sites 3 times a day for 14 days;
  • boil in 1 liter of water 30 g dried composition in succession for 20 min. Strain and add to the bath composition. Water treatments take 20 min for 7 days;
  • in the evening wiping the affected area with olive oil until full recovery of the skin;
  • fresh juice of aloe processing the skin 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days.
Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines

Before using the popular compositions requires carefully washed head of the penis and the foreskin boiled water or disinfectant agents.


Balanoposthitis a child (photo allows us to identify the disease at an early stage) in an easy manner can be eliminated with the use of physiotherapy.

Appointed by the procedure:

  • laser radiation. It can reduce the pain symptoms and reduce puffiness. Additional procedures accelerates tissue repair and renewal. For the treatment of used laser wavelength specific radiation wavelength and frequency;
  • UHF. The electromagnetic field eliminates the inflammation, swelling. Due to the normalization of the blood circulation is accelerated skin cell regeneration;
  • magnet. The magnetic field disinfect the affected area, and accelerates the regeneration of epidermis. It applied in severe forms and the presence of purulent discharge.
  • electrophoresis. Since the current application and compress with the drug composition is made subcutaneously administering medicines;
  • ozone therapy. It allows you to destroy the causative agent of inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

Procedures recommended to hold children over 7 years.


In chronic course of disease or in the development of erosive formations may require removal of the foreskin from a penis. After its elimination grease secret will not accumulate on the head of the penis, which will worsen the conditions for the development of microflora.

Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines

The procedure is carried out after the cupping signs of inflammation.

Also, removal of the foreskin (full or partial) is performed when it is impossible baring head of adult men. Before the operation is carried out examination to exclude contraindications. Allowed to carry children from 2 months.

invalid food

On the period of development balanoposthitis, and within 30 days after recovery, it is required to comply with diet food. Excludes food and foods with a high content of glucose, as well as fatty and spicy foods. These products create favorable conditions for the development of the infection on the penis.

Sugar is excreted in the urine and hits the head of the penis. A spicy and fatty foods alter the composition of the sweat. Additionally need to drink per day to 1.5 liters of clean water and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to boost the immune system. In the presence of excess weight low-calorie diet can be assigned.


With timely treatment and compliance with doctor's appointments balanopostit cured for 10-14 days. In severe forms of treatment can take up to 90 days. Complications in the mild form of the disease, no.

Balanoposthitis a child. Photos, symptoms and treatment, clinical guidelines

Balanoposthitis often develops in children from 6 months to 5 years due to anatomical features. But hygiene measures, the disease does not develop. Timely treatment can prevent complications and eliminate abnormalities in the child. Recognize the disease at an early stage allows photos.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Videos about balanoposthitis, its symptoms and treatments

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of balanoposthitis in children:

Dr. Komarovsky of inflammation of the foreskin in boys:

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