Diseases Of The Digestive System

Diarrhea treatment at home. How fast stop, folk remedies, pills, diet

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Diarrhea - a pathological condition manifested by frequent urge to defecate, watery stools, bloating and pain in the abdomen. Usually diarrhea is not taken seriously, but the thoughtless attitude to the intestinal disorder is not always justified. It is best to treat it at home.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Types of diseases in which diarrhea appears
  • 2 symptoms
  • 3 Causes of
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 When to see a doctor
  • 6 prevention
  • 7 therapies
    • 7.1 Medications
    • 7.2 Traditional methods
    • 7.3 diets
    • 7.4 Other methods
  • 8 possible complications
  • 9 Videos about diarrhea

Types of diseases in which diarrhea appears

Sometimes diarrhea is a symptom of infectious diseases, including:

  • salmonellosis (intestinal infection develops when ingested, Salmonella);
  • dysentery (Shigella bacterium is the causative agent);
  • stomach flu (caused by rotavirus infection);
  • enterovirus infection (the causative agent - the intestinal Coxsackie virus);
  • Botulism (pathogen - Clostridium botulinum)

The main cause of these bacterial and viral infections are pathogens trapped in the body with food, does not have the necessary pretreatment (defective, delayed) in contaminated water from open water, or migrated to the surface of foodstuff with unwashed hands.

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Along with infectious diseases, there are other causes of diarrhea: these include diseases and conditions that are not related to the penetration in the gastrointestinal tract pathogens.

This can be:

  • overreliance on fruit and vegetables;
  • overeating;
  • consumption of unfamiliar food in large quantities (called "traveler's syndrome");
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, ulcer, cholecystitis;How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies
  • helminth infections;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • deficiency of digestive enzymes - substances involved in the process of digestion of food: pepsin, bile, amylases, lipases, proteases;
  • poisoning by toxins contained in stale food, chemicals (arsenic, mercury), drugs;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • an allergy to gluten or lactose.


Diarrhea, home treatment is effective, has the following main symptom - frequent urge to defecate: on average, adult defecate 1 time a day, the pathology is not considered going to the toilet 1 time in 2 days or twice a day.

More frequent urge already classified as diarrhea. The second important symptom - to change the consistency of stool: it becomes pasty, liquid, sometimes changes color and smell.

In addition to the main there are additional symptoms, which, depending on the causes of diarrhea may be present or absent.


  • flatulence;
  • abdominal pain that can be localized in any part thereof, to be sharp or aching to be present continuously or wear a periodic nature;
  • aversion to food, quick weight loss;
  • irritation of the skin around the anus;
  • heat;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • In severe poisoning - seizures, loss of consciousness.

With long-term, persistent diarrhea to the listed symptoms can join signs indicating dehydration:

  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • thick saliva;
  • pale skin;
  • constant thirst;
  • rare urge to empty the bladder;
  • weakness;
  • tachycardia;How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies
  • general deterioration of health.

For infants who are breastfed and not receiving weaning, diarrhea is a physiological norm (provided that it has a yellow color and weak sour smell).

Toddlers first year of life may find feces mushy consistency at a time when milk teeth are cut or at a cold: this is due to an increase in the volume of saliva (mucus). If swallowed, it enters the intestine and dilutes its contents.

Causes of

A common cause of diarrhea is an inflammation of the intestinal wall (osmotic diarrhea). When inflammation of the intestinal wall fluid absorption process is broken, it remains unclaimed, and diluting feces, leads to the appearance of diarrhea symptoms.

In turn, depending on the cause of diarrhea, inflammation of the intestinal wall can cause:

  • disease-causing organisms to multiply uncontrollably to the surface - in infectious diseases;
  • toxins, poisons - for poisoning;
  • Too much fruit acids and roughage - with excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables;
  • waste products of helminths - in parasitic infections;
  • some medicines.

Also fecal dilution may occur due to the large volume of incoming fluid in the intestine (secretory diarrhea), which is possible when salmonellleze, cancer bowel diseases, leading to lymph nodes.How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies

bowel disorder can also be of the following types:

  • exudative diarrhea. Its reason - the inflammatory process affecting the digestive tract, the increase in its content in colitis, enteritis and other diseases of internal organs;
  • dismotornaya diarrhea. It occurs due to the violation of the intestine, resulting in the rate of advance of the bolus increases. Dismotornaya diarrhea - a common phenomenon in irritable bowel syndrome, with stress, neurological diseases, hormonal disruption.

Also distinguish acute diarrhea extending without interruption over a period of 2 weeks, and chronic, occurring periodically in response to a certain stimulus.


When diagnosing physician problem reduces to determining the causes of diarrhea.

The first step is to talk with the patient, who must accurately describe:

  • especially secretions: their color, texture, smell, size, the presence in them of mucus, blood, undigested food residue;
  • to determine the cause of diarrhea is particularly important color of feces: green indicates bacterial or viral infections, can impart a yellow color to such pathology as chronic pancreatitis, dysbiosis, inflammatory diseases bowel. Kal white point to fermentarnuyu failure, black indicates serious bowel injury;How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies
  • frequency of bouts of diarrhea: there constantly appears after taking certain types of food (drugs);
  • events that preceded the onset of disease (extensive dinner, eating stale product receiving medications work with toxic substances);
  • associated symptoms: abdominal pain, and their character, fever, vomiting, flatulence, belching, general deterioration of health;
  • existing chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • drugs that are taken recently.

Based on these data, the skilled artisan can already make a preliminary diagnosis.

To clarify his patient the following laboratory tests are assigned:

  • blood tests: general, biochemical, and sugar;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • fecal I / g, bacteriological tests.

If you suspect a digestive tract endoscopic and histological examinations can be offered, biopsy, colonoscopy. You may need to consult other specialists - infectious disease specialist, a neurologist, endocrinologist, surgeon.

When to see a doctor

Diarrhea in all its manifestations requires a visit to the doctor because it may indicate the beginning of a serious illness. Unfortunately, because of the huge queues at polyclinics and popular opinion about the diarrhea is not serious disease and "shameful", no one does, preferring to be treated at home.

To overcome his shyness and go to a specialist will have the following symptoms associated with diarrhea:

  • heat;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • Thrust diarrhea, does not stop within 3 days;
  • swelling and severe pain in the abdomen;
  • the appearance of signs of dehydration and depletion of the body;
  • frequent (15-20 times a day) and abundant watery discharge;
  • black stool, indicating the internal bleeding;
  • in the presence of large amounts of mucus feces, blood inclusions;
  • there is suspicion of poisoning stale food or chemicals;
  • diarrhea appeared after eating home-canned.

In the latter case, the diarrhea can be a symptom of botulism - a life-threatening disease.

Medical emergencies, whether these symptoms are also justified if the victim became diarrhea:

  • Small child;
  • pregnant woman;How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies
  • elderly people.

associated diarrhea dehydration and loss of essential body trace elements are particularly dangerous for the categories of data.


If diarrhea is a symptom of chronic diseases of the digestive system, the manifestation of allergy certain products, preventive measures are reduced to a strict diet and timely treatment of primary disease.

Diarrhea, opportunistic infections and food poisoning can be prevented by compliance with the well-known elementary rules of hygiene.

In particular, you must:

  • thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating;How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies
  • give up drinking raw water is not passed purification (filtration);
  • never eaten raw or insufficiently cooked (fried) meat or fish;
  • do not sit at the table with unwashed hands;
  • throw expired, improperly stored or spoiled foods, change appearance, color, odor, without trying to their "corrected" by means of heat treatment;
  • buying food in the store, check the expiry date and the integrity of the packaging.


Diarrhea (home treatment for chronic disorder is to remove the factors causing diarrhea) requires treatment with the purpose of:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs;
  • Probiotics - When dysbacteriosis;
  • prokinetic - irritable bowel syndrome;
  • a strict gluten-free diet - celiac disease (gluten intolerance);
  • enzyme therapy - at deficiency of digestive enzymes.

In the treatment of acute diarrhea, the cause of which are in most cases of food poisoning or infectious diseases, doctors adhere to a specific protocol, which does not depend on the type of exciter.


Action of drugs aimed at the destruction of pathogens, the removal from the body of bacteria and viruses, waste products, to facilitate the patient's condition.

With these objectives successfully cope:

Facilities Description
Antimicrobials and antibiotics Ensure cleaning of the organism from all known pathogens that cause diarrhea. Considered the best means of acting selectively, only in the intestine, which are unable to enter the bloodstream and affect the operation of other systems of the body
anthelminthic Appoint, if there is a suspicion that the diarrhea is caused by helminths
chelators After removal of the abnormal flora are products of its vital functions: the toxins and gases that are not allowed to recover the useful intestinal microflora and impede its work. To get rid of these substances are used chelators having the ability to bind to toxic substances and remove them from the body together with the faeces.How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies

Reception exclusively enterosorbents give only short-term effect, because they have no effect on the very pathogenic flora

Prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics Means, the main task - the restoration of normal intestinal microflora, and suffered from diarrhea from antibiotics. Without the aid of drugs in this group of the recovery process will be delayed, and will increase the risk of relapse of diarrhea
Analgesics (antispasmodics) Prescribed for acute pain in the abdomen in some types of diarrhea
Electrolytes and means for rehydrating the body Compensate for the lack of fluid and minerals, normalize the water-salt balance
Drugs that slow reduction of the intestinal wall (peristalsis), and the speed of advancement of its contents These funds are intended solely to facilitate the patient's condition and used in infectious kinds of diarrhea, because they increase the time required to complete purification of the body from pathogens and viruses bacteria

Keep in mind that all of these drugs should be taken only after the establishment of the exact causes of diarrhea at the doses indicated physician, otherwise, they can lead to deterioration of the patient.

Diarrhea (home treatment of mild diarrhea available) mild treated by the following means:

  • activated carbon, enterosgel - effective and safe absorbents;
  • smectite - antidiarrheal;
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    Smecta will quickly get rid of diarrhea and heartburn
  • ekofuril - an antibiotic and a prebiotic, destroying harmful intestinal microflora and restore utility;
  • Linex or its analogues - a probiotic.

In more severe cases, the use of simple tools may be ineffective or even dangerous: drugs prescribed by a doctor after finding out the causes of diarrhea.

Traditional methods

Treatment methods of traditional medicine is possible in mild food poisoning, if the patient feels well. In all other cases, as well as protracted diarrhea and the emergence of symptoms of dehydration, folk remedies applicable and can lead to poor patient.

Folk medicine recommends:

  • sage tea, prepared from 50 g of dry grass, flooded ½ liter of boiling water. To prepare infusion in a thermos better, since it must be warm for 1 h. Then it should drain, cool and add ½ liter of dry wine. Drink every 2 hours for 100 g;
  • black pepper. Extreme tool before applying which it is desirable to consult a doctor: bedtime swallow without chewing 15 peas, drink 1 tbsp. water;
  • infusion of hypericum. Help for 1 day to cope with diarrhea. 1 tbsp. l. grasses pour 1 tbsp. boiled water, 1 hour, taken 30 minutes before meals for a third cup three times a day;
  • Dry black tea. Considered to be one of the fastest ways to win Diarrhea: It is recommended to chew thoroughly for 1 hour. l. tea, drinking 2-3 sips of water. Reception - 3 times a day;
  • strong black tea. You need to prepare a strong brew (2 hrs. l. dry tea pour 100 g boiling water), wait 5-10 minutes, take 50 g several times a day;
  • Ash juice (May be mixed with honey). Drink a quarter cup half an hour before meals, twice a day;
  • herbal. On ½ liter of boiling water to take any herbs, possessing studs and disinfectant properties: camomile, wormwood, oak bark, St. John's (all in 1 tbsp. l.), brew, infuse for 1 hour. Take 100 g at intervals of 3 h.

To always have on hand an effective medicine for diarrhea, may be prepared following liqueurs:

  1. Of galangal root. The root of the chop, put in a tight container (½ l) that it would occupy a quarter of the total. Fill the container up to the top of vodka, insist 2 weeks, take a tablespoon of 5 times a day. Tincture is kept for 2 years.
  2. Vodka made from oak bark.1 h. l. shredded bark pour 400 grams of vodka, insist week. Accept diarrhea, adding 100 g of pure water 20 drops of tincture. The drug can be stored 1 year in the dark at room temperature.


Diarrhea, home treatment is not limited to medication, in therapy for better results requires a diet.How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies

It involves the rejection of:

  • fat;
  • salt;
  • acute;
  • any fermented milk products;
  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • canned.

In the early days with a strong diarrhea is recommended:

  • rice, boiled in water;
  • weak chicken broth, chicken breast;
  • drinking plenty of fluids: water, unsweetened tea.

Later, when the bowel disorder symptoms will faint in the diet can include:

  • oatmeal, boiled in water;
  • boiled vegetable dishes;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • lean beef;
  • dry bakery products: bagels, biscuits, crackers (without additives).

To maintain the normal water-salt balance is recommended to increase salt intake and drink more water.

This diet is suitable for mild cases of acute diarrhea caused by food poisoning. In chronic diarrhea and severe disorders diet appoints physician taking into account the patient's condition and the causes of disease

Other methods

For rapid detoxification widely used in poisonings gastric lavage with a weak solution of baking soda room temperature in order to:

  • remove its contents and termination of exposure, there are toxins in the body;
  • obtaining a biomaterial for laboratory tests to detect causes of diarrhea.How to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies

Rinsing is effective in early treatment of diarrhea, preceded by reception of medicines and can quickly achieve relief of the patient. In the later stages of the procedure does not work.

In a hospital lavage is performed via gavage. At home, the patient is given a drink a few glasses of weak saline solution, and then cause vomiting, pushing the root of the tongue. Rinsing is carried out several times, until the stomach did not stop to leave leftover food.

Rinsing in the home can not be done in cases of poisoning by chemicals. Also, the procedure is not carried out for other types of diarrhea are not related to exposure to toxins in the body, or when too much time passes, and the contents of the stomach has had time to get into the intestine.

possible complications

Even mild diarrhea can not be considered harmless, do not require treatment, disease.

If you continue to ignore the symptoms, then in the future you may encounter the following hazards:

possible complications Description
dehydration Diarrhea due to malabsorption of the process fluid through the intestinal wall, it is displayed along with the feces, causing dehydration - a very dangerous condition. If untreated, the symptoms will grow to display weakness, tachycardia, hypotension.

The notion that the fill fluid deficit can be extremely abundant drink, is misleading because the inflamed bowel wall is not able to absorb itHow to quickly get rid of diarrhea than to stop at home. Drugs folk remedies

A disadvantage of mineral substances When diarrhea is removed not only liquid but also its dissolved nutrients needed by the body for normal functioning. Their lack of aggravating the damage caused by dehydration
nutritional deficiencies Due to impaired intestinal motility, arrived with the food nutrients that should have gone to upgrade the body's tissues become for him "fuel" does not have time to break down. In fact, people go hungry, although it continues to consume food
dysbacteriosis Maybe after some time the body will be able to cope with diarrhea on their own, but without receiving pre- and probiotic intestinal microflora is still a long way from to perform its core function - to fight pathogens, to promote normal digestive process, to take care of timely cleaning bowel

Ignoring diarrhea may lead to new bouts of diarrhea or constipation systematic, discomfort, pain in the abdomen.

All of these troubles can easily be avoided if you do not neglect basic hygiene and treat requirements seriously to any manifestations of diarrhea, not delaying her treatment at home or under the supervision of specialist.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Videos about diarrhea

Causes, symptoms and treatment of diarrhea:

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