Childhood Diseases

Stomatitis in the newborn baby in her mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Photos treatment

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Due to the sterility of their mucous membranes, newborn children are most susceptible to the negative effects of harmful microflora surrounding environment. The consequence of this exposure is often a disease, usually resulting in the mouth.

Knowledge of the basic signs of the disease and ways to prevent its occurrence will help parents protect their child from stomatitis, delivering your baby pain and discomfort.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Types and causes of stomatitis in children mouth
    • 1.1 the language
    • 1.2 on the lips
    • 1.3 on the gums
    • 1.4 In the sky
  • 2 Drug treatment of stomatitis in children
  • 3 ethnoscience
  • 4 Hygiene and food rules
  • 5 Video of stomatitis in a child

Types and causes of stomatitis in children mouth

Stomatitis in a newborn baby in the mouth occurs for various reasons. Depending on the location of basic localization of its manifestations pediatricians understand what symptoms should be the key in finding the choice of orientation of treatment child.

the language

Eruptions on the language in the majority of cases arise due to:

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  • Non-compliance with basic rules of child oral health. In this case we have in mind not only the improper cleaning of teeth, but too often ongoing efforts to cleanse the mouth. If it's a newborn, a failure to comply with hygiene rules meant imperfect cleaning items that fall into children's mouth, such as pacifiers, rattles, "gryzunka" mother's breast.
    Stomatitis in a newborn baby. Photos in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Treatment
  • The lack of a balanced diet. It refers to children who are bottle-fed. The lack of vitamins and minerals contained in milk mixture, leads to a weakening of the local mucosal immune system of the child.
  • Receiving a number of drugs affecting the mucous newborn.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs. Such diseases may not become apparent at an early age and do not succumb to the diagnosis, while in complete remission.

Given that grudnichok can say and even gestured to the area in which he feels most discomfort, the only method of timely diagnosis of stomatitis is a daily inspection of the oral cavity of the child parent.

When starting the disease process detects an adult:

  • Increase the child's body temperature. In this case, secondary violations in the body are missing - not red throat, runny nose there, breathing the pure, blood and urine tests are normal.
  • Sores on the affected area of ​​language. In some cases, prior to the formation of ulcers in the mouth of the child form many bubbles resembling a classical consequence of burns.
    Stomatitis in a newborn baby. Photos in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Treatment
  • White coating, usually covering the whole baby language entirely or erratic patches of various sizes. Erase plaque can not even share it with your finger.

on the lips

Stomatitis, localized on the child's lips, can occur in three forms: mild, moderate to severe (most often doctors have to deal with mild to moderate disease stage, since grudnichka possible to diagnose pathological nucleation process immediately after it start).

The origin of the pathogenic microflora in the mouth baby can be identified by characteristic symptoms:

  • The child begins to sleep badly. Children who previously slept all night, beginning to wake up every 2-3 hours, and those that are from time to time during the night woke the mother, so she gave them food, practically abandon the deep sleep phase.
  • Grudnichok becomes restless. Appears irrational crying, nervousness, irritability, whims, a constant desire to be on the mother's hands.
  • Decreased appetite. The child rarely applied to the chest or does not eat its age limit formula.
  • Increased salivation. Frequent sign stomatitis, which is usually confused with the start tooth lowering process in "pockets" gums.
  • NauseaOften outgrow in the frequent vomiting and regurgitation. Regardless of the meal.
  • The increase in lymph node size in the bottom jaw.
  • Runny nose or cough. In rare cases.
Stomatitis in a newborn baby. Photos in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Treatment

Such localization stomatitis in most cases is caused by domestic and physiological causes of the disease.

For example:

  • mucous membranes of the virus;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged sun exposure;
  • a permanent stay of the child in a stressful condition (usually in this case, the child translates the emotional state of the mother);
  • lack of nutrients (perhaps with incorrect selection formula or unbalanced diet feeding mother);
  • high doses of antibacterial drugs;
  • dangerous disease of the respiratory system;
  • infection (including being in remission).

on the gums

Stomatitis in a newborn baby in the mouth can be localized on the gums. Most often, this type of disease occurs due to frequent contact children's gums with dirty objects.

Other causes for the formation of stomatitis gums are:

  • Mucosal injury. Compromise the integrity of the skin sloppy child can play with a rattle or accidentally injure fingernails listed in the mouth of the fingers.
  • Active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the baby's mouth. Usually the spread of bacteria and viruses occurs in 5-10 days. If during this period will not be taken to stabilize grudnichka, stomatitis acquire acute form of its manifestation.
  • An allergic reaction to a specific stimulus. The allergen may be associated with food.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Pathology of the circulatory system of the body.
  • Hormonal imbalance. In infants in most cases the imbalance is physiological and is a consequence of the passage through the birth mother's ways.
    Stomatitis in a newborn baby. Photos in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Treatment
  • Infectious diseases. Even in remission.

Recognize stomatitis on the gums can be of the most common symptoms:

  • numerous white sores;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • significant changes in the child's behavior (increasing the number of moods, unprovoked crying, irritability, such as toys);
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss or loss of appetite;
  • bleeding gums;
  • light patches on the tongue and cheeks;
  • crying newborn in the process of feeding.

In the sky

Stomatitis is diagnosed most difficult in heaven parents are not faced with the disease in question before. Its advanced stages seen in the formation of dense white coating over the entire area of ​​the hard palate. The presence of plaque is not related to food intake or the presence of maintaining cleanliness of the oral cavity of the child procedures.

At the initial stage of the disease, localized in the sky, can be identified by:

  • Increase in body temperature. The temperature may reach 40 degrees Celsius.
  • Violation of the periodicity of food and drinking regime. Grudnichok begins to eat less or refuse food and water at all.
  • Anxiety baby while feeding. Food intake is usually interrupted by causeless crying or screaming infant.
  • The presence of a fever.
  • Nausea, vomiting passing in.
  • Many bubbles or sores, the greatest number are located in the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane.
  • Swelling of the mucosa. This provokes a sharp pain when a child tries to take a solid object that is in contact with the air in the mouth.

Pathological process affects the sky is the children's mouth for a number of reasons:

  • the child often takes in his mouth dirty toy;
    Stomatitis in a newborn baby. Photos in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Treatment
  • nursing mother does not observe basic rules of hygiene in the care of breast;
  • newborn contact with animals whose saliva comes to the lips of the child;
  • organism genetic predisposition to the formation of ulcers on the body;
  • a weakened immune system;
  • nutritional deficiencies (especially iron and vitamins B);
  • Acute food allergy;
  • progressing bacterial infection.

Drug treatment of stomatitis in children

Stomatitis in the newborn baby in her mouth, in most cases completely cured with medication for 5-10 days. Depending on the type of disease, and also causes the appearance of precipitating, physicians prescribe a different set of small patients medicaments.

Its members may include anti-viral, anti-fungal, healing and pain medications that can as soon as possible to stabilize the newborn.

Stomatitis in a newborn baby. Photos in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Treatment
Stomatitis in a newborn baby in the mouth can be treated Geksoral. It is an antiseptic.
type stomatitis The orientation treatment of a disease
Bacterial stomatitis Treatment is aimed at suppression of the propagation of a wide range of microorganisms adversely affecting the condition of the mouth of the child. Depending on the degree of disease neglect pediatrician decides what number of drugs would be optimal for the child. For the treatment of young children using gel Metrogil-Dent or equivalent - Spray Miramistin. These tools support body, accelerating the process of suppression of pathogenic microflora, and promote early recovery of the mucosa. In the treatment of stomatitis neonatal most convenient to use gel (small amount necessary to evenly distribute the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane). In the case of a spray, the composition must first spray on sterile cotton wool, followed by further treating the oral cavity of the child. Sprinkling funds directly in the mouth can cause choking in children, due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the pharynx and throat recently appeared on kids light.

In the treatment of stomatitis in children older pediatric use:

  • drugs - antiseptics, produced in spray form: Miramistin, Geksoral, Tantum Verde;
  • lozenges - Septolete;
  • solutions for rinsing the mouth (in some cases require independent cooking at home) - Chlorhexidine Furatsilinom, Chlorophillipt.
When thrush When thrush treatment is not without antifungal drugs. The most lenient way to normalize the mouth mucosa child status is considered soda solution. For its preparation is necessary:

1. Pour 1 h. l. baking soda in a deep plate or glass.

2. Pour the dry components of the composition to 200 ml of boiling water.

3. Carefully stir, ensuring complete dissolution of the soda grains in liquid.

4. Writing independently solution cool to room temperature.

5. Moisten sterile cotton wool in a solution or bandage wound on the finger.

6. Treat the affected areas of the baby's mouth.

Hydrate forms a mouth microflora with increased content of alkalis, preventing further proliferation of pathogenic organisms - fungi.

If wiping mucous soda solution after each feeding the child does not give a positive result, but only contributes to the rapid deterioration of general condition of the little man, pediatricians recommend that parents connect to treatment:

  • boric acid;
  • fluconazole;
  • Amphotericin.

After applying the drug to the affected area of ​​the mouth baby, it is recommended to make sure that during 20 minutes. mucous membranes come into contact with foreign objects.

If the presence of ulcers gives the child a visible discomfort, even during feeding, it is recommended to give him Anesthetic drugs, such as Nurofen, at the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, which is calculated according to age and of body weight.

When herpetic stomatitis When herpetic stomatitis or viral stomatitis, normalize the condition of the child can be a regular use of topical preparations with a pronounced antiherpethetical effect. The most effective among them are recognized:
  • gerpevir;
  • acyclic;
  • Viroleks;
  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Tebrofenovaya paste.

In addition to creamy recommended 3-4 times a day handle mucous baby's mouth spray - Miramistin antiseptic. Depending upon the age and stage of "neglect" pediatricians diseases may further be administered pharmaceutic agents broad spectrum, the active component of which is interferon. They are available in pills, drops and rectal suppositories. Regardless of the form of the release of their effectiveness is proven in the fight against stomatitis in the mouth of the newborn. The necessary concentration of active agent and a minimal amount of secondary components in the composition possess:

  • viferon;
  • Nazoferon.

Regardless of the doctor prescribed treatment, parents of a child suffering from herpetic stomatitis should I understand that to completely rid your baby medication by way of the herpes virus they can not in any case. To minimize the risk of acute relapses in the future, it is recommended all adults by known methods to strengthen the immune system of the child, shaping his resistance to the subject type virus.

In allergic stomatitis In allergic stomatitis focus of treatment is due to the need to withdraw stimulus from children organism, as well as reducing the amount of histamine produced naturally as a protection against allergen. The first step in the normalization of the child should be the complete elimination of the likelihood of contact with baby identified stimuli (diet, reorganization approach to the selection's Skin drugs and children's cosmetics, and so Further). Next, pediatricians, depending on the age of the patient, prescribe antihistamines him oral. Among the most effective are the following:
  • fenistil;
  • Zodak;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Suprastin.

Withdrawal symptoms of allergic stomatitis is impossible without early withdrawal of the allergen from the child's body. For this purpose, widely used intestinal absorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta, White coal).

To speed recovery mucosal integrity permissible use healing preparations:

  • solkoseril;
  • Stomatofit;
  • Aktovegin.

The course of treatment in this case may be delayed if a nursing mother can not identify the product, irritating the body of her child. In such circumstances, women should stick to the strict diet (consume only hypoallergenic products) until complete disappearance of the manifestations of allergic stomatitis in infants.


Stomatitis in a newborn baby in the mouth can be treated not only medication, but also folk remedies.

The most effective of these are:

Stomatitis in a newborn baby. Photos in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Treatment
A folk remedy for stomatitis The method of its preparation and / or use
Decoction of chamomile flowers 1. 3 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers pour into a deep dish.

2. Pour grass 300 ml of boiling water.

3. Stir, cover and let stand for 20-30 minutes.

4. Moisten solution in bandage, wound on the index finger of an adult, and treat the damaged areas of mucous membranes.

The recommended frequency of such procedures - 3-4 times a day.

herbal teas 1. In a saucepan, mix 3 tablespoons of. l. minced burdock, sage, oak bark in dried form.

2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water.

3. Stir, put on fire and boil for 20 min., Stirring constantly.

4. Remove from heat, cover and let yourself broth to cool to room temperature.

5. Moisten sterile cotton wool bandage or wound on the index finger and adult dot rub the affected area of ​​the mouth of the child.

Hygiene and food rules

A newborn baby is totally dependent on their parents. That is why it is important for adults to control not just the right to care for infants, but also their lifestyle.

To minimize the occurrence of stomatitis in the mouth of the baby, you must:

  • excluded from the nursing mother the menu sharp, sour, salty, sweet foods and products, replacing them with a more soft foods with a neutral taste;
  • normalize drinking regime (clean water contributes to removal from the body toxins, preventing self-normalization of its status by the body);
  • organize the daily routine of the child (pay the proper amount of sleep);
  • abandon walks, baths and active play at a high temperature in the infant;
    Stomatitis in a newborn baby. Photos in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, palate. Treatment
  • practice good hygiene - properly handle dishes and toy little man.

Irrespective of the age of the newborn child, who was diagnosed with stomatitis in the mouth, the disease may disappear completely with proper treatment after only 5 days.

After complete disappearance of symptoms parents recommended maximum disinfect or replace toys and personal hygiene little person - towels, linens and even a comb grudnichka. These measures will help to avoid the recurrence of relapse by giving children the body time to self-recovery after diseases.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of stomatitis in a child

Dr. Komarovsky School, stomatitis in a child:

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