Childhood Diseases

Chickenpox in children symptoms and treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention, early, Komarovsky

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The content of the article:

  • 1 Medical certificate - Chickenpox
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 Ways of infection
  • 4 incubation period
  • 5 stage
  • 6 shape
  • 7 The first signs of chicken pox
  • 8 symptoms
  • 9 Typical and atypical symptoms
  • 10 Diagnostics
  • 11 therapies
  • 12 Folk remedies
  • 13 Baby care
  • 14 hygiene
  • 15 possible complications
  • 16 Immunity after illness
  • 17 Chickenpox in Babies
  • 18 Vaccination: pros and cons
  • 19 prevention
  • 20 Tips Komarovsky
  • 21 Video of chickenpox in children, its symptoms and treatments at home

Medical certificate - Chickenpox

Chickenpox (Code of international classifier ICD10 - B01) - viral disease, spreading droplets and characterized by the appearance of specific lesions (bubbles with thick walls and reddened halation rims, liquid-filled) in the open areas of the skin in combination with the basic manifestations of viral-infective fever and general intoxication body.

Since the pathogen has a very highly contagious and once a refresher, a person gains immunity to it, most of chickenpox in children. Symptoms and treatment of the disease is very typical that allows him to diagnose, even at home.

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Causes of

The causative agent of chicken pox (varicella zoster) belongs to the family of herpes viruses and is highly contagious. Its other name - the third type of herpes virus. This virus can live and reproduce only in human cells in the environment, he suddenly dies.

Another feature of the causative agent of chickenpox, and inherent to all other members of the family, is a depressing effect, provide them with immunity. The virus has the ability to become more active on the background of the disease, seriously weakening the body's defenses. Epidemics of chickenpox mainly occur in the spring.

Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky

At other times, the risk of infection is very low, due to the sensitivity of the virus to the environmental conditions (frost, heat, sunlight).

Once the patient been ill with chickenpox, he formed lifelong immunity. If the virus is hidden in the nerve ganglia localized and shows no activity, it will start to show, in a patient symptoms will occur shingles, localized in areas adjacent to the nerve ganglia-hearth infection.

the following characteristics of epidemiology of this disorder can be identified:

  • source of infection - any other person, a sick chickenpox, or herpes virus carrier denying (herpes zoster).
  • Distribution mechanism - either airborne or contact.
  • The contagiousness of infection is very high. Spreading through the air, viruses are able to penetrate into the apartment from an apartment, even located on adjacent floors.

Ways of infection

Chickenpox in children, symptoms and treatment which will be discussed later, almost always arises as a result of getting an infection from another person. The most contagious microdroplets have mucus penetrating respiratory tract of a patient to an external medium (they are infectious in the first 10-15 minutes), and varicella bubbles on the skin of the patient in the most active period.

Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky

During remission, when bubbles are covered with a crust, they cease to be a place of localization of the pathogen, and therefore infectiousness tends to zero.

incubation period

The incubation period for chickenpox characterized settling pathogen strains on the mucous shells of the patient, where they enter the bloodstream and begin to actively replicate (multiply). In most cases, this period is not marked by any external symptoms, but in the end it can be observed hyperplasia of cervical lymph nodes.


Symptoms of chickenpox in children find themselves quickly, so that the treatment and are usually taken in time.

Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky

Usually, in disease are 4 consecutive steps of:

  • incubation period lasts for several hours (up to days), usually not reveal any clinical bright paintings, although there may be swollen lymph nodes, as well as general weakness, tearfulness, decreased appetite;
  • prodromal phase characterized by febrile symptoms bright - fever to subfebrile values, muscle aches, fatigue, migraines, night sweats;
  • stage rash It reveals the main characterizing feature - a rash. First, it looks reddish spots polusantimetra diameter up, and after a few hours turning into patches vesicular pouches with thick, leathery walls filled with a liquid containing large concentrations of agent infection;
  • The reduction step - it bubbles dry out, becoming a shell of Education, which later fall off.


Depending on the severity and clinical manifestations stand out:

  • A mild form of the flow: while it may be no fever (or there is a one-time short), the number of elements of an eruption is small and they almost do not cause itching sensations. Bubbles and rashes on the skin does not hold more than three days, and then begin to shrink. A week since the beginning of drying the child may attend an educational institution. In general, this form occurs in children quite often, and in general, children suffer chickenpox is much easier to adolescents and adults.
Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky
  • At mid-severe the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, the length of lesions is 4-5 days. In the prodromal period is observed bright intoxication syndrome (nausea, fatigue, headache). rash elements in small amounts are sometimes observed on the scalp and mucous membranes of the oropharynx.
  • The clinical picture of a severe form of: rashes are very numerous, sometimes there are whole islands firmly seated papules and vesicles. Manifestations of intoxication syndrome lasts until the start of drying bubbles. In addition, the patient worried about severe itching of affected areas. In children, this current form is rare.

The first signs of chicken pox

Until the early rash manifestations understand that the child is infected with chicken pox, can be on the following grounds:

  • Lethargy, loss of interest in the games, tearfulness.
  • Often, the temperature hardly rises up to 38-40 degrees.
  • Hyperplastic cervical, parotid, and chin lymph node.
  • Nausea and sometimes retching.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Headaches and dizziness.


Symptoms of chickenpox in children is variable depending on the severity of the disease, the treatment and the stage at which at the moment is ill child.

Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky
In the diagram, a list of the main symptoms of chickenpox in children, and in the article there is a detailed description of treatment options for this disease.

In general terms, it looks like this:

  • One day before the rash appears, the child starts to complain of lethargy, weakness, reluctance to eat, dizziness and sometimes nausea and abdominal pain. The temperature in most cases increases to 38 degrees, in rare cases - to 40, in mild disease may remain in the normal range;
  • Vivid and unequivocal symptom is a rash, which by EPE of the disease are metamorphoses. First, they have the form of flat pinkish spots, then spots a little lifted above the skin, and then turn into bubbles (Vesicles) with thick, leathery skinned, grayish fluid containing very high concentrations of the virus. Over time, the fluid in the blisters become cloudy. Most often it affects the body rash, rarely - the scalp, mucous membranes of the nose and oropharynx, palms and soles.

Typical and atypical symptoms

With a rash occurs, not only chicken pox, but also other disease pathogens being called from the family of herpes viruses - such as cytomegalovirus infection and infectious mononucleosis.

But the chicken pox rash has several characteristic features, allowing reliably distinguish it from the others:

  • She finds herself not once. First, it is localized in one area of ​​the body, then it pops up elsewhere. Thus, a sick child at certain stages of the flow of smallpox has islands rash, at different stages of the tide. In other diseases, caused by herpesviruses, all rash appears on the same day.
  • Severe itching at the site of the vesicle-bubbles, their desire to comb (what to do in any case it is impossible to avoid the situation of wound infection).
Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky

By atypical course of chickenpox in children, excellent for the treatment of symptoms and include:

  • rudimentary form - the emergence of a few rash of bubbles on the background of a general normal state without any feverish symptoms. Usually occurs in infants;
  • hemorrhagic form - addition to the standard varicella symptoms occur and internal haemorrhage, bloody fluid in vials rash, hematemesis, nosebleed;
  • generalized form - rash affects not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also visceral organs. During accompanied by a pronounced intoxication syndrome.
  • gangrenous form - at the tips of the elements detected necrotic rash formation, scabs covered. When the rash dries and crusts fall off, under them are ulcerations with purulent contents.
  • bullous form - rash elements are very large, flabby walls and murky yellow liquid. When the bubble disappears, the ulcer is found underneath.


Due to the prevalence and bright characteristic clinical picture of the disease to the clinical diagnosis resorted infrequently.

Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky

Diagnose chickenpox allow the following studies:

  • Complete blood count (markers - raising and lowering the index of lymphocyte white blood cells).
  • The titer of blood for antibodies to the virus herpes zoster.
  • Biochemical analysis of venous blood.


Comprehensive treatment of chickenpox in children involves the use of the following procedures (based on symptoms):

  • Receiving antivirals such as acyclovir and Valacyclovir.
  • Receiving antihistamines (Suprastinum, Kestin) to reduce pruritus in places where elements rash.
  • decrease in body temperature with paracetamol (in any case can not take aspirin!), it is advisable when it rises above 38 degrees.
Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky
  • Processing rash solution of potassium permanganate, zinc ointment or green paint.
  • Severe course of chickenpox require hospitalization. In the hospital of children treated with immunoglobulin.

Folk remedies

Methods of national treatment of chickenpox in children is mainly aimed at reducing the disturbing child's symptoms - pruritus (external effects) and to help in lifting immunity (internal):

  • Every 4-5 hours, put the baby in the bath with baking soda (100 g tub) to reduce itching, rashes caused by:
  • Five-minute bath with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate (take 1-2 times a day) are good for the same purpose;
  • Baths with infusion of chamomile or celandine (50 g herb zaparivayut half an hour liter of boiling water is poured into the bath, the duration - two ten-minute baths a day);
  • The mixture for the purpose of internal reception lifting immunity - mixed in equal parts of honey and lemon juice. Consumed before eating 20 grams twice a day.

Baby care

Many mothers are concerned about the matter which mode of the day you need to arrange for chicken pox child, whether it is worth going for a walk, and, if not, how to compensate for the resulting deficit oxygen.

Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky

Caring for a sick chickenpox requires compliance with the following rules:

  • Until you fall off duster crust, the patient should not go out into the fresh air. In addition to the fact that the danger of a patient with chickenpox to others, this is due to the fact that the child in this time reduced immunity and increased risk of other infections that can bring complications. An exception can be made for families living in private homes in underpopulated areas: in such cases, the child is allowed to bring on the porch at a time when the crust had already begun to fall off. It is advisable to do it early in the morning or late at night, as getting a rash on the affected areas of direct sunlight fraught strengthening their pigmentation, which does not disappear after recovery.
  • Necessary to ventilate the room through the window (twice a day for 15 minutes), and at other times it is advisable to maintain an optimal air conditioner mode using the and humidifier.
  • Every day to spend in the room of a sick child wet cleaning.
  • The child must be provided with bed rest.
  • You can not force-feed the patient. If he does not want to eat, do not force it. But abundantly water it needs. Recommended warm tea with lemon and warm as compotes. We should not give the patient milk products.
  • It is advisable to bathe the child in the shower and without sponges. It is also worth to restrict the use of soap (use baby soap every 2-3 days, and to be limited by pouring the rest of the time). Try to avoid getting soap on the rash elements.


Chickenpox in children (symptoms and treatment depend on the stage of the disease) requires impeccable follow strict hygiene rules:

  • Often sick child complains of tingling of the skin, which is localized rash. To reduce the itching must be treated plots Tsindolom, brilliant green, methylene blue, or take a bath with potassium permanganate, infusion of chamomile or celandine.
Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky
  • Needed every day to change bedding and underwear. Clothing should be cotton.
  • That the child appeared less urge to scratch lesions, can make him a bandage or handheld, worn on the place of occurrence of rash. Bandage subject daily washing with boiling.

possible complications

At normal immunity complications of chicken pox gives rare. This is usually the combination of a bacterial superinfection or lesion of visceral organs (in most cases - pneumonia and other respiratory system diseases).

Seek medical attention is necessary in the event that the child noticed any of the following symptoms:

  • Body temperature exceeds 39 degrees (a temperature rise which does not reach the norm within 4 days);
  • Redness and swelling of any parts of the skin;
  • Suppuration at the site of the rash or other parts of the body;
  • Asthmatic symptoms (asthma has been diagnosed to chickenpox infection);
  • vomiting;
  • Photophobia;
  • Severe cough or difficulty breathing.

Immunity after illness

In order to restore immunity after undergoing varicella it is advisable to observe the following guidelines:

  • Observe the diet by increasing the percentage in the diet of foods rich in minerals and vitamins (green vegetables, northern wild berry, sea buckthorn, germinated cereal grains) and abandoning products containing "empty" calories;
  • Recommended intake of a mixture of honey, dried fruits lemon juice (after 5 years children may also be administered chopped nuts);
  • Two weeks later, after the fall off the crust, the child needs to start walking, gradually increasing the residence time in the air;
  • The child should be protected from emotional stress.

Chickenpox in Babies

Disease chickenpox in children, whose age is estimated for months, it is unlikely. Most infections occur in preschool age from 2 years old, when the child grows the number of social contacts and, consequently, the risk of catching the pathogen in kindergarten.

Probability grudnichka sick chickenpox inversely correlated with the age of weaning.

Children under one year is often found rudimentary form of the disease, characterized by the appearance on barely a few bubbles varicella without any deterioration of the general state of health or fever symptoms.

Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky

The appearance of chicken pox blisters on mucous membranes of the oropharynx in a child infants is fraught with occurrence of apnea or false croup, so when the first detecting bubbles need to immediately call an ambulance, and lubricate the affected areas of the drug in anticipation of her arrival "Fenistil".

Your doctor may place the child in the hospital. Bathing babies with chickenpox, it is forbidden, as they may cause a rash spread to other areas. To soothe itching, rash elements should be lubricated "Fenistilom".

Vaccination: pros and cons

Vaccination greatly reduces the risk of varicella, and parents often wonder whether it is worth spending and what the consequences might be in it. Vaccination against chickenpox proved children from the age of one year old.

Benefits of vaccination:

  • It minimizes the probability to be ill with chicken pox and shingles;
  • As in adults, chickenpox is much heavier children, often with complications of internal organs, carrying out vaccinations at an early age insures against such problems;
  • Vaccination prevents the weakening of immunity, combined with the chicken pox disease.
Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky

The imperfections of the vaccination:

  • Its conduct can not absolutely guarantee that the child does not zableet chickenpox;
  • Long (about six weeks) forming immunity;
  • The child may temporarily become contagious, because the vaccine contains pathogens, albeit in a weakened form of them.


Prevention of infection surrounding wind wasp limited to the following activities:

  • Conduct quarantine in children's educational and training institutions in the event that one of the children fell ill with chickenpox;
  • If the child was in the same room with a patient with chickenpox, he needs urgently to be vaccinated (if it has not been done before);
  • The patient should be isolated until after the scabs falling off from the affected areas of the body.

Tips Komarovsky

Ukrainian pediatrician highest category E. ABOUT. Komorowski recommended for those caring for sick children with chickenpox, adhere to the following rules:

  • The best way to prevent chickenpox he calls vaccinated. The doctor regretted the fact that vaccination against chickenpox is not entered in the list of mandatory. Vaccinating a child at an early age to avoid infection in the adult, when the course of this disease accompanied by numerous complications, and also completely protect against herpes disease ringworm;
Chickenpox in children: the beginning, symptoms, treatment at home, the incubation period, prevention. Tips Komarovsky
  • For removal of febrile symptoms apply paracetamol or ibuprofen and in any case not to use aspirin - its use by children is fraught with liver disease;
  • The air temperature in the room must not be too high, since the heat merges pruritus;
  • For unyatiya itching worth giving your child oral antihistamines, as well as taking a bath with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Every day, trim your nails - under them can accumulate pathogens trapped bubbles ud due to scratching;
  • Every day, change clothes;
  • The child should be getting enough fluid - its shortfall increases the risk of complications in the internal organs;
  • Go for a walk the child can after a week from the date of occurrence of the last elements of the rash, and visit the garden silt school doctor recommends no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the final otvalivaniya crusts.

Video of chickenpox in children, its symptoms and treatments at home

How is chickenpox in children and its treatment:

Dr. Komarovsky - information about chickenpox:

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