Diseases Of The Ear

Otitis media in children. The symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops into the ear. Which antibiotic is best taken without the temperature in the home. clinical recommendations

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The anatomical structure of the ear cavity largely explains the frequency of otitis media in children at an early age. The disease is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process and has several varieties, which are determined by the source of inflammation localization.

The main symptom of this disease - acute pain. Treatment should be directed not only to withdrawal symptoms, but also to suppress the inflammatory process.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of otitis media in children
  • 2 Symptoms of otitis media in children
  • 3 Shape and features of the occurrence of otitis media
    • 3.1 otitis externa
    • 3.2 otitis media
    • 3.3 Acute suppurative otitis media
    • 3.4 Chronic otitis media
  • 4 Possible complications of otitis
  • 5 Ear drops with otitis
  • 6 How to dig ear?
  • 7 Compress on the ear
  • 8 antibiotics
  • 9 Recipes folk remedies
  • 10 Hygiene ear infection
  • 11 Video of otitis media in children

The causes of otitis media in children

In children, the Eustachian tube is almost flat shape, short and large in diameter. It is therefore quite easily with a cold the mucus from the nasal area to spread deeper into the ear cavity and lead to filling it with liquid. As they get older the structure of the Eustachian tube is changing: it is extended, it becomes narrow and is located at a certain angle to the throat.

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Other causes of otitis media include:

  • The disease develops in the preceding it bacterial or viral infections, accompanied by the advent of the common cold and fever. Pathogenic bacteria get from the nasopharynx into the ear, causing the development of an acute inflammatory process.
  • Damage of mechanical nature.
  • Incorrect procedure for cleansing of the nasal mucus.
  • The weakening of local immunity.
  • Hypothermia induced by cold air or water.
Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

Chronic diseases or frequent occurrence of allergic reactions lead to swelling of the mucosa permanently. The consequence of obstructed nasal breathing and a runny nose may also be the development of otitis media.

Symptoms of otitis media in children

Otitis media in children, symptoms and treatment which will be described later, is characterized by the fact that always starts suddenly and has a pronounced acute symptoms.

Place the localization of the inflammatory process directly affects the overall clinical picture of the disease:

  • In lesions outer portion of the auditory meatus pain occurs acutely and sharply observed the ear swelling, itching sensation. Lymph nodes are located in the area of ​​the ears, increasing in size, the skin becomes red and inflamed. With the development of inflammation in the ear cavity can be observed temperature rise to high levels.
  • When otitis media pain is throbbing and shooting, significantly increases the temperature of the body, the child becomes very restless. There is a feeling of congestion at which hearing can deteriorate markedly. Unbearable pain will occur when you press the tragus. The pressure exerted by purulent mass, could lead to rupture of the eardrum, whereby the contents through the formed opening will begin to come out.
  • internal otitis leads to disruption of the vestibular apparatus, so the child can be disturbed coordination of movements, there are dizziness, nausea, loss of balance.
Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations
Otitis media in children is clearly marked symptoms. It is necessary to define the type of otitis media and to start treatment.

All the painful symptoms of the disease can significantly increase when you open your mouth or attempt to pull the ear. Infants because of the inability to explain the appearance of pain in the ears may try to affect or scratch the ear, be moody, restless.

Shape and features of the occurrence of otitis media

The main varieties of otitis media will differ between a site of inflammation focus localization:

  • Otitis externa.
  • Otitis media.
  • Internal otitis.

Often there is the transition source of inflammation in other parts of the hearing organ: otitis externa may spread in depth and lead to the defeat of the middle part, and then the internal department. Outside the inflammation has 2 forms: limited when a boil outside and diffuse when the outer ear is completely inflamed.

Otitis media has 3 forms: acute, recurrent and chronic. The inflammatory process which is accompanied by the appearance of exudates can penetrate into the ear cavity (catarrhal type) or cause the formation of pus (purulent type).

Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

The chronic form of the disease is the result of using or ignoring symptomatology unsuitable for the specific case of drugs, the reception of which was carried out for a long period of time. Internal otitis also has two main stages: an initial acute and chronic form.

otitis externa

Otitis media in children, symptoms and treatments which may vary depending on the form of the disease, can carry infectious and non-infectious character. Pathogenic bacteria can act as staphylococci, fungi, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

In the absence of otitis externa infections may occur for the following reasons:

  • Improper hygiene ears. Lack of full care purity auricles as excessively frequent purging are equally hazardous. Clean the ear canal can not produce sharp objects that are not intended for this purpose. Too deep cleaning the ears can cause an infection.
  • characteristics of the organism: Insufficient or excessive production of sulfur.
  • Mechanical damage, Penetration of foreign bodies or water.
  • disease adjacent organs infectious nature.
  • decrease local and general immunity.
Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

For limited external otitis characterized by the formation and the formation of purulent furuncle rod. Pain reduction was observed after its opening. When diffuse otitis defeat the auditory meatus can occur against the background of an allergic reaction, a fungal infection and characterized by the presence of visible lesions.

otitis media

Localization of inflammatory focus falls on the space between the outer and inner ear departments. Depending on the fluid formed inside the disorder divided by purulent or serous. When serous otitis there is a strong pressure on the eardrum due to the internal fluid buildup.

The resulting stress causes hearing loss, pain shooting character and fever.

In acute purulent form formed purulent accumulations that as a result of the increased pressure in the ear cavity lead to partial breakage and formation of holes in the eardrum. Purulent discharge flow outwardly and then decreases markedly the severity of symptoms.

Against the background of a weakened immune system or concomitant diseases becomes chronic otitis at which purulent discharge may appear periodically and stand outwardly. For this cause a hole in the eardrum does not grow appreciably reduced hearing acuity. Symptoms may disappear completely, and then grow with a bang.

Acute suppurative otitis media

The process of breeding of bacteria in the ear cavity inevitably leads to the development of acute inflammation. The disease may affect only one ear and spread to the other side - in this case will be bilateral otitis.

Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

Contact pathogens into the middle ear occurs in several stages:

Stage Characteristic
catarrhal There is a hearing loss, pain, and fever. This is an initial step and is in a cluster in the oral exudate ear.
Purulent Pus formation and increase the pressure on the eardrum lead to its rupture. Through hole purulent accumulations flow outwardly. After the breakthrough pain subside significantly.
convalescence stage After the liberation of the ear cavity by mass purulent inflammation gradually fades away, happening hearing recovery.

Otitis media in children, symptoms and treatments which may be different to the acute phase may cause protracted process of accumulation of pus without perforation (breakthrough), which will lead to the emergence of dizziness and vomiting. Serious complications can occur when the penetration of accumulated mass of pus in the cranial cavity.

Chronic otitis media

The chronic form of the disease is a complication of the preceding stage of acute suppurative otitis media. By reducing the barrier properties of the body and uncontrolled increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms disease becomes long and sluggish, which is characterized by intermittent suppuration for 4 weeks or more, hearing loss.

On examination will be noticeable formation of persistent perforation in the tympanic membrane, the edges of which are well-formed.

The chronic form may be of two basic types:

  • mezotimpanit is a benign form, which is expressed in the formation of polyps, attached to the surface of the eardrum.
    Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations
  • attic disease It is a malignant form, provoking the defeat of the mucous membrane and bones. Toxins can enter the cavity of the inner ear, leading to disturbances in the vestibular apparatus.

The disease risk of developing complications, so when the first complaints of the child in the ear, seek help from a doctor.

Possible complications of otitis

Due to late diagnosis of the disease, ignoring the symptoms of incorrect or late initiation of treatment may be various complications.

The main consequences are:

  • Significant hearing loss levels, which can lead to total loss of it.
  • Damage to the facial nerve, resulting in partial paralysis of facial muscles.
  • Degenerative changes of the eardrum.
  • Intracranial abscess.
  • The spread of infection in the meninges - meningitis, septicemia. This phenomenon is due to the structure of children's ear infections and the ability to penetrate from the eardrum to the brain membranes.
Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

Self-treatment of a child, which was launched to survey the state of the ears of a physician, can lead to an outbreak of acute and recurrent disease. Thus infection of the middle ear can spread to the area behind the ear and cause an pneumatic cavity.

To reduce the likelihood of developing complications of the child's parents is recommended for any viral disease that is accompanied by abundant mucus secretion of the nasal cavity, to be particularly vigilant.

Ear drops with otitis

On the pharmaceutical market there are many products in the form of drops, which can be used in case of otitis media.

They differ depending on the therapeutic effect:

  • Since the content of the antibiotic. They actively influence the pathogenic microflora, help to eliminate the causes of the disease. The most effective include Normaks drugs Polydex, Otofa.
  • anti-inflammatory drops promote rapid elimination of pain and reduce inflammation activity. The most popular drugs are: otinum based on choline salicylate, Sofradeks.
  • Preparations for the treatment of painWhich should not be used if damaged eardrum: Otipaks based lidocaine Anauran antimicrobial for the treatment of pain.
  • Drops of oil-basedWhich are the most safe: Vaksol, Remo Wax. Due to the natural components of the means to help relieve pain, itching and eliminate the inflammation.
  • combined toolsWhich contain several active substances Garazon, Kandibiotik.
Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

Treatment in children should be initiated only after an expert examination of the eardrum state and clarify symptoms. This is due to the fact that when it is damaged part of the ear drops to treat otitis media can not be used.

How to dig ear?

Action ear drops occur locally, for this reason they contribute to a more rapid process of relieving pain and inflammation.

The process of instillation of drops will consist of a few simple steps:

  1. It should be warmed vial drops to a comfortable temperature for the body.
  2. Perform ear cleaning before instillation as necessary.
  3. Tilt your head to one side and gently pulling the ear, it should drop according to the recommended number of drops on the wall of the ear canal instructions.
  4. This position should be several minutes.

For better it is recommended to insert drops in the ear a small piece of cotton wool. Keep in mind that you should slightly overlap the outer part of the ear and try to immerse wool as deeply as possible.

Compress on the ear

Treatment with compresses at the formation of pus is prohibited because it may trigger a gain symptoms. For the same reason you can not make compresses when damaged eardrum.

In other cases, the advice of a doctor can impose alcohol compress:

  • Cloth of gauze folded into several times, and in the middle of making a vertical incision.
  • The napkin is wetted in a prepared solution (alcohol diluted in the proportion 1: 1 with water) and firmly squeeze applied to inflamed ear.
  • Gauze cloth cover large-sized piece of the special compress paper.
  • Cotton wool is placed the upper layer, after which the dressing is fixed.
Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

Such a bandage can be left up to 4 hours and then compress is removed.


For the treatment of otitis media in children physician antibiotics topical or systemic action can be assigned. They can come in different forms: suspension, tablets, injections and capsules. The most popular drugs that can suppress the inflammatory process formed include Amoxicillin, Flemoksin Soljutab, Amoxiclav.

These drugs are generally well tolerated by children and effectively cope with the disease.

If the bacteria formed a resistance to the above-mentioned medicines, your doctor may recommend the use of other means: Azithromycin, Roksitomitsin, Clarithromycin. For topical application, also can be used ear drops, a part of which includes an antibiotic. For systemic antibiotic treatment will range from 5 to 7 days.

Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

The decision to choose the dosage will be based on the age of the baby and his weight. The need for antibiotics to be grounded in the presence of influence factors expressed heavy symptoms, eliminate that can not at the local level, the localization of the inflammatory process in both ears, and if the correct diagnosis, there is no doubt.

Recipes folk remedies

Traditional treatments of the disease shall be used after consulting a doctor, indicating the intention to use the funds of alternative medicine.

For treatment, you can use these methods:

  1. Essential oils of eucalyptus and lavender add to bowl with hot boiled water. Leaning over the ferry, follow them to breathe and change alternately position for warm ears. This procedure should be done very carefully, the child should not get burned with steam, so the water temperature should be comfortable for him.
  2. Boiled peeled garlic is applied to the affected ear, and then fixed with a bandage or a special bandage.
  3. When purulent otitis is recommended to drink a decoction of the root raspberries. To do this, the crushed roots should pour boiling water, then let it brew broth. This broth should be given to the child to drink daily in an amount of 100 ml to 0.5 liters.
  4. The crushed leaves of laurel pour boiling water. After staining the water a yellowish tint in the composition of cotton wool moistened turunda. After wetting it is inserted into the ear, changing turundy should be performed every hour.
  5. Warm baked onion should be wrapped in a gauze fabric, and then applied to compress the inflamed ear.
Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

In severe disease, fever or pain amplification degree use traditional medicines is not recommended.

Hygiene ear infection

Otitis media in children, symptoms and treatments which may vary depending on the form of the disease, does not negate the need for hygiene ears. The procedure of removing pus from the ear cavity is desirably carried out by qualified doctor or nurse. To do this, a cotton or gauze cloth tourniquet can be used, which is fixed on a special probe.

After purification residues from the ear pus processing should be carried out with an antiseptic solution, and then use the drops that have been assigned to the clinician after examination of the state of the eardrum.

Otitis media in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, drops which antibiotic is best to take. clinical recommendations

Often the occurrence of otitis media in children preceded by viral respiratory infections, which are characterized by the presence of abundant mucus in the nasal cavity. Incorrect procedure stonecrops nose of the nozzle may lead to increased pressure and penetration of mucus in the ear cavity. It should be remembered that the child should be cleaned alternately each nasal passage.

The appearance of the first symptoms of otitis media in children should be a reason for immediate treatment to the doctor. Later, responsiveness and self-administered treatment of parents in most cases leads to the development of complications, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of otitis media in children

Dr. Komarovsky about the causes and treatment of otitis media in children:

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