
Red eye. Causes and treatment of adults and children. Photos, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

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Red eyes in adults and children - is a symptom that requires the determination of the causes and treatment of the underlying disease. Sometimes the redness goes alone, or after the removal of provoking factors, but with any doubt, better to visit a doctor for examination and consultation.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Methods of differential diagnosis in redness of the eyes in children and adults
  • 2 Causes and treatment of eye redness
    • 2.1 Conjunctivitis
      • 2.1.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.1.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.2 eye overvoltage
      • 2.2.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.2.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.3 burst vessel
      • 2.3.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.3.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.4 Allergy
      • 2.4.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.4.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.5 irritation
      • 2.5.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.5.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.6 Injury
      • 2.6.1 First aid and further action by trauma
    • 2.7 keratitis
      • 2.7.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.7.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.8 blepharitis
      • 2.8.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.8.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.9 iridocyclitis
      • 2.9.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.9.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.10 episcleritis
      • 2.10.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.10.2 Folk remedies
    • insta story viewer
    • 2.11 glaucoma attack
      • 2.11.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.11.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.12 Hypertension
      • 2.12.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.12.2 Folk remedies
    • 2.13 Diabetes
      • 2.13.1 treatment with drugs
      • 2.13.2 Folk remedies
  • 3 Why there is a red spot on the whites of the eyes and how to get rid of it
    • 3.1 treatment with drugs
    • 3.2 Folk remedies
  • 4 Videos about the causes of red eye

Methods of differential diagnosis in redness of the eyes in children and adults

An initial diagnosis may hold as a therapist, and an ophthalmologist. At the same time it is important that general practitioners could distinguish the disease requiring treatment in specialized professionals from all other causes and conditions. The therapist or an ophthalmologist at the reception gather information about the time of onset of symptoms, strengthening its accompanying problems, conducts a visual inspection.

Symptoms that often accompany the redness of the eyes:

  • Pain. It may indicate a serious disease, some of which require emergency care. Its severity and nature are very important for the study.
  • itching burning. Common symptom, usually indicates a bacterial or allergic nature of the disease.
  • Allocation. Can vary from excessive tearing up pus different color and consistency.

In addition to the examination of external signs, there are many modern methods that help to establish the diagnosis more accurate.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

These include:

method of investigation Result possible diseases
Determination of visual acuity on the table alleviation Keratitis, iridocyclitis, glaucoma, trauma
Checking the reaction of the pupil to light Malfunction reaction frozen dilated pupil Iridocyclitis, acute attack of glaucoma
entoptoscopy Pathology of the retina, optic nerve, eye vessels Overvoltage, vasospasm
Oftalmotonometriya Measurement of intraocular pressure glaucoma attack
A study of the position and movement of the eyeballs Pathology caused by illness Trauma, glaucoma attack

Causes and treatment of eye redness

Red eye, causes and treatment of adults and children, a description of the symptom in detail in this article. The surface of the eyeball and mucosal strewn small vessels, which carries oxygen and other nutrients. For various reasons, they can expand and then becomes visible redness.

Many people believe that this is a sign of broken vessels, but they are much less likely to burst. Hemorrhage is expressed in blood stains in addition to redness. To the red-eye symptom should not be treated casually, though it often goes alone. If redness lasts more than 3-5 days, not with rest and application of a vasoconstrictor, it is necessary to see a specialist.


So it called inflammation as a result of contact with eyes, fungus, bacteria, virus infection, or allergies. Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammationIn addition, he is accompanied by redness itching, swelling, lacrimation. It is a common infectious disease in which it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene.

treatment with drugs

The choice of funds depends on the underlying cause of the disease, which is determined by a doctor. In general, for antibacterial treatment used (erythromycin, sulfacetamide), anti-edema (diclofenac), antihistamines (Suprastin) and antibiotics. Use local drops and ointments, as well as oral medication.

Folk remedies

In agreement with your doctor, you can supplement treatment proven popular recipes. Camomile tea has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Lotions from cotton swabs must be applied to the eyes 4 times a day. When pus, to accelerate the elimination can be applied infusion hips with boiling water, in the form of lotions.

eye overvoltage

Red eye, causes and treatment of adults which involves a complete examination of the body, can also be caused by fatigue. Eye fatigue by itself is rarely a disease, but it points to a variety of reasons that can provoke it.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

This symptom proper attention develops into chronic, and can lead to more serious illnesses, in the worst case - the loss of vision.

In addition to redness, fatigue is usually expressed as:

  • dryness;
  • Sensation of sand in the eyes;
  • pain in the eyes and in the mind;
  • Dark circles around the eyes;
  • difficulty of rotation of the eyeball;
  • gravity age;
  • general fatigue of the body.

Common causes of these symptoms are:

  • Prolonged reading without interruption.
  • Poor or incorrect lighting of the workplace when writing and reading.
  • Unsuitable means of vision correction.
  • Staying too dry because of heaters or air conditioners.
  • Prolonged driving a car.
  • Internal diseases, hormonal disorders.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, bad habits.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

If the symptoms of fatigue and often and did not pass the eye stresses occur, consult your doctor to examine the body.

treatment with drugs

When the dryness of the set due to eye with long working at the computer and can be read independently apply moisturizing and relaxing facilities.

These include Oftagel, Oksial. To quickly remove redness fit popular vasoconstrictor drops - Visine, Oftolik.

Folk remedies

For self-help techniques primarily include the regulation of driving and rest times, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, proper diet and moderate exercise.

At home, to relieve fatigue and swelling of the bags help to black or green tea applied to the eyes after use and cooling. Rapid tonic - pieces of ice or cold packs and lotions.

burst vessel

In adults, this happens after heavy physical exertion and surge in children - after a strong cry. Symptom of red-eye in this case is expressed by the appearance of blood stains on the eyeball and does not require treatment. There may be other reasons for internal as well as external factors impact on the eye, or the fatigue of the body.

Despite the unpleasant appearance, the spot does not cause any problems on their own and disappears within 3-5 days. Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammationHowever, if the vessels break often enough and bleeding for a long time does not pass, it is a reason to see a doctor.

treatment with drugs

Optionally, to accelerate the cure vessel bursting, if no contraindications, and other symptoms, one can use the self restorative drops, e.g. Emoksipin or Taufon.

Folk remedies

Infusions chamomile, linden and peppermint well relieve fatigue, inflammation and accelerate healing of damaged tissues. For treatment use warm compresses soaked prepared infusion.


Redness, swelling, itching, discharge - frequent allergy symptoms. It can grow in direct contact with the eye of the allergen (eg, cosmetics, chemicals substances, fumes) and as allergy symptom on flowering season of plants, which is accompanied by runny nose.

A separate diagnosis of allergy to the eye is not, in fact it is allergic conjunctivitis, which is treated in the same way as a regular. If the allergen is unknown, it is determined empirically by trial and error, and no contact with him.

treatment with drugs

In mild exacerbation of allergy when the patient is known allergen and accidental contact occurs, symptoms disappear on their own after a few days. To speed treatment and protect the mucous membrane at this time from outside influences, you can use a drop and gels by the type of artificial tears and its analogues.

Such means provide a protective film and moisturize deeply. A severe form of allergy to severe symptoms require professional observation and treatment of antihistamines and anti-inflammatory, local and internal medications.

Folk remedies

A decoction of chamomile will help relieve redness and alleviate the disease. Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammationStop inflammation and purulent capable weak solution of boric acid and lotions of cheese or grated potatoes.


This is a common symptom that can occur due to external influence of adverse factors.

Main reasons:

  • Dry air.
  • Air pollution impurities allergens.
  • Too bright lighting or gaze at the sun.
  • Prolonged work at the computer, watching television, using your smartphone.
  • Fatigue and sleep shortage.
  • Long fixing eyes on small objects.
  • Unsuitable glasses or contact lenses.

To avoid redness, discomfort, a burning sensation and irritation caused by the sand, you should try to eliminate triggers, use a properly installed lighting and take breaks in the work, not bring themselves to exhaustion and overexertion.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

treatment with drugs

To facilitate the removal of symptoms of irritation and redness is necessary to provide rest to eyes and apply moisturizer, relieves fatigue drops: Visine, Sisteyn balance and their analogues.

Folk remedies

Red eye, causes and treatment of adults who are perfectly combined with traditional medicine.

Eliminates pathology simple home recipes for recovery, removal of weariness and irritation:

  • ice cold packs;
  • lotions of tea bags;
  • compresses with grated cucumber, potatoes.


Agencies can view injured as a result of contact with foreign objects, chemicals, heat or physical force. In life, the most frequent injuries, strokes, burns and wounds in different subjects.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

In addition to redness, after trauma appear:

  • Acute pain.
  • The discomfort.
  • Lacrimation.
  • Blurred vision.

First aid and further action by trauma

Condition is an emergency, so you should immediately consult your doctor or call the ambulance service.

Prior to this, you must have a minimum first aid:

  • With bruises and bumps, while feeling acute pain is necessary to impose a cooling, slightly oppressive sterile bandage.
  • Dressing for wounds to immobilize should fix your eyes on the synchronous motion, so it is necessary to impose on the two bodies.
  • After contact with the chemicals in your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water. To do this, the person's head should be tilted forward, for free streaming and push for ever wider fingers.
  • When bleeding the first thing is to stop the bleeding. This can be done by using a compression bandage tight.
    Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation
    If the cause of red eye was hit chemical treatment is best left to doctors and call an ambulance. Before the arrival of emergency eye wash water
  • Foreign body is better not to try to remove yourself, because there is the risk of accidentally push it deeper. If it floats on the surface, you can try to move it under the lower lid, and then pull the skin and get garbage clean cotton swab.

Regardless of the type of injury, the timely treatment to the doctor removes the risk of complications and the development of serious diseases after eye injury.


It is an inflammation of the cornea. Its causes may be a viral disease, the penetration of pathogenic bacteria or transferred injury. In addition to redness, a pathology characterized by pain and severe clouding of the cornea, when its color and pattern become less vibrant over time.

treatment with drugs

treatment selects a specialist, depending on the cause of the disease. This can be the local media: hormonal drops (Maksideks); antibacterials (Floksal); anti-inflammatory (Naklof); Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammationExpanding pupils (Atropine). Comprehensive treatment of complement analogues reception inside and laying the ointment or gel.

Folk remedies

Eyewash and pain relief has long been used seabuckthorn oil and other vegetable refined oils. Healing and anti-inflammatory aloe vera juice provides. Effective soothing herbal compresses, such as broth clover, eyebright. Before using folk remedies should be clarified on the combination with the basic treatment by a doctor.


Inflammation of edges of eyelids with redness, discharge from the eyes, pain, itching and burning. The characteristic symptom of blepharitis: in the morning, patients may not immediately open his eyes, as the lashes are glued to dry out pus.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

Several possible reasons:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Viral infection.
  • Various internal diseases.

The development of the disease usually occurs against a background of reduced immunity, so it is necessary to strengthen it for prevention.

treatment with drugs

The physician may prescribe antibacterial and anti-inflammatory topical agents, depending on the set reasons. Ofloxacin is often used, ointment maksitrol.

Folk remedies

After consulting a doctor, it is possible to use vegetable oils for cosmetic washing and sedative actions such as corn, burdock. For compresses and lotions for many blepharitis prepared decoction leafs.


Not frequent disease of the choroid which reasons not well understood. According to various sources, it can be viral, fungal, allergic, autoimmune nature or occur due to internal reasons. The highest percentage of cases there among the people who recover from flu and rheumatism.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

The symptoms of iridocyclitis:

  • Redness.
  • Pain, aggravated by touching the eye.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Lacrimation.
  • The sensation of veil before the eyes.

treatment with drugs

After diagnosis iridocyclitis necessarily assigned combined therapy using local and internal medicines, as well as injections. Among them are using hormone therapy (dexamethasone), antiseptics (Miramistin), antibiotics (Oftakviks) and much more. Similar means are used in tablets, in addition to tonic, vitamin therapy.

Folk remedies

In agreement with the doctor is allowed to use a sun bath and a hot compress, to improve blood circulation and recovery.


Most often, this inflammation occurs in the elderly. On signs it is similar to conjunctivitis, the patient feels discomfort, redness, tearing, and the appearance of edema.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

Episcleritis feature is that it displays disappear on their own within a few weeks, but not finished the cure, he is apt to become chronic with periodic exacerbations. Therefore, it is desirable to visit the doctor to monitor the status and the exclusion of other diagnoses.

treatment with drugs

Based on the patient's condition, to accelerate healing, moisturizing drops are sometimes prescribed for the type of artificial tears or a short course of hormone therapy. However, normally, the treatment of this condition requires.

Folk remedies

Such popular folk treatments as lotions from the cooled tea bags or a juice and pulp of aloe is well suited for getting rid of the symptoms of this disease.

glaucoma attack

People with glaucoma, especially the closed-form, familiar with the attack risks and should monitor their condition and undergo a permanent cure. However, the first attack can occur even in previously healthy people.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

It is associated with a sharp increase in intraocular pressure and is an acute condition in which there is severe pain in the eyes and head, mucosa redness, blurred vision, constriction of the visual field, fog and haze before his eyes, the patients see a bright circle around the glowing items.

treatment with drugs

Due to the urgency of the attack and the various health threats, not recommended the use of any means of their own. Should immediately call an ambulance, which will begin to drop 1% pilocarpine solution intravenously, and deliver man to the hospital where the treatment will continue. Most doctors will first measure aimed at reducing the intraocular pressure and pain relief.

Folk remedies

Self-medication in case of glaucoma attack is dangerous. The only thing that can be done in anticipation of the doctors is a hot foot bath for the outflow of blood from the head and a small relief state.


Chronic hypertension is common among older people and requires constant monitoring by a doctor and receive medication to reduce the pressure as a preventive sudden it jumps.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

If you suspect that an emergency condition (stroke, hypertensive crisis), you must call the ambulance service. In addition to the red eyes, the patients manifested nausea, headache, blurred vision and coordination.

treatment with drugs

In hypertension, a symptom which red eyes, being treatment of the underlying disease. In anticipation of the arrival of doctors, with a pressure jump you can apply any vasoconstrictive drops, such as Visine, and use the pills to reduce the pressure prescribed by the doctor.

Folk remedies

In the early stages of the disease gives good effect herbal teas that promote a mild decrease in pressure. Following the approval of a doctor, you can take an infusion of fennel seeds and tea with mint leaves and black currant. This diagnosis means transition to a healthier lifestyle, compliance with therapeutic diet and moderate exercise.


Red eye, causes and treatment of adults which may be associated with severe chronic diseases, common in patients with diabetes often. This chronic condition involves regular surveys immediately with several specialists, including and an ophthalmologist.Red eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

It has a high risk of complications such as cataract, glaucoma, retinopathy and other eye diseases, which may be accompanied by redness.

treatment with drugs

Doctors prescribe medications to treat the underlying disease, as well as withdrawal symptoms complications. Often prescribe such drops as the Emoksipin, timolol (for glaucoma), in order to prevent the development of eye diseases.

Folk remedies

People with diabetes, many folk use natural decoctions and infusions to reduce and control blood sugar levels, and thus prevent complications. Popular broth lilac flowers and the mixture of aloe juice with honey for ingestion.

Why there is a red spot on the whites of the eyes and how to get rid of it

This is a typical symptom of the bursting of the vessel, a common condition that is not a threat. Common causes: physical stress, minor injuries (eg, nail), fatigue, dry eyes, and others.

treatment with drugsRed eye. Causes and treatment, how to remove allergy, redness, inflammation

If there are no other symptoms, and comorbidities, the red spot on the eye does not require treatment and resolves on its own within a few days.

However, you can apply the general vitaminizes and rewetting drops such as Visine, Taufon, Vizomitin.

Folk remedies

Most simple home remedy for removal of redness, the voltage in the case of bleeding in the eye it compresses cooling with ice.

Causes and treatment of symptoms of red eye in adults varied. In some cases, this light conditions, require almost no care, in others it is the signs of dangerous, heavy diseases.

In any case, you need timely access to a doctor in case of any doubt.

Author: Victoria Sakovich

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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