
Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, what it is, drugs, folk remedies

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Blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids. Pathological processes affect their outer region. The edges of the eyelids redden, and between the lashes appear small flakes of white and yellow. Blepharitis is accompanied by characteristic symptoms requires careful medical diagnosis and treatment of a properly sized.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of the disease in children and adults
    • 1.1 risk groups
  • 2 Types of blepharitis and its symptoms
  • 3 diagnosis of the disease
  • 4 treatment of blepharitis
    • 4.1 Hygiene century
    • 4.2 Recipes folk remedies
    • 4.3 physiotherapy
    • 4.4 Diet for blepharitis
    • 4.5 Surgery
  • 5 Complications and prognosis
  • 6 Useful video of blepharitis, its symptoms and treatments

The causes of the disease in children and adults

Disease pathogens are Staphylococcus bacteria. If the reason is seborrheic dermatitis, then scales cover not only the eyelids but also the scalp.

Conditional triggers are divided into 2 main categories:

Title Description
External (exogenous) The causative agents are blepharitis:
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  • bacteria (Staphylococcus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus);
  • Demodex mites (acne Zheleznitsa);
  • viruses (herpes, adenovirus);
  • fungi (Candida, Aspergillus);
  • external stimuli environment (wind, dust, lint, smoke, dust, ultraviolet rays);
  • chemical substances (cosmetics, shampoo, soap).
Internal (endogenous) Weak immune system is also provoking factor and contributes to the development of blepharitis. Defenses of the human body weakening after exposure to cold, against the background of frequent stress or overwork. Insomnia, diet, lack of vitamins, chronic diseases, hormonal disorders and metabolic failure cause blepharitis.

The main reasons are internal triggers the following factors:

  • allergic reaction;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • abnormal structure of the eye;
  • infectious disease (sinusitis, acute respiratory disease, furunculosis);
  • defects of refraction (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia);
  • damage to the optic body;
  • tattoo.

Digestive system diseases such as pancreatitis or enterocolitis also provoke the development of inflammation and malfunction of the glands.

Many diseases are the cause of blepharitis (measles, anemia, diabetes, psoriasis, eczema). It is crucial to go to the hospital to get tested and start treatment. Without professional assistance inflammatory process will progress and cause serious complications.

risk groups

Blepharitis (symptoms and treatment will help determine ophthalmologist) occurs at any age.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies
The article describes the main symptoms of blepharitis and effective methods of treatment.

Doctors distinguish certain categories of people whose risk of developing the above:

  • the fair sex who use cosmetic products;
  • people who have poor eyesight, but for the correction, they do not wear glasses or contact lenses;
  • person, prone to allergic reactions;
  • people with diabetes;
  • office workers and those who work in adverse conditions.

After numerous serious diseases may develop blepharitis. The same goes for congenital immunodeficiency, HIV infection, weakened immunity.

Types of blepharitis and its symptoms

In medicine, there are certain kinds of diseases. In each case, the pathological processes accompanied by certain characteristic features.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies

But there are common symptoms that occur regardless of the type of blepharitis:

  • eyes tire quickly, even after a small load;
  • increased susceptibility to external stimuli (wind, light);
  • eyelids redden, swell, worried about itching and burning;
  • vision quality deteriorates;
  • eyes appear allocation, eyelashes stick together;
  • formed scales and crusts on the skin of the eyelids.

Blepharitis expressed manifested in the morning. In the afternoon some of the symptoms disappear.

If the pathology is not treated, the inflammation progresses and symptoms intensify, any secondary effects:

  • in the eyes of double vision;
  • lashes fall out and new ones grow properly;
  • appears photophobia;
  • profusely shed tears;
  • age coated surface crust.

When you see any sign of it is crucial to consult an ophthalmologist. The physician will examine, prescribe additional testing and select for the most effective treatment.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies

In medicine, the following types of blepharitis:

Title Description
Cheshuychasty (seborrheic) Often it occurs along with seborrheic dermatitis, which affects the scalp, eyebrows, behind the ear. The edges of the eyelids appear thickened and redness. Lashes are formed between the dense flakes that are well attached to the skin. After their removal on the surface of the epidermis does not leave marks. The edges of the eyelids are covered with yellow crusts - is the result of sebaceous glands. As the progression of pathological processes eyelids become swollen and tightly fitting to the eyeball. For this reason, excessive tearing begins. Spread inflammation of the conjunctiva provokes blepharoconjunctivitis. Against the backdrop of a long course of the disease falls eyelashes (partial alopecia). It is also high probability of ectropion.
ulcerative Blepharitis accompanied suppurative inflammatory process that affects the hair follicles eyelashes. The surface is covered with purulent crusts age, if you shoot them, remain bleeding ulcers. After them, there scarring. Purulent inflammation contributes to the loss of healthy eyelashes. In some situations, they are completely absent. Such a condition is called madarosis. Because of scarring tissue after healing ulcers eyelashes grow also incorrectly, eyelids deformed (wrapped or torn out).
Demodectic The causative agent of the disease is a mite Demodex. After infection, there is a strong itch. In the morning the eyelids going sticky substance that separates hard. The next step - an inflammatory process in the ciliary edges. They thicken and redden. Accumulate between the lashes dry flakes. Determine the presence of the mite allow microscopic examination.
meybomievy Type of blepharitis, which is accompanied by severe inflammation. The eyelids are sealed and blush. Source of the problem - the excess secretion, which produce the meibomian gland. Mucus accumulates because sebaceous glands are clogged.
Allergic Most often it occurs in conjunction with allergic conjunctivitis. The main reason - high sensitivity to certain substances (drugs, cosmetics, animal dander, dust or fluff). There are acute and chronic allergic blepharitis. Accompanying signs include swelling, severe itching of the eyelids, excessive tearing, congestion of the mucus secreted from the glands, eye stinging. The most common allergic blepharitis affects both eyes at once.
Rosacea, blepharitis Another name for the disease - acne blepharitis. Facial skin rashes appear corresponding with the color pink. The eyelids are formed gray-red ulcers.

Treatment picks Ophthalmologist, taking into account individual characteristics of the patient and the type of disease.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies

He distinguishes the degree of pathology:

Title Description
mild form Of particular discomfort is absent, scales are easily separated, without leaving ulcers or erosions. Sometimes the eyelids swell and redden after the negative impact of external stimuli (light, dust, wind). The danger is that during stimulation a person rubs his eyes, than the risks to carry infection.
severe form The eyelids swell, redden, become heavier, the flakes are separated with difficulty, leaving behind ulcers. In most cases, the consequence of the disease are scars, eyelashes grow properly. Their direction towards the cornea triggers damage. Without timely treatment of pathological processes progressed and spread to the cornea. High risk of erosion, which will lead to blindness.

Given the location of the inflammatory process, the following types of blepharitis:

Title Description
the front edge Place inflammatory focus is at the base of the eyelashes.
The rear boundary Inflammation develops in the sebaceous glands. The danger is to spread it on the cornea and conjunctivitis.
angular Pathological processes extend to the corners of his eyes.

Blepharitis (symptoms and treatment of disease determined by a physician after a full medical examination) is important to identify at an early stage of development. If you get rid of the inflammation does not work, you can achieve a stable remission.

diagnosis of the disease

Additional examination shall appoint an ophthalmologist, considering the patient's complaints.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies

The following methods are used for diagnosis of blepharitis:

Title Description
visometry Determination of visual acuity.
biomicroscopy Careful examination of all ocular structures (eyeball, eyelids, conjunctiva, the protective film).
Biopsy and histology tissue Tests can confirm or deny the presence of malignant processes.

Microscopic studies help determine the presence of a mite of the genus Demodex. In allergic blepharitis spend alergoproby.

treatment of blepharitis

Given the results of diagnostics and the type of disease, in each case picks up the individual treatment ophthalmologist. But there are common practices aimed at combating all forms of blepharitis. First of all prescribed drugs.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies
drug Group Title The use and effectiveness
antiseptics "Vitabakt", "Miramistin", "Futaron". To eliminate infectious and inflammatory lesions recommended drip drip 1-2. 2-6, p. per day. By decreasing the manifestations of disease, reduced frequency of instillation. therapy 10 d extends on average.
antibacterials "Tobrex", "Tsiprolet", "Floksal". Destroy pathogens blepharitis. Antibiotic therapy is from 7 to 10 d. The medicine was instilled in konyunktivitny 1-2 bag cap. During each hour can be used during acute inflammation agent.
anti-inflammatory drugs "Deksapos" "Dexamethasone", "Farmadeks". Reduce inflammation and redness of the eyelids. At the initial stage of the disease it is recommended to bury cap 1-2. every hour. With the onset of improvement period of time increases. Standard treatment takes 14 d.

If the cause of blepharitis is a tick in the treatment of used antiparasitic agents.

Hygiene century

Blepharitis (symptoms and treatment depend on the type of disease, accurate diagnosis will set Ophthalmologist) requires adherence to simple rules of hygiene during treatment. All procedures are carried out with clean hands, use only those medicines and ointments that are appointed optometrist.

Moreover, make-up during the treatment of blepharitis is not recommended to apply.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies

In the first place should be released to exit ducts secretion produced by glands. To do this, use warm moist compresses. The wet wipe or towel applied to the eye for 5-10 min. To achieve rapid positive effect it is recommended to carry out 3-4 treatments p. per day.

Hygiene edges of the eyelids is a gentle cleansing them from the crusts and scales. You can use baby shampoo in a diluted form. Moisten a cotton ball and lightly rub the eyelid, starting from the outer to the inner corner.

Compliance with simple hygiene is an integral part of the successful treatment of blepharitis. Regularly scheduled procedures reduce the risk of re-infection and prevent serious complications.

Recipes folk remedies

Nontraditional methods are complementary. The main treatment is carried out with the help of medications. If there are no contraindications, and the doctor allowed, you can use the recipes of traditional healers and healers. Tinctures, decoctions eliminate itching, reduce swelling and redness.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies

Effective recipes of traditional medicine:

Title Recipe The use and effectiveness
Tea For the preparation of brewed green or black tea. Tea washed eyelids or use it for lotions.
herbal The broth is prepared with adding thyme, celandine, lime, bay leaf, chamomile, marigold and basil. The resulting solution is used for lotions. The drug reduces the redness of the eyelids and eliminates inflammation.
Corn or burdock The oil solution is used in pure form. Burdock or corn oil lubricates inflamed eyelids morning after water procedures. Means well-moisturizes the skin, especially in squamous blepharitis.
Laundry soap For treatment applied a soapy solution. Means applied on the eyelids and wash off after a few minutes. After applying soap to lubricate the skin is recommended mineral oil. Medicine copes well with ticks, demodectic blepharitis.

It copes well with the inflammatory process onion broth based. Medium size onion boil in 0.5 l of water. Remove and add the vegetable broth in honey (1 tablespoon). The resulting solution was used and well drain eyewash.


Treatment of blepharitis is conducted comprehensively, using not only the traditional tools and traditional recipes. Well established physiotherapy.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies
Title Description
Electrophoresis antibacterial drugs (penicillin). It helps to eliminate pathogens in the inflammation. Before the procedure, the eyelids are cleaned from crusts and scales. After the session the lid margin zelenkoj processed. The course consists of 20 treatments of 15 minutes.
The low-frequency magnetic therapy. Decreases eyelid edema, improves nutrient process accelerates tissue regeneration, activates the circulation in the affected area. The magnetic field is applied in a continuous mode. The course of treatment includes 12-20 sessions of 10 minutes.
Medicinal electrophoresis with novocaine, Dimexidum, lidocaine. Each session lasts 15 min. Treatment course includes 20 procedures. Iontophoresis reduces itching on the skin.
arsonvalization During the session it uses a low frequency pulse currents. They have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, eliminate the spasm of blood vessels, improves tissue nutrition. For each procedure takes 7-10 minutes. The course of treatment includes 10-12 sessions.
Massage of century. Good stimulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, eliminates stagnation. Increases muscle tone and nervous. Recovering process of extracting secretions. During the massage, applied to the skin medicinal ointments and creams to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. The procedure is performed with a glass rod. The course of treatment includes 20 sessions.
Electrophoresis desensitizing agents (diphenhydramine, calcium chloride). Drugs reduce the permeability of vessels. One procedure takes 15 minutes. On the course you will need 10 sessions.

Blepharitis (symptoms and treatment require skilled care ophthalmologist) successfully amenable to physiotherapy. It reduces inflammation, swelling and itching. Procedures for restoring the sebaceous glands, reduce the body's sensitivity to environmental factors.

Diet for blepharitis

The main recommendations of an ophthalmologist with inflammation of the eyelids - a timely diagnosis of the disease and correctly chosen treatment. The doctor also advised to adhere to dietary, especially for allergic blepharitis.

In the acute stage of pathological processes of the patient it is recommended to exclude from the diet and food products that increase the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Should abandon citrus and seafood.

Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies

Diet for blepharitis involves eating foods with plenty of vitamins and proteins. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe further reception multivitamin preparations.


Operational method for controlling blepharitis is used in extreme cases when there is no positive dynamics after the use of drugs, traditional recipes and physiotherapy.

When the eyelid seal benign patient shows surgery to remove tumors. Surgery is also done with the eversion or volvulus century. Abnormal growth of eyelashes in the direction of the eyeball (trichiasis) requires prompt treatment.

Complications and prognosis

Timely treatment of blepharitis will prevent exacerbation of the pathological process and prevent serious complications:

  • blurred vision, until its loss;
  • dysplasia eyelashes;
  • scarring of the place where they were ulceration, erosion;
  • corneal ulcer defeat.
Blepharitis. Symptoms and Treatment, photo eyes in adults, medicines, folk remedies

Progressing, blepharitis provoke degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the cornea. Projections for the future are positive if the patient went to a doctor in a timely manner.

Blepharitis is a serious condition, which is difficult to get rid of. But to achieve remission can stand, if strictly adhere to the recommendations of an ophthalmologist. Without proper treatment, the pathology progresses, symptoms worsen and the disease enters the chronic form.

Useful video of blepharitis, its symptoms and treatments

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" about blepharitis:

Methods of treatment and prevention of blepharitis:

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