
The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons for working at a computer, movement, bright light, what to drip

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If the image is blurry in the eyes, then this may indicate not only about ophthalmic problems, but also about a number of other diseases and conditions.

Vision problems occur with infections, overwork, VSD, diabetes mellitus and in many other situations. We can talk about mechanical damage to the visual organ, concussion. A person may suffer from intoxication or the activity of parasites in the body. In all these conditions, symptoms in the form of blurred vision can be observed.

Record content:

  • 1 Why does the image blur before my eyes
    • 1.1 In bright light
    • 1.2 Blur near and far
    • 1.3 Sideways
    • 1.4 In 1 eye
    • 1.5 When driving
    • 1.6 During pregnancy
    • 1.7 After alcohol and smoking
  • 2 Diseases with blurry vision symptom
    • 2.1 Hypertension
    • 2.2 Diabetes
    • 2.3 Glaucoma
    • 2.4 Cataract
    • 2.5 Retinal disinsertion
    • 2.6 Diseases of the nervous system
    • 2.7 Infections
  • 3 When and which doctor should I contact?
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 Treatment program
    • 5.1 Medicines
    • 5.2 Contact lenses and glasses
    • 5.3 Laser vision correction
    • 5.4 Gymnastics for the eyes
  • 6 What shouldn't be done?
  • 7 Video about the causes of fog before the eyes
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Why does the image blur before my eyes

Problems with the visual organs can be both physiological and pathological. For example, there are a number of factors in everyday life that can affect the quality of vision.

In bright light

If a person works at the computer for a long time or sits close to the TV, then the load on the visual organs increases greatly. In this case, dry eye syndrome may develop.

The visual organs will react even to daylight. To avoid eye strain, it is important to get enough sleep and spend as little time in front of the monitor as possible, as well as think about buying a more modern screen. You may also need to use eye drops (such as Vizine) to relieve dryness.

Blur near and far

Problems of this type can arise against the background of ophthalmic pathologies. Similar symptoms are observed in presbyopia (senile vision). It becomes difficult for a person to read newspapers, the text becomes blurry even if you bring it very close to your eyes. Problems also appear when moving the eyes into the distance. In this case, blurry and blurred vision also appears.The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that drip

Senile vision gradually develops with age. However, there is no clear mechanism for the development of this syndrome.

Blurring near and far can appear against the background of a lack of minerals in the body. This negatively affects the general state of vision. One of the symptoms is cloudiness in the eyes. If, in addition to the lack of minerals and vitamins, a person experiences stress, does not sleep well, then this can lead to pathological processes. Models often face problems of this nature.

The image in the eyes is blurred, often against the background of intoxication. In case of poisoning, a detrimental effect is exerted on the entire body. Vision problems often appear. In addition to turbidity, flies before the eyes, spots, ripples may appear. This is often a sign of mushroom or methyl alcohol poisoning. With such a strong intoxication, vision is greatly impaired, up to its complete loss.

Cloudiness in the eyes when looking into the distance or, on the contrary, looking at objects that are close, may also appear from taking medications. As a rule, this happens due to taking too long medication.

Of the additional symptoms of such an overabundance of drugs, many note dizziness, migraines, and bouts of nausea. Periodically there are problems with visual perception.

If it is more difficult for a person to see objects located closer to him, then there is every reason to suspect hyperopia. With some types of this pathology, it is more difficult to concentrate on what is located further.


Similar symptoms can appear if a person has insufficiently developed vestibular apparatus. Also, when looking to the side, cloudiness may appear after riding on merry-go-rounds, roller coasters. Additionally, a person may complain of nausea and dizziness. A similar symptomatology appears with motion sickness.

In 1 eye

An infectious disease, ingress of a foreign body or mechanical damage can also provoke a symptom in the form of clouding. This usually only happens with one eye.The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that drip

For example, dirt or a small part of a solid object may have entered the eye. Because of this, a dissection occurred and visibility was significantly impaired. If in such a situation you do not use medications (for example, healing ointments), then there is a risk of losing your eyesight.

Another reason for the deterioration of vision in one eye is damage to the central retinal vein of the optic organ. In this case, the symptomatology manifests itself mainly in the morning hours, immediately after waking up.

This problem is caused by increased blood clotting. Also, such a symptom appears with hypotension, problems of cardiac function. As a rule, people who are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis suffer from this.

When driving

The image in the eyes is often blurred in a situation when a person sat in one position for a very long time, and then suddenly stood up and began to move. Dizziness may also occur. Typically, both symptoms disappear after a few minutes.

Often, with a sharp rise, the surrounding things begin to see double in the eyes. Therefore, do not change the position abruptly. You need to get up gradually, and in case of dizziness, it is better to sit back and wait a while until the symptoms disappear.

During pregnancy

When carrying a child, clouding in the eyes is considered normal. This symptom is caused by a change in the level of hormones in the female body. Against this background, a change in the shape and thickness of the cornea of ​​the optic organ can also occur, which at first will provoke discomfort. As soon as the hormonal balance is restored, these symptoms disappear.

After alcohol and smoking

With the abuse of intoxicating drinks, the work of the whole organism as a whole is often disrupted. Blurred eyes usually occur when blood pressure rises. Expansion and spasms of blood vessels, toxic damage to cells occur. It all depends on the duration of alcohol consumption and dosage.

The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that drip
The image blurred in the eyes after smoking is due to an increase in blood pressure

At first, dizziness and blurred vision may last 15-30 minutes. Also, this happens with a sharp rise, turn of the head. In such a situation, inpatient treatment is required.

First of all, the patient is given droppers and medications are administered, the action of which is aimed at cleansing the blood. It is important to remove the decomposition products of ethanol as soon as possible. Otherwise, due to severe intoxication (already mentioned above), the patient may lose sight.

It very rarely happens that one eye stops seeing well after a single case of drinking a small dose of alcohol. In this case, there is a suspicion that the person has drunk a low-quality strong drink. If there are no other symptoms of intoxication, then you can try to cope with the problem yourself.

To do this, you need to drink 3 liters of water per day (you can drink rosehip tea, soothing decoctions) to cleanse the body and remove toxins. Citrus fruits and apples have a neutralizing effect on alcohol. It is the fruit that should form the basis of the diet of the next day after drinking alcohol.

Deterioration of vision and intoxication can be provoked by another bad habit - smoking. Many heavy smokers experience brief dizziness and blurred vision after the first morning cigarette.

Diseases with blurry vision symptom

There are a number of pathologies in which patients often have vision problems.


With a sharp increase in blood pressure, it often becomes cloudy in the eyes. However, those people who have not been diagnosed with hypertension may experience problems with the eye organs.The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that drip

For example, this happens with sudden movements, a long stay upside down. With an increase in blood pressure, the eye pressure also rises. If a person does not suffer from hypertension, then he is advised to take a horizontal position and rest.

Also, problems can arise with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. For example, people with anemia, arterial hypertension, hypotension complain about the veil in the eyes.


If a person's blood glucose level is elevated, then vision problems are a very common problem. This is due to the clouding of the lens of the optic organ. Therefore, it is recommended that you always monitor your blood sugar levels. If the indicators are increased, then you need to give up physical activity, rest and take medications prescribed by a doctor.

Athletes often suffer from low sugar levels. During exercise, glucose levels drop and vision problems appear.


If the image is blurred in the eyes, then the problem may be associated with increased pressure in the eye organs. At the same time, the image becomes blurry, cloudy.

The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that drip

Also, patients complain of severe headaches and a feeling of intense tension in the eyes. The so-called limited fields of vision appear. For example, a person can see quite well when looking ahead, but when looking to the side, the picture is greatly distorted.


Just like glaucoma, this pathology develops with age and is more common in older people. Cataract is a lesion of the lens of the eye. It becomes less transparent. The image itself before the eyes becomes cloudy.

Cataracts can be unilateral or bilateral. Accordingly, only one eye or both of them can be affected. Additional symptoms include the appearance of blackheads before the eyes, dizziness. Glasses are usually prescribed for patients. However, even with their use, there is a risk of developing blindness.

Retinal disinsertion

A similar pathology develops against the background of dystrophic changes inside the retina. Gradually, it becomes thinner, vision deteriorates. The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that dripRetinal detachment often becomes a complication after a cataract removal procedure. Also, the cause of the pathology can be mechanical damage to the visual organ.

Diseases of the nervous system

Blurry in the eyes may appear against the background of:

  • Multiple sclerosis. With this pathology, serious damage to the spinal cord, as well as the human brain, occurs. The process of transmission of nerve impulses slows down. 70% of patients with this diagnosis also have vision problems. As a rule, blurred images appear in both eyes at once.
  • Neuropathies. We are talking about a pathology affecting peripheral nerves. As a rule, neuropathy appears in those people who suffer from pathologies of a chronic nature, severe poisoning. Additional symptoms include color problems. The lesion can affect only one eye, or both.
  • VSD. With dysfunction of the autonomic system, there is a change in the work of the central nervous system. There are many reasons and factors for the development of this pathology. In addition to vision problems, the patient notes the appearance of panic attacks, dizziness, headaches, a feeling of weakness and prolonged depression.


There are a number of infectious pathologies that in the process of development can affect the eyeball.The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that drip

Name of infection Peculiarities
Uveitis The disease is characterized by inflammatory processes occurring in the choroid of the optic organ. In addition to blurred eyes, redness of proteins, photophobia also appears.
Keratitis The inflammation affects the cornea of ​​the optic organ. Patients have deterioration of vision, lacrimation, purulent discharge from the visual organs, which makes it difficult to open their eyes in the morning. The cornea loses its natural transparency.
Conjunctivitis With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, reddening of the proteins is also observed, the appearance of pain and cramps in the visual organs. Purulent discharge may also appear. Eyesight deteriorates.
Dikryocystitis With inflammation of the lacrimal sac, the eyelids swell and hurt. Eyes may discharge pus and mucus. Blurry appears in the eyes.
Blepharitis The pathology is characterized by inflammation of the eyelids. Patients complain of rapid eye fatigue, blurred images, puffiness.
Neuritis With damage to the optic nerve, vision problems appear in 90%. Also, patients are diagnosed with a violation of color perception. Flies or circles may appear before the eyes.

It is also worth noting a few more ophthalmic factors that can affect a person's vision:

  • Hemorrhage. A similar thing can happen in the retina of the optic organ. Damage to blood vessels can occur from severe eye strain or just hard physical work. Their walls become thinner.
    The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that drip
    Hemorrhage in the eye
  • Retinal migraine. A similar syndrome develops against the background of a malfunction of the artery leading to the retina. In this case, the person may develop the so-called blind spots.
  • Astigmatism. This pathology is characterized by an irregular shape of the cornea of ​​the optic organ. Astigmatism can be in one or both eyes.
  • Optic neuropathy. Typically, this condition affects only one eye. At the same time, the patient does not experience serious pain and general discomfort. However, this type of pathology requires treatment.
  • Presbyopathy. This pathology most often occurs in people over the age of 40. At first, patients begin to complain of blurred eyes, then it becomes difficult to look at closely spaced objects. Gradually, the lens of the eye begins to lose its natural elasticity.

When and which doctor should I contact?

The image is blurred in the eyes for a variety of reasons. If we are talking about pathology, then first of all it is important to cure or alleviate the disease that provoked such symptoms. For example, with VSD, a neurologist will deal with treatment.

With direct damage to the visual organ itself, therapeutic measures are prescribed by an ophthalmologist. If you have problems with an increase or decrease in blood pressure, a cardiologist's consultation is required. A neurosurgeon will help a patient whose vision has deteriorated due to a traumatic brain injury. With diabetes mellitus, a visit to an endocrinologist is mandatory.

However, first of all, you need to contact a therapist at the place of registration. The doctor will be able to determine which specialist to refer the patient to.


Most often, patients with vision problems are referred to an ophthalmologist, who carries out the primary diagnostic measures. First of all, the doctor takes an anamnesis. At this stage, it is necessary to describe in detail the symptoms and tell what preceded the appearance of vision problems.

After the specialist performs a visual examination, he will be able to tell if the patient has suffered from an eye injury. If there are no external signs of damage, then standard testing is carried out using a table on which letters of different sizes are written.

The patient must alternately close one eye and determine which symbols the doctor points to him. If we are talking about a child, then not letters are used, but pictures that will be understandable to a patient who does not yet know the alphabet.

Additionally, instrumental diagnostics are carried out:

  • intraocular pressure is measured;
  • a study of the fundus is carried out, and it is also assessed how curved the cornea of ​​the visual organs is;The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that drip
  • the retina is examined (the doctor must exclude or confirm its rupture).

If during the examination the patient experiences pain or dizziness, it is important to inform the doctor about this. In such a situation, the diagnosis is suspended, and the examination is postponed to another time.

If the ophthalmologist does not find any damage or anomalies, then he refers the patient to see a doctor of another specialization.

Treatment program

The image in the eyes is blurred in most cases against the background of natural aging of the body. This problem is most often encountered by people over the age of 45. There are a number of therapeutic measures that apply to different diagnoses.


For drug treatment, eye drops are usually used:

  • With dry eye syndrome, drugs are prescribed that can moisturize the visual organs for a long time. The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that dripFor example, drops are popular Vizin. This is a topical agent that is allowed to be used by adults and children after 6 years. The standard dosage is 1-2 drops in the affected eye 2-3 times a day. Do not use the drug for more than 4 days. Vizin is not recommended for people suffering from angle-closure glaucoma or hypersensitivity to the components of the product.
  • Orlit. It is a vitamin preparation based on blueberry extract, lutein, vitamins A, B, C and E. Thanks to this tool, vision improves, the walls of the capillaries are strengthened. The drug is recommended for the elderly. It is necessary to take this remedy 1 capsule per day during a meal in the morning. The duration of treatment should not exceed 6 weeks.
  • Taufon. The main component of the drug is taurine (amino acid). The tool accelerates the processes of regeneration, healing of damage to the visual organs. Typically, Taufon is prescribed at the initial stage of glaucoma or cataracts. This remedy comes in drops and other forms, so it is best to check with your doctor about the dosage.

Proper nutrition is also important. Patients are advised to eat more fruits, vegetables, stop alcoholic beverages and smoke. It is also worth spending more time outdoors.

Contact lenses and glasses

If the patient is quite young, the doctor may approve the use of contact lenses. However, it should be borne in mind that it is very important to use such vision correctors correctly.

Often it is contact lenses that cause the development of infection in the visual organs. With each blink, products of this type move over the eye and create microscopic scratches on its surface, into which a wide variety of microorganisms can easily enter.

In no case should you sleep in contact lenses. This can cause corneal ulcers. This will only make the problem worse and your eyesight will get worse.

Better to give preference to glasses. The doctor will help you determine the necessary parameters for such correctors. The patient will have to choose a stylish frame. Glasses are considered a safer method of vision correction.

There are reading glasses, bifocal, multifocal and other types of lenses. But such products have a significant disadvantage. It is impossible to cure eyesight with glasses and lenses. On the contrary, gradually the eye muscles will begin to relax more and the patient will need more powerful diopters.

Laser vision correction

This method improves vision and does not use contact lenses and glasses. However, laser therapy is not able to improve vision in every situation. The image is blurred in the eyes from the side, in the distance, near. Reasons that dripFor example, with glaucoma, surgery is usually not prescribed; after cataract removal, there is a risk of retinal detachment. Instead, patients are prescribed drops that lower eye pressure.

Gymnastics for the eyes

In order not to let the muscles of the eyes relax, but rather to train them, it is recommended to perform special exercises for the eyes. For example, there is a very effective exercise for general vision strengthening.

To execute it:

  1. First, you need to take a comfortable position while sitting upright, close your eyes and relax. Nothing should be distracting.
  2. Without opening your eyes, you must begin to rotate your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise for 5 minutes.
  3. After that, you need to tightly close your eyes for about 10 seconds and sharply open your eyes.

You need to repeat this exercise at least 10 times a day. Thanks to such simple manipulations, in a few weeks it will become noticeable that the muscles of the eyelids have become stronger.

To improve blood circulation, you can do the following exercise:

  1. First you need to take the glass and fix a small piece of plasticine on it (for example, in the center).
  2. After that, you need to focus on some object located behind the glass for about 2-3 seconds.
  3. Shift your gaze sharply to the point made of plasticine.

You also need to repeat this procedure 10 times. Switching vision and focusing perfectly trains the visual organs. The duration of the course of such gymnastics is not limited.

What shouldn't be done?

If unpleasant symptoms appear, do not self-medicate. When it comes to injury or infection, then the use of folk remedies may be ineffective. During this time, the infection will develop even more and there will be a risk of loss of vision.

You should not choose your own medicines at the pharmacy. The course of treatment and the exact dosage must be prescribed by your doctor.

If the image is constantly blurring in your eyes, then first of all you need to pay attention to your lifestyle. Perhaps the reason is too long being in front of the computer monitor in the same position. However, the risk of pathology cannot be ruled out. Therefore, you need to contact a therapist, ophthalmologist and, if required, other doctors.

Video about the causes of fog before the eyes

Malysheva on lazy eye syndrome:

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