
Rashes on the body of an adult, itches, in the form of small pimples, large with redness, it can be a photo, how to treat

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Rashes are often a sign of inflammation, the formation of pathologies indicate ingestion of virus or infection. Localization can occur anywhere on the body, limbs, face, and even on the head under the hair.

The rash appeared on the body of an adult, itches, it gives a lot of inconvenience and causes hostile attitude of others. Nature rash is infectious and noninfectious.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of rash
    • 1.1 disease
    • 1.2 Rash from the sun
    • 1.3 Rash after birth
  • 2 What does the appearance of the rash
    • 2.1 Small eruption
    • 2.2 large eruption
    • 2.3 red rash
    • 2.4 watery rash
  • 3 Diseases that cause a rash
    • 3.1 Hives
    • 3.2 Scabies
    • 3.3 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
    • 3.4 Fungal infections
    • 3.5 intestinal infections
    • 3.6 Contact dermatitis
    • 3.7 pyoderma
    • 3.8 Furunculosis
    • 3.9 folliculitis
    • 3.10 Eczema
    • 3.11 Psoriasis
    • 3.12 Lichen
    • 3.13 Allergy
    • 3.14 syphilitic rash
  • 4 Localization rash
    • 4.1 On the face
    • 4.2 On the body
    • 4.3 On the feet and hands
    • 4.4 Rash over the whole body
  • 5 What does it mean if the rash itches?
  • 6 therapies
  • 7 Popular treatments for scars
  • 8 Folk remedies
  • 9 Video of the rash on the skin, causes and what to do
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Causes of rash

Skin conditions about the quality of the internal organs and systems. Reason for the appearance of signs of disease on the skin a lot.

A rash emerges at:

  • a change in the functioning of the immune system;
  • allergic reactions caused by prolonged use of medicaments;
  • pathological diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems;
  • violation of the liver and connective tissue disease;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

In addition, the occurrence of acne is catalyzed by stress and nervous disorders.

Diagnosis is based on reading the history and physical examination state of the organism includes:

  • definition places the location and sequence of the rash;
  • study of the duration of the development process and the nature of the rash;
  • familiarization with a predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • identification of drugs that are taken over the preceding period.
Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat

Be sure to check the presence of human pathological conditions and the possibility of contact with infectious patients. Treatment is administered after examination of the patient and determine the source of origin of the rash.


The most common cause of skin rashes become disease.

The etiology of their development may be different, but they have a characteristic associated symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • chills, malaise, dizziness;
  • loss of appetite, nausea;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea;
  • runny nose, cough, headache.

It is also possible pain when swallowing, pain in the eyes, ringing in the ears. Infectious diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets. The rash appears in the initial stage of the disease and actually spreads throughout the body.

Non-infectious skin lesions are allergies and diseases of the connective tissue or blood vessels, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, thrombocytopenic purpura, herpes and others.

Rash from the sun

A certain type of allergic reaction that occurs in susceptible to ultraviolet people.

  1. In 60% of cases it appears on the face, and the rest in the open areas of the body.
  2. Manifests the appearance of redness with itching, long-term impact of the stimulus may have blisters and starts peeling.
  3. After the disappearance of the rash at the point of localization of the skin remains pigmented.
Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat

The disease is genetic and has appeared as a result of long-term use of certain medications.

Rash after birth

Developed as a result of low immunity and weakening of the body caused by pregnancy and childbirth.

The reason may be:

  • chronic diseases;
  • disorders in the gall bladder and liver;
  • psychological stress;
  • calcium deficiency and immunocompromised women.

Increased cortisol synthesis with simultaneous increase in progesterone disturb the balance, leading to hormonal changes. Use of creams, ointments, medicines and improper feeding may provoke an itchy rash-like urticaria.

What does the appearance of the rash

Any kind of rash is the primary element, as appears on a clean skin. Depending on the intensity and location indicates malfunction of the whole body or individual systems.

Diagnosis only on the basis that a rash on the body of an adult is scratched, it is impossible, as more research is needed.

Cutaneous neoplasms found several types:

  • bubbles with the liquid,
  • Scale formation;
  • with hyperemia of the affected area;
  • towering on the skin;
  • randomly arranged by color similar to the dermis.
Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat

In fact, for all rashes observed itching, burning, dryness and flaking of the skin.

Small eruption

It may appear during the latent phase of the disease.

On the skin of this type of lesions presented papules, vesicles or spots:

  • have shade from pale pink to bright red;
  • touch slightly convex;
  • skin in their locations rough.

Location location, as well as the dynamics of the spread depends on the type of disease and its duration.

large eruption

Rash shaped like mosquito bites. They may appear in the form of pimples, points or spots. Large patches of individual areas of the body covered with vitiligo, fever, syphilitic roseola, toksikodermii. Spot palpation partially disappears and then appears again.

red rash

Mostly it appears in individuals with hypersensitivity to foods and drugs. Is a clearly defined portion of the skin is bright red. When erysipelas and infectious diseases such as rashes localization rise slightly.

watery rash

The blisters, which consist of vesicles predominantly rounded filled turbid, transparent or bloody fluid cutaneous lesions are infectious or allergic nature.

  1. Rash with a diameter not exceeding ½ cm located in the epidermis or below, appear in herpes, eczema, allergic dermatitis, chicken pox, shingles.
  2. Manifestations larger located on the inflamed and intact skin and are due to detachment of the epidermis from the dermis. The grounds are biting insects, plants burns, urticaria, dermatitis toksikoallergicheskie and hereditary genetic diseases.

If this type of rash does not go away within 24 hours, and tends to increase the localization of places, so need expert help.

Diseases that cause a rash

In most cases, a rash on the body of an adult, especially if it itches, is evidence of the emergence of diseases.

  1. At some kinds of infections of the skin lesions are stored until they are cured, while others may disappear after the transfer of the disease to a new phase of development.
  2. All the lesions have specific signs, which can assume the form of pathology.

Children's disease in adults often give a picture different from the classical form.


It appears on different parts of the body in the form of a rash of small size, which may gradually merge into a unified whole.

Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat

The reason may be:

  • high sensitivity to a particular pathogen mind, such as food, chemicals, animal dander, insect bites and other;
  • violation of the mechanism of production of antigens and antibodies as a result of prolonged use of medicaments, or the failure of the immune system;
  • release from leucocytes of enzymes and proteins.

The shape, the total area and the rate of formation depends on the source of irritation became catalyst.


This rash on the body of an adult is strongly scratched, especially during the evening and night time. The reason becomes itch mite, making their moves in the upper layer of the epidermis.

The incubation period is on average 1.5-2 weeks.

  1. If a person is infected with is not the first time that an allergic reaction may start at day 2 after being hit by the mites on the skin.
  2. It manifests the formation of vesicles and papules in places of penetration of parasites.

Moves like a convex whitish line at a location specific to the development of the mite.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome

The disease is toxic and allergic nature.

Considered a type of malignant exudative erythema.

  1. The process involved mucous eyes and mouth, as well as the organs of the urogenital system.
  2. The reason for acts of an allergic reaction to the reception of antibacterial drugs.
  3. Due to suppression of defense reactions of the skin lesion occurs and it suitable to small blood vessels.
  4. One of the symptoms of a rash numerous purplish-red spots with blisters towering over them, which is the blood or watery fluid.

The exact mechanism causing the disease is not established. Some specialists believe that there is a big role playing hereditary factor. According to statistics from 1/10 patients there comes a lethal outcome.

Fungal infections

It appears as a rash of small, more like a speck or insect bite.

  1. certain conditions are necessary for the growth of the fungus, so the main site of the lesion become moist areas body: your toes, armpits and groin, stomach area under the folds of fat, mammary gland, scalp, and face.
  2. The disease is transmitted by contact.
  3. You can become infected in the shower, swimming pool and other common areas.
  4. Eruptions are constantly get wet and zudyatsya. Around them formed swelling white or red rash.
  5. There is a tendency to merge multiple displays at the same places.

Coloring, type and nature of the rash varies from pathogen species.

intestinal infections

The appearance of lesions in intestinal infections secondarily, as the main symptom is diarrhea, vomiting, fever, weakness, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. Skin rash typical of typhoid and typhus fever, paratyphoid A and B, when the intestinal yersiniosis, parasitic infestations, cholera, dysentery and many other diseases.

Contact dermatitis

Involvement occurs by direct contact with a portion of the skin irritant.

Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat
  1. The localization appears strongly itchy rash.
  2. Lots of lesions prone to infection and require special care.
  3. To get rid of the disease requires accurate identification of the cause and its elimination.


The defeat of staphylococci and streptococci causes a rash on the skin with pus. Fall deep into the skin through wounds and begin to develop at failures in metabolic processes, disorders of the gastrointestinal vascular and central nervous systems. The catalyst can be a disease therapeutic treatments with long-term use of drugs of certain groups.

Mainly affects the sweat and greasy hair, suffer hair follicles:

  • inflammatory process captures surface and deep layer;
  • on the skin at the site of the disease there is a rash consisting of small blisters filled with turbid fluid;
  • after healing scab disappears without leaving any scar.

stop the disease can not be without a special course of antibiotics and treatment of skin lesion.


Inflammation around the hair follicles caused by dirt staphylococcal infection may cause it pyonecrotic disease.

  1. Cause the formation of multiple lesions may hypovitaminosis, diabetes and chronic intoxication.
  2. At the initial stage it is affected only follicle and subsequently it extends to the adjacent sebaceous gland.
  3. After opening is released thick pus and sores appeared possible to consider a pin which subsequently also rejected with purulent masses and blood.

The disease can be localized in one area and wear prevalent. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of specialists. The main cause of the rash is the lack of hygiene.


The disease is caused by the inflammation of hair follicles as a result of contact with the skin viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. Most often causative agents fall into the small wounds and cracks that are available on the skin.

Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat

In the initial stage it is characterized by the appearance of the hair around the small red rash, which then turn into pustules:

  • After dissection of the skin formed crust;
  • complications are responsible for the formation of boils and abscesses.

Development takes place in violation of metabolic processes, as well as poor personal hygiene.


A disease in which there is inflammation of the skin, often accompanied by severe itching. The first symptom is the appearance in the upper subcutis pink blisters and rashes. In the affected areas cover thickened, dry, reddened and flaky.

When combing the place get wet skin rashes and bleeding. The catalyst may be a permanent effect of a particular stimulus. The appearance of the disease in 60% of cases is due to heredity and genetic predisposition. Seborrheic dermatitis in adults is rare. It can be triggered by stress and hormonal disruptions.

It is characterized by:

  • presence of crusts on the eyelids and in the external auditory canal;
  • on the face appears in the locations of the sebaceous glands;
  • not scratched and easily treatable.

Due to the large number of types of treatment of the disease is carried out individually.


Rashes on the body of an adult is localized mostly on the elbows and knees head itches too much. In a state of neglect can go on the ears, chest and other body parts.

  1. In 90% of cases the disease is hereditary. It may be due to an infection.
  2. At the initial stage there are small, pink-red plaque dry round or oval.
  3. For this type of lesions typical of silver, constantly sloughing plaque.

It is known that the cause is the rapid growth of skin cells, but thoroughly this issue has not been studied. Visual manifestations like eczema, causing psoriasis is often mistaken for it.


The disease may be a consequence of infection and concomitant arise as lymphomas, leukemias and other disorders of the hematopoietic system. Called by the representative of the group of herpes viruses. The most common: colorful, pink and ring types.

Basically, skin rashes and are arranged segmental localization of unilateral:

  • location is not limited to a specific portion of the body;
  • rash presented in the form of bubbles having a small indentation on the top;
  • neoplasms appear gradually, one group after another;
  • Lesion skin has redness with a brownish tinge.

For the typical ringworm hair loss in areas of its formation and the formation of festering. After the end of the development process at the site of lesions remain scars, as well as areas of depigmented skin.


Basically it appears as a response to food intolerance or medication, and can also occur after introduction of the serum in the treatment of the underlying disease.

Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat

An allergic nature say localization on the chest and the extremities:

  • They appear suddenly and quickly;
  • can change the shape and location;
  • always badly scratched.

If the cause was contact with an irritant, rash on the body of an adult in areas coming into contact with an allergen, it itches. Distinctive look data rashes have, can be either spotted or maculopapular, tend to merge. Provided further exposure to allergen is increased amount rash.

In areas where the rash kept for a long time, there are papules and blisters, as well as can start peeling the surface layers of the skin.

syphilitic rash

It appears in the second period of development. It does not cause any discomfort, detected only by visual inspection. Small rash occurs on the abdomen. It can be expressed as papules, nodules or patches. The patient in this period is already a carrier and is the source of infection. The duration of lesions of 1 to 1.5 months, after which they disappear.

When the display:

  • localized in the groin, on the shoulders and chest, around the anus;
  • eruptions are rare and have a pale color.

Left untreated the disease is a cause of irreversible lesions of the internal organs and the brain.

Localization rash

Depending on the location rashes character distribution, shape rash may point to an allergic reaction and be a signal of skin diseases.

On the face

This site is hard to hide, so his defeat rash delivers the most trouble to the patient.

The reason are:

  • corticosteroids used in therapy;
  • cosmetics and ointments, containing an allergen;
  • inadequate personal hygiene;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • age-related hormonal changes;
  • related and chronic diseases.
Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat

Also cause weakening of protective reactions of the skin and cause a rash may be prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and frequent visits to spas.

On the body

Rashes on the body is an indicator of infectious diseases:

  • small red spots scattered throughout the body and do not have an exact localization, are in syphilis, herpes and pink dosage drug reaction;
  • psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies, and most of the childhood infectious diseases are characterized by red rash of papules, which forms small tumors gradually spread throughout the torso.

Diagnosis can only dermatologist after analysis of the results.

On the feet and hands

Dermatitis, fungal infections, poor personal hygiene, and other autoimmune diseases can cause skin lesions on the hands and feet, and the appearance of various lesions on them.

Ignore rash on these parts of the body can not, because they can signal a weakening of defense reactions the body, as well as be a consequence of an allergy to the use of a new product or the use of improper composition facilities.

Rash over the whole body

The appearance of redness, papules, plaques and lesions in all areas of the body most often with diseases typical of childhood, such as measles, chickenpox, rubella.

Despite the fact that the adult, these diseases are more severe than in children, however, with proper and timely treatment to the doctor, they are not dangerous.

More dangerous infections and comorbidities, accompanied by a rash all over the body:

  • scarlet fever;
  • typhoid species;
  • Enterovirus and meningococcal infection.

Multiple manifestations of rashes characterized pseudotuberculosis, tuberculosis and other diseases.

What does it mean if the rash itches?

Accompanied by itching, not all rashes. It is a symptom of a certain number of diseases.

Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat
  1. Itchy rash in reaction to food, medicine, chemical and other substances which are for human allergen.
  2. Itchy bites of mosquitoes, bees and other insects, including parasitic on the human body.
  3. The reason may also be a disorder of the nerves, dermatitis and a number of pathologies such as infectious.

In any case, the appearance of the rash should consult a dermatologist, especially if it is important to:

  • held for several days, and the number does not decrease;
  • a similar phenomenon is present in any of the inner circle;
  • except eruptions have other symptoms of diseases;
  • rashes begin to turn into blisters.

To reduce itching can take a soothing and anti-allergic drugs.


The main ways to influence the choice of a correct diagnosis of the causes of disease.

  1. Methods depend on the form and extent of leakage and may require surgical intervention.
  2. Initially used conservative treatment with physiotherapy, using anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ointments, antifungals, as well as the outer rash treatment.
  3. The treatment regimen is selected individually depending on the types and causes of the defeat.
  4. Non-communicable and non-allergic rash can be treated by means of traditional medicine.

Any skin lesion should be treated under medical supervision. Dosage received drugs also agreed with the expert.

Popular treatments for scars

For relief of side effects and adverse reactions of the body, resulting in skin rash, antihistamines are used.

The most common are pills such as:

  • Claritin;
  • Allegra;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Sempreks.

Universal means doctors believe Suprastin and Tavegil, as they quickly relieve symptoms. The downside is a drowsiness, occurring in patients due to CNS depression medicine. Corticosteroids are used in the absence of treatment dynamics.

Rashes on the body of an adult. What could it be, if it is scratched, small in the form of pimples, large with redness. Photo and how to treat

This hormonal and therefore require precise dosing:

  • metipred;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • dexamethasone;
  • Diprospan.

Additionally, use external use medications. The greatest effect is achieved when using the "levomikol", "lokoid" Gistana "and even ointments.

All drugs have a number of contraindications, so they do not self-medication is recommended.

Folk remedies

The combination of traditional and folk medicine to accelerate the achievement of a positive effect.

Especially recommended to use herbal medicine if a rash, appearing on an adult body, bothering him and scratched:

  1. Compresses broth oak bark promote healing wounds and relieving inflammation.
  2. Rub apple cider vinegar eczema affected areas of the skin leads to a reduction in their area.
  3. Allergic reactions are removed Kalanchoe juice diluted 1/3 with water.
  4. Well relieves itching juice hawthorn, horsetail burdock and red geraniums.
  5. Celery juice, added to food enhances immunity and helps to get rid of hives.

The use of plant cleans the digestive tract, kidneys and liver promotes excretion of harmful substances, which has a positive effect on the treatment of the rash.

Video of the rash on the skin, causes and what to do

Acne on the face:

The causes of the rash on the skin:

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Rashes on the body of an adult, itches, in the form of small pimples, large with redness, it can be a photo, how to treat

Rashes on the body of an adult, itches, in the form of small pimples, large with redness, it can be a photo, how to treat

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