Female Diseases

Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, signs and treatment, how to restore, drugs

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The body of every person is full of hormones, substances that are responsible for the activities of certain bodies. Normally hormones has its own balance, which changes can lead to serious consequences. Failure in women causes a number of changes, not only internal but also external.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is hormonal failure
  • 2 Effect of the disease on the body
  • 3 Causes of hormonal failure
  • 4 The symptoms of hormonal failure
  • 5 Diagnosis of hormonal failure
  • 6 Prevention hormonal failure
  • 7 To which the doctor ask
  • 8 Hormonal therapies failure
    • 8.1 drug therapy
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 complications
  • 10 Video of hormonal failures in women

What is hormonal failure

If there is a hormonal malfunction in the body it is a violation of hormone function. In the female body the major hormones are progesterone and estrogen, they are responsible for health, puberty, menstruation and reproductive systems work.

Normally, the hormones have established a balance that supports the function of all organs at the right level. In the case of displacement of a hormone in the upward or downward, the woman feels it immediately to your health.

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Hormonal failure in women, the causes of which have a wide range, can occur at any age.

Effect of the disease on the body

Hormonal disorders considered uncoordinated work and neyroregulyatsionnoy endocrine systems. As a result, the body is in an abnormal condition with severe failure symptoms. Violations can be observed not only in the female sex, but men.

It should be remembered that human health depends primarily on hormonal levels.

In the case of unstable operation, a sharp deterioration in health, which is reflected not only in the internal organs, but also in appearance.

Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications
Hormonal failure in women provoked disruption of the endocrine system

The female body is more likely to crash because of irregularities in the reproductive system. Urogenital girl reacts to the slightest infection and hypothermia, which leads to inflammation, which leads to a hormonal crash. As a result of reduced immunity, missing menstruation, and there are other problems.

Insidiousness of this failure is that the early stages of the women's and men's disease progresses without any symptoms. For this purpose, appointed regular inspections, specimen collection and monitoring by a physician in order to detect an imbalance in time.

Causes of hormonal failure

Hormonal failure in women, the causes of which can be discussed with the gynecologist, can be caused by these situations:

  1. Pathology at birth. If a girl was born without reproductive organs or partially formed, in the future there is the risk of an imbalance in hormones.
  2. Puberty. At this time, the body takes place a complete overhaul, so often observed malfunction of the endocrine system. Puberty generates not only the bodies of the girls, but also changes the appearance. The figure begins to change, there are smooth curves waist, hips widen, in some cases, she is gaining weight rapidly. At this time, there is menstruation, which speaks about the readiness to become a mother. As a teenager, not a regular critical days are the norm, a cycle is set to 18 years, and some only after birth.Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications
  3. Disruption of the endocrine system. A sign of failure functioning peripheral glands are: infections, inflammatory processes, tumors of various types.
  4. Crashes on neuroendocrine level. In this case no longer produced hormones or partially produced. The reason may be: head trauma, encephalitis infection, cancer.
  5. Pathology of the adrenal glands. Because of irregularities in their work is reduced metabolites withdrawal process.
  6. Treatment and hormonal drugs. Irregularities in the hormones can be caused by a number of medicinal drugs. Failures can also occur in cases where the doctor will prescribe medication. Often, a woman earns a failure by birth control pills. This outcome is observed when she chooses without consulting a doctor means.
  7. Frequent stress. Constant voltage and experience a negative impact on the quality of the functioning of the endocrine glands. Prolonged stress damages the nervous system cells, is directly related to the endocrine and hormone production sphere.
  8. Lifestyle. In order to maintain your health, you need to play sports, do not drink alcohol, stop smoking. Otherwise, the body drops a huge load, there is fatigue, nervousness, depression. Lack of activity and poor nutrition also become a cause of hormonal failure. Sharp weight gain effect on the endocrine system. Denial of food and diets lead to vitamin deficiency and a further depletion. If a girl has lost more than 10 kg, she lost menstruation, the restoration of which doctors have to spend a lot of time.
  9. Addicted to alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs are considered to be one of the main causes of serious diseases. Female organism is susceptible to alcoholism is stronger than men. The result is a series of problems: premature aging, liver destruction, endocrine diseases. It should be remembered that the rejection in organ functioning entails and hormonal disorders.
  10. Gynecological diseases. Diseases of the uterus and ovaries often lead to disruption of hormonal levels. Such an effect may be the result of an unsuccessful operation on reproductive organs.
  11. Abortion. Abortion-a procedure that carries a lot of stress for the woman's body. Hormonal disorders is a frequent consequence of abortion. First of all at risk women to terminate a pregnancy in the later stages. Signs hormonal failure-sharp weight gain, mood swings, increased sweating, high blood pressure surges.
  12. The period of pregnancy and childbirth. The first signs of changes in the body occur after fertilization.Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medicationsThroughout pregnancy hormones woman endures. Because of this isolated mood swings, fatigue, anxiety. Under the influence of hormones stop the critical days, increased body weight, growing breasts. In some cases the appearance of unwanted hair on the body. Imbalance after birth is associated with gynecological problems, stress, inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  13. Climax. Menopause occurs in every woman's life and is characterized by a gradual fading of the functions of the reproductive system. Perestroika begins after 45 years and takes place under the influence of hormones. Over time, the menses become irregular, eventually stopped altogether. From that moment a woman can not have children. A woman's body is preparing for aging, because of which reduced production of the hormone estrogen. Among the main characteristics of menopause was isolated: graying over most of the hair, skin laxity, graying, decreased sexual desire. During perestroika tides can be felt (fever), headache, brittle nails, hair loss. On the part of the reproductive system often occurs cystitis and discomfort during sexual intercourse. After 60 years of developing osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, impaired nervous system.

The symptoms of hormonal failure

  1. One of the main features is considered a violation of the menstrual cycle. This indication signal is set reproductive system diseases, so do not ignore it. Normally, the loop should be from 21 to 35 days. Slight variations associated with the overvoltage, climate change, physical activity, vitamin deficiency. Every woman should keep the calendar to find the delay time. If the delay takes place every month or menstrual period does not, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Increased nervousness and mood swings. During the cycle of a woman's body undergoes some changes, which affect both the general condition and the psychological. If nervousness, tearfulness and a bad mood do not pass, but only aggravates, it may indicate a hormonal imbalance. It also includes depression.Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications
  3. Weight gain. Hormonal disorders entail drastic changes in body weight, no matter how she eats. This means that you can gain all being on a diet with a minimal amount of calories.
  4. Disturbed sleep and constant fatigue. Poor sleep is manifested in prolonged falling asleep and waking up several times a night. Fatigue can be permanently stored in the body of a girl, regardless of activity. In this case, you can simply do household chores and feel exhausted.
  5. The emergence of uterine bleeding.
  6. Infertility, trouble conceiving a child, the presence of non-viable pregnancy, miscarriage.
  7. Migraine, dizziness.
  8. Violation of the microflora in the vagina.
  9. Violation of sexual desire.
  10. Pain during sexual intercourse.
  11. Increased hair growth on the body. In this case there is a failure in the testosterone. Normally, this hormone is responsible for a set of muscle and fat mass, but in the case of deviations in women grow hair on the face, chest and abdomen.
  12. weight fluctuations, the presence of edema.
  13. Unstable blood pressure.
  14. The imbalance in hormone levels can cause hair loss and brittle nails. For serious violations of the hair falls out very intensively.
  15. About hormonal changes may indicate a number of other reasons: diseases of the uterus and vagina, malignant tumors, breast cancer.

Diagnosis of hormonal failure

Hormonal failure in women, the causes of which are as defined above, is diagnosed through tests collection:

  • general blood analysis;Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications
  • blood test for hormones.

After examining the assays appointed inspection using imaging to rule out the possible tumors and lesions of the endocrine system. If the imbalance is caused by diseases of the genital organs, is assigned examination with ultrasound and examination by a gynecologist.

Prevention hormonal failure

In order to maintain your hormones at a healthy level, you must adhere to a set of rules:

  • she must keep a calendar of menstruation, which will be marked not only the "red days", but also the general state during the cycle;
  • regular visits to the gynecologist, the ideal woman should see a doctor 1 time per year, during the planning of pregnancy more often;
  • avoid conflict and stressful situations;
  • eat right and to observe the regime;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • do sport.

To which the doctor ask

In the presence of symptoms the woman must undergo a consultation:

  • endocrinologist;
  • mammalogy;
  • gynecologist.Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications

After inspection appointed by the tests. If the cause of the imbalance is not able to establish a comprehensive examination administered.

Hormonal therapies failure

Hormonal failure in women (the causes and treatment methodology are set after a thorough diagnostic) is primarily eliminated by means of various preparations.

For example, the failure is caused by losing weight, in this case, along with taking the drug is prescribed a special diet. If this is the wrong choice of hormonal contraceptives, the doctor helps the patient find a suitable option. In any case, the first eliminated hearth problems, otherwise the treatment is meaningless.

Drug therapy can restore hormone balance and stabilize their production. The course of treatment depends on the cause and severity of the disease. In the case of minor deviations of treatment may take several weeks, in case of serious failures, months and years.

drug therapy

After detecting a failure in women assigned drug therapy based on drugs with artificial and natural hormones.

The table shows the basic formulations of drug therapy and the effect on the body:Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications

drug Name Act
Vitamins A, E, "Chi-Klim", "Complivit" regulate the levels of progesterone and estrogen, improve the condition of skin, hair and nails
"Mastodinon", "Cyclodynon", "Estrovel", "Remens". restore the menstrual cycle
"Klimadinon" It used during menopause to avoid unpleasant symptoms
"Tsiklovita" Gently normalizes hormonal
  1. "Chi-Klim". It is produced in the form of tablets. Is indicated for hormonal disorders, strengthens the nervous system of women, normalizes sleep and general condition. Preparation improves metabolism, which is important to maintain the shape. Drink 1 tablet once a day. The treatment duration up to 2 months. Not applicable during childbearing and throughout lactation. Price from 455 rubles.
  2. "Complivit". Available in tablets. The composition consists of 11 tablets vitamins and minerals 8. Appointed to strengthen hair and nails, normalization of appetite, prevention of vitamin deficiency and restore hormonal levels. Side effects of the drug has not. Use it twice a day 1 tablet after meals. The course of 1 month. After 4-5 months, carried out retreatment. Price from 60 rubles.Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications
  3. "Mastodinon". It is available in tablets and drops. Prescribed for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, mastitis, infertility and impaired cycle. Do not use for the treatment of malignant tumors, aged 12 years and during childbearing. Use 20 drops (1 tablet) twice a day for 3 months. The first improvement is usually noticeable after 1.5 months of reception. Among the side effects can be nausea, headache, allergies, weight gain. The cost of 543 rubles.
  4. "Cyclodynon". It is produced in the form of drops and tablets. Appointed in the case of violations of the cycle, expressed mastodynia and premenstrual syndrome. Not used for treatment of cancer and breast cancer. Restrictions: age 18 years, childbearing and lactation, hypersensitivity to the components. In some cases there may be a disorder of the intestine after ingestion. Used 30 drops 1 time per day or 1 tablet. The duration of treatment, at least 3 months. Price from 400 rubles.
  5. "Estrovel". Available in capsule form. Assigned to reduce the symptoms of menopause, the adjustment of blood pressure, normalization of sexual desire, withdrawal headache attacks. Not recommended for use during the period of childbearing and breastfeeding. Applied 1 2 capsules once a day. Duration of treatment-1,5-2 months. Price from 476 rubles.
  6. "Remens". It is available in tablets and drops. It is used for the treatment of painful menstruation, their absence, irregular cycle, and the various manifestations of menopause. Among contraindications emit only individual intolerance. Side effects almost does not matter. Apply 10 drops (1 tablet) 5-8 times a day on the first week of treatment. dosage was then reduced to 2 times per day. The course of treatment is determined depending on the disease. Cycle disorders, 3 months, menopause-at least 6 months, pelvic pathology 3 months. Price from 205 rubles.
  7. "Klimadinon". It is produced in the form of tablets. Appointed during menopause, for the normalization of sleep, strengthen the nervous system and mental health treatment. Among contra distinguish individual intolerance. Possible side effects: nausea, digestive disorders, allergies, chest discomfort. 1 is used once a day for 3-6 months. Price from 400 rubles.Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications
  8. "Tsiklovita". Available in tablets. It is recommended to compensate for vitamin balance in a woman's body. Not applicable during childbearing and lactation. Additional adverse reactions, allergic manifestations. It applies to 1 tablet per day for the first 14 days of the cycle, and 2 tablets in the next 14 days. The course of preparation 2 months. repeat the course if necessary. Price from 440 rubles.

Traditional methods

  1. Voronet. It is used to reduce the symptoms of menopause. It is necessary to take 3 hours. l. grass and fill it with boiling water, add honey if desired. On the day drink 1 cup. The course of treatment from 2 weeks to 1 month.
  2. Vitex sacred. The use of herbs will remove the swelling, pain in the chest and abdomen during menstruation. It helps to normalize the cycle, and is also used when planning pregnancy. To prepare the tincture must be 2 hours. l. dried herbs pour boiling water in a thermos and leave overnight. Painful menstruation should drink brandy all day long. It is also recommended to drink the infusion of 3 tablespoons. l. a day for a week before the critical days.Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications
  3. Potentilla goose. Relieves painful menstruation. For broth taken 1 hour. l. herbs and pour the boiling water. A week before the monthly broth drink 2 cups a day. repeat the treatment every month.
  4. Linseed oil. This drug helps to regulate the body's hormone estrogen. It is necessary to drink 2 tablespoons. l. oil each day. The course of treatment 1 month. Besides tincture is recommended to add the oil in salads.

The use of traditional medicine is widely used in the treatment of women's issues, just need to consult a doctor before taking herbal tinctures.

Other methods

In the treatment of hormonal failure in women, appointed a special diet, aimed at eliminating the causes of disease. The diet necessarily include beans, berries, mushrooms, fruits, herbs, eggs. For the production of hormones important to eat foods with the presence of selenium and zinc, nuts, lean meat, beef, pumpkin.

It is undesirable to use: pastries, chocolates, honey, canned fish, sausage, pork. If the imbalance has led to weight gain, in addition to the diet is assigned a set of physical exercises. Charging is carried out every day after waking up.


Incorrect or untimely failure hormonal treatment can lead to diseases:

  • osteoporosis;Hormonal failure in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, medications
  • brittle bones;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • infertility;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • obesity;
  • cancers.

Hormonal stability plays an important role in human health. Failure of a woman can be the cause of many pathologies. That is why it is important to address the problem in time to see a doctor and begin treatment.

There are various treatment options that depend on the cause of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and to choose products based on the recommendations of inexperienced staff.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of hormonal failures in women

Hormonal disorders in women:

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