
Erythema. Photos, symptoms and treatment for adults, children. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash on the skin, it is

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The symptoms and treatment of diseases such as erythema, depends on the type of disease, as well as endogenous and exogenous factors which provoked irritation systemic epithelium.

Treatment of the disease can wear symptomatic with exposure to the lesion only in moments manifestations of erythema, or else the doctor uses a complex event, conduct which eliminates the relapse disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is erythema
  • 2 types of erythema
  • 3 Stage and grade of erythema
  • 4 The symptoms of erythema
  • 5 Causes of erythema
  • 6 diagnosis of erythema
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of erythema
  • 9 Methods of treating erythema
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video of erythema, its symptoms and treatments

What is erythema

Erythema, regardless of the symptoms and the doctor chosen treatment strategy is dermatological diseases, characterized saturated skin redness, vasodilation and inflammatory process.

Last physiological effects observed in cases where the epithelial surface of the body contaminated with pathogens. For example, a bacterial infection of Staphylococcus aureus.

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Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash

Erythema shared by the mechanism of the disease, namely:

  • active - characterized by expansion of blood vessels, acute inflammation of epithelial tissues, swelling, itching, pain and other reactions which are caused by systemic stimulus (require immediate treatment directed to the removal of edema and inflammation);
  • passive - are in fact a chronic form of the disease, when there is only an extension of the veins, the skin becomes bluish or dark red hue, there are no bright severe symptoms in the form of itching, pain, edema (passive erythema occurs most often in the epithelium of the lower extremities, as well as in other parts of the body where there is a venous stasis blood).

Passive and active erythema require different therapeutic approaches and the selection of treatment. In addition, the pathological process of epithelial tissue produce very different causal factors, the elimination of which is a guarantee of complete recovery from the redness of the skin without the risk of relapse.

types of erythema

Erythema divided into types based on the fact that the effect on the extension of arterial or venous vessels with reddening epithelial tissues. In the table below are described in detail variety of dermatological diseases.

Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash
Type of disease Description of the pathological process
emotive The most common type of erythema. At least 1 times, but met each inhabitant of the globe. Redness of the epithelial surface occurs in the neck, face, chest. The cause of the sudden expansion of blood vessels - is the reaction of the nervous system to stress, positive or negative emotions.
Ultra-violet Dermatological diseases appears on the skin surface after the epithelium a long time exposed to UV radiation. Poorly marked exposure to sunlight leads to the fact that there is erythema after 30 minutes. after contact with an irritant. Disappears immediately after the cooling of the epithelium. In long-term ultraviolet irradiation has severe erythema with blister, peeling, excessive dryness of the skin.
cold It occurs in people who have inborn errors of metabolism of serotonin. Disease is manifested eritomatoznoy rash, itching, redness, and slight edema epithelium, which go immediately after elimination factor of low ambient temperature.
acquired palmar This species is expressed in a localized erythema of the skin redness. Hue change only the palm of the patient, which are covered with red spots. Such a reaction of the organism is common in people who suffer from severe liver disease, lung tissue, polyarthritis. There may also be redness epithelium in circumferential nail plates.
congenital palmar This type of dermatological disease was first described by physician Lane in 1929 It is a hereditary form of erythema, which is associated with the occurrence of an abnormal expansion of capillary anastomoses. redness of the skin is observed on the surface of the palms and soles. The etiology of physical phenomenon is due to a genetic error in the smallest blood vessels.
toxic Occurrence of erythema given species due to the effect of intoxication. Poisoning can be caused by biological, chemical, and other substances. Also emit toxic erythema newborn. This type of dermatological pathology occurs in each of the 4th grudnichka 3 day life. The nature of the origin of the disease in children has not been established medicine. It runs independently after 1-2 days after the onset.
Skarlatinovaya Development of this type of erythema is one of the main symptoms of the disease in the form of scarlet fever. This red spots that resemble multiple rash, localized all over the body. It appears as the immune system reaction to the toxins produced by staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria infection. Prognosis for recovery is favorable. Symptoms of erythema disappearing at least reducing in the patient the quantitative composition of the above bacteria.
erythema Bloom Is a congenital genetic disease that most often affects the representatives of the male half of the population than women. Patients suffer from dwarf growth and large spots on the cheeks, scalp, frontal lobe, neck. If for a long time flushed epithelium exposed to direct sunlight, it is observed the formation of bubbles with serous fluid inside, and there is peeling.
Annular erythema Daria The most severe kind of erythema, the nature of the origin of which is not established by modern science until the end. The appearance of the disease associated with the presence in a human related fungal lesions, malignant lesions, as well as disorders of the immune system. Pathology manifested form painful nodules in the skin, which extend from the center curly redness. Most often they are arc-shaped. For the first time the disease manifests itself when a person is young. Annular erythema Daria has a chronic course, get rid of that very difficult.

Determining the type of erythema occurs on the stage of a medical examination, and is a prerequisite for diagnosis. On the basis of this is formed by a further therapeutic course, selected drugs corrected the patient's lifestyle.

Stage and grade of erythema

Erythema, symptoms and treatments which are closely interlinked with each other, have identical stages of development, regardless of the variety of the disease.

Distinguish the following stages of dermatological manifestations of the disease:

  • stage 1 - there is a slight redness of the epithelium, which has a pale pink hue;
  • stage 2 - redness of the skin takes on a larger area, the formation of scars;
  • stage 3 - changes in skin color associated with extensive swelling, itching, reddened epithelium, inflammation or pain;
  • stage 4 - dermatological disease becomes chronic course, in areas of redness are formed nodules, small bubbles, peeling, the patient is experiencing fatigue, drowsiness, general physical malaise.
Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash

Stage of the disease is determined during the diagnostic evaluation. The sooner the patient seek medical help, the better the doctor dermatologist to determine the cause pathology and fix it to make an effective therapy to restore normal operation epithelium.

The symptoms of erythema

Erythema, symptoms and treatment which determines the dermatologist is a disease with symptoms that resemble other skin pathology.

It is necessary to remember the following symptoms manifestations of the disease:

  • changing the hue of the skin, which can vary from deep red to maroon or cyanosis;
  • increase in body temperature to 37 degrees Celsius and above;
  • physical weakness, drowsiness, reduction of disability;
  • the appearance of red spots irregular shape which may be circular or arcuate form;
  • swelling reddened part epithelial tissues;
  • manifestation of symptoms of intoxication lead to nausea, loss of appetite, intestinal disorder;
  • occurrence of itch, pain.

In the case of addition to the inflammatory process of bacterial, fungal or viral infections, skin redness location may differ elevated temperature.

Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash

Timely start of treatment can quickly arrest the symptoms of the disease and to restore normal functioning of epithelial tissues. The only exceptions are chronic forms of erythema, as well as those that have developed as a consequence of negative genetic inheritance.

Causes of erythema

Erythema, symptoms and treatments which are directly dependent on the causal factors behind its development can not occur without the presence of pathological stimuli.

On the basis of a rich medical practices are the following reasons for the development of erythema:

  • massage the skin surface, intensive stroke, shock, whipping;
  • prolonged presence of open areas of the body exposed to direct ultraviolet rays (tanning, sunburn);
  • taking certain medications causing vasodilation or enhancing blood circulation;
  • experienced by a stressful situation, suddenly appeared positive or negative emotions;
  • infected epithelial tissues infectious microorganisms and the development of an acute inflammatory process;
  • failure to comply with rules of personal hygiene;
  • autoimmune diseases of the skin;
  • allergic reaction to external sources of irritation, or certain types of foods;
  • hereditary predisposition to the appearance of erythema;
  • the consequences of radioactive irradiation of the skin.
Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash

Determining the cause of the disease is a prerequisite for the formation of an effective course of therapy in the future. If reddening of the skin caused by pathological factors in the form of radiation sickness, viral infection, bacterial or fungal infection, then the patient needs specialist treatment.

diagnosis of erythema

Evaluation of patients with symptoms of erythema has been dermatologist. patient reception begins with the initial examination, listening to complaints about current symptoms. The doctor asks questions regarding the limitations there are indications that bother a man in What situations there is redness of the skin, how long is the dilation of blood vessels.

After that, the patient is prescribed the passage of the following diagnostic procedures:

  • scraping epithelial tissue in places where localized pathological process;
  • samples for allergic reactions that occur upon contact with potential sources of irritation;
  • Study of fluid that is released from the pustules, if the patient has symptoms of rash, filled with a liquid of unknown etiology;
  • a general analysis of blood and urine that are dealt with in the morning 08-00 to 10-00 h on an empty stomach;
  • smear from the surface of the patient's skin area to highlight the possible presence of pathogens causing acute or chronic inflammation;
  • the blood from the veins for her research on the presence of infectious agents, as well as the definition of a hormonal background.
Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash
In the article the symptoms and effective treatment for erythema described in detail.

According to a survey dermatologist is able to deliver the final patient diagnosis, to determine the cause of the disease, and then take steps to eliminate the pathological process. In the case of infectious microorganisms may require additional infektsionista consultation.

When to see a doctor

Erythema, symptoms and treatment, which should be determined only by a physician dermatologist, not a dangerous skin disease. The only exceptions are those clinical cases, the occurrence of which is related to infection by epithelial tissue Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pathologic microorganisms.

Contacting a doctor is a prerequisite in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • in the area of ​​redness appeared extensive swelling, which continues to spread to healthy parts of the epithelium;
  • a few days after the rash or red spots on the manifestation of their place started to form sores;
  • erythema foci cause the patient intolerable itching, pain or any other discomfort;
  • present concomitant signs of acute allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, edema of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, rhinitis, watery eyes;
  • at the site of an erythematous rash allocated serous contents, which has an unpleasant putrid odor;
  • the patient feels numbness in parts of the body, skin surface is changed the hue (often similar pathological condition develops on the background of circulatory disorders in the lower or upper of course).

Access to a doctor should be immediate, as soon as the man found himself the painful symptoms.

In most cases the erythema is not a separate disease, but acts merely as a primary or secondary symptom of another disease. To exclude the development of severe complications and negative effects, it is necessary to pass a comprehensive examination of the body.

Prevention of erythema

Avoid the occurrence of dermatological diseases may but only if strict adherence to a number of prevention policies, namely:

  • not be under open sunlight for longer than 30 minutes, or obscure any exposed skin under clothing.;
  • tested for the presence of food allergies and adverse reactions to other stimuli (if allergoproby positive, then refrain from contact with pathogens, not to consume foods that are not digested GIT);
  • do not wear clothes sewn from synthetic fabrics;
  • observe good personal hygiene, daily take a warm shower, using soap and water and change clothing, underwear;
  • to prevent hypothermia in winter and overheating in summer;
  • avoid stressful situations and conflicts, the sudden surge of negative emotions.
Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash

As a preventive measure we recommend at least 1 time per year undergo examination by a dermatologist. This is especially true of people in the family who were blood relatives suffering from erythema hereditary nature of origin.

Methods of treating erythema

Tactics erythema therapy depends on the kind of reason cause local vasodilation and redness of epithelial tissues. traditional medications, folk recipes, as well as other techniques may be used.


erythema treatment can wear symptomatic with a single administration of medication, or have the same signs of systemic therapy.

To achieve a positive therapeutic effect it is recommended to use the following medications:

  • Betaspan - contains in its composition active substance is betamethasone sodium phosphate is introduced into the body 1 once daily intramuscularly for 1-2 ml, depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can be 1-3 days (value medicament RUB 480.);
  • dexamethasone - injectable preparation relating to the pharmacological group of corticosteroids, administered 1 time per day to 1 ml intramuscular injection, with a duration of treatment of 1-5 days (price per pack with 10 ampoules of 200 rub.);
  • Depo-Medrol - suspension for intramuscular injection, the dosage of the drug is 1 ampoule - 1 times a day at intervals 1-5 weeks, the required number of shots determined by the physician based on the patient's state of health of the skin (the cost of the drug - 360 rub.);
  • With Lorinden - ointment based on synthetic steroid hormones, which is a potent anti-inflammatory agent is coated on the surface of the patient epithelial tissue from 2 to 3 times a day for 2 weeks, banned for use in pregnant and lactating women (the price of tubes of ointment mass of 15 g 330 rub.).
Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash

Depending on the cause, which provoked erythema of the skin, a dermatologist may decide to use other drugs. Separate treatment of disease unacceptable. In most cases, this leads to a deterioration of the skin.

Traditional methods

There are alternative methods of treatment of dermatological diseases, which are based on the use of the following recipes of traditional medicine:

  • decoction of succession - it is necessary to take 15 g of dried plant, pour it into the metal container, add 0.5 L of running water, and then boiled for 15 min. (After cooling the resulting liquid wetted sterile gauze bandage and 3 times a day for 5-10 min. performing wiping by inflamed patches of skin);
  • bath on the basis of chamomile - need to take 3 tbsp. l. dried leaves, stems and flowers of this medicinal plant, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 1 hour (by expiration time of said broth is added to the bath during patient bathing, going to wash the entire surface body);
  • homemade ointment - for the preparation of a medicament is necessary to mix for 1 hour. l. honey collected from herbs, crude sunflower oil, and then add to it 1 egg protein (derived drugs lubricate the sick areas of the skin in the morning and evening for 15 days).
Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash

Before you can use folk remedies treatment of erythema, it is recommended to be examined by a dermatologist, to surrender all the necessary tests. In the absence of a positive therapeutic effect should discontinue treatment and non-traditional methods to see a doctor.

Other methods

For other ways of erythema therapy include therapeutic massage. His conduct aims to improve the local blood circulation, to avoid stagnation in the venous vessels. Hearth redness stroked palm of the hand in a clockwise direction. The massage is from 15 to 25 minutes. 1 per day.

Suitable for the treatment of erythema passive type, when there is an expansion of venous and arterial vessels not.

If the cause of the disease is associated with an allergic reaction, genetic predisposition, autoimmune disorders, infection with infectious microorganisms epithelial tissues, then the need to apply medical methods therapy.

possible complications

Even this is not dangerous dermatological phenomenon as erythema, require treatment and follow-up, specialized professionals.

Lack of adequate treatment, or the wrong diagnosis can lead to the following complications:

  • extensive allergic reaction that spread not only in epithelial tissue, but also on the respiratory organs, mucous membranes;
  • a bacterial, viral or fungal infection;
  • excessive dryness epithelium, occurrence of peeling, rash with serous contents inside;
  • formation of skin damage which may be represented as ulcers, scratching, and other wounds;
  • scar appearance of epithelial changes which are formed after the healing of wound surfaces.
Erythema. What is it, picture, symptoms and treatments. Multiforme, nodular, erythematous rash

Definition of erythema symptoms and her treatment - a task exclusively dermatologist and infectious diseases. If the call to the doctor all the necessary measures to eliminate pathological features was done on time and taken, there is no reason for further concern.

Furthermore, in the case of cupping causative factors causing redness of epithelial tissues and expansion blood vessels, while respecting the rules of prevention, patients permanently get rid of the risk of recurrence disease.

Video of erythema, its symptoms and treatments

Learn more about erythema nodosum:

For more information about infectious erythema:

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