Female Diseases

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and treatment at home

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Lymph nodes - organs of the immune system, which is carried out in the human body the role of biological filters. They form antibodies that fight bacteria and viruses. Sometimes they can become inflamed, which is a frequent pathology in women, men and children.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of inflammation in the lymph nodes
  • 2 Factors that trigger inflammation of the lymph nodes in women
  • 3 Norms of lymph node size in women, signs of inflammation
    • 3.1 In the groin, on the leg
    • 3.2 under the arm
    • 3.3 On the neck
    • 3.4 The mammary glands
  • 4 Which doctor contact with the inflammation of the lymph nodes?
  • 5 diagnosis of pathologies
    • 5.1 hardware methods
    • 5.2 Laboratory research
  • 6 How to treat swollen lymph nodes medicines at home
  • 7 How to treat lymphadenitis using physiotherapy
  • 8 lymphadenitis treatment by surgery
  • 9 Treatment folk remedies: recipes regimen
    • 9.1 Compress with essential oils
    • 9.2 Agent with aloe
    • 9.3 Lotions with dandelion
    • 9.4 Anti-inflammatory herbal
    • 9.5 The syrup from the root of Echinacea purpurea
  • 10 Forecast
  • 11 Videos about the causes and treatments of inflamed lymph nodes in women
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The causes of inflammation in the lymph nodes

Lymphadenitis (swollen lymph nodes) are separated depending on the cause on a specific and non-specific. The most common non-specific lymphadenitis develops from exposure to staphylococci, a little less - streptococci and other microorganisms causing purulent infection.

Affect the lymph nodes of these toxins and microbial cell destruction products formed in the centers of the pathological process.

They reach the lymph nodes by:

  • lymphogenous (through lymphatics);
  • hematogenous (moving through the blood vessels) - a rare route of infection;
  • a contact (directly into the lymph node via the body tissue damage).

Often inflammation of the lymph nodes is the result of complications of an inflammatory process in the body (pus):

  • caries;
  • sore throat;
  • pulpit;
  • osteomyelitis (bone marrow purulent inflammation, spread to the periosteum and bone);
  • felon (purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger);
  • cellulitis (widespread suppurative inflammation in the intercellular space).

When nonspecific lymphadenitis first observed inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment

Often, when the disease has external tissue damage, officials gateway for infection control:

  • wound;
  • abrasions;
  • chronic calluses;
  • ingrown nail;
  • ulcers;
  • abrasions.

From the location of the damage occurs outflow of lymph to the lymph nodes, which are irritated by entering them alien factors. Studied dermatopatichesky lymphadenitis caused by chronic skin diseases.

Specific lymphadenitis caused by infectious agents:

  • chlamydia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • tularemia;
  • plague;
  • actinomycosis and others.

Factors that trigger inflammation of the lymph nodes in women

Swollen lymph nodes in women can be caused by such factors:

  • pregnancy: body works very hard, possibly weakening defenses, exacerbation of chronic infections in which are inflamed lymph nodes;
  • painful menstruation: during monthly bleeding in the body are hormonal fluctuations. Together with certain diseases, this leads to swelling and inflammation in the inguinal and axillary lymph nodes;
  • strongly expressed premenstrual syndromeWhen hormonal changes affect the immune system;
  • various genital infections: syphilis, HIV and directly urinary organs infections: chlamydia, herpes, mycoplasmosis and so on;
  • skin infection groin bodies: boils the skin area;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, cervicitis, endometritis;
  • ovarian cysts, Endometrioid, and others;
  • tumor: both the lymphatic system, and after screenings tumors of other organs of the lymph nodes.

Norms of lymph node size in women, signs of inflammation

Normal lymph node size ranges from 0.5 mm to 50 mm in length, diameter - about 0.5 cm.

The size of the structures depends on:

  • age;
  • hormonal state;
  • body composition, and other factors.

In old age, small lymph nodes can be replaced by connective tissue; in addition, they are likely to merge, and this leads to an increase in their size.

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment

Typical symptoms of inflammatory processes in lymph nodes are described below:

Signs serous inflammation (when the node accumulates turbid liquid with a minor amount of protein) Signs of a purulent inflammation
  • process typically does not extend beyond the capsule of the lymph node;
  • General condition remains normal;
  • pain at the location of the regional lymph nodes;
  • nodes grow in size, intense, dense;
  • Education mobile, elastic, not soldered to surrounding tissues;
  • appearance of the skin over the lymph nodes seemingly ordinary, not modified;
  • inflammation permitted favorably
  • sharp pain in lymph node zone having a pulsating character and bursting;
  • on hyperemic skin formations (flushed);
  • palpation (feeling) of nodes causes pain;
  • individual lymph nodes connected to each other and merge with nearby tissues acquire immobility

When purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes may develop phlegmonous adenitis - diffuse purulent inflammation.

At the same time there are signs of severe complications:

  • diffuse redness;
  • tangible seal without distinct boundaries with places softening;
  • increase in body temperature to high numbers;
  • chills;
  • increased heart;
  • headache;
  • marked weakness.

Lymph nodes in chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis:

  • exceed the normal size;
  • thick on palpation;
  • not very painful;
  • not soldered to surrounding tissue and with each other.

Swollen lymph nodes in women occurs in different organs and tissues.

In the groin, on the leg

In the normal state quantity inguinal lymph nodes in women should not exceed a length of 1.5 cm, a maximum - up to 2 cm. Popliteal nodes must normally reach not more than 1 cm. Inguinal lymph nodes palpated in humans even in the absence of disease.

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment

Swollen lymph nodes in the groin area and on the legs in women may indicate disease processes:

  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • lymphoma;
  • boils;
  • chlamydia;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • diseases with damage to the integrity of the skin (wounds, burns, trophic ulcers);
  • erysipelas;
  • infections and injuries of the feet;
  • cancer: metastases in tumors of the rectum, legs and genitals.

When inflammation in the popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes initially marked pain during palpation and a slight increase in the formation of sizes. With the progression of the process appears redness, swelling, pain increases, so that the patient is difficult to make foot traffic.

under the arm

Normal axillary lymph node size - less than 1 cm. They, along with inguinal palpable and in a healthy person.

Lymph nodes in the armpit women inflamed at:

  • breast cancer;
  • mastitis;
  • boils axilla;
  • sarcoidosis (an inflammatory disease of various organs, often affecting the lungs);
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of silicone breast implants;
  • pregnancy and childbirth due to low immunity;
  • excessive sweating in hot weather and at the same time stay in the draft.
Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment

Signs of inflammation axillary lymph nodes:

  • pain in the armpit area of ​​tripping on a sore place;
  • swelling, redness of the skin;
  • with the progression of inflammation: weakness, loss of appetite, headache;
  • if the process extends, the broken arm function in the place of destruction: the patient becomes difficult to produce the movement of the limbs.

On the neck

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the area of ​​the neck is very common. their size in the normal state - typically 5 mm, a maximum of 10-15 mm.

In this area, swollen lymph nodes can cause:

  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • dental diseases;
  • rubella;
  • cancers of the head and neck;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lymphoma.
Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment
The figure shows how the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in women.

In cervical lymphadenitis nodes become painful and increase in size, reaching 5 cm or more. Inflammation develops in the lymph nodes on one side of the neck or symmetrically on both sides. The soreness is felt not only in the lymph node palpation, but also when turning the head and swallowing.

The mammary glands

Normally the dimensions of lymph nodes in mammary glands - of 3 to 10 mm.

When hormonal races in women associated with:

  • menopausal;
  • monthly;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • stress;
  • endocrine diseases.

May develop breast disease - disease of the breast. If it sometimes there is a strong pain in the chest, its engorgement and increase the axillary lymph nodes. Also in this area are increasing and inflamed nodes in breast cancer.

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment

When inflammation in the mammary lymph nodes are marked:

  • pain;
  • Sometimes breast tissue edema;
  • flushing of the skin over the wound site;
  • local hyperthermia.

Perhaps the increase in body temperature to high numbers, if lymphadenopathy caused mastopathy, and if the inflammation of catarrhal stage turned into a purulent.

Which doctor contact with the inflammation of the lymph nodes?

Upon detection of an increase of lymph nodes can go to the reception to the therapist first. He must carry out a comprehensive survey to determine the cause of lymphadenopathy, because it can be a manifestation of the many and very serious, diseases, up to cancer.

If the pathological focus is detected, assigning the treatment lymphadenitis, sore parallel is directed to the profile expert for the underlying disease therapy (gynecologist loru, dermatologist and etc). If inflammation of the lymph nodes very worried, marked tenderness, arching pain and congestion, it is possible that the process moved to the purulent stage.

Thus it is necessary to consult a surgeon. The doctor will examine the area of ​​inflammation in the patient's body to determine the primary site, provoked lymphadenitis. The surgeon will appoint conservative therapy or surgical procedures produce indicated. Also, it will send the patient for treatment of a disease caused lymphadenitis, to profile the skilled person.

diagnosis of pathologies

The diagnosis of acute simple, superficial lymphadenitis put difficult, because the disease has characteristic clinic: palpation (via probing) detecting single or a group of disease lymph nodes.

Deep purulent lymphadenitis, and chronic can be difficult to install. To arm lymphadenitis diagnosis, determining the severity of the disease and determining treatment strategy using different research methods.

hardware methods

Used to diagnose:

  • x-ray of the chest to exclude tuberculosis in the lungs (which is one of the causes of specific lymphadenitis);
  • ultrasound of the lymph nodes;
  • X-ray examination for the detection of deep lymphadenitis (chest and abdominal organs);
  • CT scan;
  • lymphoscintigraphy (research of the lymphatic system with the introduction of radionuclide material and supervision of its passage through the lymphatic channel with a scanning device);
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • radiopaque lymphography.

Laboratory research

For the correct diagnosis is required to appoint pass CBC.

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment

It gives information:

  • increased ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) indicates the inflammatory process;
  • leucocytosis (increase in white blood cell count) gives reason to suspect the presence of infection in the body;
  • if reduced the number of monocytes and eosinophils, it confirms actively flowing purulent inflammation, since these cells are destroyed in place festering;
  • exceeding standards lymphocyte count gives reason to suspect a viral infection.

Also appoint immunological blood tests. In some doubtful cases, such as when lymph node increased over 3 weeks, a biopsy is prescribed puncture site or its removal for histological examination.

Biomaterial shows the presence of bacterial flora, identifies specific pathogens. Produced a study of the material obtained in the sensitivity of the microbial flora of antibiotic that helps to assign the most effective drug for this patient.

How to treat swollen lymph nodes medicines at home

Swollen lymph nodes in women with catarrhal flow (without suppuration) can be treated as outpatients received a prescription.

The therapy is used:

  • antibiotics (optimum - considering antibiogram): ampicillin, amoxiclav, ceftriaxone and other;
  • sulfonamides (Biseptolum);
  • vitamins;
  • ointments (ihtiolovaya);
  • alcohol compresses;
  • Warming bandages;
  • compresses camphor oil, Dimexidum;
  • immobilization (immobilization) Of course, if the pathological process goes on it.

And we need to actively treat the disease, trigger the development of lymphadenitis.

How to treat lymphadenitis using physiotherapy

The system lymphadenopathy physiotherapy treatment methods are of great importance.

Their use has an effect:

  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • resolving;
  • pain reliever;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes;
  • improve blood and lymph circulation.
Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment

Such procedures are assigned:

  • UHF-therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • flyuktuorizatsiya (electro);
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis (enzymes);
  • galvanization (impact weak constant current via electrodes).

Fiziolechenie held with subacute inflammation.

lymphadenitis treatment by surgery

If conservative treatment fails, lymph node fester, then resort to surgery.

At the discretion of the surgeon's manipulation:

  • puncture of lymph node;
  • suppuration dissection followed by draining (ensuring the outflow of the wound contents via drains);
  • lymph node removal.

Treatment folk remedies: recipes regimen

When inflammation of the lymph nodes in women can supplement traditional treatments recipes from the arsenal of traditional medicine. This will help speed up the recovery. Known recipes.

Compress with essential oils

Agent has anti-inflammatory properties and destroys pathogens.

  1. We need to take 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  2. The oil is supposed to add a few drops of one of the essential oils of tea tree or lavender.
  3. The resulting mixture should be applied to the affected lymph nodes as a compress.

Agent with aloe

The mixture helps to strengthen the body's defenses and cope with the inflammatory process faster.

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment
  1. Must be cut aloe leaves, which do not water a week, and put them in the refrigerator, tightly packed in a package for 10 days. With such storage plants have useful properties.
  2. After the specified time to grind the leaves (in a meat grinder, juicer, or other means).
  3. It is believed to take walnuts and cut, so that they receive as much in terms of how much and aloe.
  4. It should be cooked mix components, then it is necessary to add them in the honey in the same amount (1: 1: 1).
  5. The resulting tool is recommended to take 3 times a day on an empty stomach for 1 st. l.

Lotions with dandelion

This all means available and free in the warm season.

  1. You need to pick a juicy grass dandelion.
  2. Greens need to chop and squeeze the juice from the raw materials in a mortar or a juicer.
  3. The resulting juice relies impregnated gauze or swab and applied to the patient lymph nodes 1-1.5 hours.

Make lotions relies 3 times during the day. Duration of treatment - 1 week.

Anti-inflammatory herbal

The proposed composition of herbs helps to treat inflammatory diseases in the body, which may include lymphadenitis.

You need to bring in the same amount of vegetable raw materials:

  • herb wormwood;
  • raspberry leaf;
  • herb St. John's wort;
  • dandelion roots;
  • grass peppermint.
Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment
  1. 10 g of the mixture of herbs to put in a thermos and make it 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. The resulting composition is assumed to push a thermos for 8 hours.
  3. After the expiration of the infusion Ready infusion should drain.
  4. Take to get drugs assigned ½ cup 5 times a day.

The syrup from the root of Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea plant raises the immune system, helping to overcome the various pathologies; this also applies to lymph node inflammation. From the raw materials are manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry, tablets and alcoholic tinctures.

It is easy to cook the syrup of the following dried echinacea root:

  1. Supposed to take 4 tbsp. l. crushed root of Echinacea and fill it with 1.5 cups of water.
  2. The resulting mixture should be put in a water bath and hold therein for 20 minutes.
  3. Then, in a bowl of vegetable raw materials need to add ¼ cup herb peppermint.
  4. Then herbal remedy is necessary to insist 20 minutes and strain.
  5. Honey is recommended to add about 2 tablespoons in the resulting infusion. l.
  6. Ready to take the medicine prescribed by Article 1-2. l. 3 times a day until the patient does not feel healthy.


In acute nonspecific lymphadenitis, if treatment is started on time and the process has not gone away, the prognosis is usually favorable. In chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis forecast is also favorable in most cases.

Swollen lymph nodes in women in the groin, armpit, around the neck, sternum, abdomen, leg. Causes and Treatment

In particular lymphadenitis (caused by tuberculosis and other infectious diseases) subsidence of inflammation in the lymph nodes associated with the recovery of the underlying disease.

Prognosis with proper treatment - favorable.

Lymph nodes, as a protective barrier body, stop the development of infection in humans. Their inflammation in women can talk about the problems in health, and it is important to find out from a variety of options for the exact cause of lymphadenopathy, to completely heal.

Author: Larisa Krechetova

Videos about the causes and treatments of inflamed lymph nodes in women

It causes inflammation inguinal lymph nodes in women:

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" about swollen lymph nodes:

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