
Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without pruritus, in the form of red dots that it can be

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Rash - a lesion portion of the skin or mucosa as a result of external or internal factors, infections. Education can be localized in different parts of the body (face, abdomen, extremities) and be accompanied by additional symptoms (itching, redness, swelling). Therapy to eliminate rashes can be assigned only after a complete diagnosis, in both adults and children.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Probable causes a rash on the abdomen in adults
    • 1.1 skin diseases
    • 1.2 Viral disease
    • 1.3 Allergy
    • 1.4 Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    • 1.5 genital infections
  • 2 Skin rash infectious nature: Signs
  • 3 Diagnosis rash on the stomach
  • 4 therapies
  • 5 How to choose a drug used to treat rashes
    • 5.1 hormonal treatments
    • 5.2 non-hormonal drugs
    • 5.3 Sedations
    • 5.4 antiallergic drugs
    • 5.5 antiparasitic agents
    • 5.6 antivirals
  • 6 Recipes folk remedies for various types of rash on the stomach
  • 7 Useful video about causes and remedies, rash on the abdomen in adults

Probable causes a rash on the abdomen in adults

The rash is not a separate disease, it is a symptom that characterizes several types of diseases. By referring to a rash and an additional feature, the expert put preliminary diagnosis (diagnosis before passage). Rash on the abdomen may indicate the presence of these pathologies.

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skin diseases

Dermatological pathology is always accompanied by changes in the skin condition.

The nature of the rash depends on the cause of the disease:

  • fungus. The rash can spread rapidly to healthy areas of the skin adjacent to the affected area. Without pathology treatment quickly become chronic. To these diseases include: lichens, candidiasis, sporotrichosis;
  • virus. The disease occurs mainly in the chronic form. Treatment can only remove the symptoms of disease, such as herpes, papilloma warts;
  • bacteria. The rash often with purulent contents. In severe course of the formation of scars. Dermatological diseases caused by bacteria: pyoderma, furunculosis, felon;
  • parasites. The rash can affect the entire skin in a short period of time. Always accompanied by severe itching (scabies, lice, skin worms);
  • cancer. Cancer rash may be as small seals towering above the ground by skin color from pink to brown. Additional symptoms may be absent. To these diseases include melanoma, carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma.
Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

Pathology often develop as a result of genetic predisposition and a severely immunocompromised.

Viral disease

Rash on the stomach of an adult can be a symptom of the disease of viral nature.

Data are diseases:

  • chicken pox. The disease usually causes a rash with liquid content throughout the body;
  • measles. The rash of red spots initially occurs on the face and then gradually descends to the stomach;
  • scarlet fever. Rashes are formed on the upper body portion and gradually spread to the abdomen;
  • rubella. Spots are initially formed on the face, apply op throughout the body in a day, including on his stomach;
  • infectious erythema. The rash initially occurs on the face, in 2-4 days affects the limbs and trunk.
Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it
Rash on the abdomen may appear chickenpox in adults.

These diseases are transmitted by contact with a carrier of the virus or the related items.


Allergy - a reaction of the immune system to contact with an irritant. This pathology is often accompanied by the appearance of rashes on various parts of the body, including the stomach. The hallmark of allergic rash is the speed of its appearance.

The formation of spots observed within 6-8 hours after exposure to the agent.

Allergic diseases:

  • hives. The rash appears as a result of eating the food allergen or external contact with it. Spots similar to burn from stinging nettle leaves;
  • dermatitis. The rash on the abdomen are formed as a result of skin contact with an allergen (clothes, cosmetics, plants). The nature of the spots is varied;
  • drug reaction. Developed as a result of the toxic action of the allergen on the skin. Rash accompanied by an inflammatory response in acute form.
Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

Allergic rash does not always require medical treatment. Symptom held its own after removal of the causative agent.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Rash on the stomach of an adult can be a symptom of diseases of the digestive tract. In them there is a gradual breakdown of food into useful components by enzymes. If you violate the activity of the digestive tract, this process is disrupted. It occurs incomplete digestion of food or stagnation, which is accompanied by the formation of lesions on the stomach.

Organs of the digestive tract, impaired activities which may lead to the formation of lesions:

  • intestines. If stagnation occurs stool toxin poisoning organism. With the rapid evacuation of feces during no time to absorb essential nutrients, which leads to a weakening of the immune system and rashes;
  • pancreatitis (Inflammation of the pancreas). As a result of pathology body is not able to produce the required amount of enzymes for food processing;
  • liver disease. Because of defective functioning organ body is unable to completely cleaned of toxins. May develop intoxication with rashes on my stomach.

Due to the defective functioning of the digestive system breaks down food organs and tissues essential nutrients, resulting in worsening the condition of vessels, skin and immune system. These deviations can trigger the development of abdominal scars.

genital infections

The causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases and can affect the skin in the abdominal area.

Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

Data are diseases:

  • syphilis. On the abdomen appears bright red rash that can pass on their own after 2 months;
  • thrush. The fungus infects not only genital folds, but also the lower abdomen. Rash comprises a liquid after the rupture of bubbles formed wet wound;
  • HIV. With the development of the disease in the acute form of a rash of red spots and papules may cover the whole body;
  • pubic lice. Lice can affect hairy abdomen in men.

In these diseases, other than rash on the abdomen, there is a violation state, with the same genital rashes and additional symptoms (unpleasant odor, itching, atypical separation).

Skin rash infectious nature: Signs

The rash usually develops in adults due to the presence of infection in the body.

Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

The symptoms of major diseases with rashes on my stomach:

names of diseases characteristic rash additional symptoms
Rubella Oval or round spots are pink color, a diameter of not more than 1 cm. Slightly above the base layer of the epidermis. Initially localized rash on the face and then spreads throughout the body. 2 Nights of education begin to fade and disappear on day 3 after the appearance.
  • fever (not always);
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • general state of health is deteriorating rare.

During pregnancy, it causes the development of deformities in the fetus.

Measles Rash formed small red spots, which dominate the integument. The first elements of the rash affects the face and upper torso, 2 Nights stomach area, on day 3 the lower limbs. Stains may gradually merge. On day 4 rash becomes brown hue, shelled and starts disappearing in the reverse order.
  • the temperature rises to 39 degrees before eruption possibly lowering the temperature to normal;
  • cough, and flow from the nose;
  • conjunctivitis, followed by fear of light;
  • white lesions in the oral cavity, which are surrounded by a red halo;
  • swelling of the face due to enlarged lymph nodes.
enterovirus infection spots characteristic is similar to the rash in measles. The difference is the randomness of its occurrence. The rash goes through 3-4 days after the onset.
  • temperature parameter is raised to 39 degrees;
  • spots are available in the oral cavity;
  • abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Scarlet fever The rash consists of numerous small spots of red. When contacting felt roughness epidermis. Initially, the rash affects the underarms and groin. Facial skin rashes are rarely formed. The recovery process of the skin is marked peeling.
  • fever;
  • a sore throat;
  • presence of vomitus;
  • the tonsils and lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • pallor of nasolabial triangle.
Chicken pox Initially, the body form red spots the size of a mosquito bite. Next to them is formed with a liquid bubble. After one day, the bubbles burst or dry out and form crusts. During rashes on the body can be immediately marked red spots, with bubbles and the formation of a crust. The rash affects the entire skin, including the genitals and the scalp.
  • the temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • in the presence of a rash with bubbles appear severe itching;
  • overall health rarely deteriorates;
  • rash also affects the oral mucosa.
pseudotuberculosis The nature of the rash is similar rash of scarlet fever. Spots affect the skin for 5-10 days. After elimination of the rash occurs temperature decline.
  • raising the temperature to 40 degrees;
  • nausea with vomit;
  • tongue surface is covered with gray bloom;
  • lack of appetite, and headache;
  • violation of stool consistency.

The infection spreads mouse.

Shingles Before rash marked redness and tenderness of affected skin area. After 3-4 days, formed pinkish spots with a diameter of 3-5 cm, fuzzy boundaries. After one day, bubbles are formed which are filled with a transparent liquid. Gradually, the liquid becomes turbid, formed crusts and rash retreat. Simultaneously on the skin may be redness or vials with liquids or crust.
  • the disease is typical for people after 40 years;
  • rash encircle the skin around the torso;
  • a sharp rise in temperature with symptoms of intoxication (headache, nausea, weakness);
  • painful lesions decreased after the rash appears.

The causative agent is depriving the varicella zoster virus, so the sick can people, who in childhood or in the recent time had chickenpox. The patient need to be isolated.

rickettsial disease At the site of the tick bite is formed ulcer in diameter up to 1 cm. Is formed on the bottom crust a brown color. The bite is surrounded by a red halo. 2-4 days appears papular rash (spots rises above the ground level of the skin). After 1-2 days the spots formed on the bubbles, which mature and are covered with a crust. The rash can also affect the mucous membranes and scalp. The causative agent of the disease is a tick bite.

Characteristic signs:

  • headache and muscle pain;
  • chills, and general weakness;
  • raising the temperature to 40 degrees, which is held for about 7 days.

The disease risk of developing complications.

Scabies Body formed pinkish-red spots. At the entrance site of the tick is formed by a small vial. Nearby there is an exit point. Between the entry and exit point of the visible gray curved line (for the tick under the skin).
  • intense itching, especially at night.

Because of the severe itching may join a secondary infection with a festering rash and fever.

Syphilis Syphilis spots are formed in the secondary development of the disease. The rash can be expressed by pink spots, papules or vesicles with liquid contents. The rash can pass on their own without treatment, but after a while eruptions occur again. Spots become more extensive and after eliminating scars. The causative agent affects not only the skin, but also slimy.
  • rash spread from the genital organs on the abdomen;
  • muscle pain;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • weakness and a general decrease in immunity.

Without treatment, the rash characteristic and additional symptoms worsen.

Determine the nature of the eruption and the subsequent treatment is possible after a full examination. Initially it requires examination by a physician / pediatrician. The symptoms put a preliminary diagnosis, and further examination is conducted more narrow specialists (dermatologist, dermatology venereal diseases, allergist).

Diagnosis rash on the stomach

Rash on the stomach of an adult requires medical treatment. Definition of the disease on their own, and choice of medicines without the prescription of a specialist risk of developing complications. Survey stages:

Collection of verbal information:

  • When did the rash, and that preceded the appearance of the rash;
  • what additional symptoms are present (itching, fever, general deterioration of health);
  • the presence of chronic conditions;
  • susceptibility to skin disorders on the genetic line.

patient examination:

  • visual assessment rash (bubble if pustules, lesion area of ​​the epidermis are available);
  • identification of key areas of spots localization;
  • determination of additional symptoms (listening patient using a stethoscope, pressure and temperature measurement).
Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it
  1. Taking a scraping from the damaged tissue for the detection of the pathogen (virus, fungi, cancer cells).
  2. Specimen collection. It is made to exclude infectious diseases, for determining the activity of the digestive system and the detection of antibodies produced in allergic reactions.
  3. Taking tests for allergy tests.
  4. Ultrasound of internal organs to identify hidden pathologies, including tumor formation.
  5. Raying Wood's lamp for the detection of fungal infection. If any skin becomes green or bluish tinge (depending on the type of fungus).

According to the analyzes and examinations cause of hardware rash determined may require further examination narrow profile (oncologist, allergology, infectious disease).


Since the rash is the only symptom of the disease, the pathology is required and identify appropriate to fix the problem drug therapy using drugs of the following groups:

  • antihistamines;
  • antibiotics or antivirals;
  • antifungal;
  • for removal of itching and pain;
  • soothing;
  • hormonal;
  • antipyretic and immunoukreplyayuschie.

Upon detection of cancers receive chemotherapy and taking potent drugs.

Additionally required:

  • compliance with therapeutic diet;
  • hygiene to prevent infection of healthy areas of the skin;
  • Active physiotherapy.

Drug therapy and additional treatments are selected individually: by type of disease, the form of its occurrence and the general condition of the patient.

How to choose a drug used to treat rashes

The preparation is to eliminate the rash is determined only by a specialist.

To speed up the recovery process of the skin, itching and pain relief, as well as to prevent the penetration of infection in open wounds, appointed external application agents:

  • antifungal ointment, for the destruction of the pathogen on the skin. When running diseases requires the use of oral agents;
  • hormonal creams are used in severe forms of the disease. Their use is permitted strictly on prescription, without exceeding the dose. The course of treatment no more than 14 days because of addiction to the composition and increase the risk of side effects;
  • in the presence of a bacterial pathogen antibiotics are used orally and topically. Depending on the localization of the infection zone;
  • during viral pathology similar antiviral agents used antibiotics;
  • painkillers and disinfecting ointment used to prevent the development of complications.

Additional solutions may be assigned for the treatment of wounds with a disinfectant and a drying action. They are used before application of an ointment or cream.

hormonal treatments

Ointments with hormonal formulation used to remove the rashes on the skin.

Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it
names means Age limit application rules
tselestoderm After 6 months The drug is applied 2 times during the day for 7-10 days. When the presence of an infection on the skin ointment use is contraindicated.
Advantan After 4 months Tool you want to use 1 time a day for 14 days. Allowed the extension of the use of up to 3 months (for children up to 1 month), under the supervision of a specialist. In tuberculosis and syphilis is not applicable.
Afloderm After 6 months Do not use the drug in the presence of viral infection and open wounds. The composition is applied 3 times a day for 14 days.
Akriderm After 2 years Antiviral ointment is applied 1-2 times a day for 14 days. Not used in tuberculosis and syphilis.
Elokim After 2 years Composition requires applied 1-2 times a day for 10 days.

Ointment will provide a greater therapeutic effect in the pretreatment of the skin disinfectants.

non-hormonal drugs

Hormonal preparations have the following compositions:

  • vegetable;
  • synthetic;
  • combined.

It allowed long-term use of drugs, as they have a smaller list of side effects. Non-hormonal drugs have disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.

Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

Non-hormonal means to eliminate rashes:

names means Age limit application rules
solkoseril after a year The composition applied to the skin 2 times per day. Duration of application is assigned individually.
Protopic After 16 years Used 2 times during the day to relieve symptoms.
Bepanten It has no age limit
Losterin After 3 months The course of treatment is determined by the treating specialist on the patient's condition.
Eplan no restrictions The composition is applied 1 time a day for 10-30 days.
Desitin Use 3 times during the day to relieve symptoms.

These agents are used in complex treatment with oral medications.


Sedatives prescribed for rashes on the nerves and improve sleep quality during the period of illness.

Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

List of used sedatives:

names means Age limit application rules
Persen (tablets and capsules) After 3 years Means taken 2-3 times daily for 1-2 tablets / capsules for 60 days.
New Pass (tablets, syrup) After 12 years Eat 3 times a day 1 tablet or 5 ml syrup for 20-30 days.
Dormiplant (tablets) After 6 years Take 2 times a day, 2 tablets. The course is assigned individually.
Afobazol (tablets) After 18 years Therapeutic course chosen by the patient.
Tenoten (tablets) Take 1-2 tablets a day for 30-90 days.

The drug is taken strictly according to instructions, the excess dosage or an independent extension of the exchange rate provokes an increase in the likelihood of developing side effects.

antiallergic drugs

Rash on the stomach of an adult allergic nature avoided taking antihistamines.

Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

Prescribe drugs:

names means Age limit application rules
Kestin (tablets) After 12 years 1-2 tablets taken 1 time per day. Duration of the course is determined by the condition of the patient.
Loratadine (syrup, tablets) It has no age limit The dosage for the individual patient weight. Take 5-10 days.
Cetirizine (tablets and drops) Tablets with 6 years. Drops from birth Single and daily dose depends on the age of the patient. Duration of treatment for 3-6 weeks.
Ranitidine (tablets) No age restrictions The course of treatment is appointed by the attending physician.

Replace drugs alone is prohibited.

antiparasitic agents

To eliminate ticks and other parasites, provoking the formation of scars on the skin, the following drugs.

Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it
names means Age limit application rules
Benzyl (ointment and emulsion) After 3 years Funds applied to the skin in the evening for 5 days. Kills scabies and lice.
Spregal (spray) There are no restrictions on age Enough disposable. When spraying cover the mouth and nose with a tissue. To destroy the scabies mite.
Pedikulen (shampoo, spray, lotion) After 5 years It requires the use of one-time funds. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 7 days. It kills lice.
Nix Cream After 6 months

The drugs can cause allergic reactions, so their use requires the approval of the treating physician.


Antivirals external and internal application used for removing viral rash.

Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

Prescribe drugs:

names means Age limit application rules
Acyclovir (tablets, ointment, cream) No age restrictions. The course of treatment is 10 days. Dosage and use of the drug depend on the age and release forms.
Zovirax (tablets, cream) After 2 years
Viferon (ointment, candles, gel) no restrictions The treatment is prescribed individually according to the state of the patient and his or her age. The course of treatment 14 days.

These medications are also appointed an expert and are used in treatment.

Recipes folk remedies for various types of rash on the stomach

Folk recipes used in the recovery step and in treatment with drugs. Sharing is required to negotiate with the treating specialist.

Recipes for the removal of scars:

  • steamed dried succession in 1.5 liters of boiling water. Infusion added to the bath. You need to receive data water treatments in a day at least 10 times;
  • adding to the bathroom 50 g of sea salts;
  • mix in equal proportions of celandine juice and sea buckthorn oil. Apply to the affected skin area three times a day for at least 10 days;
  • 10 g of steamed daisy in 200 ml of boiling water. Treating the skin 3 times a day to relieve symptoms;
  • treating rashes zone fresh aloe 2 times per day. Duration of treatment 10 days.
Rash on the stomach of an adult, a photo with explanations. With or without itching, as red dots, it

Additionally recommended to drink herbal tea, strengthens the immune system and has a soothing effect (mint, oregano, chamomile).

The rash can be resolved only after the determination of the reasons for its occurrence. Education on the abdomen can have diverse nature (allergenic, infectious or parasitic). Therefore, treatment is chosen individually on the type of disease and age. The mainstay of treatment is the same for adults and children.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Useful video about causes and remedies, rash on the abdomen in adults

Symptoms and treatment of measles in adults:

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" about chickenpox:

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