Common Symptoms

Tingling all over his body like needles. Reasons for what to do, any symptom of diseases

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Many people at least occasionally, but tingling like needles, spreading throughout the body. If it only happens occasionally, you do not need to panic. But when negative feelings are repeated several times and bring discomfort, you need to find the cause of their manifestation and eliminate it.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Classification tingling throughout the body as the disease symptoms
  • 2 Possible causes tingling in the body
    • 2.1 on the body
    • 2.2 on his head
    • 2.3 the extremities
    • 2.4 Throughout the body
  • 3 Types and characteristics of the symptom
    • 3.1 Stitches
    • 3.2 itch
    • 3.3 Burning
  • 4 Diagnosis Symptoms: hardware and laboratory methods
  • 5 Proper nutrition and diet therapy
    • 5.1 Permitted and Prohibited Products
    • 5.2 Menu for the week
  • 6 drug therapy
    • 6.1 What causes tingling in the body is an indication to receive drugs
    • 6.2 Names of medications, instructions for use
  • 7 Physiotherapy: types and descriptions
  • 8 LFK
    • 8.1 A set of exercises
    • 8.2 The frequency and duration of employment
  • 9 Folk remedies: Recipes and reception circuit
  • 10 Indications for surgery for tingling all over his body
  • 11 Videos about paresthesia
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Classification tingling throughout the body as the disease symptoms

Tingling sensation of running on any part of the skin and small thorns should not leave without proper attention to them. They may indicate the dormant diseases that occur or arise only in the body, of which man is completely unaware. This manifestation of the sensitivity of doctors called paresthesia.

This happens mostly because of poor blood flow in certain areas. In some situations, before these manifestations occur loss of susceptibility to irritation of the lower or upper limbs.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases

At the same time seen the following changes:

  • increased sensitivity to even the most gentle touch;
  • in some areas, on the contrary, it decreases;
  • there is muscle weakness;
  • reduced joint mobility;
  • annoying itching and unpleasant burning sensation;
  • severe pain responses in all parts of the field.

All these signs indicate a significant drop in the sensitivity of nerve endings. However, even without causing discomfort symptoms are not to be ignored.

This may be the main signal the beginning of these diseases:

  • ischemia;
    Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases
    Cause tingling throughout the body can be a stroke
  • disruptions in the blood timely supply to the brain;
  • various injuries;
  • sudden seizures;
  • alcoholism;
  • pathological disorders allocation operation bodies;
  • cancer formation;
  • the endocrine system;
  • spine and joints;
  • migraine;
  • Raynaud's disease.

If the state of discomfort does not go away long period, you should call your GP or neurologist for further guidance on the diagnosis of conduct.

Possible causes tingling in the body

Tingling all over his body like needles, the causes of which are accompanied by chronic illness may be characterized by:

  • deprivation of the body's ability to perceive external stimuli;
  • pain attack;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • exhausting itching.

Often such negative reactions people experienced after are pressed the nerves and blood vessels. This occurs when the long period of time in the uncomfortable position of the body. And when you change his body to normalize the blood circulation and of the discomfort disappears.

In elderly cells perform worse than their purpose and are therefore poor nutrition. Therefore, they have paresthesia is chronic manifestations.

Other reasons can be identified as follows:

  • skin diseases;
  • long and bulky fiznagruzki;
  • infection of the fungi;
  • mental disorders;
  • insect bites;Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases
  • the presence of worms;
  • allergic reactions to drugs or cosmetics;
  • effect of temperature drop.

Catastrophic lack of chemical elements necessary for the flow of vital processes in the body, manifested by symptoms.

on the body

When the upper part of the spine spandileze discomfort occurs in the neck, neck and back. This is due to the fusion of several vertebrae are near that leads the compression of the nerve.

on his head

At infringement of brain blood circulation suffers section head, nausea and darker eyes.

Possible causes discomfort on the head can be:

  • overwork - in reducing vascular tone occurs outflow of blood from the brain;
  • dystonia;
  • eyestrain - long-term work at the computer, reading in low light.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases

Migraine is also able to give such negative manifestations.

the extremities

When a herniated disc pinched nerve endings, and there are frequent tingling in the legs and back. Arthritis and gout due to compression of the nerve roots gives unpleasant sensations in the lower and upper limbs. In diabetic neuropathy appear tingling in the feet. Then go up the entire height of the legs, moving your hands.

Throughout the body

The feeling of minor pricks needles appears in the neuroses, depressive states. Cardiovascular disease is also accompanied by a tingling sensation all over the body. A common cause paresthesia is disruption of brain or spinal cord, peripheral nerves.

A can also be a sign of such violations:

  • head trauma;
  • compression of the nerves in the area;
  • spinal cord injury or disease;
  • inflammation or damage to the back muscles;
  • stroke;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • poisoning of harmful substances;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • protrusion or arthritis.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases

Frequent causes are prolonged stress or prolonged psychological stress.

Types and characteristics of the symptom

There are 2 kinds of paresthesia. The first is called transient.

It arises as a result of:

  • Taking certain medications;
  • migraine;
  • mechanical kinked nerves and muscles.

Another is chronic. She appears in disorders affecting the central nervous system. This may be vascular damage due to various kinds of infections or inflammations.


Stabbing pain is chronic paresthesia. When such troubles affecting the lower limbs, it makes it difficult to walk. Such disease manifestations in any area of ​​the body deliver great discomfort and cause nerve irritation.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases

If they do not leave a person more than 3 months, it is necessary to apply to the medical institution for specialist advice.


Itching occurs when damage to the nervous system by any stretch of the way. He does not arise independently. It is accompanied by other symptoms (pain, tingling).


Burning the body can occur due to the existing of such diseases:

  • dystonia;
  • stroke;
  • neuralgia;
  • dermatomyositis.

In humans, such unpleasant feelings may emerge and in violation of the endocrine system.

Diagnosis Symptoms: hardware and laboratory methods

Tingling all over his body like needles, the causes of which can be found at the neurologist, treated after passing the relevant examination. The visit to the doctor can not be tightened, if the discomfort is concentrated in one area or does not go a long time. And the motion and muscular load is enhanced.

In more complex cases can appear symptoms:

  • pokruzhivanie head;Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases
  • emergence of dark spots in the eyes;
  • nausea;
  • involuntary spasmodic contraction of the muscles.

Conducting diagnosis begins with a blood test.

Decrypting the result doctor may prescribe such a survey:

  • X-rays;
  • US vessels;
  • electroneuromyography - method allows to know the degree of transmission of the nerve signal;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography of the spine or brain;
  • ECG heart;
  • electric myogram - is tested muscle activity.

In some cases, appointed:

  • fence nerves or skin for research;
  • Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases

This will help to identify antibodies associated with peripheral neuropathy. After receiving the survey results, the doctor inspects. During the conversation with the patient, he finds out the date of the onset of symptoms, the frequency of the manifestations of discomfort, analyzes the image of human life.

During dialogue doctor checks the sensitivity of the skin, carefully studying the damaged areas. At the same time it draws attention to the color of the skin, hair loss, the degree of sensitivity in the extremities. Narrow specialist, such as a surgeon, neurologist or cardiologist prescribed course of therapy.

Proper nutrition and diet therapy

Tingling all over his body like needles treated comprehensively. Knowing the reason for their appearance, pick a complex medicines, massages. However, an important role is removed and a balanced diet. Such violations in health results in a lack of vitamin B12. If he does not recover, the positive results in the treatment can not be achieved.

It must be remembered that such discomfort can occur as a consequence of having some disease. It is therefore important to make a diagnosis, and depending on the result be diet. It may vary due to existing illness.

Permitted and Prohibited Products

Menu human suffering unpleasant symptoms should contain food, which include the essential vitamin B.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases

In sufficient quantity is contained in:

  • beef and chicken liver;
  • yogurt;
  • lean pork;
  • dairy products;
  • lamb;
  • Sire tofu;
  • grain products;
  • eggs;
  • different varieties of fish (carp, mackerel, bass);
  • Rabbit meat and poultry;
  • beef.

If there is a patient's diabetes, and the product should be selected based on the disease. Exclude from the diet of bread and cereals. It is necessary to use a smaller number of beet and potatoes. Undesirable in this case, berries and fruits. Increase blood glucose may be bananas, grapes, cheese.

It is advisable to avoid the use of alcoholic beverages, limit in the presence of a menu of spicy and spicy food as it aggravates the development of tingling. Good effect on the body has a Jerusalem artichoke, it has a positive effect on the nerves and blood vessels.

Menu for the week

The following table provides an indicative selection of dishes for the week:

day of the week Meal order Menu
The first 1 Two soft-boiled eggs, tea, dried fruit with crackers
2 Banana
3 Vegetable soup, braised liver, tea
4 Berry-fruit jelly
5 Potatoes with fish
Second 1 Oatmeal, tea
2 Pudding, cookies
3 Buckwheat soup, fish cakes, fruit compote
4 Jelly
5 Vegetable stew with meat
Third 1 Cheesecakes, Cocoa
2 Avocado
3 Meatless soup, chicken with vegetables, bread, the dried tea on the grass
4 Apple, nuts
5 Porridge oats, walnuts, liver stew, tea
Fourth 1 Omelette steamed, stewed fruit
2 fruit souffle
3 Rice soup, casserole of salmon and vegetables, tea
4 Compote, biscuits
5 Pilaf, compote, bread
Fifth 1 Baked cheese and berries, tea
2 Banana
3 Soup, porridge from barley, liver, boiled, stewed fruit, bread
4 Yogurt
5 Boiled vegetables, fish cake, tea
Sixth 1 Cottage cheese casserole, yogurt, low-fat
2 Banana
3 Soup cereals, baked mackerel
4 Dried fruits
5 Baked fish with vegetables, tea
Seventh 1 Rice pudding, fruit compote
2 Berry mix with yogurt
3 Soup, chicken cutlets, potatoes, tea
4 Biscuits, tea
5 Vegetable stew, boiled fish, bread, cocoa

drug therapy

Good effect gives physiotherapy. It aims to eliminate discomfort.

These include:

  • administering drugs with the help of current (electrophoresis);
  • healing, by imposing on the sore spots muds;
  • acupuncture;Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases
  • diadynamic currents;
  • magnet.

An excellent tool to facilitate the patient's condition is massage.

What causes tingling in the body is an indication to receive drugs

Tingling all over his body as the needles (the reasons defined in the diagnosis) in the case of conduction disturbances through the nerves treated with medicine.

To do this, prescribers:

  • B vitamins - it is more expedient to use in the form of injections, it is necessary to quickly getting them into the bloodstream;
  • antiplatelet agents, promoting better blood circulation in the body;
  • antioxidants which improve the metabolic processes in the tissues.

Independently start taking pharmaceutical drugs is strictly prohibited. Only after the appointment of a qualified doctor, you need to pursue a course of treatment.

He may appoint such agents:

  • antihistamines - if there is an annoying itching, severe burning;Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases
  • means local to the cooling effect;
  • sedatives - for nervous disorders.

Unpleasant feelings in the hands of anti-inflammatory agents are eliminated or improves circulation.

Names of medications, instructions for use

Tingling all over his body as the needles (the reasons set only by a doctor, since self-diagnosis can lead to incorrect treatment and complications in the future) eliminate vitamins, medications that reduce blood viscosity, antioxidants.

These medicines include:

Name appointment
piracetam Neuroprotective drugs. Positively affects the metabolism and improves blood circulation. Daily dose (2.4-4.8 ml) is divided into 2-3 doses.
nootropil Used to improve motor and mental activity. It is produced in the form of tablets, capsules, and liquids for injection.
meksidol Used inside of 125-250 mg three times per day. Do not use if allergic reaction.
Magne B6 It can not be used in severe renal insufficiency. Drink 1 tablet 3 times a day.
aktovegin It is produced in the form of ointments, creams, solution for injections, tablets. Reduces the oxygen starvation of tissues. The dosage depends on the evidence.

Physiotherapy: types and descriptions

Large beneficial effects have therapeutic baths.

For their preparation using such herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • series.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases

The water temperature should be warm to the man was comfortable. do not use hot liquid. Treatment time - 20 minutes. Contrast baths will improve blood circulation and muscle work. To do this, prepare the container 2 with hot and cold water. Alternately lowered feet in each of them.

Following this event, it is advisable to get a massage with a warming cream. You can use a roller or brush. It also improves blood circulation in the blood vessels, reduces the unpleasant symptoms. Exposure time should be short, so as not to cause damage to the skin.

The effectiveness of such procedures with tingling:

  • Electrophoresis - carried out with ionic solutions in soft tissue deliver drugs by means of a current;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • mud.

It can be assigned to acupuncture.


The primary goals of physical therapy are:

  • stimulating normalization of blood circulation;
  • strengthening the weakened muscles and their relaxation;
  • improvement and strengthening of the whole organism.

Used only exercises for the legs, without the stress and tension in the vise.

A set of exercises

You can use a selection of exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, lift the bent leg.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases
  2. Then, lift the straight leg.
  3. Extension in the ankle joint.
  4. Standing on all fours, tilt the head back and retract the foot.
  5. In the same position to raise the leg parallel to the floor.
  6. Lying on his stomach, rising to the elbows as high as possible.
  7. Kneeling, tilt the chest to the floor.
  8. Lie back up, lift the torso, keeping the hips off the floor.

They need to carry out slowly, 10 times each, making frequent breaks.

The frequency and duration of employment

Initially, you need to perform movements with a small amplitude, before the first pain. To avoid muscle fatigue. Duration sessions to 20 minutes.

Folk remedies: Recipes and reception circuit

Good effect on the body suffering tingling provide soothing teas.

For their preparation, you can use these herbs:

  • chamomile and lemon balm;
  • motherwort;
  • mint.Tingling all over his body like needles. The reasons that make a symptom of diseases

Brewing plants need 10 grams of sugar and 1 cup boiling water. Infuse 20 minutes. Take 3 - 4 times a day. The course of treatment about 1 month.

Bath should prepare such a solution:

  1. Take primrose flowers and bark of horse chestnut for 2 tablespoons. l.
  2. Add grass, yarrow and clover drug for 4 tbsp. l.
  3. Mix well.
  4. 3 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 liter of water and the fire hold 10 min.

Peretsedit and pour into a bowl. Hold this broth limbs no more than 25 minutes.

Medicinal drink for ingestion should be prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take the stinging nettle leaves, viburnum and parsley (for 2 hours. l.).
  2. Add grass and goldenrod tricolor violet (for 3 hours. l.).
  3. After thorough mixing, collecting 30g pour and pour 0.5 water.
  4. In 10 minutes. boiling to give a little cool and strain.

Receiving means need 100g postprandial twice daily.

Indications for surgery for tingling all over his body

Surgery is expediently carried out in the event that there is a tumor. It compresses nerve endings, so it must be removed. Possibility of operation determines the individual physician.

To prevent the occurrence of tingling all over his body as the needles need to spend more time outdoors, good nutrition and deal feasible exercise. If the cause of the discomfort associated with the disease, it is necessary to take their medication. To avoid serious complications, it is impossible to run such symptoms.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Videos about paresthesia

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