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Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and legs. Causes, photo, treatment, what is lacking in the body

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In some cases it is useful to consider and carry out an audit of the nail. They can tell much about a person's health. If the nail plate were longitudinal, vertical stripes, holes, cracks and other defects, you should consult your doctor for clarification.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of vertical stripes on the nails
  • 2 Types of diseases in which vertical stripes appear on the nails
  • 3 Diagnosis of vertical stripes on the nails
  • 4 When to see a doctor
  • 5 Prevention of vertical stripes on the nails
  • 6 Methods of treatment of vertical stripes on the nails
    • 6.1 Medications
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Videos of the reasons for the bands on the nails

Causes of vertical stripes on the nails

Nails are composed of layers of protein called keratin. This same protein found in hair, skin. The nail structure comprises, nail bed, folds, and cuticle well. Various changes in the appearance of the nails indicate improper diet, lack of minerals, developing disease.

Vertical stripes on the nails - it is the projections that go in the same direction as the long axis of the finger and are the most common types of bands. In many cases, their appearance is the norm, but some people vertical defects indicate a malfunction in the body. The most common reason for the appearance of longitudinal fissures - injury or nail holes of the plate.

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Other reasons for the appearance of vertical lines:

  1. Vitamin A deficiency, iron, fatty acids, protein and calcium.
  2. Lack of vitamin B6, zinc.Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the body
  3. Deficiency of hydrochloric acid leads to the appearance of longitudinal strips and further cracking nails.
  4. Dehydration. Lack of moisture causes drying of the cuticle, the skin on the hands.
  5. Frequent use of diet, fasting. Malnutrition and developing at the same malabsorption of food causing streaks, the protrusions on the nails.
  6. Aging. Over the years, the body loses active sebaceous glands, which leads to drying of the skin and nail appearance defects.
  7. Excessive smoking. Tobacco smoke dries out the skin changes color, structure.
  8. Stress. Long-term stressful situations can affect not only the appearance of the skin, but also to modify the nail plate.
  9. Long-term illness. Chronic diseases affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Bands appearing on the plate, can acquire a different color. White show internal fault in the body, caused by a deficiency of various substances. Dark stripes appear due to hormonal disorders, problems in the digestive tract. Red indicate the presence of internal diseases, heart problems.

Types of diseases in which vertical stripes appear on the nails

Nail plate with age acquires a plurality of longitudinal projections arranged at regular distances from each other. Their appearance is associated with loss of moisture, aging the nail matrix that atrophy with age. The appearance of the projections is typical for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who received limb injuries.

In rare cases, the longitudinal strips indicate the presence of disease:

  1. Leukonychia. Striplike Leukonychia arises due to injury in the systematic ungual phalanx, incomplete keratinization plate, infections, liver disease, the lack of blood protein.
  2. Psoriasis. Defects on the nail plate accompany psoriatic skin lesions or appear as separate disease, nail psoriasis. Longitudinal stripes appearing in the initial stage of the disease, gradually cause thickening of the nail, which changes color consistency over time.Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the body
  3. Melanoma. Nail defeat begins as a longitudinal line appearing on the plate, which may be brown, red, Over time, it is expanded, which leads to destruction of the plate.
  4. Diseasethyroid gland often causes the appearance of longitudinal stripes of light color.
  5. Congestive heart failure. Reaction to cardiac disorders often occur in the form of strips with a reddish tint
  6. Renal insufficiency. When kidney disease in the body of nitrogenous wastes are accumulated, it leads to increased levels of nitrogenous toxins which the body tries to withdraw through the skin, which manifests itself on the nails.
  7. Diabetes. On the plate there are two longitudinal grooves, the nail thickens over time, deform.Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the body
  8. Anemia. When iron deficiency linear defect may act not only inside the plate, but also rise above the surface.
  9. Mycoses. Fungal infections of the nail begin to change structure. He loses shine, becomes brittle, on the surface there are whitish streaks. Subsequently, they crack, the plate becomes soft and loose.

Diagnosis of vertical stripes on the nails

Nails - derivatives and forming part of the skin. They are the changed structure - is not the only symptom of incipient disease. Initially, the doctor examines the nail plate, then assigns the survey.

This may require:

  1. Analysis of blood (the value of 200 to 300 rub.).
  2. Analysis of urine (in toll cost clinics from 200 to 300 rubles.).
  3. Letting blood sugar (cost from 200 to 300 rubles.).
  4. skin scraping to identify fungal infections (cost microscopic examination of samples - 800 rub.).
  5. If desired, the sample shall be to the estimated concentration in the body of various vitamins (one sample is from 600 rubles.).

When to see a doctor

Vertical stripes on the nails may indicate disturbances in the body. If they are, in addition to the bands, there are other symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist.

It can be:

  • fossa, deepening;
  • darkening of the cuticle;
  • change color plates;
  • white lines under fingernails.

Treatment will be assigned depending on the identified root causes.

Prevention of vertical stripes on the nails

In the treatment of any disease play an important role nutrition. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals, malnutrition, all this is reflected in the condition of the nail plate.

Should review the diet and include foods that are useful for health:

  1. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, containing vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B8, vitamin C, A and D.
  2. Protein. Products included in the menu, containing a complete protein: soy, lentils, beans, meat, eggs.
  3. Calcium. Daily use: cottage cheese, yogurt, milk.
    Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the body
    Vertical stripes on the nails may be provoked by calcium deficiency
  4. Products, contributing to the growth of the nails: tomatoes, tea with nettle, molasses.
  5. Avoid junk food. Food fried, greasy, has no nutritional value, should be replaced by a full and healthy food.
  6. Drink more water. A daily intake of 8-10 glasses will help to get rid of nail defects.
  7. Taking multivitamin supplements containing zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.
  8. Use biotin supplements or consume more food containing it. Biotin in sufficient quantities is in the egg yolks, carrots, soy, peanuts and almonds.
  9. Do not bite your nails, do not break off the cuticle.
  10. Catching up on household chores, use latex gloves.

should be properly looked after in order to prevent the occurrence of defects of the nail plate:

  1. Reduce the use of paints and solvents.
  2. After removal of lacquer plate should be moistened with lotion, emollient oil with vitamin E.
  3. Polishing nail plate should be done with a soft brush so as not to injure the well and the plate itself.
  4. Before coating varnish used base coating comprising gelatin and a protein for leveling the surface.

Methods of treatment of vertical stripes on the nails

Vertical stripes on the nails, formed due to external factors or malnutrition, it is easier to treat. Defects caused due to the internal state of the body, requires treatment with the original cause. Solving problems in the kidneys, stomach, liver, and will help to restore a healthy appearance of the nail plate.


To strengthen, restore the structure of the nail products can be used, containing vitamins and nutrients. Although these drugs are not strictly medicinal, their use should be started after consulting a doctor.Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the body

Name What it consists of, what effect Price
Doppelgerts asset complex preparation for the health of hair and nails Prepared on the basis of biotin, pantothenic acid, stimulates metabolism 400 rubles.
Complivit Radiance As part of the available lycopene, resveratrol, lutein, vitamins, has an antioxidant effect 350 rubles.
dragee Merz It contains beta-carotene, biotin, calcium, iron, all combine to affect the condition of the skin and nails 800 rubles.

60 Tab.

Femikod Intensive update Prepared based on plant extracts, comprising grape seed oil, rosemary, lemongrass Chinese 1 thousand. rub.
retinol Compensates for deficiency of vitamin A, it has a tonic effect 55 rubles.
Tokoferorl acetate Vitamin E group 120 rubles.
TRIND Nail Revive, colorless varnish treatment of the Dutch company Increase the elasticity of the nail plates, the combined use with balm Trind improves their structure. From 500 rubles.

The initial stage of fungal disease can be stopped with antifungal drugs:

  1. Mikozan. Deletes a fungal infection of the nail plate, the filtrate contains enzyme rye, strengthens the nail plate, the price 800 rubles.Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the body
  2. Iodinol. Potassium iodide contained in the formulation has an antiseptic effect. The price of 12 rubles.
  3. Terbinafine. It has a broad spectrum anti-mitotic activity. The price of 50 rubles.
  4. Fluconazole. An effective and inexpensive anti-fungal agent, comprising the active ingredient of fluconazole. The price of 10 rubles.

Traditional methods

Vertical stripes can be reduced with the help of health-enhancing procedures carried out in the home. To do this, make compresses, baths for the nails, massages nail holes.

The cream that is used for massage, pre-warmed slightly and then flick periungual rubbed into the wells.

Trays prepared from a mixture of vegetable oils and herbal infusions, pre-heated to a comfortable temperature.

Lemon juice to restore the surface structure:

  1. Fresh juice ripe lemon drops applied on the damaged nail, covered with a cotton swab and allowed to stand for 10 minutes.
  2. Lemon has an active substance, it is recommended to use no more than 1 time per week.

The soda solution with iodine prevents bundle nail plates:

  1. Mark 2 hours. l. sea ​​salt, add to it 2-3 drops of iodine. Dissolve the salt in ½ cup of water, placed in a tray fingertips, hold 10-15 minutes.
  2. Repeat the procedure 2 times per day to restore the smooth texture of the nail plate.Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the body

Gelatin bath, providing good nutrition:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Natural gelatin, diluted with a little water.
  2. After swelling solution was heated on a water bath to completely dissolve the gelatin.
  3. Cool to room temperature, the lower the fingers in a bath with the solution for 25 min. The procedure is performed at least 3 times a week.

Flaxseed, olive oil, tea tree oil:

  1. These oils are rich in nutrients, minerals. With olive oil and flaxseed oil massages can be done easily by rubbing them in the cuticle. For preparation of the nutrient bath tea tree oil should be pre-diluted with water.

Orange juice:

  1. Lower the tips of his fingers into the fresh orange juice for 10-15 minutes. After that, wash your hands and moisturize cream. Juice rich antioxidant improves the appearance of the plate promotes proper epithelium keratinization.

Well strengthens nails grape seed oil. It can be purchased at the pharmacy and used for massage applications. And also use creams containing oil in its composition.

If the damage of the nail plate and to strengthen them widely applicable shea butter. Natural substance moisturizes, nourishes and restores the integrity of the nail surface.

To restore the nail structures are used and the drug Bishofit Solcoseryl. Since the first drug made trays, but it can not be used with existing open wounds on the hands. Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the bodySolcoseryl is applied to every nail plate, then put on cotton gloves. If time permits, you can carry out the procedure in the afternoon, but it is preferable to do it at night.

Other methods

Vertical stripes on the nails can be removed with affordable and convenient methods:

  1. Hardware processing. Unobtrusive defect can be removed at home using nail file. Deep strips aligned hardware method in beauty salons.
  2. Paraffin. On clean nail surface cosmetic applied paraffin enriched with vitamins. It promotes healing, elimination of bacterial flora. To prepare the paraffin baths should be melted in a water bath, add a little essential oil. Thereafter grease fat cream hands and fingers dip into the solution after 20 min. solution was removed.
  3. Vitamins A. E. FROM. in the form of tinctures oil can be rubbed into the cuticle.

To eliminate the longitudinal strips special varnishes are applied, such as the "Smart enamel." They include calcium, keratin, vitamins, collagen and liquid silk.

possible complications

The time taken to remedy nail measures will help to prevent the development of fungal diseases. To begin treatment of the nail plate to be destruction of the nail.Vertical stripes on the nails of hands and feet. Causes, treatment, what is lacking in the body

If the nail deformation occurred due to a failure in the body, it is necessary to normalize the liquid vitamins, minerals, restore the proper and healthy diet.

If there injuries suffered by not only the nail plate, but also the soft tissue, the nail will continue to grow deformed. It can be hidden by decorative manicure or pedicure.

Beautiful and healthy nails - an indicator of physical beauty and health. The appearance of vertical stripes, is not a reason for concern, but a reason to think about the proper care of them, revision of power, the admission to a healthy lifestyle.

Author: Anna Belyaeva

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Videos of the reasons for the bands on the nails

What diseases can be found on the nails:

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