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Daily urine output. Norma, how much is the adults, children as changes in patients with different pathologies, how to count

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For suspected diabetes, edema, heart failure, pregnant women, doctors prescribe analysis on daily urine output, which says a lot about the norm. It suggests freedom from at least a dozen different diseases and a good functional state of the salt balance.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the daily urine output
  • 2 Table indicators daily diuresis normal for all ages, both men and women (ml / day)
  • 3 Symptoms increase daily urine output
  • 4 Reasons for increasing daily urine
  • 5 Indications for the study of daily urine output
  • 6 How to determine the daily urine output
  • 7 Preparation for the analysis of daily urine output
  • 8 Deciphering the results of the analysis of daily urine output
  • 9 How to bring back to normal daily urine output
    • 9.1 diet №9
  • 10 Videos about urinalysis

What is the daily urine output

Any living organism is an open system in which there is a constant process of replacing the substance - that is, it is the flow of the substance enclosed in the body of the border. Different elements are replaced at different rates, but they are updated over time. Energy and animal food supplies the substance, and the basic reagent and the solvent is exchanged with water and drinking water assimilation of food.

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When digestion useful digestible food ingredients are incorporated into the cells, and exhaust its elements are displayed in the blood. This completes the exchange circle in the kidneys, outputted metabolic products in a dissolved form in water, creating urine. Otherwise harmful metabolic products accumulate in the blood and lead to poisoning of the body.

The process of formation and excretion of urine is called diuresis. In order to evaluate it quantitatively, it decided to examine urine output per day. For a more accurate analysis of a number of diseases have lower grades - day and night; hourly diuresis.Daily urine output. The norm is changing, how to count in adults and children

Normally, the amount of fluid must match the number selected, but there is a loss of water from and then breath, so the amount of urine can be less drunk 300 ml of water (water include soups and cereals). Otherwise, there is water retention in the body and swelling.

Table indicators daily diuresis normal for all ages, both men and women (ml / day)

1-2 days 3-10 days days 10-60 2 months. - 1 year 1-3 years 3-5 years 5-8 years 8-14 years adult men adult women
30-60 100-300 250-450 400-500 500-600 600-700 650-1000 800-1400 800-1800 600-1600

Both sexes over the age of 60 years: from 2400 to 2500ml / day

Symptoms increase daily urine output

Daily diuresis rate determines the condition of the body. With the general health seldom pay attention to this aspect of life. But if there were headaches, morning fatigue, muscle weakness - it's time to get accustomed to how much urine the body releases.

Even if you habitually consume a lot of water, and in response to the amount of urine increases, you should know that the water through the kidneys is excreted in the Na ions, K, Ca, Cl, and thus begins a salt deficit, the violation of water-salt balance. It affects all organs and the nervous system is most sensitive - nerve impulse itself requires ion balance.

Daily urine output. The norm is changing, how to count in adults and children
The deviation from the norm of daily urine output in a big way can be triggered by these diseases

Polyuria is called the excess of the daily urine output over 2 liters, with each urination gives large portions of urine. The urine is usually light. (Children polyuria considered exceeding the age norm twice).

When you see these symptoms should see a doctor. You can choose to measure the amount of urine per day for several days. If daily urine output is constantly above normal, a call to the doctor is necessary.

Reasons for increasing daily urine

Causes of polyuria are quite varied, from habits to severe disease. Daily diuresis rate is disturbed in habitual use of excess liquid. Sometimes this consumption is from mental disorders. It should take into account the body weight and motor activity of the patient.

Table daily requirement of water:

The weight 50 kg 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Physical inactivity 1.55 l 1.85 l 2.20 l 2.50 l 2.80 l 3.10 l
Moderate physical activity 2.00 l 2.30 l 2.55 l 2.95 l 3.30 l 3.60 l
High physical activity 2.30 l 2.65 l 3.00 l 3.30 l 3, 60 l 3.90 l
Daily urine output. The norm is changing, how to count in adults and children

The use of water to these standards will have no effect on the diuresis.

polyuria effect is observed in the use of large amounts of salt, salted, smoked, causing polydipsia - an increased thirst. These factors are subject to the regulation of diet and the control of water consumption. Should consider receiving diuretics, especially hypertension. Here to make a difference on their own can not, you need to consult a doctor.

Daily urine output norms are violated in the direction of polyuria in many diseases:

  • liver disease accompanied by dry mouth and unquenchable thirst;
  • acting through the liver gemahromatoz hereditary disease (accumulation of iron in the body and its deposition lead to polyuria and diabetes in the liver);
  • as a hereditary disease renal tubular acidosis, which leads to a decrease in blood pH (acidification) and renal compensatory reactions that bring water from the excess acid.

Urinary system diseases:

  • syndrome de Toni-Debre-Fanconi, in which the kidneys reabsorb weak (return into the bloodstream), amino acids, glucose, phosphate and bicarbonates, the last two - regulators of blood pH, disease as an autosomal recessive hereditary, so may be the purchased after poisoning;
  • nefronoftiz Fanconi - inherited disorder leading to renal tissue degeneration and chronic renal failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • ureter and urethra infections, interstitial cystitis complete the picture. There are more dangerous phase of acute renal failure - acute renal insufficiency as polyuria. After this phase, the disease becomes chronic heavy.

Endocrine diseases:

  1. Burnet Syndrome (hyperparathyroidism). Excessive production of PTH increases the calcium level in the blood cause of renal and bone. Women suffer three times more often than men. The disease manifests itself in the age of 25-50 years.
  2. Diabetes mellitus. Polyuria associated with an excess of glucose in the blood. Its excretion by the kidneys requires a lot of water loss. Hereditary manifestation in the range of 3-20 years, acquired a hereditary predisposition - from 45-50 years.Daily urine output. The norm is changing, how to count in adults and children
  3. Diabetes insipidus involves a violation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and cessation of production antidiuretic hormone (after head trauma, encephalitis, taking certain medications, for tumors brain). Daily diuresis to 20 liters.
  4. Sheehan's syndrome develops due to heavy labor, under which massive bleeding lead to hypotension and loss of neuroendocrine cells. One of the signs - the lack of milk in women, developing in parallel polyuria.

All endocrine diseases require hormone replacement therapy.

Several is aloof cerebral salt loss syndrome (CSW), which occurs when the brain damage (encephalitis, poliomyelitis, hemorrhages, migraine resistant). When it increases the amount of natriuretic peptides and increased Na excretion by the kidneys.

Most of the diseases with the chemical nature of the occurrence of polyuria or appear in a certain age group, or have more some clear indicators of a history, right up to the expectations of growth of daily urine output even before it began, which makes it easier to arrest hazard.

Circulatory disorders. This heart failure, which leads to a decrease in blood flow and water retention in the body in the form of edema. Kidney counteract the blood thickening increased urine production, and together with metabolites are a lot of water.

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome - increase in heart rate by changing the body position from vertical to horizontal. It considered a vegetative neurosis. Accompanied by an increase in daily urine.

Daily urine output rate changes during pregnancy: in the first trimester because of the restructuring of the hormonal sphere, in the latter - due to fetal pressure on the internal organs. Increased diuresis.

Indications for the study of daily urine output

With the constant increase in the visible daily urine output, followed by headaches and morning fatigue, should consult a doctor. After all, in addition to diseases that cause polyuria, by itself, increase daily urine output gradually leads to serious consequences.Daily urine output. The norm is changing, how to count in adults and children

The stages are: dehydration; poisoning metabolic products; dizziness; proteinuria (protein in urine); coma; borderline mental disorders and, as a result, chronic renal failure.

If you suspect a polyuria survey assigns a therapist. The first stage - the analysis on the daily urine output. The doctor may increase, depending on the medical history, a request to the chemical composition of urine and blood and water balance. According to the results the patient is referred to an endocrinologist or nephrologist / urologist.

How to determine the daily urine output

Analysis of daily urine output is fairly simple. Collect urine for 24 hours in a bowl, which is stored in the refrigerator. If you want to determine the water balance of the patient during the day record volume of the resulting liquid (soups contain 75% water, the second - 50%, the water content of a table provided by a doctor). The difference between a drunk and dedicated shows the water balance.

Preparation for the analysis of daily urine output

To analyze the results correspond to reality, you need to accurately perform all the steps of preparation. On the day of analysis, it is desirable to be at home, so as not to disrupt the normal rate of urination, or perform work associated with high costs of physical energy. It is advisable to avoid stress.

Three days before the analysis stop taking any diuretic medications and food (watermelon, oranges, coffee, strong tea, spices, chocolate), as well as food, causing polydipsia: fried, smoked, salted. Since the assay is determined by the color of urine, you can not eat food coloring - beets, carrots. It is impossible to pass urine during menstruation and after intercourse.Daily urine output. The norm is changing, how to count in adults and children

Although urine collection can begin any time, it is best to do both in the hospital - from 7 am. At 6 am urinate. This portion is not used. Collect urine with the next voiding in a vessel or a urinal, and then poured into a measuring container. Before each collection need to be washed away, and men wash the penis, so that mucus is not mixed into the sample.

Volume of the sample is recorded, the urine poured into a common vessel (or it will be given in the clinic, or prepared and sterilized 3 liter jar with lid). Total vessel kept in a refrigerator; ship the bag, measuring utensils are rinsed after each sample and capped.

Follow the exact number of samples if the collection was started at 7 am, then I have a 7-hour fee applies to the following day, and it did not take! At a quarter to seven - please!

By collecting jar end shaken 200 ml and cast in a sterile container for analysis. Sometimes the doctor asks to hand over the entire bank, be sure to ask him what the volume required. Rent and the accompanying sheet: height, weight, the total quantity of urine - i.e., daily diuresis, sometimes the amount of fluid.

Deciphering the results of the analysis of daily urine output

The sample studied in the laboratory. Indicate the color, clarity and composition of the deposit. Densitometry (determination of specific gravity) is carried out on special request. Normally, it is 1,011-1,025.

Estimated at a maximum set of functional diagnostics (often such details will study specialist - endocrinologist or nephrologist) the following indicators:

Indications daily diuresis. Normal values ​​of 1 liter to 1.6 liters, for men from 1 to 2 liters. Values ​​above - polyuria.Daily urine output. The norm is changing, how to count in adults and children

glucose urea protein creatinine oxalates hemo-




1.6 mmol



mmoles per day

to 0.24 g of


♀️do 16

♂do 18 mmol per day

♀ to 626

♂ to 683 micromoles per



10 micromoles per day

check for diabetes,

changes in the adrenal glands,

pancreas, thyroid glands


naya iron


a lot of protein in food




kaya b-Hb



ment, CRF



acute infections

diabetes, kidney stones, kidney


the presence

exists at


inflammation of the urinary tract

check liver and kidney function

Straw-yellow color of urine is normal, as well as transparency. Other color requires additional analysis.

Cloudy urine indicates inflammation in the excretory system. The pellet containing red blood cells 0-1, 0-1 leukocytes, hyaline cylinders - rare, it is a normal sediment. If any other cells in the composition to check acute renal failure.

Daily diuresis considered negative when the quantity of water drunk more quantity of urine; positive if it is equal to or less, that is, there is a loss of body fluids. Subsequent analyzes were performed in the direction of specialists.

It should be noted that when reduced daily urine output (oliguria, less than 500ml / day for adults and less 50% of normal children), the therapist can immediately be referred to a nephrologist, a symptom of serious kidney diseases.

How to bring back to normal daily urine output

Emergency measures to overcome the loss of salts at excessive diuresis - reception "rehydron" in mild cases. At the same time assess the loss of body weight, net weight and take it on the table in the instructions. In severe cases in hospital intravenous saline. Calculation of its amount are based on analysis of salt content in the blood and urine.

Since the increase in daily diuresis in diseases advantageously prevented main treatment disease, consider only one of them, the most widespread diabetes, mainly of the second type.

Prevention of this disease, along with its impact in the water balance of the system is more action.

This increase in physical exercise, gymnastics, power frequency change - eating little and often, to prevent surges in blood glucose; physician-assisted calculation of calories each meal and a variety of it, to avoid vitamin deficiency. Therefore, the menu should be a week.

diet №9

All this helps to maintain a safe concentration of blood glucose.Daily urine output. The norm is changing, how to count in adults and children

Reinforcement of the hard mode in the case of hereditary diabetes is insulin, and if the glucose level is not critical, then phytotherapeutists developed quite a number of charges. Here are some of them, starting with the most simple - a single component.

a drug Quantity z water ml Boiling min. insist hour accept
bean leaf beans 20 200 boiling water 20 4 3 times a day before meal 1 / 3stakana
corn stigmas 60 500 boiling water 10 2 after meal

3 times a day ½ cup

strawberry leaves 20 200 boiling water 5 1/2 before eating

⅓ cup

3 times a day

chicory root 40 600 boiling water 20 4 before eating 2st. l. 3 times a day
elderberry fruit 30 200 boiling water 5 1 ¼ cup 2-3 times a day
birch leaves 20 300 boiling water 20 0.2 g of sodium 6 hour 2 servings; 2 times a day
blackberry leaves 20 350 boiling water 5 3 ½ st. 3 times a day before meals
lingonberry fruits 30 200 boiling water 5 1 ¼ Art. 3 times a day
buckwheat slipped 30 300 cold,

3 hours

in a water bath


½ st. 3 times a day before meals
Blueberry leaf 1

Beans leaf 1

Goat's rue herb 1

Peppermint List 1

30 500 boiling water 1/2 3 admission on a glass
Corn stigma 10,

Everlasting flowers 5, 30 Blueberry leaves, Rosehip 30

20 300 boiling water 5 1 after eating ⅓ Art. 3 times a day

Combining the drugs are not recommended. You can drink one fee for a month, then you must change it to the next. Berry gathering alternate roots, green, or complex charges.

Daily diuresis normally says about your health, changes in the direction of increasing - the event is not harmless, it should catch and seek medical advice. The doctor will assess whether you just change the diet is sufficient, or to determine the beginning of the disease. The sooner this is done, the easier it will be to fight the disease.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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