Common Symptoms

Means of a hangover at home. Folk medicine, pills, drugs. How to get rid of, that helps you quickly and efficiently with pains in the stomach, high blood pressure, the IRR

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The state of the human body caused by excessive use of alcohol-containing beverage in which a person experiencing headache, nausea, dry mouth, profuse sweating and high irritability called hangover. How to deal with the symptoms of a hangover at home, and what tools to use, described in the article.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why do I get a hangover
  • 2 symptoms of a hangover
  • 3 Driving eliminate hangover
  • 4 Excretion of alcohol and its breakdown products
  • 5 Correction fluid balance in the body
  • 6 Restoration of acid-base balance
  • 7 Raising efficiency
  • 8 detoxification of the body
  • 9 Drugstore remedies for hangover
  • 10 Symptomatic treatment of hangover
  • 11 Stomach pain
  • 12 Headache
  • 13 High pressure
  • 14 Hangover in vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • 15 Folk remedies for a hangover
    • 15.1 Recipes Honey
    • 15.2 Lemon acid
    • 15.3 pickles
    • 15.4 Fermented beverages from a hangover
    • 15.5 Cocoa and coffee
    • 15.6 Infusion Peppermint
    • 15.7 detoxification fruit
    • 15.8 Ginger tea
  • 16 Video on how to get rid of a hangover

Why do I get a hangover

The processes that cause a hangover, are associated with the negative impact on the body ethyl:

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  1. Hypovolemia. A condition in which there is an abnormal distribution of fluid in the body, provoking the formation of edema, headache, dehydration.
  2. Upon cleavage of alcohol in human liver is an increase in the concentration of substances formed during decay ethyl, which leads to nausea.
  3. The presence of high doses of ethanol in the blood leads to a malfunction in the system complete cycle alcohol cleavage in the human liver.
  4. Failure enzyme system blocks the chemical reactions involved in the cycle of formation of glycogen (Gluconeogenesis), which is a source of energy for the body's organs and brain hemispheres person. Evolving from these processes hypoglycemia causes disruption in the higher nervous system, fatigue and weakness.
  5. When fading products from the blood alcohol decay kidneys observed excessive calcium entry into cells tissue, which causes cardiac arrhythmia, chills, decreased muscle tone, nervousness, irritability and pain head.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD

The presence of fusel oils, which provide the gustatory qualities of the product in the elite alcohol, increase the symptoms of hangover when its excessive use.

symptoms of a hangover

Means of a hangover should be used in the home for a quick recovery of normal body function and pain relief.

Symptoms, developing the abuse of alcohol-containing beverages, can be divided into ordinary, which are easily cropped home through certain events, and dangerous, with which development must apply to the doctor.

The usual signs of alcohol poisoning. Serious deviations, in the event that one should resort to medical care.
Nausea and vomiting. The emergence of severe thirst and dry mouth. Strong pain in the kidney area and the area under the right ribs. The appearance of the mouth sweet, unpleasant "mouse" smell, bleeding.
Anxiety, lack of sleep, feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction. A sense of growing weakness, the development-headed, the emergence of fear of death.
The occurrence of dizziness and pain in the head region. The appearance of seizures, monitoring of visual and auditory hallucinations, slow response to external stimuli, loss of sense of time and space.
A slight increase in body temperature, weakness, and general appearance of the chill. Breathing problems - shortness of breath, coughing, choking.
The appearance of diarrhea or constipation. Acute, continuous abdominal pain, blood in the stool or urine, frequent urination, dirty color of feces or urine.
The emergence of "bouncing" of the limbs and the appearance of teak in the facial muscles. Strong, not stopping hand tremor with a large amplitude.
Increasing heart rate frequency to 120 pulsations per minute. Slightly change in one or the other side of the blood pressure. The emergence of disruptions of the heart muscle, severe arrhythmia, pain in the heart area.
The occurrence of hypersensitivity to light and sound. In the eyes there are dark spots or bright flashes, the image fuzzy, blurry.
Increased sweating or dryness of skin integument, swelling of the limbs and face. Education on the belly of a large number of small bruising, yellowing of the human skin.

How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSDAlcohol withdrawal syndrome occurs after ingestion of alcohol in any person. It has nothing to do with the emergence of withdrawal syndrome, which occurs in people suffering from various dependencies of various psychotropic substances.

Driving eliminate hangover

All symptoms caused by excessive use of alcohol-containing beverages, are associated with the poisoning of the body human alcohol and its decomposition products, so is the surest way to get rid of them - it's clear body.

  1. It is deduced from the human body and ethanol toxins caused by its cleavage.
  2. To accelerate the metabolic processes in the body, to conduct this biochemical purification.
  3. Use Membrane stabilizing means to retard the spread of toxins on the cells of the organism.
  4. It is necessary to restore normal fluid balance in the body.
  5. It is necessary to return the indices of acid-base balance to normal.
  6. Should be returned to a normal state of mind and to get rid of nervousness.

Excretion of alcohol and its breakdown products

Means of a hangover in the home can be derived from the body toxins and the ethanol formed by splitting it.

Physical method of removing toxins involves washing the stomach. It applies when postprandial took less than 4 hours. You can also put an enema, which will wash the intestines.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD

Reception of activated carbon pellets or modern means based on lignin can quickly withdraw poisons from the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage of activated carbon is determined from the ratio - 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight of the human body. Coal should be crushed, add water and drink.

One can not take drugs relieving hangover, together with the sorbents. In the interaction with the active sinks they lose their healing properties. Medications used 20 minutes after bowel cleansing.

We need to reduce the effectiveness of toxins to ease hangover symptoms. This effect is achieved stabilization properties of cell membranes, reducing the flow of toxic substances, which penetrate into the cell.

To do this:

  • Take tonic "Schweppes" or its equivalent.
  • Drink infusion of mountain ash.
  • Take a few pills "Antipohmelin" or "Korrda".

When receiving sorbents required within 2 h bowels, or sorbent to give off the absorbed toxins back into intestine.

Correction fluid balance in the body

Puffiness and the restoration of normal water content in the circulatory system should be:

  • Drink 250 ml of brine.
    How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD
    Brine - a popular folk remedy for a hangover that almost everyone in the home, however, from a scientific point of view to make it better not!
  • You may be able to take a steam bath, a hot bath or douche.
  • "Veroshpiron" Take one-time 200 mg of the diuretic drug.
  • Drink a decoction made from oats.
  • Drink of mineral water.
  • Take aspirin of 500 mg of drug per 35 kg body weight of the human body.

Aspirin should not be taken together with alcohol. Use this medication is allowed for 2 hours before taking alcoholic drinks and after 6 h after the adoption of the alcohol.

Restoration of acid-base balance

Acidosis can be eliminated, hydrocarbonate mineral drinking water or soda solution at the rate of 2 hours. l. 1.5 liters of water.

Although the safety of all eliminate the effects of high acidity in the body acceleration of its metabolism:

  • Take tablets succinic acid.
  • Drink dairy products.
  • Drink diluted lemon juice.

Raising efficiency

Symptoms such as reduced efficiency, lethargy and bad mood, removes reception Asparkama before meals in an amount of 1-2 tablets or Magnesola two effervescent tablets. In the presence of Magnesia vials should be dissolved in one ml of water and 100 take a portion after 40 minutes no more than 3 times.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD

Able to lift the mood leisurely stroll in the fresh air. It will distract attention, reduce anxiety, high concentration of oxygen will accelerate the metabolism. Prolonged sleep allows the body to recover and remove all pain.

detoxification of the body

Means of a hangover at home helps get rid of ethanol poisoning and its symptoms: nausea, headache and upset stomach.

the following steps should be followed to speed up the withdrawal of poisons and toxins:

  • Drink diluted with boiled water juice of 3 lemons.
  • Accept succinic acid according to the scheme: per hour at 100 mg tablet (maximum 6 times).
  • There throughout the day honey (1 tsp. l.).
  • Take before meals 40 drops of tincture of Siberian Ginseng.
  • Drinking yogurt or kefir.
  • Apply 1 g Glutargin time between doses 60 minutes, the number of receptions - no more than 4 times.
  • Drink kvas.
  • Use medical devices, relieving hangovers.

Drugstore remedies for hangover

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces drugs that help with alcohol intoxication:

  • Limontar.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD
  • DrinkOFF.
  • Good morning.
  • Alekol.
  • Alka-note.
  • Alkoklin.
  • Alka-Seltzer.

After purification of the intestinal tract effective drugs called "PES-Alko" and "Alko-buffer".

The principle of action of drugs "Korrda", "Antipohmelin" is based on a custom scheme. They slow down the degradation of ethanol in the body, giving him time to cope with the problem.

Symptomatic treatment of hangover

The procedure involves treatment of a hangover for each symptom alone.

Abuse of alcohol-containing beverages may cause or exacerbation of disease, so the detection of unusual symptoms or severe pain should seek emergency medical attention.

Stomach pain

If you experience pain in the stomach area, you can use the following medications:

  • Mezim.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD
  • Motilium.
  • Gustav.

They will help to stop pain and normalize the functioning of the stomach to the intestine. Do not use drugs that lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa such as acetylsalicylic acid and Analgin.


Headache possible to stop using drugs such as:

  • Meksidol.
  • Asparkam.
  • Aspirin.
  • Pantogamum.

Use of paracetamol tablet with a hangover is very dangerous for the liver. tsitramona tablets also contain dangerous compounds, so from the medication you need, too, to abstain.

High pressure

Reduce the increased blood pressure will allow magnesium.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD

At high pressure, or the sharp jump is an urgent need to call an ambulance.

Hangover in vegetative-vascular dystonia

If a person suffers from vascular dystonia, take alcohol-based beverages is not allowed. Even a small dose of alcohol, drunk people with this diagnosis, causes an increase in heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness.

To relieve hangover follows:

  • Drink soothing herbal teas charges chamomile, peppermint and valerian.
  • Headache reduce reception shpy B6 or magnesium.
  • Will recover long sleep.
  • Avoid any physical exertion.
  • When the pain in the heart area to take Meksidol, Corvalol or Valocordin.
  • Mineral water Borjomi or Essentuki allow to restore the water-salt balance.
  • Asparkam, vitamin B6 normalize the cardiovascular system.

Folk remedies for a hangover

Means of a hangover in the home based on traditional medicine helps to stop pain, remove nausea and diarrhea.

Modern medical science has confirmed the usefulness of some of the popular ways to relieve hangover.

Not benefit the following recommendations to traditional healers:

  • A cup of coffee.
  • In the morning drink of vodka to get drunk.
  • Shelf feather garlic.
  • When there is no appetite to take food by force.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD
  • Drink a liter of tomato juice.

Recipes Honey

The honey contains a complex of trace elements, organic acids of the Krebs cycle, which has beneficial effects on the metabolic process. Set redox enzymes allows you to restore the body's enzyme system. Impact of honey causes a calming effect. He accelerates the splitting of ethanol.

If you eat small meals throughout the day honey (100 g) after bowel cleansing, then from the hangover will be over.

Lemon acid

The diluted juice from fruits lemon and orange, contains a high concentration of citric acid. How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSDDrunk in the morning drink a glass accelerate the metabolic processes in the body and allows to quickly deal with the symptoms of a hangover.


Drinking in the morning cup of cabbage or cucumber pickle ensure normalization of the acid-alkaline balance. It is preferable to use brine cabbage, because it contains a solution of succinic acid.

Fermented beverages from a hangover

Liquid products prepared by fermentation of dairy products, are composed of a lot of proteins, minerals and complex vitamins. lactic acid solution effectively accelerates metabolism, which helps relieve hangovers.

The product should be drinking on an empty stomach, small sips, optimum portion - about 2 cups a day.

Cocoa and coffee

Set of antidepressants and magnesium contained in the cocoa, operates well in the human body. The product reduces anxiety, improves mood, restores the nervous system cells and helps the heart work normally.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD

To remove a hangover is recommended to prepare cocoa drink with water and consumed 150 ml.

Beverages made with coffee, help the brain become more active, improves mood, but a negative effect on the heart. Therefore, the coffee you can drink when the hangover has passed.

Infusion Peppermint

This herb has a positive effect on the human body:

  • Tones and invigorates.
  • Eliminates nausea.
  • Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried or fresh mint need to brew in boiling water (in proportions of 1 tbsp. l. 200 ml of boiling water) and consume 1-2 times per day.

detoxification fruit

Bananas contain potassium, a lack of which the body suffers greatly during a hangover. Oranges and lemons contain citric acid solution, which effectively speeds up the human metabolism. should be consumed up to 4-5 fruits during the day to eliminate the symptoms of a hangover.

Ginger tea

Ginger has absorbent properties allowing cleaned intestines and neutralize toxins. It outputs an excess of acetic acid from human body tissue, thereby relieves pain.How to get rid of, funds from a hangover. Folk medicines for pain in the stomach, higher pressure VSD

Complex vitamins B1, B2 and ascorbic acid found in root crops, positively influence and normalize bowel function. Also it helps relieve hangover sets of amino acids and trace elements, which are in ginger.

To prepare the drink is required:

  1. 1 h. l. grated ginger pour boiling water.
  2. Infuse beverage 10 min.
  3. Add a slice of lemon and drink.

Pharmacy and folk remedies for a hangover help accelerate the recovery of the body after alcohol intoxication in the home.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video on how to get rid of a hangover

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