Infectious Diseases

The symptoms of helminthiasis in adult skin on the type, stage. Treatment of folk remedies, medications

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In search of new hosts worms do not dismantle the age and gender, so in adults, as children, we can not observe the rare symptoms of helminthiasis.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Methods helminthiasis infection
  • 2 Types of worms are dangerous to humans
    • 2.1 luminal
    • 2.2 cloth
  • 3 Signs of infection, depending on the type of parasite
    • 3.1 Symptoms of pinworm infection
    • 3.2 Clinical manifestations of ascariasis
    • 3.3 Symptoms of Trichinella infection
    • 3.4 Signs of infection cestodes
  • 4 Symptoms of infection depending on the stage
  • 5 Diagnostics. How to pass tests
    • 5.1 Blood on helminths
    • 5.2 analysis of feces
  • 6 drug therapy
    • 6.1 How do drugs from worms
    • 6.2 The most effective cure for worms
    • 6.3 Tablets against worms during pregnancy
  • 7 Folk remedies
  • 8 diet therapy
  • 9 Video of the helminthiases

Methods helminthiasis infection

In most cases, the parasites enter the body through the oral route poorly washed hands and as a result of failure to comply with personal hygiene when visiting the toilet.

Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
Methods helminthiasis infection

But there are other ways:

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route of infection

infection method

  • when using raw water from natural water bodies;
  • bathing in ponds, lakes (by mouth).
  • topically dirty fruits, berries, vegetables;
  • with insufficient hot processing fish, crayfish meat
  • transmission of helminthic infection from mother to child in utero
  • penetration of larvae of the parasite through the skin:
  • when in contact with contaminated soil;
  • in contact with the grass;
  • while relaxing by the pool;
  • wound through the skin surface.

The larvae can infect the skin and internal organs, without falling into the stomach initially.

Transmissible Parasite eggs get into the blood vessels through an insect bite and spread throughout the body.

Particular attention needs to be treated to contact with stray animals, on the coat which may be the eggs of worms, caught up in the street in the grass. Carriers of infection are a fly, sitting down on food.

Types of worms are dangerous to humans

The symptoms of helminthiasis in adults depend on the size, the number of worms and their location in the body. Allocated 2 main groups of pathogens - translucent and fabric.


This group is also called intestinal, as worms are usually localized in the intestinal lumen. There is their maturation and reproduction, from where they can travel to other organs.

Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies

Such infections (ascariasis, trichocephalosis and enterobiosis) can be treated easily and almost do not cause complications. Infection occurs by ingestion ova together with poorly processed meat products or unwashed vegetables and fruits.


Group also called extra-intestinal as worms live in those bodies that have no communication with the outside world.

Parasites are located in:

  • muscles;
  • liver;
  • lungs;
  • pancreas;
  • the brain;
  • bronchi;
  • epidermis;
  • blood vessels.
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies

The group includes nematode parasites of tissue (e.g., roundworm, whipworm, pinworm), cestodes (bovine or porcine tapeworm, ehinokkoki), flukes (lung, feline, liver). Diseases caused by most of the names of organisms, require long-term and complex treatment, as there is a constant risk of self-infection.

Signs of infection, depending on the type of parasite

The symptoms of helminthiasis in adults depend on several factors:

  • species caught in the body of worms;
  • the degree of pathogenicity of parasites;
  • localization:
    • with the defeat of intestinal worms, pain in the abdomen;
    • when infected tissue species - pain in the liver, can dyspnea, cough;
    • with parasites in the brain - may be cramping or brief loss of consciousness;
    • worms in the muscles cause pain in the limbs, back or occipital region;
    • in cutaneous infestation patient experiences itching at the site of entry and movement of the worm.
  • the degree of neglect disease.

Symptoms of pinworm infection

Pinworms are enterobiosis pathogens, parasitic in the cecum, small intestine. Eggs are laid in the area of ​​the anus, than can provoke further infection, as the host, and the people around them, in the event of non-compliance with their personal hygiene.

Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
Symptoms in adults helminthiasis

The fact that the body is not all right are supporting such features as:

  • unmotivated fear wave;
  • headache;
  • itching in the anus (mostly at night);
  • frustration of a chair;
  • Colic in the umbilical region;
  • periodic gnashing of teeth during sleep;
  • mood swings up to a depressive state.

Symptoms appear within 2-3 days and repeated every 14-20 days, which is associated with the emergence of another batch of pinworms (re-infestation).

Clinical manifestations of ascariasis

Medicine 2 allocates phase diseases: early (larvae of the parasite found in the lung), and intestinal (adults settle in the intestines).

The early phase manifests itself in 2-3 days in the form of:

  • appearance of dry cough, shortness of breath;
  • malaise;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • fever with t to 38 ° C;
  • an allergic rash;
  • increasing lymph nodes and liver.
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
    Clinical manifestations of ascariasis

Intestinal phase may be asymptomatic, or may have a bright clinical picture:

  • problems with appetite, both downward and upward;
  • salivation;
  • nausea, possible vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region.

In some cases, the worms may occlude the bowel or the bile passages, causing the need for surgery.

Symptoms of Trichinella infection

This type of nematode enters the body through the meat of infected animals, consumption. Within hours, the larva begins its ability to live in the mucosa of a 12-tiperstnoj intestine or stomach. After 2-3 days, the worm is able to reproduce offspring, which is looking for a habitat in the muscles.

Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
Symptoms of Trichinella infection

Infection is manifested:

  • swelling of the face and other body parts;
  • feverish state, temperature variations is between 37 ° C ± 1 ° per day;
  • a painful condition of the muscles (pain from the feet gradually rises to the head);
  • different skin rash (urticaria, papules).

When complications can occur:

  • myocarditis;
  • pneumonia;
  • hepatitis;
  • meningoencephalitis.

Signs of infection cestodes

The symptoms of helminthiasis in adults caused by the cestode, characterized by:

  • the emergence of nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • disorder of the intestines;
  • weakness;
  • weight loss;
  • irritability;
  • abdominal pain;
  • decreased immunity;
  • seizures similar to epileptic.
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
    Signs of infection cestodes

Treatment is carried out comprehensively, properly prescribed therapy or the lack of results in:

  • malfunction of the nervous system;
  • problems in cardiovascular activity;
  • lung and liver disease;
  • development of various dermatoses;
  • perforation of internal organs;
  • the emergence of benign tumors;
  • downward view.

Symptoms of infection depending on the stage

The development of the disease has two stages: acute course (from 2 weeks to 2 months) and chronic (from 2 months to several years).

1st stage occurs during the penetration into the body of the worm, and its development there is shown an immune response to foreign organisms:

  • skin rash;
  • increase in the size of lymph nodes;
  • liver enlargement (spleen);
  • frustration of a chair;
  • changes in appetite;
  • can jaundice, muscle pain, swelling of the face (depending on the species of parasites).
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
    Symptoms of infection depending on the stage

2nd step may take place both asymptomatic and symptoms such as:

  • nausea;
  • stomach pain;
  • bloating;
  • liquid stool;
  • evening and night itch in an anus;
  • the development of hepatitis;
  • appearance anemia;
  • intestinal obstruction or bile duct;
  • cyst formation (e.g., at ehinokkokah);
  • convulsions;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • loss of consciousness, coma in severe cases.

One or the other depends on the symptoms:

  • species of parasites;
  • their number in the body;
  • pathogenicity;
  • localization;
  • the presence or absence of the necessary treatment.

Diagnostics. How to pass tests

Analyzes based on the objectives divided into preventive (to monitor the state of the body), barrier (for prevent infection of people in the group), the appointment of treatment (if there are already signs infection). The symptoms that make us think about the presence of adult helminths, must be confirmed by the survey results.

For a thorough study of assigned delivery of the biomaterial, in special cases, ultrasound, endoscopy, x-ray.

Blood on helminths

For accurate results, before blood donation is necessary to adhere to the 5 rules:

  1. abstain from food for 6-8 h prior to analysis;
  2. not to drink alcohol;
  3. 2-3 days to eliminate from the diet of spicy, salty, acidic foods;
  4. in consultation with a doctor to stop taking a number of medications;
  5. avoid strenuous exercise.
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
    Blood on helminths

The attending physician prescribes:

  • general analysis for the detection of inflammatory processes;
  • Immunoassay study (to determine the species of antibodies produced by the body);
  • on polymerase chain reaction analysis (for detection of worms source localization);
  • liver function tests (bilirubin determined parameters, ALT, alkaline phosphatase).

analysis of feces

Investigation reveals fecal contamination Ascaris, Trichinella. Collection of material produced in a sterile jar with a tight-fitting lid, do not allow an admixture of urine. Cal must surrender immediately or within 6-8 hours when stored in a refrigerator.

During the scraping in the anus or a fence there is fresh fecal particles must refrain from prior going to the toilet and the shower or sex. This procedure is designed to detect delayed per night egg parasites such as pinworm. Before any analysis is not recommended to drink antiparasitic drugs and remedies for diarrhea.

drug therapy

In the treatment of helminthic infestation focus is on anthelmintic drugs. Modern pharmaceuticals allows you to choose the means for any kind of worms. The success of treatment is properly used according to the recommendations of experts. Attendant in therapy may be a fortifying agents, vitamin complexes and enzymes.

How do drugs from worms

The main mechanism of action of anthelmintics is aimed at evoking the parasites muscle paralysis. Because of him, the worms lose their ability to move, stick, respectively, to eat. It promotes the removal of adults from the body in half-dead state.

This kind of drugs are ineffective in relation to the eggs and larvae, so anthelmintics procedures are carried out again in 10-15 days after the first year, when "will ripen" the remaining party worms. There are drugs which cause not only the paralysis, but increase the production of antibodies (e.g., dekaris).

The most effective cure for worms

The most common form of release anthelmintics - tablets.

Effective are those that contain:

  • ethanolamine;
  • pirazinoizohinolin;
  • salicylamide;
  • benzimidazole.

Most often used in medical practice medicine fast action, their ranking is as follows:

Pyrantel. Low-toxic drug, so it can be assigned even to children from six months.

Tablets are effective when:

  • trihotsefaleze;
  • ascariasis;
  • ankilostomidoze;
  • necatoriasis;
  • trihuroze.
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies

Treatment consists of receiving 1 tab. per day. The course - from 1 to 3 days, depending on the species of worms. In order to prevent possible to repeat the treatment after 15-20 days.

Dekaris. Broad-spectrum drugs containing levomizol. It is intended for single use only. Possible side effects:

  • allergy;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • headache.

It is recommended to repeat a pill in 2 weeks.

Vermoxum. The medicine contains a benzimidazole, which stops the process of absorption of food in the worms, dooming them to starvation. The course of treatment depends on the kind of parasites, such as trichinosis - 3p / day 400 mg, with 4 days - 500 mg, in mixed forms or ascariasis -. 3 day 2 tablets / day.

Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies

There are contraindications:

  • colitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • liver failure;
  • Crohn's disease.

Praziquantel. The preparation of a large spectrum of action, is effective in case of infection extraintestinal helminths, and It is also used in:

  • tremadah;
  • flukes (pulmonary and hepatic form);
  • whipworm;
  • hookworm.

Treatment and dosage is determined by considering the disease (1 to 3 times). Due to the toxicity of a drug can not prevent overdose. All of these drugs are prescribed by a doctor, are not recommended for pregnant women. In most cases, parallel with anthelmintics recommended sorbents, leading out of the body, of both the non-viable parasites, or parts thereof.

Tablets against worms during pregnancy

You must know that in 1 trimester is not recommended potent anthelmintic drugs. This may cause miscarriage or other unpleasant consequences.

In the 2nd trimester and 3 to drive the worms is best under the supervision of the attending physician:

  • in the fight against flatworms are best suited praziquantel or azinoks;
  • in the case of tapeworm help albendazole or naklozamid;
  • from nematode parasites are assigned dekaris or piperazine;
  • when mixed infestations applied pyrantel.
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies

The course of treatment may be is different depending on the degree of contamination.

Folk remedies

The symptoms of helminthiasis in adults can be alleviated with the help of folk remedies. In this case they act as auxiliary drugs, but does not replace medical treatment.

For additional toxic effects on the parasites are effective the following recipes:

  • Russian Triad - a combination of sage, cloves and dry heads tansy infusion of which is as used on an empty stomach 30-40 drops;
  • 10-day tincture of vodka crushed pumpkin seeds and chopped herbs tarragon;
  • tansy infusion (in 1 liter of boiling water 3-4 tbsp grass), taken on an empty stomach at 150-200 ml;
  • tincture of wormwood (1 liter of vodka for 3-4 tablespoons herb), sustained 14 days. It is taken daily by 30 drops to 50 ml of water. It recommended taking tincture together with a laxative.
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
    Ginger in the form of decoctions

To create an unfavorable environment in the body are used:

  • Ginger is in the form of decoctions, pickled, as tincture component (10 mL fasting). It not only creates discomfort parasites, but also kills the larvae of some of them.
  • Black radish juice, which is used fasting (50-70 mg). This prevents worms to gain a foothold on the walls of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Garlic for daily use in raw form (1-2 cloves possible with honey) or as a component of tincture of vodka.
  • Daily consumption of pumpkin seeds, fennel seeds, sesame seeds in any form - powder, generally, in the tincture.

For each of the following recipes have their contraindications, therefore, necessary to consult a doctor or herbalist.

diet therapy

Aid certain foods act when dealing with worms, which are recommended to include in the diet:

  • Chanterelles. They contain hinomannoz substance which acts destructively on the shell egg parasites and inhibits the ability to live larvae. It has a similar effect and shiitake mushrooms.
  • Dairy products. They contain a large amount of milk proteins, contributing to cleanse the body, the withdrawal of fat from the liver.
  • Fruit - pineapple, pomegranate, papaya.
  • Wholemeal bread. The product is a source of fiber, which stabilizes the intestinal function and peristalsis.
  • Foods containing vitamins B, C, A:
  • liver of marine fish;
  • cream;
  • egg yolk;
  • walnuts;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • briar;
  • black currant.
    Helminthiasis in adults. Symptoms of the skin, such as type, stage, treatment, folk remedies
    diet therapy

It is recommended to refrain from eating foods high in carbohydrates:

  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • potatoes;
  • cookies and baking,

as well as reduce the amount of meat in the diet and sweet.

During the entire treatment should refrain from drinking alcohol, which destroys a number of vitamins, reducing their effect to zero.

In adults as well as children, helminthiasis symptoms may not be immediately apparent. In order not to be face to face with the problem of helminthic infestation is recommended to carry out preventive research and observe good personal hygiene, especially if a family has pets or hobby is hunting and recreation on nature.

Video of the helminthiases

"Live healthy" about helminthiasis:

Author: Natalie Kist

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