Cardiovascular Diseases

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms first signs of how to recognize the consequences, restoration

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Heart attack in women are diagnosed less frequently than men. But patients over age 50 often speak of distinct symptoms preceding a dangerous condition. In order to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment should be screened.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why women are less likely to suffer heart disease
  • 2 Triggers of myocardial infarction
  • 3 Causes of
  • 4 Symptoms of the previous state
    • 4.1 asthenic moments
    • 4.2 Sleep disturbance
    • 4.3 nocturia
    • 4.4 Mental disorders, emotional lability
    • 4.5 arrhythmias
    • 4.6 Bleeding, blood rheology disturbances
    • 4.7 limb edema
    • 4.8 Dyspnea
  • 5 How to recognize the immediate symptoms of myocardial infarction
    • 5.1 Chest pain
    • 5.2 Dyspnea
    • 5.3 Suffocation
    • 5.4 arrhythmias
    • 5.5 Headache
    • 5.6 peripheral edema
    • 5.7 Pale skin
    • 5.8 Cyanosis of nasolabial triangle
    • 5.9 excessive sweating
  • 6 Manifestation of atypical forms of heart attack
    • 6.1 abdominal type
    • 6.2 asthmatic form
    • 6.3 arrhythmic type
    • 6.4 cerebrovascular form
  • 7 The difference in symptoms up to 40 and over 50-60 years
  • 8 First aid at home
  • 9 Don'ts
  • 10 The consequences of heart attack
  • insta story viewer
  • 11 recovery
  • 12 forecasts
  • 13 Video of a heart attack in women, its symptoms and treatment rules

Why women are less likely to suffer heart disease

For several decades, experts are conducting studies, which involved patients of different sex and age. As a result of these experiments, it was found that women who suffer from heart disease is several times less than men.

According to statistics, about 17% of men over the age of 60 years suffer from some heart disease in a severe form. The researchers attribute this to the bad habits that are more likely to have male patients. In addition, doctors attributed the fact to the inability to throw out the negative emotions, as do women.

Men in most cases keep to yourself emotions that adversely affect the functioning of the heart.

In addition, they are less likely to go to the doctor when the first symptoms, which leads to a worsening of the disease. An important factor will be the way of life and food. Men are more often engaged in heavy physical labor, are taking more alcohol, prefer to eat a lot of fatty, spicy, fried food.

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms, effects, the body recovery

The last factor leads to an increase in bad cholesterol levels in the blood. All this provokes the development of heart disease. That is why female patients are less susceptible to myocardial infarction.

Triggers of myocardial infarction

Heart attack in women older than 50 years can be triggered by a variety of negative factors.

Doctors have identified a number of the most important:

  1. Regular stressful situations. Daily tension affects the patient's blood pressure. This leads to disruption of blood circulation, increase the load on the heart.
  2. Malnutrition with insufficient intake of magnesium in the body, potassium, calcium and vitamins of group B. The heart muscle must regularly receive the necessary elements. Otherwise, it becomes thinner, it loses its elasticity.
  3. Frequent fatigue and creates a strain on the cardiovascular system. Myocardium wear that necessarily leads to a portion of immobilizing tissues (necrosis).
  4. Violation of work and rest - a common provocation. During sleep, the heart is in power saving mode, which allows it to recover. Lack of sleep leads to disruption of the functioning of the body.
  5. Inadequate fluid intake leads to thickening of blood clots, increasing the load on the heart.
  6. The use of large amounts of salt, provoking stagnation of fluid in the body, increasing blood pressure, increase in load on the body.

These factors, repeated over a long period of time, may trigger the development of a dangerous disease.

Causes of

Typically, precipitating factors are reinforced by the immediate causes of acute myocardial infarction.

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms, effects, the body recovery

They are represented by diseases of the cardiovascular system, which sooner or later leads to necrosis area of ​​the heart muscle:

  • Hypertension leads to severe circulatory problems, uneven stretching areas of the myocardium located in the atria and ventricles of the heart.
  • Coronary heart disease - the second common cause of heart attack. State is accompanied by a constant shortage of oxygen necessary for the normal operation of the heart muscle.
  • Angina or "angina pectoris" provokes poor circulation, often causes a heart attack.
  • Different types of arrhythmias significantly degrade the performance of the heart, circulatory system, therefore one of the main reasons.
  • Blood clots and increased risk of blood clots. Often these clots break away and start to move through the bloodstream to the heart, blocking access to it, leading to myocardial necrosis.
  • The presence in the coronary arteries of cholesterol plaques in patients with severe atherosclerosis.

Heart attack in women over 50 years old in most cases is caused by one or more reasons.

Symptoms of the previous state

Dangerous disease is not always develops acutely. In some cases, it is preceded by the symptoms, which can be recognized PIS.

asthenic moments

Fatigue is a condition in which the patient constantly feels tired, depressed. He is lethargic and passive, has no interest in life, appetite deteriorated or non-existent.

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms, effects, the body recovery

Usually, this condition develops in response to mental stress experienced by patients over a long period. Different patients asthenia manifests itself with varying degrees of intensity.

Sleep disturbance

Most often, women with heart disease suffer from insomnia. This is due to the exacerbation of symptoms at night. With the development of PIS sleep disturbances characteristic for 90% of the patients. At night, they experience anxiety, fear, weakness, increased headache and other symptoms. A similar condition only worsens the disease.


Nocturia is a condition where the patient nocturnal urination more frequent than in the daytime. A symptom common to all patients with hypertension, heart failure, ischemic heart disease.

At the same woman several times during the night forced to interrupt a dream to visit the restroom. She did not get enough sleep, which adversely affects the heart and the whole body.

Mental disorders, emotional lability

The above symptoms necessarily lead to mental disorders. The patient feels depressed, weak and broken. Nervous breakdown is a protective response to irritants and deterioration. In this case, it leads to further worsening condition.

Emotional lability is also a protective response and refers to mental disorders. Manifested in the rapid change of mood sick from good to poor, the oppressed and suppressed.


Heart rhythm disturbance accompanies PIS always. It may be a classic when the heartbeat becomes more frequent, figures far exceed the norm. But often the patient worried about atrial fibrillation, when the intervals between the cuts are not the same, which creates an additional burden.

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms, effects, the body recovery

The heart rate in this case can be up to 240 beats / min or more. In atrial fibrillation, indicators also increased, and the woman says bated breath followed by an intense contraction.

Bleeding, blood rheology disturbances

Often, women have nasal bleeding associated with small capillaries violation of the integrity of the pressure increase inside the circulatory system. Individual cases, appear not to each patient.

Violations of rheological properties of blood may appear in the form of reducing its viscosity, the color changes from dark red to bright red. But sometimes, the blood thickens, it becomes very dark, saturated with carbon dioxide.

limb edema

Heart attack in women older than 50 years are often accompanied by swelling in the legs, especially the shins. Limbs become heavy, puffy, the patient feels a slight numbness. Such manifestations are associated with thinning of the walls of blood vessels, poor performance of the heart, which slowly carries blood to the kidneys. As a result of excess fluid exuded through the vascular wall into the surrounding tissue.


Shortness of breath characteristic of many diseases of the heart, in the PIS group appears often. Typically, in the initial stages, it is not expressed, is shown during exercise or heavy seas. If the patient calms down, shortness of breath usually disappears. However, often there are cases when even in the breathing cycle alone is not restored.

How to recognize the immediate symptoms of myocardial infarction

Necrosis area of ​​the heart muscle is not so difficult to recognize, because it is accompanied by a rather striking symptoms that are known even to people far from medicine.

Chest pain

Chest pain have a stinging character, often described a burning sensation in the center of the chest in the heart area of ​​the projection. Acute symptom is manifested, it can last from a few minutes to several hours, and to be constant.

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms, effects, the body recovery

A distinctive feature of the display is that the pain gives to the left arm, clavicle, left scapula, shoulder. It is not always observed, but most women report such symptoms. These features are characteristic of the classic heart attack.

It is important to note that there is pain at rest and can be aggravated by physical activity. In addition, the feeling disappears after receiving Nitroglycerin or other means that the patient consumes.


Heart attack in women are always accompanied by shortness of breath. Patients older than 50 years has been a rapid progression of the symptoms. A sign associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood cells and intense contraction of the myocardium to produce this oxygen. In acute myocardial flow dyspnea observed under the stress and at rest.


Another striking symptom, when, due to shortness of breath and heart palpitations, the patient begins to feel the lack of oxygen. She feels that now she would suffocate. Panic leads to a worsening condition. Choking is always accompanied by a sense of fear of death.


Heart rhythm disturbances observed in the preinfarction condition worse. HR (heart rate) exceeds the rate of 300 beats / min. Panic women increases, as it is keenly aware of disruptions in the body of work, sinking of the heart and pulse of its own instability. In the first few hours of blood pressure may rise, and then sharply decreases.


Headaches in myocardial also associated with oxygen deficiency and insufficient blood flow to the central nervous system. Most often, the symptom is expressed moderately or weakly, Amplified, with the progression of the patient disoriented state of pain.

peripheral edema

limb swelling are characteristic of acute myocardial infarction. This is due to the inability of the heart to effectively pump blood bloodstream. Most swelling falls on your toes and arms, hands and feet. In the lower leg it falls off or is distributed to the knees.

Pale skin

Paleness of the skin is an important symptom in myocardial since confirms lowering blood pressure indicators. Blood and oxygen to the tissue cells fed in a minimal amount of skin are depleted, become pale, clearly visible vascular pattern. The first few hours, the skin is dry to the touch, then the work of the sweat glands activated.

Cyanosis of nasolabial triangle

Cyanosis or blueness in the nasolabial triangle - a bright sign of oxygen starvation of the body. When a heart attack almost always appears. The appearance of cyanosis names in this area is related to the thickness of the skin, which is the minimum, so that all the small veins are visible. Paleness of the skin and cyanosis occur almost simultaneously.

excessive sweating

Intensive work of the sweat glands is observed in myocardial women almost always. The body is exhausted, the patient feels the fear of death, which leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood. As a result of the operation is activated sweat glands, the skin becomes cold, wet and sticky to touch.

Manifestation of atypical forms of heart attack

Heart attack in women older than 50 years can take place not only in the classic, but in an atypical form.

abdominal type

Often manifested at the rear wall infarction lesion. The patient was concerned about the sharp and severe pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting. Last seen frequently, even on an empty stomach. Additionally, it may develop constipation or diarrhea with flatulence.

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms, effects, the body recovery

However, other symptoms of a heart attack can appear weak or absent altogether, making it difficult to diagnose and can be fatal. It is important to note that the patient does not feel a strong pain in the sternum, but pale skin, cold and wet. arrhythmia occurs frequently, but the symptoms are mild.

asthmatic form

With this concern is not pain during a heart attack patient so much, but pronounced shortness of breath and progression state into suffocation. Female pants just starts to cough, mouth allocated foamy sputum, sometimes streaked with blood.

Patient skin is pale, moist, sticky, arrhythmia weak. During a heart attack on this type resembles an acute attack of asthma, making it difficult to diagnose.

arrhythmic type

With the development of myocardial arrhythmia type at the forefront of the heart rhythm. The patient talks about body fading, followed by rapid and intense contraction. Heart rate exceeds the rate of 300 beats / min.

Shortness of breath and dyspnea is present, the skin is pale, cold and clammy to the touch, swelling absent or weakly expressed. A distinctive feature of this form of heart attack are considered moderate pain when compared with the classical type.

cerebrovascular form

This type of heart attack is found among women are rare. In this case, there are no classic symptoms of the disease in the form of chest pain, breathlessness and swelling. Instead, the patient worried about severe headaches, dizziness and a load alone, flickering flies in front of the eyes, blurred consciousness. In advanced cases, there fainting.

Due to the absence of myocardial condition common manifestations are difficult to diagnose in a timely manner.

The difference in symptoms up to 40 and over 50-60 years

Experts say that women under 40 years are easier to tolerate the disease and complications occur less often. Symptomatology increases gradually, not abruptly progresses. Usually, the patient is not aware of the seriousness of his condition, it does not refer to a specialist, as moderate pain, symptoms of breathlessness, swelling absent, and headache considered usual manifestation.

Women older than 50-60 years are usually already aware of the existence at a particular heart disease. Myocardium have worn, thinned and weak, so the symptoms are pronounced badly, progresses rapidly, often causes complications, including death.

First aid at home

When the heart attack symptoms should give the woman first aid immediately.

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms, effects, the body recovery
The diagram shows tips on first aid in case of myocardial infarction in women.

To facilitate the state at home, you can:

  1. Provide fresh air by opening a window.
  2. Undo constraining clothes, especially in the neck and chest.
  3. Sit a woman, but not stacked, the feet should be below the head. It permitted to do so only if the woman was in an upright position, when the acute symptoms.
  4. Offer the patient clean water.
  5. Try to calm her down, if there are signs of panic and fear.
  6. If there is to measure your blood pressure and record the performance in the house tonometer.
  7. Call an ambulance, telling the operator about the symptoms of heart attack.

Sometimes doctors are allowed to give the patient 30 drops Barboval valokardin or if blood pressure figures is not much reduced. A woman can take medicine only if it was used previously. Otherwise, the self is extremely dangerous.


There are rules that must be strictly followed when providing the patient with symptoms of myocardial infarction. It is strictly forbidden to give the patient the means to reduce the pressureEven when it was revealed that the performance increased. The patient can not use drugs against arrhythmia, angina, diuretics without a specialist survey.

Strictly contraindicated laid sick, try it warm, drink hot tea. It is forbidden to give a woman potent drugs to doctors soon, including painkillers. If the patient fell to the floor, it is not necessary to carry it on the sofa or in a different location. This transportation will worsen the condition.

The consequences of heart attack

After the disappearance of the acute symptoms and signs of partial recovery effects of the disease appear.

aftermath evidence
Heart failure pale skin, shortness of breath at rest and during exercise, frequent nighttime urination, swelling of the legs in the evening, the reduction or increase in blood pressure.
Aortic aneurysm (bundle coronary vessel wall) Weakness, fever, pain behind the breastbone.
Pericarditis (acute inflammation of the pericardium) Shortness of breath, dry cough, fever, chest pain.
Dressler syndrome It manifested in the form of inflammation of the lungs and pleura.

These effects require timely and comprehensive treatment.


During the recovery period the patient receives drugs designated person. Important patient mode. She must give up fatty, fried, spicy, salty, acidic foods. We need to reduce portions, eat more clean water to minimize the amount of tea and coffee in the diet.

Heart attack in women under 40, older than 50-60 years. Symptoms, effects, the body recovery

It is strictly forbidden during the period of recovery alcohol and cigarettes.

To restore the functioning of the myocardium should daily take time for a walk in the fresh air, light exercises. Do not overload the body, but exercise should become a regular and moderate. During the rehabilitation of the patient visits the doctor regularly, passes appropriate tests. Specialist evaluates its condition, laxative or tightening mode.


With timely assistance and compliance with the recommendations of the cardiologist during rehabilitation prognosis is quite favorable. Woman will soon be able to return to normal life, but to adhere to certain rules will have for a long time.

If the disease has not been detected in time, and the patient has not been treated, it increases the likelihood of the spread of necrosis focus on a significant portion of the myocardium. Scar after the disappearance of acute symptoms breaks the heartIt develops circulatory disorders, heart failure, angina, coronary heart disease.

The most unfavorable prognosis is death due to cardiac arrest caused by the spread of necrosis at the site most of the heart muscle. Heart attack in women is a serious and life-threatening condition. Patients older than 50 years harder to tolerate the condition and complications occur more frequently.

Author: Anna Milentyeva

Video of a heart attack in women, its symptoms and treatment rules

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