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The lack of iron in the body. Symptoms in women, causes, than to cure, drugs

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Effect of trace elements on the vital processes in the human body is enormous. Lack of one of them, for example, glandIt affects the well-being, can cause adverse effects in the body, both men and women.

The content of the article:

  • 1 role of iron in a woman's body
  • 2 Norma iron in adults
  • 3 The causes of iron deficiency in women
    • 3.1 plentiful monthly
    • 3.2 uterine bleeding
    • 3.3 Bleeding of other etiology and localization
    • 3.4 poor nutrition
    • 3.5 Factors that inhibit mineral absorption process
    • 3.6 Increased iron consumption
    • 3.7 Pregnancy and lactation
  • 4 Symptoms of iron deficiency in the female body
    • 4.1 prelatent stage
    • 4.2 latent stage
    • 4.3 Step pronounced deficit
  • 5 Possible complications of anemia in women
  • 6 diagnostics Features
  • 7 treatment of anemia
    • 7.1 iron supplements
    • 7.2 Folk remedies to improve blood composition
  • 8 Enrichment of the diet foods high in iron
  • 9 What do vegetarians?
  • 10 Video about the lack of iron in the body

role of iron in a woman's body

Iron is essential for the proper functioning of all body cells. About 70% of it is in blood cells, erythrocytes containing hemoglobin, and muscle cells - myoglobin. Part of the mineral, not more than 6%, is in the proteins necessary for respiration and energy volume, and some - in the enzymes involved in the synthesis of collagen.

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The human body is the intracellular depot that stores iron in the form of ferritin. In the male organism contains 1000 mg iron, whereas in the female - total 300 mg. By reducing his inventory decreases the level of hemoglobin.

The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentThe main function of the prostate:

  • Hemoglobin forms. When interacting with proteins creates hemoglobin in the blood, whose main function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
  • It increases energy production due to myoglobin. This hemoprotein contained in the muscle fibers, receives oxygen from hemoglobin and circulate it through the muscle cells. Lowering myoglobin leads to fatigue weakening of the organism.
  • It supports brain function. The brain uses 20% of oxygen contained in the blood. Because iron is responsible for creating proteins that transport oxygen, brain activity depends on the iron stores.
  • It supports metabolism. Metabolism can slow to adapt to low oxygen levels, which leads to fatigue and weakness, two signs of iron deficiency. However, when entering a sufficient amount of iron metabolism functioning normally.
  • It supports the immune system. Human body needs iron for the proliferation of T cells that control the immune system response against malignant cells. Lack of it makes a person susceptible to infections.
  • It supports the endocrine system. Iron is an essential component of many enzymes. These are complex proteins that serve as catalysts in chemical reactions. An organism deprived of iron, will suffer from the endocrine system, including high cholesterol and thyroid dysfunction.

A few facts about iron and its role:

  • The female body has 4.7 million red blood cells per 1 cu. ml of blood. Production occurs in their bone marrow.
  • Each red blood cell contains 280 Mill. hemoglobin molecules.
  • The life of the red blood cell is from 90 to 120 days. When old cells are destroyed and removed by the liver, spleen, iron returns to the bone marrow to produce new cells.
  • Additionally iron stored in the liver, bone marrow for hemoglobin synthesis.

Norma iron in adults

The recommended daily dose for adult male is 8 mg, and women - 18 mg. Pregnant women should be 27 mg per body. The best source of iron is not synthetic tablets containing a trace mineral, and natural food containing it.

The causes of iron deficiency in women

Lack of iron in the body (symptoms in women are expressed primarily in iron deficiency anemia, frequent infections) causes a number of other problems. There is a general fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness. Blood loss leads to a sharp iron deficiency.

plentiful monthly

In heavy and prolonged menstrual periods iron consumption increases. This decreases the number of building blocks - erythrocytes, that the body can not be replaced by anything. Heavy blood loss during menstruation, menorrhagia, is abnormal uterine bleeding.The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

This is one of the reasons why women often turn to doctors. Prolonged heavy bleeding, hypermenorrhea in which the length of the menstrual cycle is up to 2 weeks, leads to anemia, if losses are not compensated by increased iron doses.

uterine bleeding

Anemia may be caused by myoma, benign overgrowth, which is formed in the muscle tissue of the uterus. Fibroids often bleeds, leading to frequent and profuse menstrual blood loss. Glandular deficiency may be a sign of uterine cancer in older women who are experiencing while uterine bleeding. But the main cause of anemia in postmenopausal women is a gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

Bleeding of other etiology and localization

Slow, chronic blood loss causes iron deficiency anemia. She comes from a peptic ulcer, polyps in the colon, colorectal cancer or esophageal hernia. Stomach bleeding occur as a result of frequent use of analgesics, especially aspirin.

poor nutrition

People sitting on a diet that excludes meat, vegetarians are particularly prone to anemia. In addition, food additives such as calcium, taken with food rich in iron, inhibit absorption of a mineral.

Factors that inhibit mineral absorption process

All iron from food is absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine. People suffering from intestinal disorders, celiac disease, can not fully absorb minerals. If a portion of the small intestine was removed, it also affects the ability of assimilation of trace elements and nutrients.The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Colitis, gastric infections, diseases associated with chronic diarrhea, prevent the absorption of the mineral.

Furthermore, you need the normal operation of stomach acid. Hlorgidriya - a disorder in which there is no hydrochloric acid in the stomach. And when its surroundings are not enough acid, the substance, including iron, can not be absorbed. Problems occur with malabsorption as a result of reception of drugs such as antacids, acid blockers.

Increased iron consumption

Women are at risk of iron overload in the period when they suddenly stops menstruating. Amenorrhea may last 6 months or more. This is due to menopause, hysterectomy, birth control pills.

Excess iron, increasing its level to the toxic influences on the development of:

  • premature heart attack;
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • loss of menstruation.

Pregnancy and lactation

The lack of iron in the body (symptoms in women can be expressed by a sharp decrease in hemoglobin) occurs in pregnant women and during lactation. At this time, the iron reserves are spent not only a woman's body, but they are also a source of hemoglobin for the growing fetus or child.The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

In pregnancy, blood volume increases, it becomes more diluted, resulting in a reduction of red blood cells.

In women suffering from anemia during the gestation of the child, often give birth to babies with severe anemia. The amount of blood lost during childbirth, is about 500 cc. cm. Thereby lost 200-250 mg of iron. In addition, in the blood and tissue of the newborn receives more 500-800 mg of the substance that was originally in the mother.

Symptoms of iron deficiency in the female body

Iron deficiency develops gradually, symptoms of anemia are not immediately visible.

prelatent stage

In the first stage need iron in the body in women exceeds consumption, causing a gradual depletion in bone marrow and liver. This stage often goes unnoticed, since there is no pronounced symptoms and no effect on the production of red blood cells. Analysis of blood, deposited in this period indicates a decrease in ferritin level.

The accumulation of iron in this period is greatly reduced, and it leads to decrease in the second stage.

latent stage

During this period, the deficit is beginning to have an impact on the production of hemoglobin, symptoms:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • irritability.
    The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
    Symptoms of iron deficiency in the body

Tests conducted on the latent stage for evaluation of iron deficiency include total iron binding capacity of iron and serum analysis. Taken together, these tests are used to assess the saturation of transferrin, the iron status indicator. People with iron deficiency it is very low.

Step pronounced deficit

At this stage, reserves are depleted to such an extent that they can not produce hemoglobin required to produce a sufficient number of erythrocytes. Heavy and prolonged iron deficiency can cause iron dysfunction of cellular enzymes.

Possible complications of anemia in women

The lack of iron in the body (symptoms in women can be light, moderate or severe) leads to a decrease in endurance performance. Reduced red blood cell production reduces the body's ability to absorb oxygen. This in the long run leads to heart failure and arrhythmias.

In pregnant women increases the risk of adverse birth, especially if they are anemic in the first trimester.

The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentAnemia has serious consequences for older women. It develops the risk of falls, reduces physical strength, increases the severity of heart disease, which includes reducing the chance of survival from heart attacks. Even light anemia in this age, gives impetus to the development of dementia, cognitive impairment.

diagnostics Features

Upon detection of the symptoms indicating the development of iron deficiency are encouraged to take a blood test that examines:

  • The size and color of red blood cells. When anemia associated with iron deficiency, red blood cells are smaller than normal and the color of their paler.
  • Hematocrit. The percentage of red blood cells with the blood level. The normal level is between 34.9 to 44.5% for middle-aged women.
  • Hemoglobin. Reduced level indicates anemia. The normal range for adult women is 13,0-15 grams per deciliter.
  • Ferritin. The normal level of protein helps to keep the iron in the body. The reduced number of points to its lowest level.

When signs of iron deficiency anemia, the doctor may prescribe additional research:

  • Colonoscopy. To exclude internal bleeding in the lower intestine.
  • Endoscopy. In the study verified the presence of bleeding from a hernia of the esophagus, stomach ulcers.
  • Ultrasound. Using this method is determined by reason of excessive menstrual bleeding.

The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentAfter delivery of analyzes assigned treatment preparations with iron supplements. When the diagnosis of the anemia should be distinguished, which it is due to internal diseases of anemia caused by iron deficiency.

In some bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases, anemia occurs as a secondary the reason why the reception of glandular drugs are not suitable for a person with anemia caused by chronic disease. Symptoms of iron deficiency include shortness of breath on exertion, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, poor coordination.

treatment of anemia

Treatment of mild to moderate severity zhelezodefitsita treatment is conducted in a clinic or hospital day. Severe cases of anemia are treated in a hospital. The starting therapy is drugs ionic salt of bivalent iron.

For this calculated doses corresponding to the weight of the patient and the severity of the disease:

  • Iron pills are taken on an empty stomach. When upset their stomach can be taken with food.
  • You can not iron supplements, taken with antacids. Medications that reduce heartburn, interfere with the absorption of the mineral. The difference between the techniques should be at least 4 hours.
  • Iron is better absorbed in conjunction with vitamin C, so preparations can be washed down with orange juice.
  • Ferruginous additives cause frustration of a chair, changing its color.The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The effect of the acceptance of iron drugs appears after a week of treatment. If the use of drugs does not increase the level of iron deficiency anemia is the cause of the problem is caused by bleeding or absorption, which should be treated.

iron supplements

drug Name Operating principle
Sorbifer Durules In the 1 tab. It contains 100 mg of 2-valent iron and 60 instant vitamin C. Take 1 tablet. 2 times a day.
Ferretab A preparation in capsules containing 152 mg of iron and 540 mcg of folic acid. Appointed 1 cap. Per day.
totem Available in liquid form. 1 ampoule contains 50 mg of iron, 700 mcg of copper, 1.3 mg manganese. Before eating the contents of the vials are dissolved in water. The daily dose - 2-4 ampoules.
Ferrum Lek Chewable Tablets consisting of 400 mg of iron.
Maltofer Used for prevention in a group of elderly women, pregnant adhering rigid diets used in the form of drops in 1 ml contained 176 mg iron. The pills are taken after a meal - 1 pc. 1 time per day. Pregnant - on 1 tab. 2-3 times a day.
Fkrro-Folgama It contains ferrous sulfate and folic acid. The mild form of anemia take 1 capsule 3 times a day, a course of treatment 4 weeks. In subsequent steps anemia dose increases.

Folk remedies to improve blood composition

Increase hemoglobin, you can use vegetables. Beet contains a lot of iron, folic acid, fiber and potassium.

  • Bake 2-3 washed tuber in the oven or put in the microwave for 10-20 minutes. at the power of 750-800 watts. Before being placed in the microwave vegetables wrapped in a sleeve for baking, making punctures allow steam to escape.
  • After baking cool and used for other purposes: adding salads, or to use as a separate dish.
  • You can use fresh juice of beets, adding a carrot or apple juice.

Daily consumption of pomegranate juice or the best way to increase the level of iron and reinforce the vessel walls.

  • Drinking juice every morning will raise the level of the mineral.
  • Dry pomegranate seeds and crush them in a coffee grinder to a powder. Every morning drink a glass of milk with a pre-soaked for 2 hours. l. dry powder.The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Nettle - a good source of iron, vitamins B and C. Also stimulates hair growth, controls the level of sugar in the blood, removes water from the body.

  • Add 2 hours. l. dried leaves in a cup with hot water.
  • Brew for 10 min.
  • Strain, if desired, add a little honey.
  • Drink herbal tea 2 times a day.

Dates contain iron and vitamin C.

  • Soak 5-6 figs in a bowl with the milk and leave for the night.
  • The morning to eat fruit and drink milk on an empty stomach.

Fenugreek seeds contain a large amount of mineral that helps produce red blood cells.

  • Boil 150 g rice.
  • Add fenugreek as a spice.
  • For breakfast, adding a little salt to the rice.

Fenugreek leaves can be added to a salad. You can make tea based on the seeds. To do this, 2 tbsp. l. seeds steeped in 0.5 l of water, heated. After cooling and percolation drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

Enrichment of the diet foods high in iron

Lack of iron in the body (symptoms in women are sometimes reflected in the condition of hair) is offset by vitamin supplements, foods high in minerals:

  • Meat (beef), fish.
  • Liver.
  • Bean products.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Pomegranate juice.
  • Eggs.
  • Dried fruits: dates, figs.
  • Broccoli, spinach, kale.
  • Green beans.
  • Nuts and pumpkin seeds.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Spirulina.
  • Cheese, cottage cheese.The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

One apple is eaten at night, will help maintain the level of iron in hemoglobin.

What do vegetarians?

Humans, animals intentionally renounced products containing iron, consider the use of vitamin complexes and biological additives. An additional reception of vitamins - an effective way to eliminate iron deficiency. Their structure must include not only iron, but also vitamins A, C, E, D, all B vitamins, as well as manganese, copper and zinc.

Products containing iron, suitable for vegetarians:

  • spinach;
  • tofu;
  • Bell pepper;
  • cauliflower;
  • fenugreek leaves;
  • beans;
  • pomegranate, watermelon;
  • grapes, persimmons,
  • apricots, apples.The lack of iron in the body in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

To symptoms of iron deficiency are not bothered by women, it is necessary, other than products of animal and vegetable origin, use mineral supplements. For better absorption of vitamins, should move more, because physical activity helps to saturate the body with oxygen.

Video about the lack of iron in the body

What is dangerous deficiency of iron in the body:

Author: Anna Belyaeva

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