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Age categories of people over the years in Russia and the world. Table group on the WHO in 2019, sociology, periods of human life

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On the creation of the age categories of people over the years we have worked demographers and social scientists all over the world. indicators play important role and are the basis of demography as a science.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The concept of growing up
  • 2 The concept of the age categories
  • 3 Age classification in Russia
  • 4 WHO World Standard
  • 5 biological age
  • 6 WHO's goal in this area
  • 7 Video of age categories

The concept of growing up

The time from birth to old age, the parish is extremely conventional concept. At different times, in many countries, scientists engaged in the creation of a single system.

Age categories of people over the years have not yet been classified in such a way that it was possible keep track of the population, taking into account the peculiarities of the regions, as well as appropriate to account for all ages of people on planet. Age - period of time that has elapsed since the date of birth to a specific day. This concept is divided into biological age and a passport.

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In such a science as demographics exist several age-related indicators:

  • adulthood;
  • the age of marriage;
  • able-bodied;
  • reproductive;
  • retirement.Age categories of people over the years in Russia and the world. Table Group WHO 2019

In each country, the legislation established its rights and obligations to the execution of a certain number of years, such as: the right to vote, the opportunity to choose for a particular post, the right to submit documents to the institution of higher education, the right to legal and administrative responsibility.

Age categories of people over the years can be obtained from the documents, which record all of the most significant events in his life (date of birth, the beginning of an adult life, marriage, or death) and on the basis of recent results census.

Age is customary to calculate in years, but the account goes on for weeks and months in the first year of a baby's life.

Age categories of people over the years in Russia and the world. Table Group WHO 2019In most parts of the world there is a countdown from the day of birth, although there are exceptions. For example, in Korea, the baby is considered to be one year old on the day of his birth. In the Republic of Indonesia and China citizen is getting older but with the advent of a new calendar year, without taking into account the date of his birth.

The concept of the age categories

Age classification is a method of dividing the citizens of different age categories. They are formed by uniting individuals of identical characteristics, as well as the importance of their role in social and demographic processes. The criteria for different age groups in relation to the purpose of the study.

For example, in a science as demographics, is considered the most efficient grouping on annual or five year intervals life. To study fertility factors draw attention to two specific indicators: marriageable age of the woman and the period of her life when she is at the peak of their reproductive abilities.

The economy accepted classification of the 3 groups:

  • dotrudosposobny;
  • able-bodied;
  • poslerabochee.
Age categories of people over the years in Russia and the world. Table Group WHO 2019
Age categories of people according to WHO

Notorious age classification, which was the basis of all modern variations, was developed by Boris Urlanis.

He broke the population into 3 main groups:

  • Dorabochaya - part of citizens under the age of 14 years. Among them are babies who are under 24 months old, preschoolers from 3 to 7 years old and students up to 14 years.
  • Working - between 15 and 60 years. This group included the young members of the public at least 16 and no older than 24, people adulthood age from 24 to 45, as well as those who were not younger than 45 and no older than 59 years, are undergoing secondary maturity.
  • Poslerabochee - all citizens over 60 years, including the elderly from 60 to 70, and then comes the so called "early retirement" in the interval between 70 and 79, the following years were called deep old age.

Age categories of people over the years (the separation of) conventional.

Accurate gradation can not be set because the human life is a continuous cyclical development. Do not forget about the individual features of the climate, of the environmental situation in the region and of the genetic research. Despite the existence of a whole range of classification, none of them are not officially recognized as the standard.

Age classification in Russia

Several attempts were made in the creation of a universal classification of age groups. In our country, one of the first attempt to take advantage of this demographer A. P. Roschavsky-Petrovsky. In his works, he singled out several groups, each of which gave its name.Age categories of people over the years in Russia and the world. Table Group WHO 2019

Another statistician and psychologist, but the Soviet era, has played an important role in the development of the demographic structure of the Russian Federation. They were DB El'konin involved in research in this area in the middle of the last century.

He argued that the construction of a competent age gradation will determine the degree of development of the individual throughout his life. The first thought age classification has been adopted in the Soviet Union back in 1962 Then Leningrad Conference on Gerontology work on documents together with WHO experts on the social and demographic issues.

This document approved periods as follows:

  • from 45 to 59 - mature age;
  • his advanced called interval between 60 and 74;
  • category of people older than 75 years was defined as senile;
  • under the concept of "long-lived" got people over 90.

Modern demographic structure in Russia is characterized as follows:

group Name Number of years
Newborn from 0 to 7 days
breast from 7 days to 12 months
nursery period of up to 3 years
preschool period from 3 to 7
boyhood from 7 to 17 years
The youth from 17 to 30 years
mature from 30 to 55 years
elderly women - 55+;

male - 60+

centenarians 80+

WHO World Standard

Age categories and the beginning of aging in all cultures is determined almost the same way. So Pythagoras claimed that aging people begins at the 7th decade of life, when Chinese scientists have said for 70 years. But the German hygienist M. Rubner and completely divided the concept of "old age" into two types: 50 years - old age is common and 70 years - old age respectable.

It is generally accepted that retirement is a measure of the elderly. But this approach can hardly be called universal, because the time-to-retirement defined in each state individually. In addition, the retirement age for women is earlier. For example, in Russia, a woman receives a pension certificate before men for 2 years.

Age categories of people over the years in Russia and the world. Table Group WHO 2019

But there are UAE citizens who receive their pensions already in evidence 49 years, regardless of sex. According to the World Health Organization, the "old seniors" and "new retirees" are huge differences as social classes.

Social studies show the organization that the physical and psychological characteristics of people differ even broken down into five-year periods: from 59-64 years, from 65-70 years, from 71-76 years and others.

For this reason, for the compilation of reliable statistics and the establishment of a structured classification of ages is important to consider as the general demographics specific areas and indicators of demographic change for a specific period time.

That is why the removal of a true classification for certain ages took a lot of time. We can say with certainty that a common denominator scientists have not come so far. In 1939 experts of the American Public Health Association offered their vision of a universal age classification. It is this concept is taken as the basis of the WHO research.

She has 8 main groups:

  • early childhood - up to 1 year;
  • preschool period - from 1 to 4 years;
  • school period - from 5 to 14;
  • adolescence - from 15 to 24;
  • the most active age - from 25 to 44;
  • mature period - from 45 to 65;
  • early old age - from 65 to 75;
  • Old Age - 75 and older.

After more than half a century, the American classification structure only slightly evolved, this, according to WHO, is provided in modern times:

group Name Number of years
young age from 18 to 44 years
Average age from 45 to 59 years old
Elderly age from 60 to 70 years
senium from 75 to 90 years
Longevity 90+

biological age

The principle of classification ages in medicine is based on the characteristics of the human body. Specifically on anatomical and physiological features. Therefore, speaking of age indicators, doctors often use the term "biological age".

It refers to the state of health of a particular person, it is estimated on the basis of the state of his nervous system, physical abilities and the speed of metabolism. To determine the biological age takes into account individual parameters that determine the ability to work and function of various tissues and organs.

Age categories of people over the years in Russia and the world. Table Group WHO 2019

On the basis of these data it is concluded and it appears as a process of human aging corresponds to the average benchmark. Thus, the medicine altogether denies any classification of ages, promoting the idea of ​​an individual approach to every single individual.

WHO's goal in this area

Today, the demographic sphere undergoes a series of transformations that are caused by a reduction in fertility, as well as the increase in the percentage of the elderly population. In this context, we are talking about the crisis in demography, whose intensity is observed around the world today.

Problems of social and economic development, in particular the region and around the world, closely linked to the rise in the average age of the population. The first category of countries that could experience a similar shifts include the development of the regions: the European states, the United States and Japan.

A new wave of the demographic crisis is slowly overtaken by the less developed parts of the world: the continent of Africa and South America. WHO predicts in 30 years, more than 4 \ 5 all older people have in low- and middle-income countries. In contrast, in China and Brazil is expected to improve the demographic situation.

Video of age categories

What is old age and aging:

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