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Build types of women. Photos, how to determine Medicine: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, astenik, normostenik, hypersthenics by Sheldon

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Directionality of selection of things for a woman's wardrobe in many respects it determines the type of physique. Knowing the objective features of the figure, she will not only look beautiful in any manner, but also to understand which diseases it has a genetic predisposition. In addition, it is based on body type and build sports training programs aimed at the elaboration of the most problematic areas of the body.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The concept of human somatotype
  • 2 The relationship physique and propensity to disease
  • 3 Types of women's body by Sheldon
  • 4 women body types according to Academician Chernorutskii
  • 5 Mixed body types
  • 6 How to determine your body type?
  • 7 Modern techniques somatotipirovaniya
  • 8 Useful video of body types for women and their determination rules

The concept of human somatotype

Build (types of women are similar to conventional varieties of figures of men), with proper determination somatipa, will help a person not only correctly organize your life, but also increase the likelihood of preventing the development of diseases, to which the representative of a particular type of figure has predisposition.

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The term "constitution" doctors and specialists in the field of sports and nutrition involve common set of actual and proportionality of all parts of the body. In itself, the physique does not define a way of life of its possessor, as is temporary (the body can vary). The constant is precisely somatip.

This term is applied to data on:

  • human constitution;
  • his physical abilities;
  • the actual ratio of fat, bone and muscle in the body.
Build types of women. Photos, how to determine: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, astenik, normostenik, hypersthenics

The above indicators are laid at the genetic level, affect the rate of metabolic processes, as well as the innate characteristics of the human health. Throughout life physique can change under the influence of external factors, such as sports, lifestyle and diet, medication or hormonal drugs.

However, any change in shape occur exclusively within the innate human somatipa.

Thanks to the timely somatipirovaniyu patients, doctors manage to prevent the development of diseasesTo which patients have a tendency since their birth, and as soon as possible to put the correct diagnosis, by comparing pre-disposition and actual complaints person.

The relationship physique and propensity to disease

Body type (type in women is recommended to determine in conjunction with a doctor with a clear understanding of the characteristic features of the figure), and it was his species being studied by doctors and physiologists since the XX century. Experts have concluded that somatip largely determines the health of the individual fortress.

This dependence is due to the direct influence of the human figure to perform the functions of the central nervous system. In addition, the actual content in the body fat, muscle and bone (and their relationship) causes the trends shaping and rate of cell aging and vital systems of the body as a whole.

Build types of women. Photos, how to determine: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, astenik, normostenik, hypersthenics

The most striking examples of serious diseases, congenital root causes of which is precisely the human complexion, are:

Disease Description somatipov having a predisposition to it
Pulmonary tuberculosis Most often the disease is actively progressing in people with low weight in relation to the actual growth (ectomorphs). The figure does not affect the "open to infection" (all people are equally at risk of infection when in contact with the center), but it determines the speed of the spread of harmful cells within the body.
myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction often occurs in people with excess weight in relation to height. Scientists believe that a significant role in the acquisition of myocardial plays frequent finding in obese people stressful environment (usually overweight is the source of complexes and even ridicule from others).
mental illness Schizophrenia, according to the study of physiology, more likely to be thin people, and paranoia and panic attacks - Complete. Propensity for human diseases associated with mental features of the central nervous system and its operation resistance to external stimuli, determines the ratio of different types of tissues in the specific body individual.

Types of women's body by Sheldon

body types of women studied by several renowned scientists. The generally accepted classification of Sheldon and academician Chernorutskii. William Sheldon came to the idea of ​​such a distinction kinds of female figures after visual assessment of 4000 photos of the fairer sex.

Build types of women. Photos, how to determine: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, astenik, normostenik, hypersthenics
The figure shows the body types of women.

The scientist said that all somatipy can be divided into 3 main groups, the names of which he borrowed from the biological theory of embryonic development.

Body type for Sheldon Brief description of somatipa
ectomorphy The name of this somatipa comes from the word "ectoderm" in biology is the top sheet of the embryo, contributing to the development of nerve receptors and the brain.

Ectomorph scientist named tall women (an increase of more than 170 cm), having at the same time:

  • the upper body is shorter in length compared to the lower;
  • pronounced long upper and lower limbs;
  • narrow the distance between the shoulders;
  • narrow and long feet;
  • small breasts (not more than 1 size);
  • visual thinness shape (bulge clavicle, ribs, hips);
  • minimum level of body fat, causing high rate of metabolic processes.

Representatives considered somatipa not have a predisposition to increased muscle mass, although most of them tends precisely to this, engaged in the gym with a view to adjusting natural data. Fitness trainers to modify the type of client figures ectomorphic recommend correct diet (Use as many calories), exclude cardiac load and take high carbohydrate sports additives. From the viewpoint of the stability of the psyche ectomorphs to external stimuli can also mention a number of typical for the considered somatipa Fig.

Such women:

  • sensitive and gentle;
  • extremely energetic;
  • enterprising;
  • stubborn;
  • emotionally shackled;
  • Closed (introverts by nature, but in any company is well adapted to the surrounding circumstances);
  • shy;
  • smart and enterprising;
  • artistic.

People with type considered figures tend to constantly change something in itself, despite its apparent satisfaction with your body. This can prevent them in life as a sense of insecurity directly affects the person's level of self-esteem.

Mesomorph The name for this type of figure is derived from the term "mesoderm". So-called middle embryonic leaf, influence the formation of the cardiovascular system and bone tissue in the emerging body.

Women - mesomorphs are distinguished by:

  • stocky figure;
  • small or medium height (170 cm);
  • visually strong and healthy body;
  • a distance between the shoulders;
  • maximum endurance (both in terms of physiology and psychological stability).

Naturally mesomorphy objectively possess good data, toned figure. The distinguishing feature of this somatipa is correct distribution of adipose and muscle mass in the body (the fat It is on the ground, where the volume is considered advantage rather than a disadvantage, for example, on the buttocks, the chest, and so Further). To maintain the body in a state women require a minimum of effort. In their case it is necessary to compose a distinct exercise sequentially including therein cardio and strength training. The important point for mesomorphs is compliance with the principles of proper nutrition, that help reduce the risk of acquiring excess weight.

By the psychological characteristics of the type under consideration somatipa include:

  • leadership inclinations;
  • openness to others (sometimes excessive);
  • ease of communication;
  • energy;
  • persistence in the goals;
  • striving to ensure that manage all aspects of not only their lives but also the lives of loved ones;
  • aggressiveness in the statement of its point of view;
  • straightforwardness;
  • selfishness;
  • the desire to compete;
  • thirst for adventure and new emotions.
endomorph Name Sheldon borrowed from biology, calling embryonic endoderm inner leaf (responsible for the formation and further development of the internal organs). Women endomorphs likely to be overweight and weight gain even the slightest "a discharge" from the principles of proper nutrition. In order to maintain their bodies in shape so people need to diet, implying a minimum intake of carbohydrate foods, and regularly sport, making training to focus on training and cardio aerobic exercise (in this type of pulse load range should vary from 120 to 140 beats per min.).

Externally endomorphs can be recognized by:

  • round, "streamlined" form of the body;
  • a small length of the lower limbs in comparison with the parameters of the entire body as a whole;
  • "Settled" neck;
  • wide pelvic bones.

Because of the predominance of the body endomorphs body fat, metabolic processes are slow as possible, which also contributes to the buildup of fat. Muscular system is not clearly defined, which makes the obesity of their body even more obvious to others.

In terms of psychological characteristics endomorphs can be described as people:

  • open for new acquaintances and communicate in principle;
  • restrained in the manifestation of dissatisfaction or negative emotions;
  • good;
  • cautious;
  • seeking to evaluate every step to diversify;
  • generous;
  • predictable;
  • With a good sense of humor;
  • putting the priority interests of their loved ones.

Such people tend to seek comfort, not willing to restrain themselves in their desires (if we are not talking about the intersection of the interests of the family), which often leads to an increase in their body weight.

women body types according to Academician Chernorutskii

Build (types of women, if they are properly determine the right amount to help clothes) are also divided into subspecies and academician Chernorutskii. Scientists claim that in spite of laying somatipa at the genetic level, to influence its final form as possible.

Build types of women. Photos, how to determine: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, astenik, normostenik, hypersthenics

To do this from childhood affect the human body in the right way. For example, people who have a tendency to be overweight, not to inculcate the habit of eating starchy foods, and promote their attached to sport (regardless of its specific focus).

Type of Chernorutskii figures characteristic representatives
Asthenic Women differ by short stature and underdeveloped visual muscular corset. They are thin (bulging bone, belly and cheeks are most often hollow, wrist circumference is not more than 16 cm) have an elongated oval face, long, thin neck and visually too prominent upper and lower limbs. Representatives asthenic type miniature figures assumed due to the presence of narrow shoulders and compact flat chest. Such women are not likely to be overweight, but when you look at them, they seem to be weak, sickly and nevynoslivy. In fact, the absence of excess weight astenik gives vitality and persistence in overcoming life's difficulties.

The main disadvantages of asthenic type of figure is considered:

  • bone insufficient strength;
  • constantly low blood pressure;
  • Low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • propensity to diseases of the spine, infection with SARS and ARI, as well as the development of vascular dystonia and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In astenik diet should be followed strictly defined framework, in which the proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 30, 20 and 50%, respectively, of the total amount be ingested nutrients day. In sports, they should focus on exercises to increase endurance performance and power. It is not recommended to use more weight as a weighting agent in the exercises in the gym. Natural bone fragility and susceptibility to the development of pathologies of the spine can result in the formation of hernias, protrusions in the back or occurrence of fractures, cracks and displacements.

hypersthenic Representatives hypersthenic somatipa outwardly look heavily and space. When short stature (170 cm), they often have a short upper and lower limbs, broad chest and large shoulders. These people have a tendency to gain weight due to slow metabolism in the body. Despite the fact that, due to an overweight physique hypersthenics can not boast of elegance and petite, they have a high measure of endurance, strength and mental stability.

Among the shortcomings hypersthenic body include:

  • propensity to pathologies of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, varicose veins (there due to excessive load on the lower extremities) and the emergence of malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • lack of will power, which often leads to a lack of a human desire to monitor their own power supply and, as a consequence, the acquisition of obesity.

Women - hypersthenics to maintain itself in the form it is recommended to adjust your diet so that the fats, proteins and carbohydrates were 50, 10 and 40%, respectively. So people should not engage in heavy weights or go to ballroom dancing. Optimal loads for the species they are exercises in the pool, yoga, stretching. Despite the peculiarities of the figure, women usually are in high demand among the opposite sex. Men are attracted to their charisma, positive and ability to stand out with their internal qualities, not just appearance.

normostenichesky Owners normosthenic type of figure can be called lucky. Such women have naturally harmonious proportional figure with a uniform amount of fat and muscle tissue in the body. They are, if desired, can easily lose or gain weight in the required areas of the body, while the lowest adjusting their eating habits and lifestyle.

Normostenik have medium or high growth, as well as:

  • wrist girth of 16 - 18 cm;
  • relief muscles;
  • accentuated waist line;
  • long neck;
  • straight lower limbs;
  • breast average size (typically 2 or 3).

Women - normostenik have no inclinations to specific types of diseases because of the proportionality of its own body. Despite this, the age of a figure undergoing significant changes, ignoring that can provoke not only an increase in the body fat, but also the occurrence of dangerous diseases peculiar to others somatipam. Build normostenik allows them to engage in active sports, the most useful of which are volleyball, tennis, jogging on the long and short distances, as well as swimming. Ration representatives of this type of figure to consist of 40% protein, 45% of carbohydrates and only 10% from fats. Such recommendations are explained by the general increase in risk of slagging of the body as the body aging. For people with normostenichesky somatip, characterized by self-confidence, straightforwardness, leadership skills, and the ability to to defend their position in life, even if it means joining the opposition with a person with a lot of power or force.

Mixed body types

Build (types of women should be determined only after a summary analysis of the characteristics of somatipov), despite the presence of several common classifications, it is often mixed.

In this case, the difficulty in determining the type of the figure is the lack of ability to identify specific orientation of metabolic processes of the body, a tendency to set the muscle mass and strength the skeletal system. In the mixed type of body in equal amounts present the characteristics of several types of female figures.

Build types of women. Photos, how to determine: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, astenik, normostenik, hypersthenics

To properly organize your lifestyle and exercise, girls need to analyze your body on several criteria:

  • the tendency to a set of body fat;
  • predisposition to the formation of the muscular system;
  • particular health condition (presence or chronic congenital diseases).

Determine your somatip for each of the indicators, the woman can not only adjust the diet (following specific recommendations on the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), but also to choose the right kind of sport, with which it will be able to improve their health, as well as convert the available figure for the better side.

If you define your own body type is not possible, it is recommended to ask for the girl consult your physician or a qualified fitness trainer who is experienced in the diagnosis somatipov people.

How to determine your body type?

Build (types of women allowed to determine for any of the common classifications) you can define your own in several ways:

  • Through the analysis of anthropometric parameters (necessary to remove several yardsticks and using standard formulas to calculate your somatip);
  • the evaluation intercostal angle (depending on the size of the angle defined by body type, e.g., an angle less than 90 degrees occurs in ectomorphs right angle - to mesomorph; more than 90 degrees - for endomorphs);
  • on the circumference of the wrist (the most inaccurate way to determine the type of figure);
  • visual assessment and answer a series of questions, which are publicly available on the Internet.

Modern techniques somatotipirovaniya

Despite the large variety of modern techniques samotipirovaniya, the basis of each of them is similar to the figure for Sheldon classification. The only difference is in the names of specific somatipov, as well as several aspects of eating and exercise recommendations.

The most common ways to categorize your body type today are:

  • Kretschmer's classification;
  • Heath-Carter system (or as it is called, "somatosrez");
  • Chtetsova technique.
Build types of women. Photos, how to determine: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, astenik, normostenik, hypersthenics

Within other methods are used such synonyms as brahiomorf or picnic (for endomorphs); athletic (for mesomorphs) and dolichomorphia (for ectomorphs). Every woman needs to know the type of your body. This will help her to improve the quality of the present life and also avoid some trouble in the future.

In order to properly determine somatip, girls should study the sufficient amount of information, including classification by different scientists, compare the data and only then begin to change your life, adjusting it under the recommendations addressed to the holders of a particular type of figures.

Useful video of body types for women and their determination rules

How to determine the type of body and ideal weight:

Fragment of the program "Doctor and" about body types:

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