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Lack of fluorine in the body. That develops, leading causes. Symptoms in women, men, the effects of

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The chemical element fluorine is extremely important for a full life and overall health. It is found in water, some food and care products for your teeth and gums. However, it is worth remembering that a surplus, and the lack of this substance leads to serious consequences for the human body.

The content of the article:

  • 1 characteristic element
  • 2 Action on the human body
  • 3 Dosage
  • 4 The reasons for the deficit
  • 5 The consequences of the deficit
    • 5.1 Caries
    • 5.2 deformation of posture
    • 5.3 Brittle bones and teeth
    • 5.4 Osteoporosis
  • 6 Symptoms and consequences
    • 6.1 men
    • 6.2 Among women
  • 7 sources of fluorine
    • 7.1 products
    • 7.2 pharmacy drugs
    • 7.3 Contents in toothpaste
  • 8 Video of fluorine

characteristic element

Fluoride - a chemical substance with a pungent odor, a strong oxidizing agent, like all halogens. Under normal conditions, a gas type of light yellow color. In Greek the name means the "harm" that reflects the toxic properties of the element. Fluoride in its severity even ahead of lead.Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes

The soil is accumulated as a result of volcanic activity. A large amount of fluorine contained in one of the most popular semi-precious minerals - sparkling fluorite, which also used in industry, optics, chemical industry and in the manufacture of a ceramic glaze products.

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Fluorine is present in many foods, such as onion, fish, lentils, and fault (the most abundant) in ordinary water.

Action on the human body

Fluoride is essential for human health:

  • responsible for the formation of bone, nail and hair growth;
  • It strengthens the immune system;
  • It removes toxins, heavy metals and radicals;
  • improves the process of hematopoiesis (involved in leukocyte formation);
  • prevents osteoporosis;
  • It prevents the development of dental caries;
  • It forms a dentin;
  • It generates and protects tooth enamel.

However, an excess of the chemical element fluorosis provoked - enamel disease with characteristic appearance of dark spots and recesses. Most often children are exposed at a time when they are formed milk teeth.

Fluoro slowly excreted, they accumulate in bone tissue, thyroid, and especially the pineal gland in the brain, which leads to its calcification and blocking.Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes

An important property of fluorine lies in its ability to reduce the levels of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. This feature and its use in the manufacture of toothpaste, but at the same time it reduces the number saprofitovoy (friendly) microflora.

It should be noted that for means for oral care fluoro not applied in pure form (a real poison), and its derivative - sodium fluoride, a very dangerous mix, is much more toxic than lead and capable of inducing vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and dizziness.

Sodium fluoride its prolonged use can lead to a number of severe and sometimes fatal consequences:

  • oncologic diseases;
  • disturbances in the cardiovascular and central nervous systems;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • reduce melatonin levels in the body;
  • impairs memory and cognitive ability.Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes

In this regard, the West Company turned against the use of fluorine and its compounds in the production of oral hygiene products. However, until now in advertising toothpaste and mouthwash emphasis on fluoride as an essential component of ensuring the health of teeth and a white smile.


The daily rate of fluoride in the body depends on many factors - weight, age, energy, overall health.

Despite the importance of fluoride for the formation of teeth and bones, less in absolute terms requires fluorine children - 0.01 mg / day (for infants under the age of six months) and 0.5 mg / day (from six to of the year).

Daily fluoride daily norm for older children is as follows:

  • 0.7 mg / day (1 to 3 years);
  • 1.0 mg / day (4 to 8 years);
  • 2, 0 mg / day (from 9 to 13 years).

The daily requirement for a teenager in fluorine is 3.0 mg, and an adult will require about 4 mg of fluoride per day.

It is important to keep in mind the dangers of excess fluoride to the human body.

The reasons for the deficit

Trigger the development of fluoride deficiency can a number of factors or combination of them:

  • drinking water with low content of fluorine;Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes
  • Food supplements containing calcium and magnesium;
  • metabolic disease;
  • improper diet.

The consequences of the deficit

Lack of fluoride in the body leads to the excretion of calcium it that, in turn, provokes the development of a number of diseases, including:

  • caries;
  • deformation of posture;
  • brittle bones and teeth;
  • osteoporosis.


Lack of fluorine in the body leads to dental caries - one of the most widespread human diseases. Caries causes loss of teeth, which leads to deterioration of chewing and to chronic diseases of the stomach and digestive tractLack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes

Initially, dental caries is manifested in the form of individual sections of the remineralization of enamel, which makes them more susceptible to the adverse effects of bacteria that produce acid as a result of its life.

One option for treatment is fluoro, which destroys the bacteria in the oral cavity and stops the process of remineralization of enamel. The most radical method applying fluorine as anticaries agents considered water fluoridation.

deformation of posture

Fluoride plays an important role in bone formation. Its deficiency in the body causes a disturbance of posture, which in turn leads to an increase in the load on the parts of the musculoskeletal system, provokes the occurrence of injuries and progressive deformity of the spine, causing breathing problems, back pain, migraines, high blood pressure and disturbance digestion.

Brittle bones and teeth

Most fluoride (99% of its amount in the body) found in teeth and bones. Its deficiency is dangerous not only on the stage of the formation of bone tissue. It can trigger a change in their structure. Demineralisation of bones and teeth makes them more brittle. Bones more prone to fractures and worse recovering from injury.


Lack of fluoride in the body leads to the fact that man is worse absorb calcium, which is fraught with the appearance of osteoporosis. This disease is manifested in a decrease in bone density and a violation of their structure. As a result, bones become fragile and brittle.Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes

The disease is particularly dangerous for the elderly, among them one of the most common types of injuries is a fracture of the femoral neck. However, young people Osteoporosis leads to frequent fractures and significantly lengthens the recovery period.

Symptoms and consequences

Lack of fluorine in the organism leads to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • brown stain on the tooth enamel;
  • bleeding gums;
  • nausea;
  • upset stomach;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • loss of voice;
  • breakage and hair loss;
  • tooth sensitivity;
  • osteoporosis (especially in the elderly);
  • kidney problems.

Excess fluoride is no less dangerous to health. To varying degrees, seen in both men and women. It brings together representatives of both sexes that fluorine overabundance leads to disruption of hormonal levels.


Due to the excessive amount of fluorine in the body decreases testosterone. Last responsible for human development, its vitality and overall well-being.

Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes
Lack of fluoride in the body is not as dangerous as its overabundance

An overabundance of harmful trace element interferes with the normal development of the thyroid gland thyroid hormones, which are responsible for growth, oxygen metabolism and general metabolism, prevent depression, gives a feeling of cheerfulness and stimulates mental and physical activity.

Among women

Testosterone is present in the female body, albeit in smaller numbers. His produce the ovaries and adrenal glands. In women, it is responsible for the distribution of adipose tissue and the sexual sphere.

However, fluoride toothpaste there is another extremely dangerous to women's health component - triclosan. It has anti-inflammatory effect and can cause severe blood flow in pregnant women, which, in turn, is dangerous for fetal hypoxia.

sources of fluorine

Compensate for the lack of fluoride can be both medically and with the help of properly chosen diet.


A balanced diet allows the human body a necessary amount of fluorine.

A rich source of fluoride are fish and seafood. Most of this trace element found in marine fish (cod, salmon, herring, mackerel, eel and sea bass), but the food is quite possible to use and freshwater fish varieties. For fluorinated products include shrimp, oysters, mussels and crabs, as well as fish eggs and seaweed.

Grade fish (100 g) The amount of fluorine contained in the product (mg)
pink salmon 0,43
ruff 0,43
flounder 0,43
crucian 0,43
dog-salmon 0,43
mullet 0,43
smelt 0,43
salmon 0,43
pollock 0,7
capelin 0,43
sea ​​bass 1,4
haddock 0,5
blue whiting 0,7
mackerel 1
cod 0,7
tuna 1
hake 0,7
Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes

For those who prefer fish to meat, should be included in the diet of beef, lamb, pork, chicken. But they contain about three times less fluoride than in fish.

Much less fluorine is contained in cereals. The exception to this list make oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. They are a great start to the day. Moreover, nutritionists recommend eating in the cereal food is in the morning, when the body perceives the best carbohydrates.

Various vegetables, fruits and nuts, are also suitable for the fluorine-containing diet:

  • potatoes;
  • radish;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • seaweed;
  • spinach;
  • grapefruit;
  • apples;
  • walnuts and pecans.

Finish the meal is best with black, white or green tea or red wine. However, should not be abused nor alcohol nor tea. As shown by recent research doctor, the amount of fluorine in the final twice what was announced earlier.

In 1 liter black tea is present about 9 mg fluorine. Danger exists for lovers of long and frequent tea drinking. Excessive amounts of this trace element can cause fluorosis (deformity and joint pain, bone loss, gray plaque on the teeth). Although it will have to drink a lot of cups of tea.

Fluoride in rather considerable amounts (0.8-1 mg / l) is contained in the conventional mineral water. In those countries, where this element is not enough drinking water fluoridation is practiced. First of all, this applies to Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, and Australia.

In a number of states are subjected to fluorination kitchen salt (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, France) and milk (Thailand, UK). In Russia, fluoridated milk only in Voronezh and Smolensk regions and the Republic of Adygea.

Interesting fact: Israel refused to saturate the fluoride salt, but it is connected with a program to reduce salt intake population.

Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causesAdjudged fluoro food and unusual manner. For example, its content increases minced, whose production was milled together meat with bones. Unexpected source elements are treated with fluorine-containing pesticides vegetables and fruits. They serve as a kind of container for delivery of fluoride to the table.

pharmacy drugs

The drawback of fluoride in the body leads to unfortunate consequences, but they can be eliminated or minimized by taking medication. Studies have shown that the use of fluorinated drugs slows the development of tooth decay by about 30%.

However, it is not necessary to determine the amount of this important and dangerous micronutrient own. Before taking any medication you should consult with your doctor.

Sodium fluoride is sold in the form of lozenges. This tool is used for the prevention of caries in children (over 2 years) and adolescents, so it has a distinct orange flavor and smell.

The same form of release and taste has Kserodent drug. It contains sodium fluoride and malic acid. The acid used is not accidental. It stimulates increased salivation, which in combination with fluoride additionally helps prevent tooth decay.

Active substance Sodium fluoride is also in a preparation Flur-e dei. He is perfect for the prevention of dental caries in children thanks to the original form of release. The tablets have a raspberry taste and look like small white planes.

All formulations with sodium fluoride is not recommended during the meal or together with milk as it greatly slows down the process of assimilation of microelement organism. For this reason, the fluorine-containing pills doctors advise taken with calcium supplementation.

Medicaments containing sodium fluoride advised not to take people with liver and kidney diseases, gastric ulcer and duodenum 12, as well as a significant concentration of fluoride in water.

Contents in toothpaste

Contrary to advertising, toothpastes do not contain a significant amount of fluoride. In order to cover the daily dose necessary to supplement brushing with fluoride toothpaste respective intake of food and mineral water. However, even a small portion of fluorine can effectively fight tooth decay.Lack of fluoride in the body in women, men. Symptoms that develop, what causes

Fluoride toothpaste with a regular toothbrushing:

  • strengthens enamel;
  • restores remineralizing capacity of saliva;
  • prevents sedimentation of the bacteria causing the appearance of plaque on the teeth;
  • It inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Furthermore fluorine, and other ingredients present in the toothpastes. They may, how to enhance and reduce the effectiveness of the microcell. Preference is given to the content of detergents aminofluorides and sodium fluoride.

The first film forms on teeth in which there is fluoro, prolonging effect on tooth enamel mineral and most effectively prevents caries. Sodium fluoride is less effective, but it also contributes to the remineralization of enamel.

Precautions should be taken to toothpastes containing stannous fluoride. First, they do significantly lighten the enamel, but later bleached areas are beginning to get dark. He also paints the seals and worsens the condition of the gums.

For the treatment of teeth should acquire toothpaste with a fluorine content of from 1350 to 1500 ppm, and for the prevention of dental caries - from 950 to 1150 ppm. These pastes can be used for children over 6 years.

Means for dentifrice containing fluorine, can not swallow. After use the oral cavity must be thoroughly to rinse. Completely abandon fluoride toothpaste should be for people with sensitive teeth.

As an overabundance of fluorine, and the lack of it, are dangerous to the body. To avoid negative consequences, the calculation of the required daily dose and choice of the optimal method of its production costs to qualified technician. And under no circumstances should not self-medicate.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of fluorine

The harm of fluoride:

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