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Immunity. How to increase the adult, child, vitamins, food, folk remedies lifting immunity

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The immune system - the body's ability to resist and adapt to pathogens, toxins, infections, viruses, and other agents.

In medicine, allocate 2 main types of immunity: acquired and inherited.

Acquired divided into natural and artificial, which is divided into active and passive.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Defense mechanisms of immunity are the skin, mucous membranes, lymphoid tissue barrier properties of blood, reproductive organs, digestive tract of the human body. Damage to at least one of them will lead to the penetration of harmful microorganisms and the development of the disease.

The immune system defense against invasion protrudes into the body of foreign substances. Represented by such bodies as the red bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus and spleen.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Symptoms of low immunity
  • 2 General advice: how to boost immunity to an adult
  • 3 Doctors' recommendations - how to boost immunity
  • 4 How to improve immunity drugs
  • 5 Vitamins for immunity to adults
    • 5.1 Vitamins for men immunity
    • 5.2 Vitamins for women's immunity
    • 5.3 Vitamin injections
    • 5.4 Cheap vitamins for immunity
  • insta story viewer
  • 6 Products that enhance the immune system. Table
  • 7 How to increase the immunity of the child
    • 7.1 How to increase the immunity of the child being breastfed
    • 7.2 How to increase the immunity of the child 1 year
    • 7.3 How to increase the immunity of the child 2 years
    • 7.4 How to increase the immunity of the child 3 years
    • 7.5 How to increase the immunity of the child 4 years
  • 8 Vitamins for immunity for children under 3 years
  • 9 Children's vitamins for immunity from 3 years
  • 10 How to increase immunity folk remedies. homemade recipes
    • 10.1 How to increase the immunity of oats
    • 10.2 How to increase the immunity of honey products
  • 11 How to increase immunity teenager
  • 12 How to increase immunity before holiday
  • 13 How to boost immunity in women
    • 13.1 How to increase the immunity of the woman after 50 years
    • 13.2 How to boost immunity in menopause
    • 13.3 How to boost immunity in pregnancy
    • 13.4 How to increase immunity after birth
    • 13.5 How to increase the immunity of a nursing mother
    • 13.6 How to boost immunity in an intimate place (vaginal microflora)
    • 13.7 How to increase immunity for thrush
  • 14 How to increase the immunity of an elderly person
  • 15 How to boost immunity with frequent colds
  • 16 How to increase immunity after antibiotics
  • 17 How to increase immunity in cancer after chemotherapy
  • 18 How to improve immunity in warts (HPV)
  • 19 How to boost immunity in HIV infection
  • 20 How to boost immunity in herpes
  • 21 How to improve oral mucosal immunity
  • 22 As boost immunity after surgery
  • 23 How to increase the immunity of the throat
  • 24 How to increase immunity after pneumonia
  • 25 How to boost immunity in osteochondrosis
  • 26 How to improve skin immunity
  • 27 How to improve immunity in the intestine
  • 28 How to increase immunity after a sore throat
  • 29 How to increase the immunity of the eye
  • 30 How to boost immunity in tuberculosis
  • 31 How to increase immunity after bronchitis
  • 32 How to increase immunity after mononucleosis
  • 33 Doctors' recommendations: how to temper the body
  • 34 Videos of immunity

Symptoms of low immunity

Reduced immunity in adults and children is a real problem today. Knowing the symptoms of this disease, you can understand how to effectively and rapidly increase it. The weakening of the immune system depends on the external and internal factors, there is a general or local.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Pathology and defects of the immune system is the cause of disease. Before the development of a complex disease, an immunodeficiency show some signs. Experts identify the following:

  • frequent-for respiratory viral diseases. Grown man sick an average of 3 times a year, the child 4-6 times;
  • permanent pustular skin lesions;
  • soft tissue infections with regular recurrence (boils, abscesses, cellulitis);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • recurrent diseases of the urogenital system, respiratory tract, nasopharynx;
  • poor regeneration of the skin, wounds do not heal for a long time;
  • decreased performance, fatigue, irritability, and lethargy regardless of time of day;
  • the poor condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The children of the weakening of the immune system suggest the same problems as an adult. These attributes are attached poor learning ability, decreased concentration and activity, somnolence.

General advice: how to boost immunity to an adult

The main reasons for the decline of working capacity of the immune system:

  • unhealthy lifestyle;
  • unbalanced and irregular meals;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • lack of normal physical activities;
  • bad habits weaken the protective function organism.

Not only food, but also the environment in which man lives, could negatively affect the state of his health. Accommodation near the places where the regular occurrence of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, detrimental to the body.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Signs notifying that it is time to change your life become visible and becoming regular:

  • fatigue even after slight physical load;
  • constant shortness of breath, body aches and a feeling of lack of sleep;
  • increased irritability. May discompose any detail;
  • viral disease persists for a long time. It is fraught with serious complications;
  • problems begin with the digestive system.

Boost immunity to an adult, as well as the child can only be in the complex. Drug effects, balanced and healthy food, sport, will have a beneficial effect.

Doctors' recommendations - how to boost immunity

Increased immunity begins with an analysis of the changes and poor lifestyle choices. A dream for a man very effective medicine. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. There should be a diet.

The diet should consist of regular carbon, fruits, vegetables and proteins. Reduce the consumption of fat and carcinogens. Vzchyat a habit to spend more time outdoors, hiking.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Hardening - a natural way to boost immunity. But this method has contraindications of the cardiovascular system, so you need to use it with caution.

The cause of many diseases is stress. You need to learn to relax and relax. So, back to normal nervous system and, consequently, will increase the protective functions of the body.

One of the pleasant and effective way to boost immunity - bath or sauna. After steam circulation improves, derived chronic infections of the body, improving immunoglobulin synthesis.

How to improve immunity drugs

Medication improving immunity is the most common. However, self-medication will only aggravate the situation. It is recommended to consult a professional, get tested, get tested, and only then proceed to treatment.

Medications are divided into the following groups:

  • bacterial, enhance immunity and provide useful cells. The drug acts as a vaccine. Generate blocking antibodies bad cells ( "Imudon", "Ribomunil" "Uro-Wachs");
  • containing human interferon ( "Viferon", "Laferon", "Grippferon") and endogenous preparations contain proteins that inhibit the development of infection (Arbidol, "" Anaferon "," Kagocel ");
  • with the nucleic acids to stimulate cell-mediated immunity. Used for infections, including tuberculosis ( "Riboksin");
  • thymus means activate cell-mediated immunity ( "Timalin", "Timaktid", "Timogen");
  • Synthetic drugs - synthetic chemical compounds that can enhance the immune system, both adult and children.

Uncontrolled medication will lead to an imbalance in the body and make the problem worse.

Vitamins for immunity to adults

Vitamins for getting rid of immunodeficiency - is synthesized and organic dietary supplements. Contribute to the normalization of the physical and chemical processes, and improve the functioning of the immune system. By themselves, they do not have much use, but incorporating them into a complex therapy, notice positive results.

Vitamins have significant advantages:

  • reinforce the vessel walls;
  • inactivate harmful chemical compounds affecting internal organs;
  • normalize metabolic processes.

For the correct selection of a vitamin complex analysis was carried out. They will show a deficit of vitamin it should be filled.

Vitamins for men immunity

Thermally processed food, half loses its beneficial properties, respectively, and the vitamin comes from it less. To enhance immunity in men need to fill vitamin supplies:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) - helps to form immune antibodies;
  • The group helps fight stress and fills the body with energy;
  • Vitamin C and E are struggling with rotavirus and other infections.

proven selenium, iodine, and zinc as well.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

For men who daily experience heavy exercise, fit vitamins "Opti-Men."

They contribute to the stabilization of the metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

"Duovit" raise and strengthen the immune system. May take as prophylaxis of viral diseases with gastrointestinal problems, strengthen the heart muscle. We worked well "Vitrum for Men", "Alphabet for men."

Vitamins for women's immunity

Female body is under greater stress than men. Pharmaceutical companies have paid special attention to the development of vitamin for women.

The complex of nutrients can not only raise the immune system, but also improve the condition of skin and hair. The female vitamins include zinc, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, B and E. Separately, there are facilities for pregnant and lactating.

  1. "Duovit" consists of 12 vitamins and minerals 5. Fills deficit with poor nutrition, increased mental and physical exertion.
  2. "Complivit" suitable for women after 45 years. Improve immunity to those who work at home or at work.
  3. "Multi-Tubbs Perinatal" designed for pregnant and nursing. In parallel, it is recommended to take folic acid.

The use of vitamin must be deliberate. Overdose even lung vitamin will lead to negative consequences.

Vitamin injections

Injections help to quickly bring the immune system back in order. The specialist conducts immunogram and recognizes the state of the body. Thereafter, administer vitamin injections.

  1. "TSikloferon". It has antiviral and antibacterial actions. It is used in order to raise immunity and for prevention.
  2. "Timogen". It improves the immune system and fights diseases of the endocrine system. "Timogen" possesses regenerative properties, accelerates metabolism and helps in the case of acute diseases.
  3. "Erbisol". Mobilize all systems of the body at the cellular level. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the drug is looking for harmful substances and destroys them.
  4. "Derinat". It is a natural immune stimulator, which includes sturgeon caviar. Generates immunity to fungi and bacteria.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Injections are considered more effective than pills, but the presence of allergy to components should be considered when appointing them.

Cheap vitamins for immunity

Addition of expensive imported drugs sold in pharmacies domestic, with similar composition and effect. Only difference is the price. What vitamins are in budget.

How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies
  1. Homeopathic immunostimulants. This herbal drugs. They are sold in the public domain and are designed for customers with different levels of income.
  2. Monovitaminy. Artificial preparations produced in the form of a syrup, capsule, tablet.
  3. "Revit". Vitamins Budget Group. But, despite its low price is not worse than expensive counterparts to cope with increased immunity.

Together with complex compositions take fish oil or flaxseed.

Products that enhance the immune system. Table

Wondering how to boost immunity to an adult, do not forget about the food. Below is a table of products for men and women, can get rid of immunodeficiency.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Products for women How useful Products for men How useful

Dairy products

It contains a large number of bifidobacteria that help vitamins are well absorbed. Kltsy and vitamin D improve immunity


Sources of iodine, zinc, copper, iron. Improve the immune system


It stimulates the appetite, and normalizes digestion


Rich in manganese, potassium and antioxidants. It supports the level of acidity in the body.


It is struggling with a cold. spoon of honey in the morning and at bedtime improves immunity


Contain much fiber, potassium and magnesium. Ascorbic acid maintains immune system


It possesses immunostimulating, antiinflammatory properties. It increases the number of lymphocytes, thereby enhancing immunity


It contains polyphenols, ellagitannins. It is struggling not only with immunodeficiency, but also with the formation of cancer cells

How to increase the immunity of the child

Frequent manifestation of colds and allergies in children, says a weak immune system of the baby. There are many reasons, but the main one is - immunodeficiency. Immunologists considering treatment options, taking into account the child's age. It depends on it scheme of therapy and prescriptions.

How to increase the immunity of the child being breastfed

Newborn baby gets all the necessary nutrients from the mother's milk, so babies rare low immunity. To maintain its normal, pediatricians advise:

  • air quenching baths and water treatments;
  • monitor compliance with hygienic-sanitary standards in the room;
  • not ignore the planned vaccination;
  • observe the temperature range 18-22 degrees and humidity at 50-70%;
  • walks in the open air;
  • minimization of drugs. The baby with a little cold is able to cope with the disease itself.

It is extremely important in the first year of life does not disturb the function of the immune system. It was during this period of its formation it is at the right level.

How to increase the immunity of the child 1 year

Very often year-old child is weaned from breastfeeding, and transferred to a normal diet. It receives from the mother is no longer vitamins enter the body and the immune system is under attack. Avoid immunodeficiency child in 1 year can be simple ways.

  1. Often walk in the street. If possible, arrange a nap outdoors, regardless of weather.
  2. Winter or being in large crowds to enjoy oxolinic ointment or with interferon.
  3. Not worth much to coddle or baby wear it not for the weather. Excessive stuffiness active harm to the child and disturb the thermal process in the body.
  4. Give more seasonal vegetables and fruits.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

These simple rules will save a lot of problems in the present and the future.

How to increase the immunity of the child 2 years

Children under 2 years are more active, some of them even start going to kindergarten and begin a health problem. At this age, there are problems with food, children begin to sort out the products and often require sweets.

You can offer your child to eat dried apricots, raisins, nuts, make these products mix, add honey and give a teaspoon a day. Thus, improving the immune system and viruses will not have a chance to attack the body of a child.

How to increase the immunity of the child 3 years

A child of three years full-fledged small person who understands and recognizes. Surround it with love and care. This will be the first step in the fight against immunodeficiency. Walking with active games develop physical abilities.

Teach a child to cleanliness and hygiene have a positive impact not only on the child's upbringing, but also minimizes the chance of getting harmful microbes in the body. Giving the child fruit, in particular vitamin C.

How to increase the immunity of the child 4 years

The main sources of raising the immunity of children aged 4 years are food. By following the right diet, shield the child from a variety of problems.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Important and necessary vitamins of groups A, B, PP, C, D and E contained in cereals, fiber, legumes, fresh vegetables, animal products, mineral fats and greens. Incorporating them into breakfast, lunch and dinner, the child's body is protected naturally.

Vitamins for immunity for children under 3 years

When all the rules of conduct with the child, established power, walking in the air take up most of the time, but the disease is still pursuing regularly include pharmaceutical drugs. Vitami for children up to 3 years in the structure have the necessary components and minerals that help in the fight with weak immunity.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Well established "Kinder Biovital", "peak", "alphabet", "SanaSol". Before use, you must be sure to always consult a pediatrician. He will select the optimum vitamin complex.

Children's vitamins for immunity from 3 years

Vitamins for children from 3 years of age are more solutions. The child's body has changed and requires a different focus. Vitamins are aimed at maintaining the immune system is normal.

  • E (Tocopherol) It stimulates the immune system and protects against infections.
  • FROM (Ascorbic acid) - improves immunity and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • BUT (Retinol) - improves work mucous membranes, eyes, inhibits the development of skin diseases.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Pediatricians pay attention to the "Multi-Tubbs," "Supradin", "Vitrum Kids," "Jungle Baby."

How to increase immunity folk remedies. homemade recipes

Increased immunity is especially true in winter, when the body's defense is weakened sharply felt the lack of vitamins. Fight with immunodeficiency can be at home.

How to increase the immunity of oats

Oats are readily available and effective means for lifting immunity. Even doctors advise to use this herb, both adults and children. The present starch grains, amino acids, fats, proteins, vitamins A, C and E.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

For children prepare a broth based on oats. Adults can use it as a separate dish. The most common - oatmeal. To taste it is made sweet with honey, nuts and fruits, or salty broth.

How to increase the immunity of honey products

Honey - is a unique product that contains various B vitamins, folic acid and trace element 22.

In addition to the use of honey is useful and other bee products: pollen, royal jelly, propolis.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Honey for lifting immunity is added to food, herbal teas, use in the morning on an empty stomach. Tasty and healthy eating honey with dried apricots, raisins, nuts.

How to increase immunity teenager

How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

The younger the organism during physiological and hormonal changes are often exposed to stress, disease, and as a result of lowered immunity.

Fighting immunodeficiency should take place in the complex: the correct and regular meals, getting enough sleep, fresh air.

At the younger man as an adult should be present in the diet of foods that can boost immunity. The main emphasis is on obtaining vitamins such as D and A, B and C, K and F.

You can make vitamin drinks: viburnum, Dog rose, and coniferous teas. During the period of hormonal changes recommended include pharmaceutical drugs, "Multi-tabs Teenager", "Alphabet schoolboy", "Vitrum Junior."

How to increase immunity before holiday

How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Holidays - it's always a welcome period, which should not be overshadowed by anything. Climate change is accompanied by many fever, weakness, and general malaise. Weakened immunity only contribute to this.

Before the trip, the best option would be fortifying vitamins and immunomodulators. A month before the holiday should be a medicinal drink course.

Doctors advise "Transfer Factor". This natural adaptogene, increasing resistance to acclimatization.

How to boost immunity in women

Female body by nature should be more resistant to shocks of immunity. Menopause, childbirth, breast, all this leads to weakening and deterioration of health. Each period of a woman's life should be supported by appropriate means.

How to increase the immunity of the woman after 50 years

For a woman, 50 years is a kind of milestone, which is necessary to go with a minimum amount of health loss. Experts, to strengthen the immune system during this period are advised to include in the diet of foods rich in antioxidants: zucchini, kale, broccoli, sesame seeds. Rich in them coffee and green tea.

How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies
How to boost immunity in adult women after 50 years

To cope with stress and improve the immune system helps active, symbol of life goals and the desire to realize them. Immunodeficiency can stand before the woman, which has been established personal life.

How to boost immunity in menopause

Menopause significantly reduces the function of the immune system. In the period beginning menopause to start taking medication, supporting the immune system is normal. Individually calculated daily intake of vitamins and minerals. The complex should contain vitamins A, C, E, B, and D, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

In postmenopausal recommend:

  • retinol;
  • folic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • tsinkobalamin;
  • vitamin C.

At menopause, doctors are advised to take "Aevit", "Gipotrilon", "Doppelgerts".

How to boost immunity in pregnancy

The long-awaited time for women is linked not only with the joys of the future mothers, but also to hormonal changes. Due to the fact that during pregnancy antivirals banned, we can only count on the nutrition and vitamins.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

The diet of the future mother must enable proteins and amino acids, carbohydrates and fats in moderation. For the prevention of constipation should eat coarse fiber: legumes, fruits, vegetables and grains.

For the development of the immune cells, include vitamin B, multivitamin with content A, E, D and C. Trace elements: zinc, iron, magnesium, iodine, selenium.

Support the immune system in normal garlic, propolis and other bee products. It is not recommended to use Echinacea, Siberian ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine.

How to increase immunity after birth

Boosting the immune system after birth, we should remember that in the period of breastfeeding, many foods and medications, you should not eat. Before the fight with immunodeficiency need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe a medicine authorized in the period of lactation.

To strengthen the immune system include diet brown rice, buckwheat, rye bread. Fill gaps in vitamin C sauerkraut, black currants and herbs.

Postpartum period for many women is characterized by depressive and anxiety states. As a sedative take valerian tincture or Leonurus.

How to increase the immunity of a nursing mother

Lactating women carefully all filters that are used in food, supplementing the diet of useful carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Food should be nutritious for both the mother and for her baby, which she feeds.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

To enhance immunity should regularly eat garlic and onions. They enhance the immune system and are natural defenders against viruses. Natural immunoglobulins - is cheese, eggs, meat, cheese. The ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates is 1: 1: 4.

Nursing mother on the day you need to drink 2-3 liters of water. In addition to power cared about immunity moderate exercise, fresh air and the optimal ratio of work and leisure.

How to boost immunity in an intimate place (vaginal microflora)

Immunity and vaginal microflora is closely related to each other. Immune deficiency reduces the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, and replaces them with yes pathogens. Hence, there are various disease: candidiasis, vaginitis and other troubles.

microflora recovery is based on the findings and Bacteriological sowing smear. Selected individual therapy and drugs. Treatment is divided into several stages.

  1. Elimination of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Replanting beneficial organisms.
  3. Supplementation for immunomodulation.

The correct approach in a month will give the results of immunity and the vagina will be increased.

How to increase immunity for thrush

Thrush is quite common in a woman's life, and gives her a lot of discomfort. Besides harmful bacteria, the emergence of this disease affects a decreased immunity.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

The first thing to do during the treatment of thrush - to improve immune system function. Allies in this struggle are the folk remedies, vitamin complexes, food and sports. This set of measures will lead to positive results.

How to increase the immunity of an elderly person

Weak protective function in the elderly pulls the mass diseases: psoriasis, sarcoidosis, mixed connective tissue disease. This is not the full list of troubles. Immunity growing person wears out and needs to be improved what some effective ways:

  • physical exercise. Just 30 minutes walk in the fresh air, and many problems can be avoided;
  • balanced nutrition an important component. Stimulate the immune system help honey, rose, fish oil, cabbage. Health Minerals: beef offal, fish, garlic, beans;
  • isolated from medicinal drugs "Immunal," "Echinacea hexane", "Exinatseja-Ratiofarm».

Maintaining the vitality is normal, you can significantly reduce the risk of disease and prolong youthfulness of the body.

How to boost immunity with frequent colds

Frequent colds - the first sign of poor immunity. Failure in a separate part of the immune system requires immediate treatment.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

A set of measures aimed at combating the disease should include:

  • hardening of the body;
  • regular exercise;
  • homemade recipes;
  • medications.

Several recipes for lifting immunity for colds:

  • crushed ginger root boil for 10 minutes. Consumed twice a day with a glass of honey and lemon;
  • mumie 5 g, juice from 3 lemons, crushed aloe leaf 100 g mix and infuse day in a dark place. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • hips 100 g, boil 5 minutes in 1 liter of water and infuse 8 hours. Drink 1 tablespoon after a meal.

For each individual product may be allergic. Before use, take into account this factor.

How to increase immunity after antibiotics

Receiving antibiotics causes side reactions such as dysbacteriosis, of yeast infection in women, and reduced immunity to 50-70%.

Doctors prescribe in such cases:

  • immunoregulatory proteins. Prepared from animal bone marrow;
  • cytokines. Affect the interaction of the immune cells;
  • leukinferon derived from human blood leukocytes;
  • imunoriks - a synthetic broad-spectrum immunomodulator.

Well help vitamin drinks, balanced diet and lekarstva- immunostimulants.

How to increase immunity in cancer after chemotherapy

Oncology huge stress to the body. After chemotherapy, the immune system is almost completely killed, and the person is unable to resist disease.

To normalize the immune system prescribed herbal parallel need to stick to a diet and maintain a particular way of life.

  1. To lift the protective functions of the organism taking tincture Siberian Ginseng, Echinacea.
  2. Increase the level of leukocyte broths from chicory and clover blossoms. Good help tincture milkweed.
  3. Restore the liver is able to everlasting, the seeds of milk thistle, calendula.
  4. Eliminate constipation fennel, buckthorn, fennel.

When the diet is prohibited the use of fried, spicy, acidic foods. Prohibited any alcohol.

How to improve immunity in warts (HPV)

Human papillomavirus appears when reduced the protective functions of the immune system. For the HPV atypical characteristic variation and mutation, so the appointment of interferon drugs should be monitored technician.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

The most popular immunomodulating medications are:

  • «Likopid." Assigned for chronic infections and inflammations;
  • "Cordyceps". Regulates the immune system;
  • "Derinat". It enhances wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Also take herbal medicines "Alpizarin", "Viferon" "Imiquimod".

How to boost immunity in HIV infection

Increased immunity to HIV primarily begins with increasing the number of leukocytes. Doctor prescribes immunomodulators, more powerful conventional restorative agents.

Immunodeficiency Syndrome leads to poor digestibility of nutrients and minerals that are vital substances. To make up for the loss takes effort and eat right.

Important components - vitamins. They need to take on a regular basis under the supervision of a physician. Basically, patients are administered immunoglobulin.

How to boost immunity in herpes

In every man lives the herpes virus. A weakened immune system and frequent colds cause its activity. By linking these events, it is concluded that the higher the immune system, the less cases and herpes makes itself felt.

Preparations for the normalization of the immune system should prescribe a doctor. Immunocorrectors most often prescribed to control the individual immunity and fight herpes.

When the first signs of herpes, most begin to struggle and enhance immunity:

  • diet;
  • physical training;
  • quenching;
  • proper nutrition.

There are many ways to treat immunodeficiency herpes. The main thing to find among them effective.

How to improve oral mucosal immunity

Low mucosal immunity causes oral stomatitis, pharyngitis, periodontitis and other diseases. Any disease in your mouth brings a lot of discomfort, inability to eat normally.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

When inflammation of the mouth prescribed drugs antiviral action "Famciclovir" "Valaciclovir", "Miramistin". Of immunostimulants release "Amiksin", "Imudon".

As boost immunity after surgery

Surgical intervention into the body has never passed unnoticed. Lowered immunity manifested apathy, fatigue, lethargy. To these states did not develop into chronic, you need to take action quickly.

  1. To eat those foods that are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fats, including fresh.
  2. Light load, fresh air.
  3. Immunomodulators and take a multivitamin.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Immunologist will choose the right system for better health in the postoperative period.

How to increase the immunity of the throat

Frequent pain in the throat show low local immunity. Raise it with the following:

  • gymnastics. In the morning, sing vowels vdyhayut air through the nose and through the mouth vydyhayut;
  • gargling with salt water;
  • humidification by means of special equipment;
  • treatment of a sore throat just under the supervision of a specialist.

In parallel with local therapy adopt internal medicines.

How to increase immunity after pneumonia

How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remediespneumonia includes treatment with antibiotics, which kill the immune system. Preparations for its increase, do not cause adverse reactions:

  • "Pantocrine";
  • "Saparal";
  • tincture of ginseng;
  • bee products;
  • colostrum.

Immunomodulators are appointed on the basis of medical evidence and the area of ​​influence.

How to boost immunity in osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis - one of the reasons vitamin and mineral imbalances in the body. Combined therapy in osteochondrosis is aimed at strengthening the protection functions, increase immunity and also helps:

  • enhances cartilage tissue;
  • increases sensitivity;
  • restores the tissue;
  • strengthens immune properties.

The nutritional focus on foods that contain B vitamins They inhibit the growth of bone tissue in the cervical region, threatening to jamming of the medulla oblongata. K vitamins-containing drugs include "Dekamevit", "Pentovit", "Centrum".

How to improve skin immunity

The skin is one of the organs involved in the immune system, as a defender against the ingress of pests. Violation of the integrity of the skin increases the risk of ingress of bacteria and pathogenic organisms inside.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

The roughness of the skin on the face, uneven color, abrasions, recurrent skin abscesses and subcutaneous fat, all this testifies to poor immunity. Specialist to find one of these illnesses, conducting immunological examination and appoints the course of treatment.

Prescribed antimicrobials, cosmetics. Trip to the beautician will solve the problem of poor immunity of the skin.

How to improve immunity in the intestine

The imbalance in the intestine depends on the state of immunity. Microflora exposed to negative factors, for reasons of internal and external nature.

Intestine is a direct participant in storage and formation of immune cells. It is directly linked to food, and increase immunity depends on the correct diet. The doctor prescribes probiotics. Wherever possible refuse drugs.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

In order to improve the immunity is conducted via bowel cleansing enemas. Plain water is replaced by concoctions of herbs. Have good cleaning action fresh juices, bran in dry form (3 tablespoons three times a day, half an hour before meals).

How to increase immunity after a sore throat

Lowering of immunity after a sore throat - classical state in most people. Pharmaceuticals launches mass production of herbal based to deal with immunodeficiency. Doctors prescribe a course of immunostimulants. It helps to use herbal teas, herbal tinctures, extracts from medicinal plants.

The most affordable is scarlet. Its juice has a pronounced stimulating effect on the immune system.

How to increase the immunity of the eye

Wound penetration of infection into the eyeball causes immune suppression properties, reduced the total number of lymphocytes in the blood. An important component to improve eye immunity serves retinol A. Regular use of this vitamin lead to normal functioning defense system.

Increase the content of retinol via food. His greatest in the egg yolk, beef liver, cheese, cheddar cheese, fruit, and orange vegetables.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Of medicines it helps "Aevit", an oil solution, complexes with vitamin A.

How to boost immunity in tuberculosis

Body's immune system to produce antibodies capable of preventing the penetration and spread of viruses and germs. However, there is a group of people vulnerable to tuberculosis:

  • diabetics;
  • had measles;
  • living in radiation zones or working on harmful plants.

Blame is lowered immunity. Events for its increase include the following factors:

  • dieting;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • minimizing stressful situations;
  • medication.

Compliance with these recommendations to support the immune system at the appropriate level and increase the chances of recovery.

How to increase immunity after bronchitis

Enhance the immune system after suffering bronchitis using vegetable and herbal infusions:

  • fresh juice of any vegetables and fruits red. Between meals the first week of taking 0.5 cup 3 times a day, in the second - 2 times a day, the third - 1 times;
  • tablespoon birch leaves with buds pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and infuse for 5-10 minutes. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals;
  • teaspoon dry celandine pour cup of boiling water. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Drinking is prohibited if there is an allergy to any of the components.

How to increase immunity after mononucleosis

Postponed disease significantly weakens the immune system. Raise it without harm to the body will help survey and specialist prescriptions.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Mononucleosis and serious disease mainly affects the liver and spleen. Physicians, for lifting immunity prescribed course "Viferon" injections of immunoglobulin. Frequent walks in the fresh air, minimal contact with others and the protection system will quickly return to normal.

Doctors' recommendations: how to temper the body

Strengthening the immune system with the help of hardening - an effective and inexpensive method to protect the body from harmful viruses and microbes.

A weakened immune system, how to improve the adult before the cold period known doctors. Their recommendations are related to hardening of the body. Its essence lies in the fact that the mucous membranes react quickly to temperature changes.

The most common types of hardening include:

  • air baths. Especially important in winter, when the cold air released from microbes;
  • walking barefoot. Stimulates active points on the feet;
  • pouring water. It should begin with a cold towel wiping, then gradually move directly to water treatment.

The benefits of hardening said more than one doctor and all came to the conclusion that this is the ultimate solution to achieve the goal.How to increase the immunity of an adult child - vitamins, food, medicines, folk remedies

Immunity as a huge mechanism should run smoothly and accurately perform their functions in the body of an adult and a child. Boosting the immune system is able to solve many health problems.

Complex events can rid a person of immunodeficiency, important not to stop after achieving a result, and continue to the right and a healthy lifestyle.

Videos of immunity

Immunity. How to increase the adult and the child quickly without vitamins:

Author video tells how to improve immunity as an adult and steeled:

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