Skin Diseases

Oral dermatitis on the face. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

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Oral dermatitis on the face mainly affects the skin around the mouth, cheeks and lower eyelids, chin. It is a chronic inflammatory disease. Experts note that More often this disease affects women who are of childbearing age.

This is a very serious disease of the skin, it brings a lot of discomfort and pain to the patient, it violates aesthetic influences on the psychological and physical health.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of the disease
  • 2 symptoms
  • 3 Features of the disease
  • 4 diagnosis of the disease
  • 5 peroral dermatitis Treatment
    • 5.1 Stage 1 - a "zero therapy"
    • 5.2 Stage 2 - medication
  • 6 Traditional methods of treatment
  • 7 preventive measures

The causes of the disease

Doctors all over the world can not tell the exact reasons, because of which there are eruptions of this nature. Development of oral dermatitis on the face and its treatment depends on factors of its origin.

The risk group, according to experts, are of the fair sex, who are very fond of using a variety of creams, masks, lotions.

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Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remediesAll these cosmetics irritate the skin, violate its integrity, damage and affect the elasticity of the collagen content.

As a result, very highly exhausted upper leather ball, and form various rashes.

For some of the reasons that contribute to the disease include:

  • various diseases of the digestive system;
  • endocrine disorders or proper operation of the nervous system;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • the use of poor-quality cosmetics;
  • abuse of cosmetics;
  • presence of foci of inflammation in the skin;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body associated with age;
  • prolonged hormonal drugs or the use of ointments and creams;
  • the effect of ultraviolet rays during prolonged sun exposure heckling;
  • reduction in the body's defenses;
  • of deep beauty treatments that affect the integrity of the skin;
  • stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • a sharp and prolonged climate change.

Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remedies
It's important to know! Always necessary to use high-quality cosmetics, visit the experienced beauticians and not to conduct questionable procedures.


Oral dermatitis on the face with an accuracy of only a doctor will determine and prescribe the necessary treatment. Since the symptoms of its manifestation is quite similar to many diseases, they can be easily confused.

The main symptoms are:

  • large number of small red pimples around the mouth;
  • there is a strong skin irritation;
  • acne to form colonies;
  • there is a strong itching of the skin, formation of scales;
  • for these spots characterized by the presence of white liquor in;
  • strong burning sensation of affected areas.

Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remediesNote! Oral dermatitis on the face requires immediate and qualified treatment. Independent attempts to get rid of the disease, only aggravate the situation.

Features of the disease

In general, the disease manifests itself initially around the mouth. Here form small red rash, which will eventually go to the chin. Further, in the absence of treatment, they are distributed on the cheeks, eyelids and forehead. Red spots always have a small swelling and roughness.

Oral dermatitis on the face is one important feature that is displayed and its treatment - spots never hit the lip and the skin around the lips. Always there ring intact white and skin around the mouth.
Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remedies

Eruptions are placed symmetrically on the patient's face and are grouped in colonies.

diagnosis of the disease

Dermatologists diagnose on the basis of several studies. A detailed medical history and a number of diagnostic tests will help him in this:

  • a thorough examination of the patient, collection of information and the causes of the disease and how long it lasts, the potential risks;
  • blood samples to a laboratory analysis;
  • conduct tests for allergic reactions;
  • complete survey of the gastroenterologist, internist, immunologist, neurologist and allergist. It is necessary that the exact cause of oral dermatitis on the face and assign the correct treatment.
Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remedies

peroral dermatitis Treatment

The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. On average, it takes 14 to 60 days. Treatment of the disease is always performed in the complex and consists of two stages.

Stage 1 - a "zero therapy"

At this stage it is important to observe the following rules:

Refusal of cosmetics The use of any cosmetics on the face, during an exacerbation, is absolutely contraindicated.

This is to ensure that the epidermis is completely clean, rested and recovered.

In the chronic form of the disease all the makeup you need to eliminate from your life forever.

Refusal of gormonosoderzhaschih ointments In the treatment of oral dermatitis on the face it is of fundamental importance.

Sharp rejection of such agents can be detrimental to health, so it should be done slowly and very carefully, all the while observing the changes in the physical condition.

At the same time, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who is your treatment.

Sticking to a diet The basis of the diet are the basics of good nutrition.

The patient should eliminate from your diet fried, spicy, smoked, salted and fatty dishes.

It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables in any form, except pickled, because the body needs a full range of vitamins and minerals.

Recommended dietary light soups, cereals, a variety of salads. Meat can be consumed in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs.

It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of foods that can cause allergies - seafood, eggs, mushrooms, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream.

It is strictly forbidden alcohol.

Stage 2 - medication

Therapy is conducted such medicines:

  • Mandatory use of antihistamines - "Diazolin", "Suprastin", "Tavegil";
  • Swelling of the skin is well removed "Loratodin", "Suprastin" "Furosemide";
  • Sometimes needed sedatives in the form of valerian tincture, motherwort;
  • Simply antibiotic "metronidazole" is assigned on a mandatory basis. The dose depends on the age and sex of the patient, the severity of disease. The course of treatment lasts for about 10-14 days, the dosage is reduced with decreasing pronounced symptoms. In the case of intolerance of the drug may be substituted for "Trichopolum", "methacycline";
Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remedies
  • It is always assigned to vitamin B6 and niacin. Also, sometimes the doctor attributes the vitamin-mineral complex to restore balance in the body;
  • "Chlorhexidine", "Dekasan" assigned to the localized treatment of affected areas. This is necessary to avoid secondary infection.

Creams and ointments, which are used in the fight against this disease:

  • "Skinoren" and any ointments containing metronidazole - stop the propagation of rash, skin prisushivayut;
  • "Tsetrin" or "Clemastine" - quickly and effectively clean the itching and redness of the skin;
  • "Tetracycline" or "Doxycycline" - contribute to the rapid healing of acne, dry them.

In some cases, when oral dermatitis on the face and in the period of his treatment, you can use creams and special powders for the doctor's recommendations.

Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remedies
Cryomassage in treating oral dermatitis is the final stage. Typically, the treatment used cryomassage with snow from carbonic acid or liquid nitrogen

Note! In the propagation of rash on the eyelids, we need more consultation with an ophthalmologist.

In the treatment of very severe and advanced cases use different physio treatments - massage, massage with liquid nitrogen, acupuncture and electrolysis.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine effective in the treatment of oral dermatitis. Recipes are available, simple and quick to prepare. Their use is not observed occurrence of allergic reactions to quickly and effectively get rid of the disease.

If you use the popular techniques in conjunction with medication, always necessary to consult a doctor. The most effective recipe against oral dermatitis are:

  • Decoction of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain, celandine, elecampane, calendula, yarrow need to wipe the skin 5-7 times a day. Gathering herbs may be different, the main thing to choose 2-4 names from this list.
  • A decoction of chamomile or sage with calendula with celandine, can be taken orally. 100 ml 3 times per day. The broth is allowed to add half a teaspoon of honey to make the taste. Sugar is forbidden to add, it completely destroys the healing properties of herbs.
Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remedies
  • One teaspoon baking soda in 250 ml of warm water. This solution is necessary to wipe the skin several times a day.
  • Strong decoction of oak bark is used for lotions and compresses.
  • Grate a piece of peeled pumpkin on a fine grater, let stand a few minutes to highlight the juice. Applying this meal for 5-7 minutes, 2 times a day to the affected skin.
  • Make lotions with seawater.

preventive measures

Preventive measures include the following measures:

  • use of proven, high-quality cosmetic products;
  • personal hygiene;
  • means not misuse the content of components which can cause an allergic reaction;
  • it is recommended to use makeup that is well protected from the sun's rays;
  • do not abuse alcohol and adhere to proper nutrition.

Oral dermatitis on the face. Causes and treatment of drugs and folk remedies
Oral dermatitis - is a serious disease. Treatment is always a long and not always possible to completely get rid of this diagnosis, in almost all cases it becomes chronic. Carrying out preventive measures, you will save yourself and your family from purchasing dermatitis.

Treatment of oral dermatitis on the face:

Traditional treatments for peroral dermatitis:

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