Skin Diseases

Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment

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Exfoliative dermatitis is capable of hitting the skin in adults, as well as occasionally occurs in children of all age groups. It refers to the number of dangerous and severe disease of the epidermis. Called concomitant diseases of internal organs and epithelial tissues.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is exfoliative dermatitis
  • 2 Types exfoliative dermatitis
  • 3 Stage and grade exfoliative dermatitis
  • 4 Symptoms of exfoliative dermatitis
  • 5 The causes of exfoliative dermatitis
  • 6 Diagnosis exfoliative dermatitis
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention exfoliative dermatitis
  • 9 Methods of treatment of exfoliative dermatitis
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Videos about exfoliative dermatitis

What is exfoliative dermatitis

Exfoliative dermatitis in children and adults - this difficult dermatological disease characterized by total destruction of the surface layer of the epidermis. The pathology progresses rapidly, covering a new area of ​​skin, which are still 2-3 days ago were completely healthy appearance without signs of disease.

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Despite the fact that exfoliative dermatitis stands in a distinct disease of the dermis, the main reasons for its development associated with existing ailments. Some dermatologists identified exfoliative dermatitis, as a complication of current or previously transferred skin pathology.

Types exfoliative dermatitis

Exfoliative dermatitis in adults - a dangerous disease of the skin, the clinical manifestations of which depend on the type of disease. The table below lists the types of this disease, as well as the specifics of their symptoms displayed.Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

Variety exfoliative dermatitis pathography
erythematous The easiest type of disease, the development of which is manifested by redness of the skin selected. Then join the signs of swelling, blisters are formed multiple, part of which breaks down and becomes the basis for the poorly healing wounds. The major danger of this type exfoliative dermatitis is a high degree of risk of infection with a bacterial ulcers, fungal or viral infection. In this case, the treatment process is complicated and requires the use of potent antibacterial agents, as well as parallel eliminate causes of dermatitis.
exudative In the upper layer of the epidermis begin to accumulate an excessive amount of fluid that consists of lymph and ichor. Exudate softens epithelial tissue, leading to inflammation and their top delamination process. the impression is created by the external examination of the patient area of ​​the skin, that it simply is separated from the muscle fibers and other elements of the musculoskeletal system. In areas of the body, the epidermis which was struck exfoliative dermatitis exudative type formed wounds, the severity of which is comparable with thermal burns 2 degrees. The patient is in urgent need of medical care.
Regenerative In contrast to the type of exudative disease in epithelial tissues affected disease, no evidence of excess lymphatic fluid and ichor. Skin suffers from accelerated renewal. The patient redness of the dermis, its drying and the formation of a multiple number of small flakes. As a result of machining or other impact occurs involuntary separation of the stratum corneum. On areas of the body affected disease, there are small cracks, out of which oozes blood. It does not preclude the development of secondary inflammation caused by infection with a bacterial infection. A distinctive feature of regenerative varieties of exfoliative dermatitis is that cracks and over-dried skin heal, the epithelial tissue are reduced, and then again there are signs disease.

Kind of disease is determined by dermatologists during external examination of the patient, as well as of instrumental and laboratory studies. Experienced enough visual examination of patients with body parts to suspect a particular kind of exfoliative dermatitis.

Stage and grade exfoliative dermatitis

Exfoliative dermatitis in adults develops gradually and in stages. Even an acute form of the disease has a pronounced step, the determination of which allows you to track the dynamics of pathological process, right to form a therapeutic course and provide the patient with a favorable forecast for recovery.

Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
Exfoliative dermatitis occurs mainly in newborns

Allocate exfoliative dermatitis following steps:

  • first stage - there is swelling, itching, skin surface becomes red, the formation of multiple rash that is completely dry, or else contains in its composition exudative fluid;
  • second stage - begins the process of destruction of the watery bubbles and the formation of erosions that get wet, quickly expanded in diameter and can be fused into one continuous trophic ulcer, increased body temperature;
  • third stage - the disease progresses, and the process of epidermal exfoliation and formation of erosion covers over 30% of the skin, from wounds sanies allocated, there are signs disorders heat exchange body, the body intoxication nastaot effect (expressed as headache, nausea, disorders of the intestine, lowering blood pressure).

The disease responds well to conservative treatment, when it is at 1 and 2 stages of development. The transition of the disease in the last stage of treatment complicates the process a large number of complications which arise in connection with damage to large areas of the epidermis.

Symptoms of exfoliative dermatitis

Exfoliative dermatitis in adults is a dermatological disease that can be diagnosed by its external manifestations.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed in epithelial tissues following pathologies:

  • itching of the skin surface in the area of ​​disease localization;Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  • formation of dry red rash or blisters bulk, within which is exudative liquid;
  • accelerated renovation process of epithelial cells, leading to peeling of the skin, the appearance of white flakes that are fully coated with the whole area of ​​the body;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • detachment of the upper layer of the epidermis, the formation of multiple erosions;
  • cracking, from which the liquid is released sukrovichnaya;
  • rise in body temperature that is associated with an inflammatory process and thermal regulation violation;
  • intoxication of an organism, which is manifested as headache, nausea, anorexia, dizziness, lowering blood pressure;
  • the formation of venous ulcers, which grow rapidly in diameter and cover new areas of healthy skin.Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

Signs exfoliative dermatitis resemble dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, seborrhea, skin oncology. In the case of concomitant disease not excluded attachment of other symptoms. The degree of severity of symptoms exfoliative dermatitis depends on the stage of the disease, its acute or chronic forms of currents.

The causes of exfoliative dermatitis

Occurrence exfoliative dermatitis caused by skin diseases already available, or is a consequence of the previously adjourned epithelial tissues diseases.

This pathology is considered to be poorly understood, and its appearance may be due to the negative impact of the following factors:

  • neurological disorders, disruptive peripheral nervous system;
  • hormonal imbalances caused by a dysfunction of the endocrine glands;
  • long reception of drugs on the basis of synthetic hormones, and the use of sports nutrition supplemented with anabolic steroids;
  • prolonged contact with aggressive chemicals, petroleum products, acids;Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  • an allergic reaction, which covered the entire skin, and on the part of the sick person does not take any action on the removal of allergens from the body;
  • Skin oncology;
  • infection of epithelial tissues such bacterial organisms as streptococcal infection, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • a severe form of ringworm;
  • autoimmune reaction of the body, when epithelial cells are attacked by its own immune person.

Determination causes acute or chronic exfoliative dermatitis, is a prerequisite for eliminating disease symptoms and healing of damaged parts of the body. Otherwise not excluded recurrence of the disease, or the lack of full therapeutic effect.

Diagnosis exfoliative dermatitis

Process diagnosis esfoliativnogo dermatitis includes the following methods of complex body inspection:

  • an external examination of the patient skin area profile specialist via dermatoscope;
  • smear with open wounds and fractures to determine microflora exudate;
  • scraping the skin tissue for histological examination to exclude oncology factor;
  • Clinical analysis of capillary blood;
  • biochemical venous blood to determine the level of hormones in the body detect dangerous infectious (syphilis, tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus, HIV);Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  • delivery of morning urine.

If there is suspicion of concomitant diseases of internal organs, the physician may prescribe the patient the passage of ultrasound diagnosis of thyroid, endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract, all MRI body. The average cost of diagnosis frequent clinic - 4000 rubles. In the public hospital examination is free of charge.

When to see a doctor

The man who found himself the signs of exfoliative dermatitis, should seek medical advice to the dermatologist in the first 24 hours after he appeared red spots, edema of the skin surface or the formed blisters filled liquid.

Exfoliative dermatitis is a disease that is able to occur in acute form and lightning. Delay in the visit to the doctor is fraught with the development of a large number of complications.

Prevention exfoliative dermatitis

To prevent sudden appearance of exfoliative dermatitis, you must remember the following rules to perform daily preventive maintenance, who are able to maintain the health of the epithelial tissues:

  • to monitor the cleanliness of the skin, not to neglect personal hygiene;
  • always only wear clean clothes and underwear;
  • balance your diet, saturate it with a sufficient amount of meat, chicken eggs, fish, grain cereals, fresh fruit, herbs, vegetables, dairy products;
  • renounce the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs;Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  • promptly treat chronic diseases (rash unknown etiology, abscesses, boils, acne, dermatomycosis);
  • not less than 1 time in 12 months. checkups at a dermatologist;
  • avoid scratching the skin, as well as not to squeeze pimples and boils gnoynikovye that are on the surface of the epidermis;
  • epithelial tissues to avoid contact with chemicals, petroleum products, toxic compounds.

Men and women who have close relatives suffering from skin cancer, psoriasis, seborrhea, are particularly at risk. For them, the implementation of the above regulations is imperative. Patients with symptoms of allergy should take antihistamines regularly in order to prevent the transition of the disease into total exfoliative dermatitis.

Methods of treatment of exfoliative dermatitis

Exfoliative dermatitis responds well to drug treatment, provided that the disease is 1-2 stages, a lesion area of ​​the body does not exceed 30%. Applied conservative and surgical methods of treatment.


Exfoliative dermatitis treatment is performed by using the following antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing ointments, as well as external application of preparations based on corticosteroids:

  • Vishnevsky liniment - medical balm and odor, is applied to the surface of a sterile gauze bandage which is then laid on the skin Disease onset is applied 2-3 times a day until complete healing of the wound, is effective in bacterial infection (value medicament - 50 rub. 40 g per tube);Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  • A Lorinden - ointment external preparation which contains in its composition glucocorticosteroids applied to portions the skin, the affected exfoliative dermatitis 1-2 times a day for 10-12 days (the price of the product - 370 rub. 15 g per tube);
  • prednisolone - Ointment with potent anti-inflammatory and wound-healing pronounced effect applied to the skin evenly 1-3 times a day with duration of therapy from six to 14 days ( recommended medicament longer than a specified time in order to avoid allergic reactions and side effects, and cost of the tube 10 g of the active substance at a concentration of 0.5% 90 rubles).;
  • ihtiolovaya ointment - local anesthetic and antiseptic, the segment is laid out on a gauze bandage and then fixed to the skin surface, the affected exfoliative dermatitis (duration of treatment is 6 to 10 days but may be extended at the discretion of the attending physician, the price of the drug - 75 rubles. 30 g per tube).Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

Purpose of the above drugs, the dosage and the duration of their use should be determined strictly by the attending dermatologist. Self-treatment is unacceptable and dangerous for the patient's health.

Traditional methods

Exfoliative dermatitis is too dangerous and fastest-growing disease that excludes the use of folk remedies for treatment.

Decoctions, tinctures, and bath made from medicinal plants are not able to stop the process of exudative detachment of the epidermis. Treatment folk methods can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to irreversible consequences.

Other methods

With the defeat of the large area of ​​the body, as well as the formation of deep venous ulcers, surgical treatment is used. doctor may decide to close the open wounds in the operating conditions for the completion of intensive drug therapy course with corticosteroids and to reduce inflammation.Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

The patient receives general anesthesia, a doctor performs stitching of venous ulcers, as well as the imposition of skin on top of the exposed areas of large wounds. Average time of operation from 2 to 4 hours. Severe clinical cases with great destruction of the epidermis may require 2-3 surgical intervention.

possible complications

Lack of timely treatment or wrong organized process exfoliative dermatitis treatment, can lead to the following complications:

  • violation of the thermal exchange body and an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees Celsius;
  • spread of a pathological process in large area of ​​the body to form a continuous trophic ulcers and complete detachment of the skin;
  • amputation of upper or lower limb, on which the surface layer was completely peeled epithelial tissues;Exfoliative dermatitis in adults, infants. Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  • a bacterial, viral or fungal infection that got into open wounds;
  • the formation of multiple suppurations and abscesses, which are able to cover more than 30% of the body;
  • blood poisoning, the onset of septic shock and death.

Exfoliative dermatitis caused in the adult - the consequences of an existing disease or as a result of prolonged exposure to adverse factors.

Almost always, the disease occurs in severe form, accompanied by acute symptoms and can cause irreversible complications, and in the case of inaction on the part of the patient and the medical staff, it is possible offensive of death.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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