Skin Diseases

How is ringworm from person to person, either from cats, dogs transmitted herpes, pink, cutting, color, how many days, ways of transmission

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Most forms of lichen is transmitted from person to person. Some species are more infectious than others, and their symptoms greatly affect the quality of life and the external human form.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is this disease?
  • 2 Causes of infection
  • 3 How is ringworm from person to person?
    • 3.1 Ringworm
    • 3.2 pink zoster
    • 3.3 Shingles
    • 3.4 chromophytosis
    • 3.5 Lichen planus
    • 3.6 psoriasis
    • 3.7 solar shingles
    • 3.8 white shingles
    • 3.9 tubular versicolor
    • 3.10 asbestos shingles
    • 3.11 knotty versicolor
  • 4 Transmission from person to dogs
  • 5 Transferring from a cat person, and vice versa
  • 6 Infectiousness during treatment
  • 7 Can I get infected again, how to protect yourself?
  • 8 Videos about herpes in humans

What is this disease?

Zoster - is a disease caused by a virus or fungus. Recognize the patient may be on the flaky patches on the skin, mostly red hue. But accurately diagnose ringworm is a dermatologist. For most types of depriving a person does not experience deterioration of the general condition. The only thing that causes discomfort - is itching in the affected areas of the skin and the sensation of contact with water.

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Causes of infection

According to statistics, every day from 50 per 100 000 show signs of ringworm lesions. Peak in the warmer months, in the winter is much harder to catch.

Infected with ringworm is possible in several situations:

  • during a weakened immunity;
  • when many stressful situations;
  • upon receipt of potent antibiotics;
  • when taking antihistamines;
  • supercooling and at frequent colds;
  • in old age;
  • in violation of the internal organs.
How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color

Dermatologists complete the list of frequent hypothermia and colds, taking drugs against allergies, age, and disruption of the internal organs. Important role in the development of disease susceptibility heredity plays.

How is ringworm from person to person?

Ringworm is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with the affected skin. When the immune system is unable to cope, the pathogen penetrates the epidermis and progresses to form the affected areas. If nothing is done, the red spots may spread throughout the body.

It is important to understand that because of the large number of pathogens, lichen represented the whole group, so the path of infection, the incubation period and symptoms can differ from each other.


One of the most common species of lichen - ringworm. Its main feature - the fragility of hair in the affected area of ​​skin. This type of disease is very contagious. The causative agent affects the areas with thick hair. People often develop the disease on the scalp.

Ringworm can recognize if:

  • inflammation is present in only one place, and a diameter of about 10 mm;
  • It has a lamellar structure and may resemble dandruff;
  • It occurs on the head or the hands;
  • small bubbles are observed;
  • the affected area has a grayish hue;
  • no itching.

On the inflamed area no earlier observed scalp. Since ringworm is almost does not cause itching, then it is not immediately diagnosed. Therefore, after contact with the animal or person observed inflammation of lymph nodes, fever or weakness - should be checked for the presence of skin inflammation.

How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color

Ringworm is transmitted from person to person, in most cases. Therefore, the diagnosis of the disease do not just blame the animals. This could happen at work, in public transport or store and hygiene rules may not always help. The most common cause of ringworm infection is considered saunas and baths. Depriving the fungus prefers warm and humid.

After the timely treatment of the hair grow back in the same amount as before. But in severe cases, are formed when the suppuration is great risk of losing the hair follicles.

pink zoster

Most often, pink zoster occurs in women and children. This species has a viral nature and often takes place without medical intervention within 1-2 months. But it is better not to risk it and get medical advice, because pink zoster is often confused with incipient eczema, rubella, measles or syphilis, which needs immediate treatment.

The source of the disease has not yet been revealed, however, established that the cause of his infection. The defeat of the common cold in the background, pregnancy, impaired immunity and hypothermia. Recognize this type is quite simple, usually on the trunk or legs, you receive one or more pink spots, a diameter of not more than 2 cm. Over time, it turns yellow and flaky.


One of the most dangerous and unpleasant kinds of lichen. The causative agent is the same viral infection that triggers chicken pox. Ringworm is transmitted from person to person is not in the form of depriving, but in the form of the pathogen. Therefore, after contact with a person infected with herpes zoster we observed all the symptoms of chicken pox.

Shingles effort on the nervous system, occurs abruptly, accompanied by a high temperature and a burning pain in the places of future eruption. About a day produced inflammation in the form of bubbles.

How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color

Most often, ringworm appears on the back and in the chest. There are rare cases when a rash observed in the eye area, affecting their mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. To treatment need to start immediately with antiviral drugs. Eruptions are on average 21 days after start of treatment.


Another zoster having a fungal origin. Pityriasis versicolor, which is popularly known as 'colored' is common in countries with hot climates, and in Russia is seasonal in the hottest months.

Second name zoster was due to their own species. Inflammation may be yellow, pink, or brown, with different shades, but always heavily shelled. To understand exactly what it chromophytosis possible by the absence of sunburn on the spot. In addition, over time, they change color. Inflammation itself does not itch.

How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color

The disease can occur for the following reasons:

  • sweating, and clogging of the sebaceous glands;
  • "Not breathing" synthetic clothing;
  • hard physical labor;
  • a diet high in fat;
  • steroids, antipyretic and hormonal agents.

Also chromophytosis frequent companion of patients with diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatism and seborrhea. By the way, this is one of the few species which is absolutely not contagious, since the pathogen is in the human epidermis. Treatment consists of a shower with antifungal gel twice a day. You should also reconsider your wardrobe, preferring cotton.

Lichen planus

Second occurrence appearance after cutting. There are several reasons - infection, adverse symptoms or medicines to malfunction of the internal organs. The latter include diabetes, cirrhosis, gastritis, ulcers and others. This may have zoster acute and subacute form, depending on the disease which can flow from one to six months.

How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color

Skin rashes are accompanied by severe itching. Inflammation can occur on mucous membranes in the mouth more often. One in five patients experienced the defeat of nails, peel them, and the appearance of furrows. The spots have a reddish tint and irregular polygonal shape. Treatment of lichen planus is held in a complex, with the elimination of the root causes, a strict diet and hygiene.


The second name is familiar to many psoriasis - psoriasis. A characteristic feature of psoriasis - small, thick, scaly rash that due to the density often merge into a blur. Hallmark - rashes appear on the curves of the body.

Causes a lot of - injury, strep, alcohol abuse, disorders of the endocrine system and hormonal drugs.

Ringworm of this kind is not transmitted from person to person. Although the majority of patients continue to get round.

solar shingles

Another seasonal zoster, which is the causative agent in the skin and is manifested in excessive sweating in summer. Infected by another person can only prolonged bodily contact.

How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color

When the solar pigmented spots formed zoster coffee color with signs of flaking. When this inflammation is not raised above the skin surface. Most often appear spots on the thoracic region. Adolescents are the inflammation under the arms and legs.

In addition to increased sweating, causes fungal activity may be the presence of chronic diseases and sudden hormonal changes taking place in the background of obesity, frequent colds, antibiotics and excess UV.

white shingles

People going through hormonal changes, which have strong allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases, are at risk for white lichen. For this type of characteristic, in fact, blind spots, not protruding above the surface of the skin.

Rashes often appear on the outer sides of the arms and legs, shoulders, chest and upper back. Stains can reach considerable sizes and merge into one large lesion. Although the majority of white lichen pass on their own without aggravating, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

tubular versicolor

In 80% of patients, the disease does not cause any discomfort, itching or severe inflammation.

Depending on the stain color, this type is divided into three categories:

  • The black. Spots distinctly gray;
  • Ahromichesky. On the affected areas of the skin there is a lack of pigment;
  • Yellow. The spots may be yellowish or creamy.

Due to the large number of shades, a tubular zoster is often confused with the solar or pityriasis. Therefore, in any case, you should visit a dermatologist to clarify the exact form of stripping, before self-medicate. Causes of mainly associated with disruption of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and direct heredity.

asbestos shingles

In the last century, asbestos shingles perceived as a form of ringworm, but today it was built as a separate species, although it is quite rare. The characteristic features - inflammation, accompanied by loss of hair on the forehead and crown. In this case, peeling skin reminiscent of asbestos fibers, from what has gone so named.

The spots do not have a clear form. Inflammation around the hair look sick. The main causes of - streptococcal infection, the early stages of dermatitis, eczema. Common cause is called the development of fungal diseases previously transferred.

Treatment of asbestos stripping consists of a complex medical course and, in most cases, the scalp is completely restored. Ringworm is transmitted from person to person by direct contact and through the personal belongings. So that asbestos can deprive sick even through a common comb.

knotty versicolor

This type of depriving threatened exclusively scalp. Fungi grow through the hair, forming a whole colonies. In this case, the hair stick together, entangled in knots and break.

How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color

Treatment of nodular depriving quite radical - complete shaving of hair and scalp is treated with a solution of mercury dichloride daily. In addition to this is added a course of vitamins.

To make it easier to navigate in the diagnosis and transmissibility of specific types of lichen, better look at the table:

View depriving The nature of the causative agent kind of spots Transmission from person to person
shearing fungus Gray, hair loss Yes
Pink virus Pink, small no
shingles virus Red, large areas in the torso area Yes, in the form of smallpox
pityriasis fungus Red-brown, fine no
red flat Not determined Red does not protrude above the surface of the skin indeterminately
Scaly fungus Red or gray spots on the folds of the joints, severe peeling only genetically
Solar fungus Untanned white spots no
White fungus White, large no
Tubular fungus The bright, large, shelled no
asbestos fungus Only the color gray. With hair loss Yes
Knotted fungus Hair confused, stick together and stick Yes

Transmission from person to dogs

Not only in the street but also domestic dogs, ringworm is very common. Unbalanced diet and a number of related disorders can trigger the disease in your pet. Dogs may not show signs of defeat, but wool can live pathogens that are dangerous to humans.

Therefore, when keeping animals at home, you need to carefully follow the rules of hygiene. As often as possible to bathe the pet, wash his bedding and wash your hands after every contact with the dog. More often than not deprive the dog passed on to children, who love to cuddle street dogs, most of which are vectors of pathogens.

How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color
How is shingles? It is easy to pick up from the animals. So you need to abide by the rules of hygiene for prevention.

The dogs mostly suffer and carry ringworm. The symptoms are the same as the transmission from person to person - scaly red spots with jagged edges and loss of hair in the center spot.

Transferring from a cat person, and vice versa

Like dogs, cats are the same carriers. If there is a lack of animal fur in some areas, it is better not to approach. Ringworm obtained from cats and dogs, possesses higher activity. He contributes to the rapid decrease in immunity, because of what can be transmitted in parallel, and other dangerous diseases.

To the pathogen is passed from cat to man quite brief contact. If after 5-14 days there is itching, red spots, skin suppuration, fever, there is weakness, drowsiness and swollen lymph nodes Urgent access to a doctor.

Although harmless depriving the early stage if delay, turn into the acute form, including death. Therefore, if the house lives a cat, it is worth as much as possible to check the skin of an animal for the presence of bald patches and inflammation, as well as to pay special attention to hygiene.

But not only the cat can transmit the pathogen to man. There are cases when the host animal is infected. Admittedly this applies only to ringworm. In the group of risk kittens, older animals, cats with skin injuries and sick demodex.

Infectiousness during treatment

With active treatment, the spots disappear completely in six weeks. At the same time, every week, patients pass tests for the presence of the pathogen. As a rule, in the second week of treatment should pathogen tests do not reveal.

How is ringworm from person to person, cats, dogs, herpes, pink, cutting, color

However, most doctors believe that before the end of the treatment agent does not disappear completely, and the possibility of infecting other people is still present. Therefore, all precautions must be observed throughout the course of treatment.

Can I get infected again, how to protect yourself?

Some people believe that once a refresher zoster, it is no longer the trailer to a man. This view is mistaken. The next time the contact with the pathogen immunity is more stable, but much depends on the human condition.

If at the moment of contact a person cold or constant stress, it actively protects the body by depriving the dispute is unlikely to. At constant contact with pathogens, shingles can occur at least every month.

Ringworm can be passed from person to person, from animals to man and from man to animals. This is a fairly common and dangerous form of the disease. At the slightest suspicion of shingles should be as soon as possible to see a doctor. The treatment takes about one and a half months, and the whole house should exercise caution when interacting with the carrier of the pathogen.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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