Skin Diseases

Exudative erythema multiforme. Photo, treatment, what it is for children, adults, the diet is transmitted, causes, clinical guidelines

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The disease is more common in young people. The pathology is accompanied rashes that infect the mucosa and skin. Without timely treatment erythema multiforme exudative there are repeated relapses and cycling during pathological processes. Aggravation occurs in the autumn and spring (photo will help identify abnormalities at an early stage).

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is erythema multiforme exudative
  • 2 Types of exudative erythema multiforme
  • 3 Stage and degree of erythema multiforme exudative
  • 4 The symptoms of erythema multiforme exudative
  • 5 Causes of exudative erythema multiforme
  • 6 Diagnosis of exudative erythema multiforme
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of erythema multiforme exudative
  • 9 Methods of treatment of exudative erythema multiforme
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Diet
    • 9.4 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video of erythema multiforme exudative

What is erythema multiforme exudative

viral disease, can sometimes take place independently. Erythema multiforme is a dermatosis. It is about a disease in which the pathological processes affect vessels of the dermis.

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Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons
Erythema multiforme exudative

Erythema multiforme characterized by the appearance of painful blisters or erosions on the surface of the mucosa of the mouth or genitals. The disease is 3-4 weeks. The patient recovers completely, but often there are relapses (up to 5 p. per year).

Types of exudative erythema multiforme

In medicine, there are many forms of disease, but isolated from these, the most common:

Title Description
Idiopathic (infectious-allergic) erythema. Pathological processes occur against a background of increased sensitivity to allergens. The causative agent in most cases is a normal herpes virus.
Symptomatic (toxic-allergic). Erythema multiforme that occurs after ingestion of certain drugs.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (erythema malignant). The most serious form of the disease, accompanied by the appearance of spots and blisters on the mucosal surface. Affected the mouth, eyes, throat, genitals.
Rheumatic form of the disease. Rheumatoid attack characterized by the appearance of spots on the background of the development of arthritis.

The disease can occur long time, the doctors diagnose a patient related infectious diseases.

Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasonsOther types of exudative erythema multiforme (in the photo you can see the symptoms of each type):

Title Description
Sudden. Accompanied by fever and flu-like symptoms.
Migrans. In most cases, there is a human after a tick bite. At the site of the lesion spots form on the skin, which is rapidly increasing in size.
Nodosum. The disease is characterized by spots on the skin and subcutaneous formations, reminiscent of nodules.
Virus. From pathology children face more often. The first spots appear on the face, over time, they spread throughout the body, affecting the limbs also.
Persistent erythema. The disease develops as an allergic reaction to vasculitis.

Establish an accurate diagnosis dermatologist will be able to use the additional laboratory testing.

Stage and degree of erythema multiforme exudative

Propagation of pathological processes depends on numerous factors. It is crucial to eliminate the precipitating sources and begin treatment of exudative erythema multiforme.Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons

The following degree of spread of the disease:

Title Description
A simple (easy). On the body there are small papules. In the center they sink. The mucous membrane of the net. The clinical picture disappears in 2-3 weeks.
Vesicle-bullous (medium severity). After redness formed papules. After a certain time, they merge into a red plaque. In the center of each papule appears bubble, surrounded by vesicles. When the bubbles burst, in their place are formed erosions and ulcers. Pathological processes affect the mucosa. Vesicle-bullous erythema accompanied by high fever, malaise, ache. The man complains of severe itching, soreness and burning papules.
Bullous (severe). Erythema Stevens-Johns is a consequence of medication (antibacterials, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Pathological processes affect the mucosa. Bubbles (papules, vesicles) are formed in the natural orifices of the human body. We are talking about the mouth, anus, vulva. Progressing, the disease spreads to the internal organs (bronchi, trachea, lungs, urinary bladder). After the vesicles are erosion, causing a strong pain. Rash covers the entire body. There is high fever, fatigue, body aches and chills. Without timely medical treatment the risk of death increases.
Very severe (Layllea syndrome). Characterized by an allergic reaction to drugs or chemical compounds. In most cases, this form of erythema entails death. The affected areas there is a characteristic rash, which a few days later merges and extends throughout the body. On-site papules formed bubbles. They burst and leave behind erosion. Pathological processes primarily affects the face, then spread to the whole body. They are accompanied by severe pain, a burning sensation. Body temperature rises to a critical markers, patient shivering, he raves. The high probability of additional bacterial infection. As the progression of the pathology, the disease affects the internal organs (bronchitis, kidney, trachea, gastrointestinal tract, heart). Clinical signs of increase, during the day a person can die in patients with renal and pulmonary failure.

Given the stage and extent of disease, dermatologist selects the medication to the patient, giving useful tips and assigns diet. Make their own drugs should not be, because the risk to worsen the condition of man is high.

The symptoms of erythema multiforme exudative

The clinical picture allows the dermatologist to put the preliminary diagnosis. In a more complex situation requires additional examination to determine the kind of disease, and to choose the most effective treatment.Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons

Erythema multiforme exudative (photo early stage will allow time to consult a dermatologist) accompanied by the following clinical signs:

  • malaise, weakness in the body;
  • polymorphic eruptions;
  • burning and intense itching at the site of formation of vials;
  • headache;
  • low-grade fever;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • fatigue;
  • joint pain.

Strong mucous membranes characterized by the following clinical signs:

  • the patient can not fully open his mouth;
  • It appears sharp pain syndrome;
  • difficult to talk;
  • a sick man to eat, even in liquid form;
  • increased salivation;
  • a large amount of fluid released from the papules.

Pathological processes accompanied by the characteristic rash on the body, which change and spread as the disease progresses. They affect the mucous membrane of the mouth, genitals, appear on the lips. Intoxication symptoms disappear after the rash appears, but the temperature in some situations, there is an additional 3 weeks.

Body formed spots or red papules, which rapidly increased, reaching 3 cm. They are accompanied by itching and burning. The central part of papules sinks, also has a blue tint. Sometimes in the middle of the rash blisters formed with the contents inside the exudate.

Causes of exudative erythema multiforme

Doctors can not say for sure what triggers the disease.

Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons
the body hypothermia

But there are certain factors, against which there are pathological processes:

  • focal infection (source of sinusitis, pulpitis, chronic appendicitis);
  • hypersensitivity to allergens bacterial (Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus);
  • viral infection;
  • hypothermia;
  • treatment of certain drugs (barbiturates, tetracyclines, sulfonamides).

Erythema multiforme exudative (photo diseases should alert any person and make contact the hospital at the first sign) is also a consequence of autoimmune processes and nutritional factors. It is important to early treatment to prevent serious complications and even death.

Diagnosis of exudative erythema multiforme

In most cases, the doctor identify the disease allow clinical signs and patient complaints.Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons

Diagnostic measures are necessary in case of severe erythema multiforme type:

Title Description
Clinical examination. Taking into account subjective feeling of the patient, the typical localization and polymorphism rash.
Laboratory diagnosis. Complete blood count will decrease erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Moderate leukocytosis refers to the development of erythema.
Histological studies. Experts study biopsy cells under a microscope.

Diagnosis is also required in case of doubt, when exudative erythema multiforme necessary distinguished from other pathologies (papular secondary syphilis, Duhring dermatitis, herpes gingivostomatit).

When to see a doctor

Diagnose and choose the most effective treatment for erythema multiforme exudative helps dermatologist. After a medical examination may also need further consultation with other specialists (otolaryngologist, dentist, nephrologist, urologist).

Prevention of erythema multiforme exudative

Warn the disease can be enough to adhere to simple rulesTo protect your body from the negative effects of provoking factors:

  1. Refuse addictions (smoking and alcohol).
  2. Dress according to the weather, to prevent overcooling or overheating of the body.
  3. Medicines to drink strictly on prescription, because of an allergic reaction may occur.
  4. Socially engaged in physical activity.
  5. Less stay in direct sunlight to prevent overheating.
  6. Avoid injuries.
  7. Do not lift weights without assistance.Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons

Erythema multiforme exudative (photos will help identify disease at an early stage of development) appears if to strengthen and support the immune system throughout the year. Improve the body's defenses helps douches, herbal tea with wild rose, hawthorn, rowan red.

You can mix the usual brew of tea, a sprig of raspberries and a small amount of ginger, pre-chopped him.

Methods of treatment of exudative erythema multiforme

The main goal of therapy - is the elimination of a provoking factor, rash on the skin and mucous membranes, and strengthening the immune system. Patients are advised not only to adhere to the traditional treatment, but also drink more fluids, diuretics. Remove toxins from the body to help chelators.


In some situations, erythema multiforme exudative runs quietly and does not require any specific treatment. Drugs & Therapy circuit selects the physician, taking into account the extent of pathological processes and the individual characteristics of the patient.Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons

drug Group Title The use and effectiveness
Antihistamines. "Chloropyramine", "Clemastine", "Loratadine". Drugs taken orally or 3 injections on p. a day for 7-10 d.
Glucocorticosteroid agents. "Prednisolone", "Diprospan". Medications taken for 0.5-1 mg / kg for 2 weeks, gradually reducing the dosage.
Antiviral drugs. "Famciclovir", "Acyclovir", "Valacyclovir." Formulations prescribed 200 mg of 5 p. a day for a week.
Antibacterials. "Amoxicillin". Patients administered 1000 mg of 2 p. a day for a week.
Anti-inflammatory drugs. "Indomethacin", "Nimesil". The initial dose is 25 mg 2-3 p. per day. The drug is intended for long term use. therapy chosen by your doctor.

It is important to follow the recommendations dermatologist, since many medications provoke side effects.

Traditional methods

There are many recipes sorcerers and healers, which can reduce the symptoms of erythema multiforme exudative. It is important to use them to discuss with their physician the dermatologist because many drugs can provoke allergic reactions or exacerbate health.

Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons
Title Recipe The use and effectiveness
A decoction of arnica. The thermos poured 2 tablespoons dry grass and 5 tbsp fresh arnica. Add 2 tbsp. hot water, close the thermos and left for a day. The resulting broth is used to compress (2 p. per day), and they can rinse your mouth for 4-5 p. per day.
Horse chestnut. To prepare the broth pour 1 tablespoon bark of the plant with water (2 tbsp.), put on a slow fire. Heat for 20 minutes, cool, filter and take scheme. The medicine helps strengthen blood vessels. The broth is recommended to take 0.5 Art. 2 r. a day for 14 d. After 2 weeks, take a break and continue therapy.
Ointment of arnica. Dry the roots of the plant are ground into a powder. Mix it with a pork fat in equal proportions (100 g). The resulting mass was heated on fire to obtain a homogeneous mixture. In the affected areas of ointment applied after complete cooling. The drug reduces inflammation, burning and pain.
Cholagogue grass (Melissa, cranberries, birch, Helichrysum). Pour 1 tbsp grass collecting hot water (0.5 L), put on fire and heat 60 min. Cool, strain and take a decoction of the circuit. The medicine is recommended to drink, if in the gallbladder there are no rocks. Decoction taken in the form of heat, according to Article 1/3. for 15 minutes before eating.

Nontraditional methods to help reduce the negative symptoms of erythema multiforme. Completely get rid of the disease recipes medicine men and healers impossible. Therapy is complex, its base - is the use of medicines by the dermatologist appointment.


During treatment, the dermatologist recommends a diet. Give up coffee and strong tea, exclude from the diet of fried, spicy, smoked, salted and canned foods. Erythema multiforme exudative (photo allows the identification of the first manifestations of pathological processes) allows the use of beans, green beans.Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons

Allowed to refill dishes spices (dill, basil, rosemary, fennel, anise, caraway).

In any form of the disease it is important to eat right:



Forbidden foods.
  • nuts;
  • red and orange fruits and vegetables;
  • eggplant, mushrooms;
  • red fish and seafood;
  • poultry meat and cooked meals out of it;
  • chocolate;
  • honey;
  • muffins and pastry;
  • smoked;
  • citrus;
  • horseradish, radish;
  • pickles, pickles;
  • alcoholic drinks.
Permitted food.
  • soups with cereals and vegetables;
  • cereal with milk or vegetable oil;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • herbs (dill, parsley);
  • baked apples;
  • watermelon;
  • compote based on apples, dried fruit, cherries and plums;
  • Wheat bread is not sdobny;
  • weak tea.

In lesions exudative erythema multiforme oral recommended to consume meals in a liquid form. Products are well grind to observe and drinking regime.

Other methods

Treatment of erythema multiforme exudative performed comprehensively. Along with taking medications patients topical treatment is recommended:

  1. Overlay compresses antibacterial agents containing proteolytic enzymes.
  2. Treating skin rashes using antiseptic agents ( "Furatsilinom", "Chlorhexidine").
  3. Rinse your mouth and wash your genitals camomile tincture or "Rotokan" solution.
  4. Process mucosal buckthorn oil.
    Exudative erythema multiforme. What is it, photo, treatment, diet, as reported, the reasons
    Packs with antibacterial agents

Erythema is the result of bad environment and a wrong way of life. Dermatologists recommend starting treatment with the pathology of cleansing the body and strengthen the immune system. After the first signs of erythema important to eliminate the precipitating factor, since the nature of an allergic disease. The sources may be chemical or cosmetics, food, medicines.

Cleanse the body help the fasting days. The diet is recommended to add foods that contain large amounts of fiber.

Drinking green tea with ginger, eat asparagus and spinach. Course cleansing enema for 10 d. every 3 days would also be useful. Lifestyle changes can, give up bad habits, you need to get enough sleep and fight with stressful conditions. Time to treat a variety of diseases that provoke the development of erythema.

possible complications

Erythema multiforme can provoke serious consequences if not promptly consult a dermatologist. Joining pathogenic bacteria increases the risk of septic blood injury. Erythema multiforme is an allergic response of an organism to bacteriological pathogens in the presence of an infectious focus.

In some situations it is a question about the origin of the drug allergens. Dermatologist recommended to identify and eliminate pockets of chronic infection to prevent initial development of the disease or its re-recurrence (photo early stage will allow identify pathology).

Video of erythema multiforme exudative

Russian Union of pediatricians of exudative erythema multiforme:

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