Cardiovascular Diseases

Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial, antiarrhythmics. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects, the drugs, ECG

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Beats - a disease of the century. On the basis of numerous scientific papers it found that this pathology is found not only in human patients, but also a healthy population.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Characteristic features of the disease
  • 2 prevalence
  • 3 Disease and pregnancy
  • 4 Beats in children
  • 5 The level of risks and complications
  • 6 Causes of functional arrhythmias
  • 7 Causes of organic beats
  • 8 Reasons for toxic beats
  • 9 Types of disease foci in the number of excitation
  • 10 Types of disease post localization of excitation foci
  • 11 Symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia
  • 12 Diagnosis and detection of arrhythmias
  • 13 How does the beats on ECG
  • 14 Holter
  • 15 medication treatment
  • 16 Surgery
  • 17 The use of home therapy
  • 18 Rehabilitation and outlook
  • 19 Video of arrhythmia

Characteristic features of the disease

Arrythmia, or otherwise arrhythmia, abnormal contraction of the heart muscle. Pathology manifests itself in the change of the normal rhythm of the heartbeat. A feature of arrhythmia is that myocardial contractility occurs more frequently than in the normal functioning of the heart.

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More tremors, pulses come from different parts of the middle layer of the heart, not of the superior vena cava flows into the right atrium. This place has a name - the sinus node.

Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of
Beats - heart rhythm disorder in which there is an extraordinary reduction of the heart or its individual parts (arrythmia).

Premature cardiac impulse are replacing the diastolic pause, elongated time. This phenomenon is called beats. Rare manifestations of premature beats happen and at absolutely healthy people.


The following prevalence of pathology by age and sex was singled out in the study of arrhythmia.

In healthy people, the average age:

  • men - about 30%;
  • women - about 35%.

In case of violation of myocardial blood flow, due to lesions of the coronary arteries in middle-aged patients:

  • men - about 60%;
  • women - about 50%.

In healthy adolescents under 18 years:

  • boys - about 40%;
  • girls - about 30%.

In healthy elderly (70-80 years):

  • men - about 85%;
  • women - about 80%.
Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of

In patients with thrombosis of heart arteries:

  • men - about 65%;
  • women - about 60%.

In young children, the incidence of extrasystole is very low, in the range 0.5% - 2.5%.

It is scientifically proven that the development of the disease spreading with age.

Disease and pregnancy

Beats often occurs when carrying a pregnancy:

  1. Pathology manifests itself most often after 30 weeks of gestation, when the muscular partition separating the chest from the abdomen, takes a high position. This happens due to the increase in volume of the internal organ of the woman, in which the child develops.
  2. The development of arrhythmia triggers hormonal changes that cause psycho-emotional stress.
  3. Some neurological diseases.
  4. Thyroid disease during pregnancy provoke the appearance of premature beats.
  5. Beats in the process of labor - this is a normal phenomenon, which is caused by contraction of smooth muscles and strain muscles of the uterus. After the birth of the child, these violations are.
  6. Estrasistoliya during pregnancy is triggered by existing damage to the heart muscle and arteries. If this fact is not excluded pathological course of pregnancy, baby development and labor. So pregnant women should be under the strict supervision of a cardiologist.

Isolated cases extrasystoles do not require the appointment of a specific treatment and are afraid of the symptoms should not be.

Beats in children

Beats in children may not always be accompanied by any symptoms, so you need time to pass the planned survey.

The peculiarities of manifestations need to include:

  • change in the strength and regularity of contractile work of the myocardium;
  • the feeling that the body is reduced very often and loudly knocking;
  • feeling a sinking heart for a moment, and then begins to work again;
  • sharp pain behind the chest in the region of the heart, which lasts a moment.
Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of

When carrying out diagnostic measures should pay attention to the following features:

  • deformation and change of P wave polarity;
  • incomplete compensatory pause;
  • Lock atrial extrasystoles;
  • PR - slightly shortened or lengthened.

In infants, symptoms arrhythmia can occur:

  • anxiety;
  • restless behavior;
  • difficulty falling asleep, sleep deprivation;
  • soreness in the chest close to the left side.

The level of risks and complications

To avoid complications it is necessary to know how dangerous manifestation of arrhythmia. And scientists have come to a consensus that early, premature contraction of the heart that occur due to abnormal contractions quite common among men. The main demand - to know the cause of the pathology.

If the passage of ECG heart checkup, MRI revealed no other pathologies, besides single premature beats, then there is no reason to worry. With organic lesions of the central body, pumping blood, it is necessary to make a number of additional surveys.

While ignoring the pathological changes may have some unwanted complications:

  • A pathological condition which is characterized by paroxysmal sharp increase in heart rate, which damages the sinus node.
  • Pathological disorders of myocardial contractile work, accompanied by frequent (from 250 to 650 beats per min.) and excited erratic contractions of the heart muscle layer throughout period. In this case, it must be remembered that this is a very dangerous situation for human life.
  • Changing the configuration of the heart muscle.
    Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of
  • The pathological process in which the myocardium is unable to distill blood in the right quantity and as a result - chronic insufficiency of oxygen to various organs and tissues in the body.
  • Pathologic condition of the heart muscle, when a chain of myocardial cells do not work smoothly and, consequently, the inability of the heart muscle to contract in proper rhythm, which can lead to cardiac heart.
  • Rate increases the danger of early death.

Causes of functional arrhythmias

Functional beats - a state of the human body, in which there is an organic lesion of the myocardium and blood vessels. The heart muscle does its job well, without pathologies.

The source of the functional premature beats are the following factors:

  • psycho-emotional imbalance;
  • malfunction of the nervous system, which is engaged in the work of the internal organs, secretory glands and lymph circulatory system;
  • use of tobacco products;
  • alcohol in any form;
    Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of
  • use of a large number of beverages containing caffeine;
  • lack of primary aliphatic acid - arginine;
  • lack of co-enzymes - benzoquinones;
  • lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, belonging to the family of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • levokornitina shortage;
  • lack of potassium and magnesium, the cells functioning regulators, tissues and organs;
  • hormonal changes in menopause;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland;
  • PMS.

Causes of organic beats

Organic beats - this further, ahead of time myocardial contractility or its parts appearing in the pathological source under the influence of painful changes.

By painful impairments include pathological manifestations, provoke premature beats:

  • diseases affecting the myocardium through which reduced various cardiac departments that are involved in the vascular system of a large and a small circle;
  • inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, affecting the valve device;
  • vascular lesion heart disease, wherein a fully or partially disrupted blood vessels, due to coronary disease - CAD;
  • lack of electrolytes or minerals, which occurs due to the weakness of the myocardium;
  • improper balance of acids and bases in the body;
  • change of the heart muscle and its structures at birth or because of systemic diseases (valves, baffles, walls, vessels);
  • Pathology of the heart muscle in which the myocardium scars. In this case, the affected tissue is not involved in the reduction and increases the load on the myocardium;
  • the primary lesion of myocardial muscle, which is not related to inflammatory, neoplastic, ischemic lesions;
  • inflammatory disease of the heart - myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis;
  • acute impairment of the circulation in the myocardium as a consequence of arterial thrombus blockage due to the presence of cholesterol deposits in blood vessels;
  • degenerative disorders of the heart muscle;
  • the increase and expansion of the heart muscle on the right side, as a consequence of hypertension, pulmonary circulation;
  • bulging of the mitral valvular leaflets (separating the left atrium from the ventricle) into the left atrium during left ventricular contractile work;
  • pigment myocarditis;
  • granulomatous myocardial damage.

Any organic lesions of the heart and blood vessels can trigger arrhythmias.

Reasons for toxic beats

Arrythmia due to toxic effects on the body of organic agents, and chemical pharmacological agents, harmful habits or lack of macro- and trace elements - called toxic.

The causes of the disease state is necessary to include the following:

  • or viral infectious conditions which are accompanied by fever, shaking, chills;
    Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of
  • disorder of metabolism in the myocardium due to primary disease - diabetes, cholecystitis, hepatitis, renal disease, autoimmune connective tissue diseases, HIV;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction;
  • overreliance on caffeine-containing beverages;
  • work in hazardous chemical production;
  • the use of pharmacological agents such as corticosteroids, antidepressants, diuretics;
  • lack or excess of macro- and micronutrients.

Types of disease foci in the number of excitation

By the number of types of pathological excitation centers of arrhythmias following sections:

  • monotopnye monomorphic extrasystoles - only one cause of occurrence, average distance connections at the same distance from each other, have such a characteristic electrocardiogram;
  • monotopnye polymorphic extrasystoles - only one cause of occurrence, average distance connections at the same distance from each other, have different characteristic electrocardiography;
  • politopnye beats - wrong signals come from an additional source (or multiple sources), different distance connections at the same distance electrocardiography (change are more than 0,021 - 0,041s) are not the same, not like one another in appearance extrasystole association;
  • floating cerebral rapid heart rhythm disturbances - more and more coming one after the other beats (used to have the definition of collective arrhythmias).

Types of disease post localization of excitation foci

Beats on the Status of localization has a division. First - atrial beats.

Although it is physically possible not to feel, but its manifestation should not be ignored:

  • the impression that the heart muscle has lost its stroke;
  • heart knock is stronger and more saturated;
  • feeling trembling of the heart;

These symptoms are related to the initial stage of arrhythmia.

But if they are joined by the following pathological symptoms, you should consult your doctor:

  • the impression that the heart muscle has lost its sense of tact and trembling together with lightheadedness;
  • sudden appearance of hyperhidrosis and blanching - on failure of the heart;
  • feeling pain in the chest compression;
  • Heart rate at rest more than 110 beats per minute.
Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of

The second division - ventricular arrythmia. It is a variant of cardiac arrhythmia, which is characterized by additional, prematurely shrinking heart.


  • feeling that the heart has lost the rhythm;
  • pressing pain behind the chest;
  • difficulty breathing.

Other units:

  1. sinus arrythmia It refers to a rather rare heart disease. It manifested in the same way as that of the arrhythmias mentioned above. The only difference - is that the signals are sent from the sinus - atrial node.
  2. Antioventrikulyarnaya beats, Otherwise it is called "central arrhythmia." This name the disease was due to the fact that it links the myocardium, the atria and ventricles. Distinguish and diagnose this pathology from the others can only be testing for electrocardiograph.
  3. Mixed beats. Pathology should be attributed to more unfavorable manifestations of arrhythmias. In the case of mixed extrasystole damage occurs simultaneously one activity heart muscle - namely, the ability to be driven by a variety of reasons and the time of the pulse to ventricle.

In this form it beats all previous symptoms are more pronounced.

Symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia

Arrhythmia as extrasystoles not always pronounced. If organic heart disease patient can not pay attention to the change in his condition. This fact does not apply to those who have a history of the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia - these patients respond to manifestations of arrhythmias is very difficult.

The main symptoms of arrhythmia need to include:

  • prostration;
  • emotional and physical exhaustion;
  • a condition in which everything seems to be spinning and vibrating;
  • lack of air;
  • dyspnea;
  • gemodistsirkulyarnye processes;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • rash;
    Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of
  • pain in the chest;
  • remission of the heart;
  • failure rate of the heart muscle;
  • sense a high temperature (without chill);
  • discomfort in the chest;
  • fear of death;
  • feel tight in the chest;
  • feeling that the heart of tumbles in the chest.

Diagnosis and detection of arrhythmias

For the diagnosis and detection of arrhythmia in the first place, you should visit a cardiologist. Based on the inspection and survey of the patient prescribe additional methods of examination.

Usually, the doctor resorts to the need to diagnose heart disease using:

  • electrocardiography - this type of survey will help to calculate the automaticity, capacity, stimulation, return potential difference, reducing the membrane potential of the heart muscle as a whole and its individual parts. The distortion of the electrocardiographic line placement and learn a variety of changes in the myocardium.
  • Daily monitoring of an electrocardiogram or Holter monitoring - Method electrophysiological diagnostic tool which is carried out continuously throughout the day and logs all cardiac pulses.
  • VEM - diagnostic method for the detection of extrasystoles during general physical expansion. Allows using a special bike to identify arrhythmias, are not recorded other types of surveys.

How does the beats on ECG

Using ECG in the diagnosis of arrhythmias will help determine the kind of disease. On the ribbon show up early additional tremors of the heart, alternating with natural, healthy, as expected, jerks. In the case of the early manifestations of additional shocks, it should be noted that this is an indicator of double or even collective extrasystoles.

Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of

When premature arrhythmia, it should be noted that they tend to be superimposed on top of the electrocardiographic protrusion - pattern (wave) of the last association, which leads to distortion and an increase in the latter.


When conducting electrocardiography, which length is usually no more than 10 min., Rare arrhythmic displays can not be secured. To do this, you need to assign a daily monitoring of the heart muscle. Painless to the patient attached sensors that derive indications on a special device for 24 hours. Record all changes in cardiac work.

After the procedure, the physician evaluates the work and disturbances in myocardial activity. This type of survey is very informative and can show all the possible risks for the patient.

medication treatment

Extrasystoles require treatment only when there are organic lesions of the heart muscle with life-threatening. When functional disorders of the need to make every effort to eliminate the arrhythmia provocateurs.

Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of

List of required groups of drugs that should be prescribed in the treatment of arrhythmia:

  • Beta-blockers - drugs that the introduction of which is blocked beta-blockers;
  • a drug having predominantly antiarrhythmic action - amiokardin;
  • diethylamino propionyl phenathiazine ethoxycarbonylamino;
  • quinidine sulfate - alkaloid of cinchona bark, quinine stereoisomer.


Surgical intervention in the therapy of arrhythmia is directed to treatment of arrhythmias. These include a number of methods that disrupt the arrhythmia foci using electric shocks. In another procedure is called electrical ablation.

For the purpose of surgical intervention must be sufficiently serious reasons - it is necessary that the number of registered extrasystoles was for 24 hours. At the same time, there should be at least 7000. And so for 365 days. The effectiveness of surgery is very high and should not cause concern to the patient.

The use of home therapy

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of arrhythmia is not paramount, but the use of infusions and teas from herbs can be a great addition to the primary therapy.

Advised to take:

  • infusion of hawthorn;
  • marigold infusion of a medicament;
    Ventricular premature beats, supraventricular, supraventricular, atrial. What is it, symptoms, treatment of the heart, the effects of
  • infusion of long-term deciduous shrub peony;
  • infusion of cat grass;
  • tea with ethereal balm;
  • tea tolkachika.

Rehabilitation and outlook

Beats does not need specific rehabilitation measures. The basis of a healthy heart - this time revealed a chronic disease of the body, adequate treatment and a healthy lifestyle.

The prognosis of organic arrhythmia depends on early diagnosis. It is necessary to cooperate with the doctor, fulfilling all his requirements. This is a mandatory rule which requires strict compliance. Self-treatment lead to complications and death.

To live a long and happy life, you can not ignore the diseases of internal organs, including arrhythmias. In this case, the earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of a favorable outcome.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of arrhythmia

Such beats and how to be treated:

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