Types Of Diseases

Causes of eruptions on the penis, their treatment

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Contents of
  • What is meant by a rash?
  • Causes of a rash on the head
  • Preventive measures against rashes
  • What are the symptoms of contacting a venereologist?

Often the representatives of the stronger sex can disturb the rash on the glans penis. A similar phenomenon occurs in men at any age, develops due to various diseases, up to the manifestation of allergic reactions. At the first symptoms, at occurrence of the first eruption, it is necessary to address to the venereologist to pass procedure of inspection, to define character of disease, to undergo competent treatment. Not always a rash can indicate the presence of sexual infections, sometimes such a phenomenon is considered the norm. But to distinguish the norm from pathology, consultation of an experienced specialist is required.

Rash on the head of the penis in men

What is meant by a rash?

Taking into account the opinions of specialists, almost all sexual eruptions in men are provoked by various pathogens, detected by laboratory tests. Such studies are necessary to determine the nature of the rash, given the fact that often the first sign of a rash of the head of a penis is a number of sexually transmitted diseases. In parallel, the patient may be concerned about difficulty urinating, pain, purulent discharge.

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If the results of studies indicate sexual infections, a number of measures are required that contribute to their complete destruction, since their presence can provoke inflammatory processes of a different nature, up to the development of serious complications. Sometimes the rash may be accompanied by other symptoms, when the temperature is markedly increased, the lymph nodes of the inguinal region are enlarged. Such cases require urgent examination by a doctor.

Often, a rash is not taken by small red rashes, but skin changes of various sizes, manifested not only on the head of the penis, but also the scrotum, the pubis. These can be pustules, sores, bubbles with liquid, erosion. Sometimes the presence of a rash on the head indicates the manifestation of sexually transmitted diseases, caused by herpes, syphilis, candidiasis, papillomavirus infection. Sometimes the rash on the head of the penis is not a sign of specific diseases, but only indicates that the patient is infected with a certain infection that has penetrated the body, starting the process of destruction of tissues or organ.

But it happens that the rashes are harmless in nature, are temporary. These are allergic manifestations, which were promoted by various irritating elements, for example, condoms, undergarments from coarse( too dense) tissue, means for caring for genitals, ignoring frequent changes of underwear or washing of genitals. In such circumstances, treatment is not required, it is sufficient to eliminate the negative factors listed above.

Causes that triggered a rash on the head of

The causes that triggered the rash are often associated with manifestations of serious sexually transmitted diseases. It is necessary to understand these diseases in order to know their possible signs of manifestation. These are the following diseases:

  • pale treponema( syphilis);
  • candidiasis;
  • herpes;
  • is a human papillomavirus.

Manifestations of syphilis

The first place among sexually transmitted diseases, which are considered to be the most serious, difficult to successfully treat, is syphilis( the so-called pale treponema).The first sign of this disease is a rash on the glans penis. Since at the beginning except for a rash other symptoms are not observed, the patient mistakenly believes that such a phenomenon is harmless. In fact, on the site of rashes( that is, at the site of infection), painless, but deep enough sores with dense margins begin to appear.

Similar sores have a medical name - "chancre", formed one and a half weeks after the direct entry of infection( pale treponema).If the patient is characterized by strong immunity, then the infection begins to appear only three months after the infection process. In other cases, if we are talking about a weakened organism, the disease manifests itself quickly enough, and the first sign of its manifestation is a rash on the penis. The fact that the rash is not harmless, becomes clear when it spreads throughout the body, manifesting on the neck, face, palms, sole.

The severity of the disease lies in the fact that the rash may disappear for a while, due to which the patient forgets about the unpleasant phenomenon, continuing to live peacefully. However, with the re-emergence of syphilis, the rash has a more pronounced character, since its dimensions are much larger than the former. This condition can last for several years, until the patient finally turns to the appropriate specialist. At the last stage of the development of the rash on the head takes the form of tubercles, which subsequently form sores, after the fall of which there are noticeable scars.

It is the third stage of syphilis that is considered the most dangerous, because it does not respond to treatment, because of what the patient suffers for the rest of her life. Moreover, such a condition leads to a complete disability of the patient, since subsequently the bones are severely damaged, and the person is considered to be the carrier and spreader of the infection.

Manifestations of Candidiasis

The second cause of the appearance of a rash on the head of the penis rests on a disease like candidiasis. In another way it is called thrush. And although it is commonly believed that thrush affects most of the fairer sex, but men do not remain unaffected. Rash with thrush is red and has the form of spots. To make sure that there is a thrush, you should look at other symptoms that are unique to this disease.

Along with itching, the patient is concerned about severe itching, painful sensations, white curdled manifestations, which have an unpleasant sour smell. Sometimes under the curdled film erosion opens. Candida fungus lives in the human body all the time, but "picks up" under yet another favorable conditions for him. Favorable conditions can be:

  • uncontrolled reception of antibacterial agents;
  • is a weak organism;
  • low immunity;
  • nervous stress, depression, emotional experiences.

If, in addition to a red rash on the head of the penis, the symptoms described above appear, the patient should not be delayed with a visit to the doctor. Although in most cases, candidiasis passes without treatment when eliminating provoking factors.

Manifestations of herpes

No less often the cause of the rash of the head of the penis is genital herpes, which affects a large half of the male population. Just like candidiasis, herpes develops in a man under such favorable circumstances as a weakened organism, provoked by a surgical procedure or serious illnesses. The first sign of herpes is a small red spot, very itchy. Subsequently, the spot begins to increase, turns into a bubble filled with a liquid, initially having a transparent texture, and then a cloudy one.

After a certain time, the bladder bursts, the open wound starts to ache much, and then turns into an ulcer, also painful. Consoles one - the ulcer lends itself to successful treatment due to a number of antiviral drugs. A rash with herpes can be of a single character, when only two or three spots appear on the head of the penis, or mass. If the rash is massive, then the spots combine, and the resulting bubbles are too painful, which gives the patient a strong discomfort.

Manifestations of the virus of papillominal infection

No less harmless is a disease called the human papillomavirus. The disease is serious enough, sexually transmitted, has a serious impact on human health. The rash on the head of the penis with the human papilloma virus has a peculiar character, since it manifests itself in a different way. The defeat of this virus is manifested by the formation on the genitals of various sizes of condylomas and papillomas. The appearance of these papillomas speaks of the infection of the human body with the virus, their active reproduction and the damage to the cells of the epidermis.

Papillomavirus infection manifested on the glans penis may have various forms. It can be in the form of suckers on a thin stalk, a skin build-up having a skin color, flat brown or red. If a person is worried about large papillomas that multiply quickly enough, they cause the patient to feel very uncomfortable, bleed at the slightest trauma, prevent normal sexual intercourse, this condition should not remain without the intervention of a surgeon. It is necessary to remove papillomas, as they increase, rapidly expand, heal, form sores, can cause the development of more serious processes.

Allergic manifestations as cause of rash

Allergic reactions of various origins may be the cause of the rash on the head of the penis. Such a rash is considered less harmless, because it is caused by external stimuli, rather than an infectious disease of the human body. Despite the harmless nature of the rash, this phenomenon should not be left without attention. It is necessary to identify the cause of the allergic reaction and to eliminate it as soon as possible. Speaking of allergic manifestations, we mean small pimples filled with liquid.

Their appearance is often associated with the reaction of the human body to condoms, intimate gels, genital care products, rough underwear, lack of cleanliness of the intimate zone and other external factors. Eliminate such symptoms will help infusions of herbs, which should be washed with genitals. If this method of treatment does not help, you should consult a doctor for more competent treatment.

Preventative measures against rashes

It has been proven by practice that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it for weeks or even months. The most simple way to protect yourself from a rash on the head of the sexual is to wash your genitals everyday with ordinary water, non-aggressive substances( preferably soap).Exposing the genitals by washing, you need to do this correctly. Many men do not think that during the day, due to urination, dirt accumulates under the skin of the penis, the so-called salt deposits. They are the irritant of the mucosa, the cause of the rashes. Therefore, taking a shower every day, you must carefully, but gently wash the head of the penis, cleaning it from the accumulated dirt for a day.

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Another preventive measure against rashes is the principle of safe sex, which consists in the continuous use of protective equipment during sexual intercourse. If you can not protect yourself for any reason, you should be alert and take the necessary measures at the first non-specific symptoms. Do not resort to self-medication, relying on the experiences of friends, colleagues and others. Not having the instruments of examination at hand, it is impossible to accurately determine the nature of the disease. Such an attitude towards one's health can threaten infertility.

What are the symptoms of contacting a venereologist?

It is recommended to consult a doctor in cases where the rash on the head of the penis does not go away for several days, especially if there is a tendency to multiply them, and also increase. Refer to a venereologist or dermatologist in cases where the rash:

  • of any kind and any form does not take more than one or two weeks;
  • does not leak without severe itching, swelling;
  • takes the form of sores, erosions, sores with noticeable flaking;
  • passes into vials filled with a clear or unclear liquid;
  • is accompanied by various secretions, odor;
  • in a few weeks turns into deep wounds.

If the patient observes one of the features described above, it is advisable not to delay the visit to the doctor. The sooner the cause of the rash is identified or eliminated, the more likely the rapid treatment without manifesting any serious complications.
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