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Vitamin A guide for use in capsules, ampoules, skin products, hair

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A crucial component regulating the immune system as well as normalizing metabolism is vitamin A. This material contains virtually all human tissues.

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products

Its main function is the regulation of the growth and increase the body's regenerative abilities.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Vitamin A: its effect on the organism
  • 2 Vitamin A (retinol): its usefulness
  • 3 Retinol acetate (vitamin A): Product form
  • 4 Vitamin A in capsules instruction manual
  • 5 Vitamin A oil solution for injection: instructions for use
  • 6 Vitamin A in oil: instructions for use
  • 7 How to receive oral vitamin A
  • 8 How to use the vitamin A for external use
  • 9 Contraindications to the use of vitamin A
  • 10 Vitamin A: side effects and complications
  • 11 What you need to know before taking vitamin A: special instructions
  • 12 Vitamin A capsules, and other forms: price
  • 13 Video instructions on vitamin A. How to take from what helps

Vitamin A: its effect on the organism

Retinol (vitamin A active ingredient) a beneficial effect on the operation of many systems of the human body.

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Many people know and no instructions on how to use the substance, that vitamin A may improve eyesight, because involved in the synthesis of a special pigment in the retina.

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products
The formula of vitamin A (retinol)

Regular intake of vitamin strengthens the protective properties of the mucous membranes. The body becomes immune to the respiratory tract infections, urinary tract, digestive organs, influenza.

An organism with a sufficient concentration of the element capable of most quickly restore skin (regeneration after burns, cuts and other injuries). It is proven by numerous studies that retinol increases the life expectancy of patients with AIDS.

For the normal development of the fetus and its supply of vitamin A should be taken by pregnant women.

This element is effective against free radicals, prevents the development of cancer cells. As a prophylactic agent retinol used to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. It helps greatly facilitate angina.

Vitamin A (retinol): its usefulness

Most often vitamin A is associated with improved view. It is connected with the development of a very important pigment - rhodopsin. It allows the human eye to capture even the smallest portion of the light and is responsible for night vision. Retinol is especially useful for children as involved in the growth and strengthening of bones (including dental).

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products
cell membrane

Vitamin A is a structural part of the cell membranes. The higher the concentration of this element in the body, the integrity and stability will dermal tissue cells. In addition, retinol is involved in the synthesis of collagen. The drug is used in cosmetics, which help keep skin elasticity and firmness.

It is also one of the few vitamins that provide the strongest protection of the body as an antioxidant. He is actively used for the treatment of cancer. Increasing the activity of white blood cells in human blood and helps the body to fight pathogens and foreign particles.

They can not do without retinol and athletes. This vitamin is actively involved in the proper protein synthesis, which in turn leads to a rapid increase in muscle mass. It also helps to accumulate glycogen in charge of storing energy in the human body.

Some of the principles of sports nutrition can lead to insufficient intake of retinol with food. In this connection, it is recommended to athletes regularly consume any dairy products, fresh vegetables and liver.

Retinol acetate (vitamin A): Product form

The main types of synthetic vitamin A is retinol acetate and palmitate. Each drug has its release forms. Retinol acetate is available in capsules (dosage to 33000 mg), ampoules for injection solution (dosage to 100000 mg).

Retinol palmitate is in the form of oil solution (10 ml vial) and an oil extract from the liver of fish of the family Gadidae (vials 50 and 100 ml). In tablets (dosage 33000 mg) and pellets (dose 3300 mg) produced both drugs.

Vitamin A is the main active agent in the composition of 0.05% and 0.1% Retinoic ointment (20 mg of a tube), isotretinoin (a capsule dosage from 2.5 to 20 mg) and Etritenata (dosage of 0, 01 and 0,025 g). Retinol is also included in many multivitamin complexes alphabet Undevit, Revit, Aevitum et al. Depending on the form of release of vitamin A in its instruction manual will differ greatly.

Vitamin A in capsules instruction manual

Receiving retinol capsules is indicated for:

  • rickets;
  • diseases and injuries of skin tissue;
  • upper airway pathologies of varying nature;
  • measles, acute respiratory infections and other infections;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • mastitis;
  • in the case of existing diabetes vitamin A, if the instructions for use, is able to normalize blood glucose levels.
Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products
Instructions for use of vitamin A is contained in the package, and in this article

Acceptance of retinol in the form of capsules should be administered by the attending physician. For preventive purposes drug is given on an individual basis.

The dosage will depend on the age of the patient, of vitamin in the body and other physiological characteristics of the organism.

Depending on the manufacturer one capsule may contain from 33000 to 100000 mg retinol. For therapeutic purposes, a daily dose for an adult is 33,000 - 50,000 mg. Permitted increase physician daily requirement of up to 100,000 milligrams of vitamin A. The dosage for children is calculated based on their weight, but should not exceed 20,000 mg per day.

Vitamin A oil solution for injection: instructions for use

Such injections are designed to compensate for a deficiency of retinol. Among the diseases in which such a procedure is assigned, bronchitis, measles, pneumonia. Injection of vitamin A helps to deal effectively with cutaneous tuberculosis and other skin diseases, hepatitis and conjunctivitis.

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products

In the body of an adult patient dose retinol supplied by administering injections should not exceed 100,000 mg (children this barrier is lowered to 20000 mg). Store the vials with the solution must be in a dark place at a temperature below 10 ° C.

Vitamin A in oil: instructions for use

In such a form of vitamin A is most commonly prescribed for the following diseases:

  • various pathologies arteries;
  • abnormal development of the skeleton in children;
  • weak immunity;
  • after treatment in rehabilitation from drug or alcohol addiction;
  • nervous system disorders.

Also, many manufacturers of cosmetic means used is oil solution of vitamin A for the creation of its products. Typically 1 ml of this solution (3.44%) contained 100,000 mg retinol. One drop of the solution will contain a concentration of 3000 mg of active substance.

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products

Such a dosage is ideal for the prevention of infectious diseases. The acute forms of diseases may require increasing the daily dose of vitamin A to 100,000 mg. However, this treatment should be under regular coordination qualified technician.

How to receive oral vitamin A

Vitamin A, instructions for use which is referred to in this article is used both as an external agent, and orally. For maximum effect, the drug should be taken after meals.

With a total lack of vitamins in the body, adult assigned to take 2 drops in the morning and evening. Skin diseases oral dosage increases to 10 drops (at least 2 times a day). Children - no more than 2 drops of oil solution per day (depending on the age of the child).

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products

It should be borne in mind that a single dose of vitamin A for adults should not exceed 10 drops (maximum daily - 20 drops), and for children - 1 and 4 drops (time and daily respectively).

How to use the vitamin A for external use

For topical vitamin A is most commonly used in the composition of cosmetic masks and other tools to help maintain a healthy skin. To ensure there are no allergic reactions to retinol, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the drug to the skin at the wrist. Skin redness or itching appeared to be evidence of the manifestation of allergy.

Instructions to topical vitamin A prohibits its use in conjunction with other therapeutic components (ester oil, honey). However, in this case, they are not recommended to warm up. A vitamin solution is highly concentrated substance.

Use in therapeutic masks associated components mitigate its aggressive influence on the skin and expand the range of useful properties. Before performing any procedures using retinol is necessary to steam the skin pores to expand. Then you should use a scrub for a deeper penetration of the vitamin in the skin's structure.

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products

Vitamin mask is applied for 30 minutes. It should be washed off with warm water, milk or broth of herbs. You can then use a moisturizer. Use Vitamin A for external use is recommended 1 time per week. After every 3 months of such procedures, it is necessary to make a break for 10 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin A

Vitamin A, instruction on the application notes it has contraindications. To the list of incompatible with reception retinol pathologies include liver cirrhosis, renal insufficiency any stage of viral hepatitis forms, hypothyroidism, increased allergic sensitivity.

Strictly contraindicated retinol intake during lactation and at the initial stage of pregnancy.

Of great importance is the simultaneous reception of retinol with other drugs. It is not necessary to combine its use in conjunction with hormonal agents, which include estrogen. At the same time will increase retinol intake and the risk of vitamin overdose appear. Simultaneous treatment with antibiotics is fraught with increased blood and intracranial pressure.

Vitamin A: side effects and complications

The main causes of side effects while taking vitamin A is its reception for a long time and instructions noncompliance.

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products
Itchy rash may be provoked by intake of retinol

Acceptance of retinol in the form of capsules may cause peeling of the skin, pain in the legs, dizziness and skin rashes. If you notice any of the symptoms, you should stop taking the vitamin. Side effects will disappear without further medical care.

Toxic effect can be observed with a substantial excess doses of vitamin, as well as its combination with retinoid drugs. Intoxication may be acute (in single receiving over 250,000 mg retinol) and chronic (3000 mg daily intake of the drug for 6 months).

Associated symptoms of poisoning are vomiting, headache, paralysis, seizures, joint pain and indigestion.

Poisoning can occur not only after receiving the synthetic retinal, but also by eating foods rich in this substance (liver shark, halibut and other animals). The main symptoms (fever, lethargy, irritability, loose stools) thus occur in the adult after 6 hours after ingestion.

Infants intoxication develops within 10-12 hours after assimilation in the body of the toxic dose of vitamin. At the same time there is pressure, petechiae on the skin, possibly benevolent protrusion. Carcinogenic effects of retinol is not described in the literature.

To minimize the likelihood of side effects for vitamin A there is an instruction on the application, which is strictly prescribed dosage of this drug.

What you need to know before taking vitamin A: special instructions

With long-term course of treatment with vitamin A, it is necessary to monitor blood biochemical parameters, as well as the time of its collapse. If retinol prescribed for the treatment of eye diseases, along with it is necessary to take niacin. Normally, vitamin A is not indicated in patients with reduced blood clotting.

Vitamin A. Instructions for use. The capsules, ampoules, skin and hair products

The drug tends to accumulate in the body and stored in its cells for a long time. Women after treatment with this drug is recommended to plan a pregnancy after one year.

Vitamin A is taken in through the 6 hours after the drugs cholestyramine group. Retinol will be better absorbed into the bloodstream, if the food is rich in fats.

Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol on the contrary impair this process. The drug does not affect the ability to drive or complex mechanisms.

Vitamin A capsules, and other forms: price

Vitamin A can be purchased as a separate drug and as part of other assets. Most often it is produced in liquid form based on natural oils. Price of the drug is determined by its shape and composition of the release.

The vitamin A capsules can be purchased from regular pharmacies. In this case, there is no need to chase the expensive imported drugs. For example, vitamin A capsules from manufacturer Bartel Drags are 150 rubles. 50 capsules (40 rubles. 10 capsules). This drug has indications for use in vitamin deficiency, skin diseases and disturbance of the functions of the digestive system.

There are also more expensive capsules. Examples include Renova Dry-Scin (4500 rbl. 80 capsules), Matriscin (4500 rbl. 60 capsules) and the Luxury Care Rior (about 1500 rubles. 20 capsules). These drugs can not be purchased at the pharmacy. They are implemented directly by manufacturers, or they should be sought in specialized online stores.

Ampoules for injections from the French manufacturer Retinol Care used for skin care. Cost of 1 ml ampoule 2 is 100 rubles. (Pack of 10 ampoules costs 750 rubles.). There is a concentrate of vitamin A from the German company Klapp. The cost of 10 vials of 2,500 rubles.

The most accessible form of vitamin are oily solutions retinol acetate (50 rubles. 10 ml) and retinol palmitate (150 rubles. 10 ml). Cost multivitamin complexes, which include vitamin A ranged from 300 to 600 rubles.

Vitamin A is used for the treatment of eye diseases, in avitaminosis, pathologies of the digestive system, as a healing agent. To prevent intoxication, vitamin A should be taken only on prescription, strictly observing the instructions for use.

Video instructions on vitamin A. How to take from what helps

Elena Malysheva tell about vitamin A: about his strengths, formulate the instructions for use of this vitamin, tell contraindications and side effects:

Properties of Vitamin A and some other groups of vitamins:

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