Skin Diseases

Shingles. Symptoms and Treatment of adults, whether infectious, photos, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics

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Shingles - a pathology of viral nature. It is expressed in a rash with blisters filled with water. The disease is aggravated by sharp pain and itching of the skin. Complicated form of viral etiology is large blisters and poor healing of scars. Symptoms and treatment are described in this article.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of herpes zoster
  • 2 Is shingles contagious?
  • 3 Symptoms of herpes zoster
    • 3.1 initial stage
    • 3.2 The acute period
    • 3.3 During formation of crusts
  • 4 atypical symptoms
  • 5 incubation period
  • 6 Can I get sick again?
  • 7 Diagnostics
  • 8 Treatment of herpes zoster
    • 8.1 Systemic medications, antibiotics
    • 8.2 Topical medications
    • 8.3 Folk remedies
    • 8.4 Effects
  • 9 Whether vaccination is needed when doing
  • 10 herpes complications
  • 11 Video of herpes zoster

Causes of herpes zoster

Herpes zoster virus acts as a secondary infection in people who have had chicken pox. After primary disease pathogens remain in the nerve ganglia, located along the spine, between the ribs, and skull.

For a long time, they can not be shown, but the activation of the pathological process is possible by repeated contact with a person who is infected with smallpox or herpes virus.

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Favorable factors for recurrence are:

  • a weakened immune system;
  • trauma of a physical nature;
  • hypothermia or hyperthermia;
  • organ transplants;
  • the presence of stress;
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • surgical intervention;
  • HIV infection;
  • the presence of cancer;
  • hepatitis;
  • physiological changes in the body of age-related;
  • infectious diseases;
  • by hormonal therapy agents;
  • radiation exposure or chemotherapy for cancers;
  • hard physical labor;
  • syphilis;
  • blood infection in sepsis;
  • development of tuberculosis;
  • inflammation of the meninges meningitis;
  • SARS;
  • pathological processes in the liver;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • pregnancy;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • metals poisoning;
  • the presence of heart failure.

Is shingles contagious?

Shingles symptoms and treatment of which are presented in this article, is a contagious disease. transmission path - airborne or contact. Also, the pathology can be transmitted from an infected pregnant woman to the fetus. Carriers of the disease are the people who are infected with encircling form of herpes, and varicella.

Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics

The period during which the ill person becomes a distributor of the virus, is considered the second day before the rash. The patient ceases to be contagious during the period when the detachment of crusts begins. Infection for the most part subject to people who have not suffered the disease in childhood or do not have immunity to the virus.

Symptoms of herpes zoster

Neoplasms accompanied by:

  • painful sensations;
  • itching;
  • general weakness.

Clinical pathology picture varies depending on the stage of the disease.

The presence of the disease show the following signs:

  • temperature rise;
  • presence of fever;
  • asthenic condition;
  • decreased performance;
  • rash on the skin.

Last symptom acts as a feature.

Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics

Rash has some distinctive features:

  • Is formed along the nerve trunks.
  • Most often localized in the back, abdomen, sides and face.
  • Initially it looks like dark spots with a diameter of 5 cm, which are painted in pink. Later these spots are transformed into small bubbles with serous content. The diameter is reduced to 3 cm.
  • Clusters may be different. They are adjacent to each other tightly, and, as a rule, arranged linearly.
  • Content bubbles cloudy. After a while, the bubbles are transformed into crusts that disappear.
  • At the site of crusts formed pigment spots.

initial stage

The duration of the initial stage of pathology is 3-5 days. However, the signs are erased, and the nature of the symptoms resemble ordinary SARS, influenza and other diseases of this series.

Shingles, symptoms and treatment are described in this article, may cause the initial steps of:

  • general weakness;
  • migraine;
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • fatigue;
  • digestive problems;
  • urinary disorder;
  • increasing the size of lymph nodes in the affected area;
  • reducing the sensitivity level in the inflamed areas of the skin;
  • itching of the nerves, which are located viruses.

In rare cases, the initial stage is associated with pain. They can carry a burning or stinging character.

The acute period

For the second phase characterized by acute manifestations of disease. In some patients the disease develops in an acute form initially, due to the weakening of the immune system and the rapid spread of infection in the body. For symptoms of acute period is characterized by a rash on the skin. They are located along affected abnormalities of nerve fibers.

Bubble diameter of 2-5 mm. Initially, in this area there is a swelling of tissues. On-site redness for 3-5 days is the formation of bubbles or vesicles. Sometimes the terms of tumors may be increased or reduced. In rare cases rash manifest themselves in 2-3 weeks after the onset of disease.

Shingles in the acute phase is associated with intense pruritus. In parallel with the appearance of lesions arise acute pain neuralgic nature. Sometimes the pain is not as pronounced. In general, experts do not establish the relationship between the intensity of pain and the degree of manifestation of rash.

Typically, the pain disturb the patient at night or during the rest period.

Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
Shingles. Recognize the symptoms, it is important to appoint and treatment, as this can cause bad effects. Ray to see a doctor.

Usually they are felt with a slight touch to the place of destruction and aggravated by movement. Often there is some loss of sensation in the skin areas. Also, many patients there is a growing manifestations associated with the general intoxication of the organism.

Severity of pain does not always depend on the number of bubbles, since the pathology is associated with the development of infection in the nerve tissues. This explains the loss of sensation in the affected areas of the skin. The liquid contained in the bubbles becomes turbid after 2-3 days. In the event of additional bacterial infection disease becomes purulent.

During formation of crusts

In the third stage approximately 2 weeks after onset of the disease appear brown. After a while they disappear, then the area of ​​skin covered with pigment spots. eventually spots disappear.

atypical symptoms

Shingles can occur in atypical forms. Symptoms and treatment in this case the other.

The signs of atypical forms include:

  • Manifestation of neurological markers in the absence of vesicles.
  • gangrene. Often this symptom manifests itself with a strong immune suppression, and is characterized by profuse rash, which is constantly changing location.
  • The development of the cystic form. Vesicles grow grouped together and cover a wide area of ​​the skin. Visually rash looks like a ragged border.
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • The development of generalized. It is triggered by disruption of the immune system. After the appearance of a typical herpes rash begins to cover large areas of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Manifestation of bullous form. It is expressed in the compound of the vesicles into a single large papules.

incubation period

herpes virus involves two stages of development. During primary infection occurs first data strain. The incubation process is 13-17 days. In patients after 30 years, he is 11-21 days, and then begin to show signs of normal chickenpox.

In a sick person shows the following symptoms:

  • rash in the form of bubbles;
  • temperature rise;
  • fever.

Can I get sick again?

The factors that trigger the disease, affect a person quite sharply. Therefore recurrent disease can occur frequently. The repetition of the disease up to 4 times a year regarded by experts as the norm.


Shingles symptoms and treatment which can not be ignored, requires differential diagnosis of pathologies such as eczema and erysipelas. Initial diagnosis of the pathology is performed dermatologist.

To determine the virus using:

  • microscopy;
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • serology;
  • immuno-fluorescence method;
  • biopsy;
  • PCR.

Treatment of herpes zoster

Treatment of herpes zoster involves a comprehensive approach, including the stimulation of the immune system, vitamins and the use of antiviral drugs. Treatment of herpes zoster in adult patients takes place much more difficult than adolescents whose recovery may occur without therapy.

Treatment is carried out immediately after the occurrence of the first signs of the pathology. Before the use of drugs is required to consult a specialist.

Carrying out treatment in a hospital environment is shown, in certain cases, when the treatment at home can cause complications and disease progression or death.

These states include:

  • generalized form of disease with multiple areas of skin lesions;
  • development of herpetic encephalitis nature;
  • eye disease;
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • patient age older than 70 years;
  • a malfunction of the immune system;
  • HIV infection;
  • the presence of renal or hepatic impairment, which affects the level of effectiveness of drugs.

Systemic medications, antibiotics

In the case of pyoderma or accede to the underlying pathology of infection antibiotics are appointed. Prescribed gentamicin, Zinnat, oxacillin, Supraks. Of antiviral drugs, which are taken by mouth, highlight Acyclovir, Valtrex, Famvir, Valacyclovir. These drugs are struggling with the virus inside.

Is shown receiving antihistamines. They docked itching, which sometimes becomes painful for the patient. Regardless of the localization of the rash, the skin at the site of its appearance begins to ache even with a slight touch. Antihistamine should be allocated Suprastin, Alertek, Tavegil. In the treatment of herpes required intake of vitamin complexes.

Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
Vitamin Act

B vitamins

They can be administered both in tablets and in injections. In addition to the healing skin in combination with vitamin drugs provides elimination of pain in conjunction with pharmaceuticals.

Vitamin C

He helps strengthen the immune system.

Topical medications

Also used antiviral topical application. They allow you to eliminate the rash as soon as possible. Of the funds that should be allocated a number of Acyclovir Zovirax, Panavir.

In order to dry the crusts used brilliant green.

For relief of pain medications are used non-steroid group. They fight viruses and eliminate pain. Also possess anti-inflammatory effect. Of these, it should be noted Acyclovir Zovirax, Voviraks.

Creams containing anti-viral components contribute to:

  • slowing down the development of pathology;
  • prevention of possible complications;
  • swelling reduction;
  • reduce the number of lesions;
  • reduce the intensity of pain and discomfort.

Most often, experts have resorted to Acyclovir purpose. Ointment is characterized by high efficiency and low cost. To eliminate the pain are often prescribed an ointment, which include lidocaine. Of the drugs with analgesic effect should allocate Nimesil, Meloxicam, Naproxen.

Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics

With herpes zoster skin morphology is disturbed considerably. It serves as a breeding ground for beneficial fungi and bacteria. In order to eliminate such manifestations and relief of infections in the treatment of adult patients with the appointed ointments containing antibiotics. Optimal means chosen doctor. The account takes the stage and extent of disease of the skin lesion.

Folk remedies

Shingles symptoms and treatment of which are described earlier in the article, and is eliminated by traditional medicine recipes. Their use is appropriate after drying blisters. In acute pathological process development neoplasm cauterize zelenkoj expedient.

Traditional medicine offers the following recipes:

  • Take 1 tbsp. l. Helichrysum. Dry grass brewed 1 cup boiling water and infuse for 1 hour. Infusion moistened wipe is applied to the coated skin blisters 2 times a day for 10 minutes. It is also recommended to wipe.
  • Before flowering period elm twigs taken in May. With them peel green. The shoots are cut and dried in the sunlight. Brewed as a tea and drink 1/3 cup three times a day.
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. burdock leaves. They pour 1 cup boiling water. The mixture was infused for half an hour.
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • Brewed 1 tbsp. l. bitter herbs boiled water. You can use tansy, celandine, marigold. Infusion moistened wipes. It is sprinkled with salt and applied to the affected area. Then covered with a towel and tied a warm cloth from the wool of a half hour.
  • Take an onion. With her cut off the top. Onion on a fork prick and held over the fire until toasted. Vegetable cooled to room temperature and applied to the affected areas. The applied layer is cut onion, onion and roasted again. This tool helps to dry out the crusts.
  • Blistered places lubricated with butter, and then lubricated with mustard and bound with a cloth.
  • Grated pumpkin rubbed. The resulting paste is applied to the fabric and applied to the area of ​​skin lesions. Compress done for the night.
  • Take 100 g of honey and mixed with 1 tbsp. l. ash and 3 cloves of minced garlic. Means lubricated inflamed skin sites.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. mint. It is filled with 1 cup of boiling water. The mixture was boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Means lubricate the affected area of ​​herpes.
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. dried calendula and 2 tbsp. l. meadowsweet. Collect poured 500 ml of alcohol. The mixture was infused for 2 weeks. A means soaked cloth and applied to the area of ​​lesions for 15 minutes 3 times a day. Also tincture taken orally. In this case, one item is taken. l. collection and filled with 100 ml of boiling water. The infusion is drunk as a tea three times a day.
  • Take 20 g dry lemon balm and filled with 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is cooled. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • Take 2 tbsp. l. burdock dry and filled with 250 ml of boiling water. Infused 3 hours then filtered. The resulting tool is divided into 3 doses.
  • Take 10 g of melissa root, nettles and wheatgrass running. Added 7 g nut leaf. Herbal mixture was poured to 200 mL of cold water. Infused over 2 hours, then boiled and secondarily infused for 15 minutes. The mixture was filtered to drink 3 times a day.
  • By blisters applied lemon slice. He left for 20 minutes. This procedure contributes to the drying of rashes. Instead, one can use a lemon honey. They lubricate the affected area. Honey should be dry.


If shingles penetrates deep into the skin layers, it triggered a pathological condition as tissue necrosis. Normally, the acute phase of the disease passes through the month, but neurological symptoms persists for years.

Whether vaccination is needed when doing

For the purpose of the relief pathology scientists specialized vaccines have been developed to prevent exacerbation of the disease. However, the level of efficiency of the researchers assessed as very low.

At least such a forecast is given in relation to young people with good immune status. Currently, such vaccination is recommended for people older than 60 years who are at high risk of developing complications.

herpes complications

Consequences of diseases caused by not only developing postherpetic neuralgia and extensive lesions of the skin. Most of the serious complications are usually seen in the area of ​​the face, neck and eyes. But on the feet or hands of herpes is usually not serious consequences reserves, but it is possible the development of paralysis of the limbs.

The main consequences of disease include:

  • Paralysis. limb immobility triggered localized infection on the hands and feet, as well as its penetration into the nerve endings.
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • eye disease. It manifests itself in the development of iritis, secondary glaucoma, keratoconjunctivitis, chorioretinitis, optic nerve neuritis.
  • pyoderma. Secondary pathology develops in the case of penetration into the affected areas of skin infection that provokes suppuration.
  • Paralysis of the nervous system. Pathological condition possible for relapsed disease that implies involvement in the inflammation of the facial nerve. When complications may manifest symptoms such as the inability of a patient to lighten up and showing his teeth.
  • The defeat of the cranial nerves. It is expressed in the noise in the ears, dizziness and hearing loss.
  • Miscarriages and fetal pathology. They can occur in pregnant women, who were impressed by herpes infection.

It can also be observed:

  • transverse myelitis;
  • development of typical forms of herpes;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • arthritis;
  • myocarditis;
  • paresis of the diaphragm;
  • urine output delay;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • pneumonia;
    Shingles. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs antibiotics
  • hepatitis;
  • respiratory paralysis.

As a rule, complications occur in older patients, and people with impaired immune systems background.

Particularly exposed to such displays of persons with the presence of:

  • lymphoma;
  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • peptic ulcer disease;
  • diabetes.

In the absence of complications of therapy in these patients is held longer, and recovery occurs later.

For the most dangerous complication of doctors include herpes encephalitis. This is a serious pathology which provokes inflammation of the meninges. The mortality rate in this disease is quite high: it is half of the clinical cases. Shingles can cause both dangerous complication - pneumonia, herpes, symptoms and treatment are heavier.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of herpes zoster

What is herpes zoster, Symptoms and Treatment:

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